

Dict: all - Shi


SHIELDS @ used in battle- kjv@1Samuel:17:7; kjv@2Samuel:1:21; kjv@1Kings:10:17; kjv@1Kings:14:27; kjv@2Kings:11:10; kjv@1Chronicles:12:8 kjv@2Chronicles:26:14; kjv@2Chronicles:32:5

SHILOH @ a city of Ephraim- kjv@Joshua:18:1; kjv@Joshua:21:2; kjv@Joshua:22:9; kjv@Judges:18:31; kjv@Judges:21:12; kjv@1Samuel:1:3; kjv@1Samuel:4:3 kjv@1Kings:2:27; kjv@1Kings:14:2 - a Prophetic name of Christ- kjv@Genesis:49:10

SHINAR @ kjv@Genesis:10:10; kjv@Genesis:11:2; kjv@Isaiah:11:11; kjv@Daniel:1:2; kjv@Zechariah:5:11

SHIPS @ kjv@Numbers:24:24; kjv@1Kings:9:26; kjv@1Kings:22:48; kjv@2Chronicles:8:18; kjv@2Chronicles:9:21; kjv@2Chronicles:20:36; kjv@Isaiah:60:9; kjv@Jonah:1:3 kjv@Acts:20:13; kjv@Acts:27:2,41

SHISHAK @ king of Egypt- kjv@1Kings:11:40; kjv@2Chronicles:12:2


SHIRAMOTH - S>@ - (name of heights , i.e. Jehovah). A Levite of the second degree in the choir formed by David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20 kjv@1Chronicles:16:5) (B.C. 104.) A Levite in the reign of Jehoshaphat. ( kjv@2Chronicles:17:8) (B.C. 909.)

SHIBBOLETH - S>@ - (a stream), kjv@Judges:12:6) is the Hebrew word which the Gileadites under Jephthah made use of at the passage of the Jordan, after a victory over the Ephraimites, to test the pronunciation of the sound sh by those who wished to cross over the river. The Ephraimites, it would appear, in their dialect substituted for sh the simple sound s ; and the Gileadites, regarding every one who failed to pronounce sh as an Ephraimite and therefore an enemy, put him to death accordingly. In this way there fell 42,000 Ephraimites. There is no mystery in this particular word. Any word beginning with the sound sh would have answered equally well as a test.

SHIBMAH - S>@ - (properly SIBMAH). SHEBAM

SHICRON - S>@ - (drunkenness), one of the landmarks at the western end of the north boundary of Judah. kjv@Joshua:15:11) only. It lay between Ekron (Akir) and Jabneel (Yebna).

SHIELD - S>@ - The ordinary shield consisted of a framework of wood covered with leather; it thus admitted of being burnt. kjv@Ezekiel:39:9) It was frequently cased with metal, either brass or copper; its appearance in this case resembled gold when the sun shone on it, 1 Macc. 6:39 and to this, rather than to the practice of smearing blood on the shield we may refer the redness noticed by. Nahum. kjv@Nahum:2:3) The surface of the shield was kept bright by the application of oil as implied in kjv@Isaiah:21:5) The shield was worn on the left arm, to which it was attached by a strap. Shields of state were covered with beaten gold. Shields were suspended about public buildings for ornamental purposes. (Kings:10:17) In the metaphorical language of the Bible the shield generally represents the protection of God: e.g. kjv@Psalms:3:3 kjv@Psalms:28:7) but in kjv@Psalms:47:9) it is applied to earthly rulers and in kjv@Ephesians:6:18) to faith. ARMS, ARMOR

SHIGGAION - S>@ - kjv@Psalms:7:1) a particular kind of psalm, the specific character of which is now not known perhaps a "wild, mournful ode."

SHIHON - S>@ - (ruin), a town of Issachar, named only in kjv@Joshua:19:19) Eusebius mentions it as then existing "near Mount Tabor."


SHIHORLIBNATH - S>@ - (black of whiteness), named only in kjv@Joshua:19:26) as one of the landmarks of the boundary of Asher. (probably the little stream called on the map of Pal. Ord. Survey Wady en Nebra , "which enters the Mediterranean a little south of Athlit." The name would come from the turgid character of the stream contrasted with the white and glistening sands of its shore.

SHILHI - S>@ - (armed), the father of Azubah the mother of Jehoshaphat (Kings:22:42; kjv@2Chronicles:20:31) (B.C. before 946.)

SHILHIM - S>@ - (fountains), one of the cities in the southern portion of the tribe of Judah. kjv@Joshua:15:32)

SHILLEM - S>@ - (requital), son of Naphtali and an ancestor of the family of the Shillemites. kjv@Genesis:46:24; kjv@Numbers:26:49)


SHILOAH, THE WATERS OF - S>@ - a certain soft-flowing stream, kjv@Isaiah:8:6) better known under the later name of Siloam -the only perennial spring of Jerusalem.

SHILOH - S>@ - In the Authorized Version of the Bible Shiloh is once used as the name of a person, in a very difficult passage, in kjv@Genesis:49:10) "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." Supposing that the translation is correct, the meaning of the word is peaceable or pacific , and the allusion is either to Solomon, whose name has a similar signification, or to the expected Messiah, who in kjv@Isaiah:9:6) is expressly called the Prince of Peace. MESSIAH Other interpretations, however, of the passage are given, one of which makes it refer to the city of this name.
See the following article
It might be translated "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, till he shall go to Shiloh." In this case the allusion would be to the primacy of Judah in war, kjv@Judges:1:1-2 kjv@Judges:20:18; kjv@Numbers:2:3 kjv@Numbers:10:14) which was to continue until the promised land was conquered and the ark of the covenant was solemnly deposited at Shiloh.

SHILOH - S>@ - (place of rest), a city of Ephraim. In kjv@Judges:21:19) it is said that Shiloh is "on the north side of Bethel, on the east side of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem and on the south of Lebonah." In agreement with this the traveller of our own city, going north from Jerusalem, lodges the first night at Beitin , the ancient Bethel; the next day, at the distance of a few hours, turns aside to the right, in order to visit Seilun , the Arabic for Shiloh; and then passing through the narrow wady which brings him to the main road, leaves el
- Lebban , the Lebonah of Scripture, on the left, as he pursues "the highway" to Nublus , the ancient Shechem. SHECHEM Shiloh was one of the earliest and most sacred of the Hebrew sanctuaries. The ark of the covenant, which had been kept at Gilgal during the progress of the conquest, kjv@Joshua:17:1) seq., was removed thence on the subjugation of the country, and kept at Shiloh from the last days of Joshua to the time of Samuel. kjv@Joshua:18:10; kjv@Judges:18:31; kjv@1Samuel:4:3) It was here the Hebrew conqueror divided among the tribes the portion of the west Jordan region which had not been already allotted. kjv@Joshua:18:10 kjv@Joshua:19:51) In this distribution, or an earlier one, Shiloh fell within the limits of Ephraim. kjv@Joshua:16:5) The ungodly conduct of the sons of Eli occasioned the loss of the ark of the covenant, which had been carried into battle against the Philistines, and Shiloh from that time sank into insignificance. It stands forth in the Jewish history as a striking example of the divine indignation. kjv@Jeremiah:7:12)

SHILONI - S>@ - This word occurs in the Authorized Version only in kjv@Nehemiah:11:5) where it should be rendered
as it is in other cases
"the Shilonite," that is the descendant of Sheluh the youngest son of Judah.

SHILONITE, THE - S>@ - that is, the native or resident of Shiloh; a title ascribed only to Ahijah. (Kings:11:29; 12:15; 15:29; kjv@2Chronicles:9:29 kjv@2Chronicles:10:15)

SHILONITES, THE - S>@ - are mentioned among the descendants of Judah dwelling in Jerusalem at a date difficult to ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:5) They are doubtless the members of the house of Shelah, who in the Pentateuch are more accurately designated Shelanites.

SHILSHAH - S>@ - (strong), son of Zophah of the tribe of Asher. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:37) (B.C. before 1015.)

SHIMEA - S>@ - (fame). Son of David by Beth-shean. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:5) (B.C. 1045.) A Merarite Levite. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:30)

(15). A Gershonite Levite, ancestor of Asaph the minstrel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:39)

(24). (B.C. before 1200.) The brother of David, ( kjv@1Chronicles:20:7) elsewhere called Shamma, Shimma and Shimeah.

SHIMEAH - S>@ - Brother of David, and father of Jonathan and Jonadab, (2 Samuel 21:21) called also Shammah, Shimea, and Shimma. (B.C. about 1060.) A descendant of Jehiel, the father or founder of Gibeon. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:32) (B.C. perhaps 536.)

SHIMEAM - S>@ - (their fame), a descendant of Jehiel, the founder or prince of Gibeon. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:38) Called SHIMEAH in ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:32)

SHIMEATH - S>@ - (feminine of Shimeah), an Ammonitess, mother of Jozachar or Zabad, one of the murderers of King Joash. ( kjv@2Kings:12:21)

(22); kjv@2Chronicals:24:26 (B.C. 809.)

SHIMEI - S>@ - (renowned). Son of Gershon the son of Levi, kjv@Numbers:3:18; kjv@1Chronicles:6:17 kjv@1Chronicles:6:29 kjv@1Chronicles:23:7-9-10; kjv@Zechariah:12:13) called SHIMI in kjv@Exodus:6:17) (B.C. after 1706.) Shimei the son of Gera, a Benjamite of the house of Saul, who lived at Bahurim. (B.C. 1023.) When David and his suite were seen descending the long defile, on his flight from Absolom, (2 Samuel 16:5-13) the whole feeling of the clan of Benjamin burst forth without restraint in the person of Shimei. He ran along the ridge, cursing and throwing stones at the king and is companions. The next meeting was very different. The king was now returning from his successful campaign. Just as he was crossing the Jordan, (2 Samuel 19:18) the first person to welcome him was Shimei who threw himself at David’s feet in abject penitence. But the king’s suspicions were not set at rest by this submission; and on his death-bed he recalls the whole scene to the recollection of his son Solomon. Solomon gave Shimei notice that from henceforth he must consider himself confined to the walls of Jerusalem, on pain of death. (Kings:3:36-37) For three years the engagement was kept. At the end of that time for the purpose of capturing two slaves who had escaped to Gath, he went out on his ass, and made his journey successfully. Ibid. (Kings:2:40) On his return the king took him at his word, and he was slain by Benaiah. Ibid. (Kings:2:41-46) One of the adherents of Solomon at the time of Adonjah’s usurpation. (Kings:1:8) (B.C.1015.) Solomon’s commissariat officer in Benjamin. (Kings:4:18) Son of Pedaiah, and brother of Zerubbabel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:19) (B.C. 536.) A Simeonite, son of Zacchur. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:26-27) Son of Gog, a Reubenite. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:4) A Gershonite Levite, son of Jahath. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:42) Son of Jeduthun, and chief of the tenth division of the singers. ( kjv@1Chronicles:25:17) The Ramathite who was over David’s vineyards. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:27) A Levite of the sons of Heman, who took part in the purification of the temple under Zedekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:14) (B.C. 726.) The brother of Cononiah the Levite, in the reign of Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:31:12-13) Perhaps the same as the preceding. A Levite in the time of Ezra who had married a foreign wife. kjv@Ezra:10:23) One of the family of Hashum, who put away his foreign wife at Ezra’s command. kjv@Ezra:10:33) A son of Bani, who had also married a foreign wife, and put her away. kjv@Ezra:10:38) (B.C. 459.) Son of Kish, a Benjamite, and ancestor of Mordecai. kjv@Esther:2:5) (B.C. before 479).

SHIMEON - S>@ - (hearing (prayer), a lay man of Israel, of the family of Harim, who had married a foreign wife, and divorced her in the time of Ezra. kjv@Ezra:10:31) (B.C. 458.)

SHIMHI - S>@ - (renowned), a Benjamite, apparently the same as Shema the son of Elpaal. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:21)

SHIMI - S>@ - = SHIMEI, 1. kjv@Exodus:6:17)

SHIMITES, THE - S>@ - the descendants of Shimei the son of Gershon. kjv@Numbers:3:21)

SHIMON - S>@ - (desert). The four sons of Shimon are enumerated in an obscure genealogy of the tribe of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:20)

SHIMRATH - S>@ - (guard), a Benjamite, of the sons of Shimhi. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:21)

SHIMRI - S>@ - (vigilant). A Simeonite son of Shemaiah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:37) (B.C. after 1450.) The father of Jediael, one of David’s guard. ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:45) (B.C. before 1043.) A Kohathite Levite in the reign of Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:13) (B.C. 726.)

SHIMRITH - S>@ - (feminine of Shimri, vigilant), a Moabitess, mother of Jehozabad, one of the assassins of King Joash. ( kjv@2Chronicles:24:26) In ( kjv@2Kings:12:21) she is called SHOMER. (B.C. 839.)

SHIMROM - S>@ - ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:1) SHIMRON

SHIMRON - S>@ - (watch-height). A city of Zebulun. kjv@Joshua:11:1 kjv@Joshua:19:15) Its full appellation was perhaps Shimron-meron. The fourth son of Issachar according to the lists of Genesis, kjv@Genesis:46:13) and Numbers, kjv@Numbers:26:24) and the head of the family of the Shimronites.


SHIMRONMERON - S>@ - (watch-height of Meron). The king of Shimron-meron is mentioned as one of the thirty-one kings vanquished by Joshua. kjv@Joshua:12:20) It is probably the complete name of the place elsewhere called Shimron, a city of Zebulun. kjv@Joshua:11:1 kjv@Joshua:19:15)

SHIMSHAI, OR SHIMSHAI - S>@ - (sunny), the scribe or secretary of Kehum, who was a kind of satrap of the conquered province of Judea and of the colony of Samaria, supported by the Persian court. kjv@Ezra:4:8 kjv@Ezra:4:13,17,23) He was apparently an Aramaean, for the letter which he wrote to Artaxerxes was in Syriac. kjv@Ezra:4:7) (B.C. 529.)

SHINAB - S>@ - (splendor of the father , i.e. God), the king of Admah in the time of Abraham. kjv@Genesis:14:2) (B.C. 1912.)

SHINAR - S>@ - (country of two rivers), the ancient name of the great alluvial tract through which the Tigris and Euphrates pass before reaching the sea
the tract known in later times as Chaldaea or Babylonia. It was a plain country, where brick had to be used for stone and slime for mortar. kjv@Genesis:11:3) Among the cities were Babel (Babylon), Erech or Orech (Orchoe), Calneh or Calno (probably Niffer), and Accad, the site of which is unknown. It may be suspected that Shinar was the name by which the Hebrews originally knew the lower Mesopotamian country where they so long dwelt, and which Abraham brought with him from "Ur of the Chaldees."

SHIP - S>@ - No one writer in the whole range of Greek and Roman literature has supplied us with so much information concerning the merchant-ships of the ancients as St. Luke in the narrative of St. Paul’s voyage to Rome. kjv@Acts:27-28. It is important to remember that he accomplished it in three ships: first, the Adramyttian vessel which took him from Caesarea to Myra, and which was probably a coasting-vessel of no great size, kjv@Acts:27:1-6) secondly, the large Alexandrian corn-ship, in which he was wrecked on the coast of Malta kjv@Acts:27:6-28) :1; and thirdly, another large Alexandrian corn-ship, in which he sailed from Malta by Syracuse and Rhegium to Puteoli. kjv@Acts:28:11-13) Size of ancient ships .
The narrative which we take as our chief guide affords a good standard for estimating this. The ship, in which St. Paul was wrecked had persons on board, kjv@Acts:27:37) besides a cargo of wheat, ibid. kjv@Acts:27:10 kjv@Acts:27:38) and all these passengers seem to have been taken on to Puteoli in another ship, ibid, kjv@Acts:28:11) which had its own crew and its own cargo. Now, in modern transport-ships, prepared far carrying troops, it is a common estimate to allow a toll and a half per man. On the whole, if we say that an ancient merchant-ship might range from 500 to 1000 tons, we are clearly within the mark. Steering apparatus .
Some commentators have fallen into strange perplexities from observing that in kjv@Acts:27:40) ("the fastenings of the rudders") St. Luke uses the plural. Ancient ships were in truth not steered at all by rudders fastened or hinged to the stern, but by means of two paddle-rudders one on each quarter, acting in a rowlock or through a port-hole as the vessel might be small or large. Build and ornaments of the hull.
It is probable that there was no very marked difference between the bow and the stern. The "hold," kjv@Jonah:1:5) would present no special peculiarities. That personification of ships which seems to be instinctive led the ancients to paint an eye on each side of the bow. Comp. kjv@Acts:27:15) An ornament of the ship which took Paul from Malta to Pozzuoli is more explicitly referred to. The "sign" of that ship, kjv@Acts:28:11) was Castor and Pollux; and the symbols of those heroes were doubtless painted or sculptured on each side of the bow. Under-girders .
The imperfection of the build, and still more (see below, 6) the peculiarity of the rig, in ancient ships, resulted in a greater tendency than in our times to the starting of the pranks and consequently to leaking and foundering. Hence it was customary to take on board peculiar contrivances, suitable called helps," kjv@Acts:27:17) as precautions against such dangers. These were simply cables or chains, which in case of necessity could be passed round the frame of the ship, at right angles to its length, and made tight. Anchors.
Ancient anchors were similar in form to those which we use now. except that they were without flukes. The ship in which Paul was sailing had four anchors on board. The sailors on this occasion anchored by the stern. kjv@Acts:27:29) Masts, sails, ropes and yards .
- The rig of an ancient ship was more simple and clumsy than that employed in modern times. Its great feature was one large mast, with one large square sail fastened to a yard of great length. Hence the strain upon the hull, and the danger of starting the planks, were greater than under the present system, which distributes the mechanical pressure more evenly over the whole ship. Not that there were never more masts than one, or more sails than one on the same mast, in an ancient merchantman; but these were repetitions, so to speak, of the same general unit of rig. Another feature of the ancient, as of the modern , feature of the ancient, as of ship is the flag at the top of the mast. Isai l.c., and kjv@Isaiah:30:17) We must remember that the ancients had no compass, and very imperfect charts and instruments, if any at all. Rate of sailing .
St. Paul’s voyages furnish excellent data for approximately estimating this; and they are quite in harmony with what we learn from other sources. We must notice here, however
what commentators sometimes curiously forget-that winds are variable. That the voyage between Troas and Philippi, accomplished on one occasion, kjv@Acts:16:11-12) in two days, occupied on another occasion, kjv@Acts:20:6) five days. With a fair wind an ancient ship would sail fully seven knots an hour. Sailing before the wind.
The rig which has been described is, like the rig of Chinese junks, peculiarly favorable to a quick run before the wind. kjv@Acts:16:11 kjv@Acts:27:16) It would, however, be a great mistake to suppose that ancient ships could not work to windward. The superior rig and build, however, of modern ships enable them to sail nearer to the wind than was the case in classical times. A modern ship, if the weather is not very boisterous, will sail within six points of the wind. To an ancient vessel, of which the hull was more clumsy and the yards could not be braced so tight, it would be safe to assign seven points as the limit. Boats on the Sea Of Galilee .
In the narrative of the call of the disciples to be "fishers of men," kjv@Matthew:4:18-22; kjv@Mark:1:16 kjv@Mark:1:20 kjv@Luke:5:1-11) there is no special information concerning the characteristics of these. With the large population round the Lake of Tiberias, there must have been a vast number of both fighting-boats and pleasure-boats, and boat-building must have been an active trade on its shores.

SHIPHI - S>@ - (abundant), a Simeonite, father of Ziza, a prince of the tribe in the time of Hezekiah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:37) (B.C. 726.)

SHIPHMITE THE - S>@ - probably, though not certainly, the native of Shepham. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:27)

SHIPHRAH - S>@ - (brightness), kjv@Exodus:1:15) the name of one of the two midwives of the Hebrews who disobeyed the command of Pharaoh to kill the mule children. vs. kjv@Exodus:1:15-21) (B.C. 1570.)

SHIPHTAN - S>@ - (judicial), father of Kemuel, a prince of the tribe of Ephraim. kjv@Numbers:34:24) (B.C. before 1450.)

SHISHA - S>@ - (Jehovah contends), father of Elihoreph and Ahiah, the royal secretaries in the reign of Solomon. (Kings:4:3) He is apparently the same as Shavsha, who held the same position under David. (B.C. 1000.)

SHISHAK - S>@ - king of Egypt, the Sheshonk I. of the monuments, first sovereign of the Bubastite twenty-second dynasty. His reign offers the first determined syncronism of Egyptian and hebrew history. The first year of Shishak would about correspond to the 26th of Solomon (B.C. 989), and the 20th of shishak to the 5th of Rehoboam. Shishak at the beginning of his reign received the fugitive Jeroboam, (Kings:11:40) and it was probably at the instigation of Jeroboam that he attacked Rehoboam. "He took the fenced cities which pertained to Judah, and came to Jerusalem." he exacted all the treasures of his city from Rehoboam, and apparently made him tributary. (Kings:14:25-26; kjv@2Chronicles:12:2-9) Shishak has left a record of this expedition sculptured on the wall of the great temple of El
- Karnak. It is a list of the countries, cities and tribes conquered or ruled by him, or tributary to him.

SHITTAH TREE, SHITTIM - S>@ - (Heb. shittah, the thorny), is without doubt correctly referred to some species of Acacia , of which three or four kinds occur in the Bible lands. The woof of this tree
perhaps the Acacia seyal is more definitely signified
was extensively employed in the construction of the tabernacle.
See Exod 25-26,36-37-38. (This tree is sometimes three or four feet in diameter (Tristram). The wood is close-grained and hard, of a fine orange-brown color, and admirably adapted to cabinet work.
ED.) The A. seyal is very common in some parts of the peninsula of Sinai. It yields the well-known substance called gum arabic, which is obtained by incisions in the bark, but it is impossible to say whether the ancient Jews were acquainted with its use. From the tangled thicket into which the stem of this tree expands, Stanley well remarks that hence is to be traced the use of the plural form of the Heb. noun shittim , the singular number occurring once only in the Bible. This acacia must not be confounded with the tree (Robinia pseudo-acacia) popularly known by this name in England, which is a North American plant, and belongs to a different genus and suborder. The true acacias belong to the order Leguminosae , sub-order Mimoseae .

SHITTIM - S>@ - (the acacias), the place of Israel’s encampment between the conquest of the transjordanic highlands and the passage of the Jordan. kjv@Numbers:25:1 kjv@Numbers:33:49; kjv@Joshua:2:1 kjv@Joshua:3:1; kjv@Micah:6:5) Its full name appears to be given in the first of these passage
Abel has
- Shittim, "the meadow, or moist place, of the acacias." it was "in the Arboth-moab, by Jordan
- Jericho," (Numb 22:1; 26:3; 31:12; 33:48-49 That is to say, it was in the Arabah or Jordan valley, opposite Jericho.

SHIZA - S>@ - (splendor), a Reubenite, father of Adina, ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:42) one of David’s warriors. (B.C. 1043.)


Shibboleth @ river, or an ear of corn. The tribes living on the east of Jordan, separated from their brethren on the west by the deep ravines and the rapid river, gradually came to adopt peculiar customs, and from mixing largely with the Moabites, Ishmaelites, and Ammonites to pronounce certain letters in such a manner as to distinguish them from the other tribes. Thus when the Ephraimites from the west invaded Gilead, and were defeated by the Gileadites under the leadership of Jephthah, and tried to escape by the "passages of the Jordan," the Gileadites seized the fords and would allow none to pass who could not pronounce "shibboleth" with a strong aspirate. This the fugitives were unable to do. They said "sibboleth," as the word was pronounced by the tribes on the west, and thus they were detected kjv@Judges:12:1-6). Forty-two thousand were thus detected, and "Without reprieve, adjudged to death, For want of well-pronouncing shibboleth."

Shibmah @ fragrance, a town of Reuben, east of Jordan kjv@Numbers:32:38).

Shield @ used in defensive warfare, varying at different times and under different circumstances in size, form, and material ( kjv@1Samuel:17:7; kjv@2Samuel:1:21; kjvKings:10:17; kjv@1Chronicles:12:8 kjv@1Chronicles:12:24, 34; kjv@Isaiah:22:6; kjv@Ezekiel:39:9; kjv@Nahum:2:3). Used figuratively of God and of earthly princes as the defenders of their people kjv@Genesis:15:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:29; kjv@Psalms:33:20 kjv@Psalms:84:11). Faith is compared to a shield kjv@Ephesians:6:16). Shields were usually "anointed" kjv@Isaiah:21:5), in order to preserve them, and at the same time make the missiles of the enemy glide off them more easily.

Shiggaion @ from the verb shagah, "to reel about through drink," occurs in the title of kjv@Psalms:7. The plural form, shigionoth, is found in kjv@Habakkuk:3:1. The word denotes a lyrical poem composed under strong mental emotion; a song of impassioned imagination accompanied with suitable music; a dithyrambic ode.

Shihon @ overturning, a town of Issachar kjv@Joshua:19:19).

Shihor @ dark, ( kjv@1Chronicles:13:5), the southwestern boundary of Canaan, the Wady el-'Arish. (

- Libnath @ black-white, a stream on the borders of Asher, probably the modern Nahr Zerka, i.e., the "crocodile brook," or "blue river", which rises in the Carmel range and enters the Mediterranean a little to the north of Caesarea kjv@Joshua:19:26). Crocodiles are still found in the Zerka. Thomson suspects "that long ages ago some Egyptians, accustomed to worship this ugly creature, settled here (viz., at Caesarea), and brought their gods with them. Once here they would not easily be exterminated" (The Land and the Book).

Shilhim @ aqueducts, a town in the south of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:32); called also Sharuhen and Shaaraim (19:6).

Shiloah, The waters of @ =Siloah, kjv@Nehemiah:3:15) and Siloam (q.v.)

Shiloh @ generally understood as denoting the Messiah, "the peaceful one," as the word signifies kjv@Genesis:49:10). The Vulgate Version translates the word, "he who is to be sent," in allusion to the Messiah; the Revised Version, margin, "till he come to Shiloh;" and the LXX., "until that which is his shall come to Shiloh." It is most simple and natural to render the expression, as in the Authorized Version, "till Shiloh come," interpreting it as a proper name (comp. kjv@Isaiah:9:6). Shiloh, a place of rest, a city of Ephraim, "on the north side of Bethel," from which it is distant 10 miles kjv@Judges:21:19); the modern Seilun (the Arabic for Shiloh), a "mass of shapeless ruins." Here the tabernacle was set up after the Conquest kjv@Joshua:18:1-10), where it remained during all the period of the judges till the ark fell into the hands of the Philistines. "No spot in Central Palestine could be more secluded than this early sanctuary, nothing more featureless than the landscape around; so featureless, indeed, the landscape and so secluded the spot that from the time of St. Jerome till its re-discovery by Dr. Robinson in 1838 the very site was forgotten and unknown." It is referred to by Jeremiah (7:12-14; 26:4-9) five hundred years after its destruction.

Shilonite @ Ahijah the prophet, whose home was in Shiloh, is so designated (kjvKings:11:29; 15:29). The plural form occurs ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:5), denoting the descendants of Shelah, Judah's youngest son.

Shimea @ the hearing prayer.

(1.) One of David's sons by Bathsheba ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:5); called also Shammua (14:4).

(2.) A Levite of the family of Merari ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:30).

(3.) Another Levite of the family of Gershon ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:39).

(4.) One of David's brothers ( kjv@1Samuel:16:9, marg.).

Shimeah @

(1.) One of David's brothers ( kjv@2Samuel:13:3); same as Shimea


(2.) A Benjamite, a descendant of Gibeon ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:32); called also Shimeam (9:38).

Shimei @ famous.

(1.) A son of Gershon, and grandson of Levi kjv@Numbers:3:18; kjv@1Chronicles:6:17 kjv@1Chronicles:6:29); called Shimi in kjv@Exodus:6:17.

(2.) A Benjamite of the house of Saul, who stoned and cursed David when he reached Bahurim in his flight from Jerusalem on the occasion of the rebellion of Absalom ( kjv@2Samuel:16:5-13). After the defeat of Absalom he "came cringing to the king, humbly suing for pardon, bringing with him a thousand of his Benjamite tribesmen, and representing that he was heartily sorry for his crime, and had hurried the first of all the house of Israel to offer homage to the king" (19:16-23). David forgave him; but on his death-bed he gave Solomon special instructions regarding Shimei, of whose fidelity he seems to have been in doubt (kjvKings:2:8-9). He was put to death at the command of Solomon, because he had violated his word by leaving Jerusalem and going to Gath to recover two of his servants who had escaped (36-46).

(3.) One of David's mighty men who refused to acknowledge Adonijah as David's successor (kjvKings:1:8). He is probably the same person who is called elsewhere (4:18) "the son of Elah."

(4.) A son of Pedaiah, the brother of Zerubbabel ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:19).

(5.) A Simeonite ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:26-27).

(6.) A Reubenite ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:4).

(7.) A Levite of the family of Gershon ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:42).

(8.) A Ramathite who was "over the vineyards" of David ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:27).

(9.) One of the sons of Heman, who assisted in the purification of the temple ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:14).

(10.) A Levite ( kjv@2Chronicals:31:12-13).

(11.) Another Levite kjv@Ezra:10:23). "The family of Shimei" kjv@Zechariah:12:13; R.V., "the family of the Shimeites") were the descendants of Shimei


Shimeon @ hearkening. kjv@Ezra:10:31.

Shimhi @ famous, a Benjamite ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:21).

Shimrath @ guardian, a Benjamite, one of Shimhi's sons (id.).

Shimri @ watchman.

(1.) A Simeonite ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:37).

(2.) The father of one of the "valiant men" of David's armies ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:45).

(3.) Assisted at the purification of the temple in the time of Hezekiah ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:13).

Shimrom @ watchman, the fourth son of Issachar kjv@Genesis:46:13; kjv@1Chronicles:7:1; R.V., correctly, "Shimron").

Shimron @ watch-post, an ancient city of the Canaanites; with its villages, allotted to Zebulun kjv@Joshua:19:15); now probably Semunieh, on the northern edge of the plain of Esdraelon, 5 miles west of Nazareth.

Shimron-meron @ the same, probably, as Shimron kjv@Joshua:12:20).

Shimshai @ the shining one, or sunny, the secretary of Rehum the chancellor, who took part in opposing the rebuilding of the temple after the Captivity kjv@Ezra:4:8-9, 17-23).

Shinab @ cooling, the king of Adamah, in the valley of Siddim, who with his confederates was conquered by Chedorlaomer kjv@Genesis:14:2).

Shinar, The Land of @ LXX. and Vulgate "Senaar;" in the inscriptions, "Shumir;" probably identical with Babylonia or Southern Mesopotamia, extending almost to the Persian Gulf. Here the tower of Babel was built kjv@Genesis:11:1-6), and the city of Babylon. The name occurs later in Jewish history kjv@Isaiah:11:11; kjv@Zechariah:5:11). Shinar was apparently first peopled by Turanian tribes, who tilled the land and made bricks and built cities. Then tribes of Semites invaded the land and settled in it, and became its rulers. This was followed in course of time by an Elamite invasion; from which the land was finally delivered by Khammurabi, the son of Amarpel ("Amraphel, king of Shinar," kjv@Genesis:14:1), who became the founder of the new empire of Chaldea. (

Shiphmite @ probably the designation of Zabdi, who has charge of David's vineyards ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:27).

Shiphrah @ beauty, one of the Egyptian midwives kjv@Exodus:1:15).

Shiphtan @ judicial, an Ephraimite prince at the time of the division of Canaan kjv@Numbers:34:24).

Ships @ early used in foreign commerce by the Phoenicians kjv@Genesis:49:13). Moses kjv@Deuteronomy:28:68) and Job (9:26) make reference to them, and Balaam speaks of the "ships of Chittim" kjv@Numbers:24:24). Solomon constructed a navy at Ezion-geber by the assistance of Hiram's sailors (kjvKings:9:26-28; kjv@2Chronicals:8:18). Afterwards, Jehoshaphat sought to provide himself with a navy at the same port, but his ships appear to have been wrecked before they set sail (kjvKings:22:48-49; kjv@2Chronicals:20:35-37). In our Lord's time fishermen's boats on the Sea of Galilee were called "ships." Much may be learned regarding the construction of ancient merchant ships and navigation from the record in kjv@Acts:27-28.

Shishak I @ =Sheshonk I., king of Egypt. His reign was one of great national success, and a record of his wars and conquests adorns the portico of what are called the "Bubastite kings" at Karnak, the ancient Thebes. Among these conquests is a record of that of Judea. In the fifth year of Rehoboam's reign Shishak came up against the kingdom of Judah with a powerful army. He took the fenced cities and came to Jerusalem. He pillaged the treasures of the temple and of the royal palace, and carried away the shields of gold which Solomon had made (kjvKings:11:40; 14:25; kjv@2Chronicals:12:2). (
See REHOBOAM.) This expedition of the Egyptian king was undertaken at the instigation of Jeroboam for the purpose of humbling Judah. Hostilities between the two kingdoms still continued; but during Rehoboam's reign there was not again the intervention of a third party.

Shittah-tree @ kjv@Isaiah:41:19; R.V., "acacia tree"). Shittah wood was employed in making the various parts of the tabernacle in the wilderness, and must therefore have been indigenous in the desert in which the Israelites wandered. It was the acacia or mimosa (Acacia Nilotica and A. seyal). "The wild acacia (Mimosa Nilotica), under the name of sunt, everywhere represents the seneh, or senna, of the burning bush. A slightly different form of the tree, equally common under the name of seyal, is the ancient 'shittah,' or, as more usually expressed in the plural form, the 'shittim,' of which the tabernacle was made." Stanley's Sinai, etc. kjv@Exodus:25:10 kjv@Exodus:25:13, 23, 28).

Shittim @ acacias, also called "Abel-shittim" kjv@Numbers:33:49), a plain or valley in the land of Moab where the Israelites were encamped after their two victories over Sihon and Og, at the close of their desert wanderings, and from which Joshua sent forth two spies (q.v.) "secretly" to "view" the land and Jericho kjv@Joshua:2:1).



Shields @ A part of defensive armour kjv@Psalms:115:9 kjv@Psalms:140:7
Frequently made of, or covered with
Gold kjv@2Samuel:8:7 kjv@1Kings:10:17
Brass kjv@1Kings:14:27
Said to belong to God kjv@Psalms:47:9
Kinds of
The buckler or target kjv@2Chronicles:9:15 kjv@1Chronicles:5:18 kjv@Ezekiel:26:8
The small shield kjv@2Chronicles:9:16
Often borne by an armour bearer kjv@1Samuel:17:7
Before war
Gathered together kjv@Jeremiah:51:11
Uncovered kjv@Isaiah:22:6
Repaired kjv@Jeremiah:46:3
Anointed kjv@2Samuel:1:21 kjv@Isaiah:21:5
Often made red kjv@Nahum:2:3
Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance kjv@2Chronicles:11:12 kjv@2Chronicles:26:14 kjv@2Chronicles:32:5
A disgrace to lose, or throw away kjv@2Samuel:1:21
Of the vanquished, often burned kjv@Ezekiel:39:9
In times of peace were hung up in towers or armouries kjv@Ezekiel:27:10 kjv@Songs:4:4
Were scarce in Israel in the days of Deborah and Barak kjv@Judges:5:8
Many of the Israelites used, with expertness kjv@1Chronicles:12:8 kjv@1Chronicles:12:24 kjv@1Chronicles:12:34 kjv@2Chronicles:14:8 kjv@2Chronicles:25:5
Illustrative of
Protection of God kjv@Genesis:15:1 kjv@Psalms:33:20
Favour of God kjv@Psalms:5:12
Truth of God kjv@Psalms:91:4
Salvation of God kjv@2Samuel:22:36 kjv@Psalms:18:35
Faith kjv@Ephesians:6:16

Ships @ Probably originated from the ark made by Noah kjv@Genesis:7:17 kjv@Genesis:7:18
Antiquity of, among the Jews kjv@Genesis:49:13 kjv@Judges:5:17
Described as
Gallant kjv@Isaiah:33:21
Large kjv@James:3:4
Strong kjv@Isaiah:23:14
Swift kjv@Job:9:26
Solomon built a navy of kjv@1Kings:9:26
Mentioned in scripture
Of Chittim kjv@Numbers:24:24 kjv@Daniel:11:30
Of Tarshish kjv@Isaiah:23:1 kjv@Isaiah:60:9
Of Adramyttium kjv@Acts:27:2
Of Alexandria kjv@Acts:27:6
Of Chaldea kjv@Isaiah:43:14
Of Tyre kjv@2Chronicles:8:18
Generally made of the fir tree kjv@Ezekiel:27:5
Sometimes made of bulrushes kjv@Isaiah:18:2
The seams of, were caulked kjv@Ezekiel:27:9 kjv@Ezekiel:27:27
Parts of mentioned
The forepart or foreship kjv@Acts:27:30 kjv@Acts:27:41
The hinder part or stern kjv@Acts:27:29 kjv@Acts:27:41
The hold or between the sides kjv@Jonah:1:5
The mast kjv@Isaiah:33:23 kjv@Ezekiel:27:5
The sails kjv@Isaiah:33:23 kjv@Ezekiel:27:7
The tackling kjv@Isaiah:33:23 kjv@Acts:27:19
The rudder or helm kjv@James:3:4
The rudder-bands kjv@Acts:27:40
The anchors kjv@Acts:27:29 kjv@Acts:27:40
The boats kjv@Acts:27:30 kjv@Acts:27:32
The oars kjv@Isaiah:33:21 kjv@Ezekiel:27:6
Often the property of individuals kjv@Acts:27:11
Commanded by a master kjv@Jonah:1:6 kjv@Acts:27:11
Guided in their course by pilots kjv@Ezekiel:27:8 kjv@Ezekiel:27:27-29
Governed and directed by the helm kjv@James:3:4
Course of frequently directed by the heavenly bodies kjv@Acts:27:20
Worked by mariners or sailors kjv@Ezekiel:27:9 kjv@Ezekiel:27:27 kjv@Jonah:1:5 kjv@Acts:27:30
Generally impelled by sails kjv@Acts:27:2-7
Often impelled by oars kjv@Jonah:1:13 kjv@John:6:19
Rivers kjv@Isaiah:33:21
Lakes kjv@Luke:5:1 kjv@Luke:5:2
The ocean kjv@Psalms:104:26 kjv@Psalms:107:23
Soundings usually taken for, in dangerous places kjv@Acts:27:28
Usually distinguished by signs or figure heads kjv@Acts:28:11
Course of, through the midst of the sea, wonderful kjv@Proverbs:30:18 kjv@Proverbs:30:19
Employed in
Trading kjv@1Kings:22:48 kjv@2Chronicles:8:18 kjv@2Chronicles:9:21
Fishing kjv@Matthew:4:21 kjv@Luke:5:4-9 kjv@John:21:3-8
War kjv@Numbers:24:24 kjv@Daniel:11:30 kjv@Daniel:11:40
Carrying passengers kjv@Jonah:1:3 kjv@Acts:27:2 kjv@Acts:27:6 kjv@Acts:28:11
The hinder part of, occupied by the passengers kjv@Mark:4:38
Endangered by
Storms kjv@Jonah:1:4 kjv@Mark:4:37 kjv@Mark:4:38
Quicksands kjv@Acts:27:17
Rocks kjv@Acts:27:29
When damaged were sometimes undergirded with cables kjv@Acts:27:17
Were often wrecked kjv@1Kings:22:48 kjv@Psalms:48:7 kjv@Acts:27:41-44 kjv@2Corinthians:11:25
Of industrious women kjv@Proverbs:31:14
(Wrecked,) of departure from the faith kjv@1Timothy:1:19



- General scriptures concerning kjv@Judges:12:6

- A city in the territory of the tribe of Reuben kjv@Numbers:32:38
- Apparently also called SHEBAM and SIBMAH

- A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:11

SHIELD @ -(Defensive armor)
- Different kinds of, designated as buckler, shield, target kjv@Psalms:35:2; kjv@Ezekiel:38:4
- Used by Saul kjv@2Samuel:1:21
- Used by the Benjamites kjv@2Chronicles:14:8; kjv@2Chronicles:17:17
- Uzziah equipped the people of Israel with kjv@2Chronicles:26:14
- Made of brass (bronze) kjv@1Kings:14:27
- Made of gold kjv@2Samuel:8:7; kjv@1Kings:10:16; 17; kjv@2Chronicles:9:15-16
- Made of wood kjv@Ezekiel:39:9-10
- Made with bosses kjv@Job:15:26
- Stored in armories kjv@1Kings:10:17; kjv@2Chronicles:11:12; kjv@2Chronicles:32:5 kjv@2Chronicles:32:27
- Stored in the tabernacle kjv@2Kings:11:10; kjv@2Chronicles:23:9
- Covered when not in use kjv@Isaiah:22:6
- Painted red kjv@Nahum:2:3

- FIGURATIVE .Of God's protection kjv@Genesis:15:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:29; kjv@2Samuel:22:3 kjv@2Samuel:22:36 kjv@Psalms:5:12; kjv@Psalms:18:2-35; kjv@Psalms:33:20; kjv@Psalms:59:11; kjv@Psalms:84:9-11; kjv@Psalms:89:18; kjv@Proverbs:30:5 .Of God's truth kjv@Psalms:91:4 .Of an entire army kjv@Jeremiah:46:3

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Psalms:7; Habbakkuk:3:1

- A city in the territory of the tribe of Issachar kjv@Joshua:19:19



- A place on the border of the tribe of Asher kjv@Joshua:19:26

- Grandfather of Jehoshaphat kjv@1Kings:22:42; kjv@2Chronicles:20:31

- A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:32

- Also called SHALLUM
- Son of Naphtali kjv@Genesis:46:24; kjv@Numbers:26:49; kjv@1Chronicles:7:13

- A stream or pool kjv@Isaiah:8:6
- Probably identical with SILOAH and SILOAM, which see


-1. A name of Jesus kjv@Genesis:49:10

-2. City of Ephraim, north of Beth-el, and on the highway from Beth-el to Shechem kjv@Judges:21:19 .Tabernacle located at kjv@Joshua:18:1-10; kjv@Judges:18:31; kjv@1Samuel:1:3 kjv@1Samuel:1:9, kjv@1Samuel:21:19; 21, 24; kjv@1Samuel:2:14; kjv@Psalms:78:60; kjv@Jeremiah:7:12 .Seat of government during the time of Joshua kjv@Joshua:21:1-2 .The place of rendezvous for the tribes kjv@Joshua:22:9 kjv@Joshua:22:12 kjv@Judges:21:12 .Eli lived at kjv@1Samuel:1:9; kjv@1Samuel:4:12-13 .Eli dies at kjv@1Samuel:4:18 .Ahijah the prophet lives at kjv@1Kings:14:2 .Devoted men from, killed by Ishmael kjv@Jeremiah:41:5-9

- Father of Zechariah kjv@Nehemiah:11:5


-1. A man of Shiloh kjv@1Kings:11:29; kjv@1Kings:12:15; kjv@1Kings:15:29; kjv@2Chronicles:9:29; kjv@2Chronicles:10:15

-2. Used, apparently, to denote a descendant of Shelah kjv@1Chronicles:9:5 .

- Son of Zophah kjv@1Chronicles:7:37




-3. A Merarite Levite kjv@1Chronicles:6:30

-4. Grandfather of Asaph kjv@1Chronicles:6:39


-1. A Benjamite, son of Mikloth kjv@1Chronicles:8:32 .Called SHIMEAM kjv@1Chronicles:9:38



- Mother of an assassin of King Joash kjv@2Kings:12:21; kjv@2Chronicles:24:26

- A family of scribes kjv@1Chronicles:2:55


-1. Also called SHIMI .Son of Gershon kjv@Exodus:6:17; kjv@Numbers:3:18; kjv@1Chronicles:6:17; kjv@1Chronicles:23:7 kjv@1Chronicles:23:10

-2. A Benjamite .Curses David; David's magnanimity toward kjv@2Samuel:16:5-13; kjv@2Samuel:19:16; 23; with_1Kings:2:36-46

-3. An officer of David kjv@1Kings:1:8

-4. One of Solomon's commissary officers kjv@1Kings:4:18

-5. Grandson of Jeconiah kjv@1Chronicles:3:19

-6. Son of Zacchur kjv@1Chronicles:4:26-27

-7. A Reubenite .Son of Gog kjv@1Chronicles:5:4

-8. A Merarite .Son of Libni kjv@1Chronicles:6:29

-9. A Gershonite .Son of Jahath kjv@1Chronicles:6:42

-10. Father of a family in the tribe of Benjamin, (in the A. V., called SHIMHI) kjv@1Chronicles:8:21

-11. A Levite kjv@1Chronicles:23:9

-12. A leader of singers during the time of David kjv@1Chronicles:25:17

-13. David's overseer of vineyards kjv@1Chronicles:27:27

-14. A son of Heman kjv@2Chronicles:29:14

-15. A Levite .Treasurer of tithes and offerings during the time of Hezekiah kjv@2Chronicles:31:12-13

-16. A Levite who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife kjv@Ezra:10:23

-17. The name of two Israelites who put away (divorced) Gentile wives kjv@Ezra:10:33 kjv@Ezra:10:38

-18. A Benjamite .Grandfather of Mordecai kjv@Esther:2:5

-19. The ancestor of a family kjv@Zechariah:12:13 .Possibly identical with number one

- An Israelite who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife kjv@Ezra:10:31

- Father of a family in the tribe of Benjamin (in R. V., called SHIMEI) kjv@1Chronicles:8:21



- A man of Judah kjv@1Chronicles:4:20

- Son of Shimhi kjv@1Chronicles:8:21


-1. Head of a family in the tribe of Simeon kjv@1Chronicles:4:37-38

-2. Father of one of David's mighty men kjv@1Chronicles:11:45

-3. A Merarite (in A. V., called SIMRI) kjv@1Chronicles:26:10

-4. A Levite in the time of Hezekiah kjv@2Chronicles:29:13

SHIMRITH @ -(A Moabitess)
- Mother of Jehozabad, murderer of King Joash kjv@2Chronicles:24:26
- Called SHOMER kjv@2Kings:12:21



-1. Son of Issachar kjv@Genesis:46:13; kjv@Numbers:26:24 .Called SHIMROM kjv@1Chronicles:7:1

-2. A city in the territory of the tribe of Zebulun kjv@Joshua:11:1; kjv@Joshua:19:15 .


- The family of Shimron kjv@Numbers:26:24


- A city conquered by Joshua kjv@Joshua:12:20

- A scribe kjv@Ezra:4:8-9 kjv@Ezra:4:17 kjv@Ezra:4:23

- King of Admah kjv@Genesis:14:2

SHINAR @ -(The land of)

- Built .By Noah kjv@Genesis:6:13-22 .By Solomon kjv@1Kings:9:26; kjv@2Chronicles:8:17 .By Jehoshaphat kjv@1Kings:22:48; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35-36 .Of gopher wood kjv@Genesis:6:1 kjv@Genesis:6:4 .Of fir wood kjv@Ezekiel:27:5 .Of bulrushes kjv@Isaiah:18:2 .Sealed with pitch (tar?) kjv@Genesis:6:15
- Equipped with .A helm kjv@James:3:4 .A rudder kjv@Acts:27:40 .Tackling kjv@Isaiah:33:23; kjv@Acts:27:19
- Sails kjv@Acts:27:1 kjv@Acts:27:9, kjv@Isaiah:33:23; 17, 40
- Sails embroidered kjv@Ezekiel:27:7
- Masts kjv@Isaiah:33:23; kjv@Ezekiel:27:5
- Oars kjv@Jonah:1:13; kjv@Mark:6:48
- Figurehead kjv@Acts:28:11
- An anchor kjv@Acts:27:29-30 kjv@Acts:27:40; kjv@Hebrews:6:19
- Lifeboats kjv@Acts:27:30-32
- Used in commerce kjv@Acts:21:3; kjv@Acts:27:10
- Used in commerce .With Tarshish kjv@1Kings:22:48; kjv@Isaiah:60:9; kjv@Jonah:1:3 .With Ophir kjv@1Kings:10:11; kjv@2Chronicles:8:18 .With Adramyttium kjv@Acts:27:2 .For passenger traffic kjv@Isaiah:60:9; kjv@Jonah:1:3; kjv@Acts:20:13; kjv@Acts:27:2-37; kjv@Acts:28:11 .For ferriage kjv@2Samuel:19:18
- Repaired by caulking kjv@Ezekiel:27:9
- Wrecked at Ezion-geber kjv@1Kings:22:48; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35-37
- At Melita (Malta) kjv@Acts:27:14 kjv@Acts:27:44
- Warships used by Chittim kjv@Numbers:24:24; kjv@Daniel:11:30

- Father of Ziza kjv@1Chronicles:4:37

- A Hebrew midwife kjv@Exodus:1:15

- Father of the representative of Ephraim who was on the committee which divided up the promised land among the Israelites kjv@Numbers:34:24


SHISHAK @ -(King of Egypt)
- Gives asylum to Jeroboam kjv@1Kings:11:40
- Plunders Jerusalem kjv@1Kings:14:25-26; kjv@2Chronicles:12:2-9

- A chief herder of David kjv@1Chronicles:27:29


-1. Also called ABEL

- SHITTIM kjv@Numbers:33:49 .A camping place of Israel kjv@Numbers:25:1; kjv@Numbers:33:49 .Joshua sends spies from kjv@Joshua:2:1 .The valley of kjv@Joel:3:18 .Balaam prophesies in kjv@Micah:6:5

-2. Also called SHITTAH, a tree, the wood of which is fragrant .Planted and cultivated kjv@Isaiah:41:19 .The ark of the covenant made of kjv@Exodus:25:10 .The staves (long poles) of the ark of the covenant made of kjv@Exodus:25:13; kjv@Exodus:38:6 .The boards in the tabernacle made of kjv@Exodus:26:15-37 .The altar of burnt offering made of kjv@Exodus:38:1 kjv@Exodus:38:6

SHIZA @ -(A Reubenite)
- Father of one of David's mighty men kjv@1Chronicles:11:42



kjv@STRING:Abednego <HITCHCOCK>@ servant of light; shining - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abel-shittim <HITCHCOCK>@ mourning of thorns - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Amashi-ali <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Amaziah - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ashima <HITCHCOCK>@ crime; offense - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Beriah <HITCHCOCK>@ in fellowship; in envy - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bildad <HITCHCOCK>@ old friendship - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bul <HITCHCOCK>@ old age; perishing - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Calcol <HITCHCOCK>@ nourishing - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Dedan <HITCHCOCK>@ their breasts; friendship; a judge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dishan <HITCHCOCK>@ a threshing - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Eliashib <HITCHCOCK>@ the God of conversion - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Elkoshite <HITCHCOCK>@ a man of Elkeshai - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Girgashite <HITCHCOCK>@ who arrives from pilgrimage - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Habazinaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ a hiding of the shield of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Harosheth <HITCHCOCK>@ a forest; agriculture; workmanship; deafness; silence - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Harsha <HITCHCOCK>@ workmanship; a wood - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hebron <HITCHCOCK>@ society; friendship - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hobah <HITCHCOCK>@ love; friendship; secrecy - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Ishi <HITCHCOCK>@ salvation - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Ishiah <HITCHCOCK>@ it is the Lord - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Jakim <HITCHCOCK>@ rising; confirming; establishing - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoiakim <HITCHCOCK>@ avenging, or establishing, or resurrection, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jekamiah <HITCHCOCK>@ establishing, or revenging, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jeshimon <HITCHCOCK>@ solitude; desolation - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jeshishai <HITCHCOCK>@ ancient; rejoicing exceedingly - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Joakim <HITCHCOCK>@ rising or establishing of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Josiphiah <HITCHCOCK>@ increase of the Lord; the Lord-J's finishing - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Kishi <HITCHCOCK>@ hardness; his gravity; his offense - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kishion <HITCHCOCK>@ hardness; soreness - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Laban <HITCHCOCK>@ white; shining; gentle; brittle - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Letushim <HITCHCOCK>@ hammermen; filemen - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Makkedah <HITCHCOCK>@ worshiping; burning; raised; crookedness - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Marcus <HITCHCOCK>@ polite; shining - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Meshillamith <HITCHCOCK>@ peaceable; perfect; giving again - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mushi <HITCHCOCK>@ he that touches, that withdraws or takes away - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Nimshi <HITCHCOCK>@ rescued from danger - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Paruah <HITCHCOCK>@ flourishing; that flies away - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pasdammin <HITCHCOCK>@ portion or diminishing of blood - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Phebe <HITCHCOCK>@ shining; pure - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Sherah <HITCHCOCK>@ flesh; relationship - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shibmah <HITCHCOCK>@ overmuch captivity, or sitting - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shicron <HITCHCOCK>@ drunkenness; his gift; his wages - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shiggaion <HITCHCOCK>@ a song of trouble or comfort - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shihon <HITCHCOCK>@ sound; wall of strength - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shihor-libnah <HITCHCOCK>@ blackness of Libnah - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shillem <HITCHCOCK>@ peace; perfection; retribution - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shiloah <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Siloah - HITCHCOCK-S


kjv@STRING:Shiloh -S(name of a city) <HITCHCOCK>@ peace; abundance - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Shilom <HITCHCOCK>@ tarrying; peace-maker - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shilshah <HITCHCOCK>@ three; chief; captain - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimeon <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Simeon - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimma <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Shimeah - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimon <HITCHCOCK>@ providing well; fatness; oil - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimrath <HITCHCOCK>@ hearing; obedient - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimshai <HITCHCOCK>@ my son - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimri <HITCHCOCK>@ thorn; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shinab <HITCHCOCK>@ father of changing - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shinar <HITCHCOCK>@ watch of him that sleeps - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shiphi <HITCHCOCK>@ multitude - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shiphrah <HITCHCOCK>@ handsome; trumpet; that does good - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shisha <HITCHCOCK>@ of marble; pleasant - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shishak <HITCHCOCK>@ present of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shitrai <HITCHCOCK>@ gatherer of money - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shittim <HITCHCOCK>@ thorns - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shiza <HITCHCOCK>@ this gift - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sidon <HITCHCOCK>@ hunting; fishing; venison - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Taanach-shilo <HITCHCOCK>@ breaking down a fig-tree - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tarshish <HITCHCOCK>@ contemplation; examination - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tryphosa <HITCHCOCK>@ thrice shining - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Zidon <HITCHCOCK>@ hunting; fishing; venison - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zina <HITCHCOCK>@ shining; going back - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zior <HITCHCOCK>@ ship of him that watches - HITCHCOCK-Z


SHIELDS @ used in battle- kjv@1Samuel:17:7; kjv@2Samuel:1:21; kjv@1Kings:10:17; kjv@1Kings:14:27; kjv@2Kings:11:10; kjv@1Chronicles:12:8 kjv@2Chronicles:26:14; kjv@2Chronicles:32:5

SHILOH @ a city of Ephraim- kjv@Joshua:18:1; kjv@Joshua:21:2; kjv@Joshua:22:9; kjv@Judges:18:31; kjv@Judges:21:12; kjv@1Samuel:1:3; kjv@1Samuel:4:3 kjv@1Kings:2:27; kjv@1Kings:14:2 - a Prophetic name of Christ- kjv@Genesis:49:10

SHINAR @ kjv@Genesis:10:10; kjv@Genesis:11:2; kjv@Isaiah:11:11; kjv@Daniel:1:2; kjv@Zechariah:5:11

SHIPS @ kjv@Numbers:24:24; kjv@1Kings:9:26; kjv@1Kings:22:48; kjv@2Chronicles:8:18; kjv@2Chronicles:9:21; kjv@2Chronicles:20:36; kjv@Isaiah:60:9; kjv@Jonah:1:3 kjv@Acts:20:13; kjv@Acts:27:2,41

SHISHAK @ king of Egypt- kjv@1Kings:11:40; kjv@2Chronicles:12:2


H10 <STRHEB>@ אבדּה 'ăbaddôh ab-ad-do' The same as {H9} miswritten for H11; a perishing: - destruction.

H11 <STRHEB>@ אבדּון 'ăbaddôn ab-ad-done' Intensively from H6; abstractly a perishing; concretely Hades: - destruction.

H12 <STRHEB>@ אבדן 'abdân ab-dawn' From H6; a perishing: - destruction.

H13 <STRHEB>@ אבדן 'obdân ob-dawn' From H6; a perishing: - destruction.

H19 <STRHEB>@ אבחה 'ibchâh ib-khaw' From an unused root (apparently meaning to turn); brandishing of a sword: - point.

H29 <STRHEB>@ אביּהוּ אביּה 'ăbîyâhbîyâhû {ab-ee-yaw'} ab-ee-yaw'-hoo From H1 and H3050; father (that is worshipper) of Jah; {Abijah} the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses: - {Abiah} Abijah.

H30 <STRHEB>@ אביהוּא 'ăbîyhû' ab-ee-hoo' From H1 and H1931; father (that is worshipper) of Him (that is God); {Abihu} a son of Aaron: - Abihu.

H63 <STRHEB>@ אבל השּׁטּים 'âbêl hashshiţţîym aw-bale' hash-shit-teem' From H58 and the plural of {H7848} with the article inserted; meadow of the acacias; Abel {hash-Shittim} a place in Palestine: - Abel-shittim.

H1020 <STRHEB>@ בּית הישׁימות bêyth hayeshîymôth bayth hah-yesh-ee-moth' From H1004 and the plural of H8451 with the article interposed; house of the deserts; {Beth-ha-Jeshimoth} a town East of the Jordan: - Beth-jeshimoth.

H1029 <STRHEB>@ בּית השּׁטּה bêyth hashshiţţâh bayth hash-shit-taw' From H1004 and H7848 with the article interposed; house of the acacia; {Beth-hash-Shittah} a place in Palestine: - Beth-shittah.

H1030 <STRHEB>@ בּית השּׁמשׁי bêyth hashshimshîy bayth hash-shim-shee' Patrial from H1053 with the article inserted; a Beth {shimshite} or inhabitant of Bethshemesh: - Bethshemite.

H1121 <STRHEB>@ בּן bên bane From H1129; a son (as a builder of the family {name}) in the widest sense (of literal and figurative {relationship} including {grandson} subject6 {nation} quality or {condition} {etc.} (like {H1} {H251} etc.): - + {afflicted} {age} [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] {[Lev-]ite} [anoint-]ed {one} appointed {to} (+) {arrow} [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] {[Grec-]ian} one {born} {bough} {branch} {breed} + (young) {bullock} + (young) {calf} X came up {in} {child} {colt} X {common} X {corn} {daughter} X of {first} + {firstborn} {foal} + very {fruitful} + {postage} X {in} + {kid} + {lamb} (+) {man} {meet} + {mighty} + {nephew} {old} (+) {people} + {rebel} + {robber} X servant {born} X {soldier} {son} + {spark} + {steward} + {stranger} X {surely} them {of} + tumultuous {one} + {valiant[-est]} {whelp} {worthy} young ({one}) youth.

H1191 <STRHEB>@ בּעלת ba‛ălâth bah-al-awth' A modification of H1172; mistresship; {Baalath} a place in Palestine: - Baalath.

H1245 <STRHEB>@ בּקשׁ bâqash baw-kash' A primitive root; to search out (by any method; specifically in worship or prayer); by implication to strive after: - {ask} {beg} {beseech} {desire} {enquire} {get} make {inquisition} {procure} (make) {request} {require} seek (for).

H1253 <STRHEB>@ בּר bôr bore The same as H1252; vegetable lye (from its cleansing); used as a soap for {washing} or a flux for metals: - X never {so} purely.

H1300 <STRHEB>@ בּרק bârâq baw-rawk' From H1299; lightning; by analogy a gleam; concretely a flashing sword: - {bright} glitter ({-ing} {sword}) lightning.

H1304 <STRHEB>@ בּרקת בּרקת bâreqath bâreqath {baw-reh'-keth} baw-rek-ath' From H1300; a gem (as {flashing}) perhaps the emerald: - carbuncle.

H1323 <STRHEB>@ בּת bath bath From H1129 (as feminine of H1121); a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of {relationship} literally and figuratively): - apple [of the {eye]} {branch} {company} {daughter} X {first} X {old} + {owl} {town} village.

H1332 <STRHEB>@ בּתיה bithyâh bith-yaw' From H1323 and H3050; daughter (that {is} worshipper) of Jah; {Bithjah} an Egyptian woman: - Bithiah.

H1350 <STRHEB>@ גּאל gâ'al gaw-al' A primitive {root} to redeem (according to the Oriental law of {kinship}) that {is} to be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative´ s {property} marry his {widow} etc.): - X in any {wise} X at {all} {avenger} {deliver} ({do} perform the part of {near} next) kinsfolk ({-man}) {purchase} {ransom} redeem ({-er}) revenger.

H1353 <STRHEB>@ גּאלּה gellâh gheh-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H1350; redemption (including the right and the object); by implication relationship: - {kindred} {redeem} {redemption} right.

H1508 <STRHEB>@ גּזרה gizrâh ghiz-raw' Feminine of H1506; the figure or person (as if cut out); also an inclosure (as separated): - {polishing} separate place.

H1622 <STRHEB>@ גּרגּשׁי girgâshîy ghir-gaw-shee' Patrial from an unused name (of uncertain derivation); a {Girgashite} one of the native tribes of Canaan: - {Girgashite} Girgasite.

H1637 <STRHEB>@ גּרן gôren go'-ren From an unused root meaning to smooth; a threshing floor (as made even); by analogy any open area: - ({barn} {corn} threshing-) {floor} ({threshing-} void) place.

H1719 <STRHEB>@ דּדנה דּדן dedân dedâneh {ded-awn'} deh-daw'-neh Of uncertain derivation; {Dedan} the name of two Cushites and of their territory. The second form used in - Dedan.

H1729 <STRHEB>@ דּוּגה dûgâh doo-gaw' Feminine from the same as H1728; properly {fishery} that {is} a hook for fishing: - fish [hook].

H1741 <STRHEB>@ דּוי devay dev-ah'ee From H1739; sickness; figuratively loathing: - {languishing} sorrowful.

H1786 <STRHEB>@ דּישׁ dayish dah'-yish From H1758; threshing time: - threshing.

H1796 <STRHEB>@ דּכי dŏkîy dok-ee' From H1794; a dashing of surf: - wave.

H1807 <STRHEB>@ דּלילה delîylâh del-ee-law' From H1809; languishing: - {Delilah} a Philistine woman: - Delilah.

H1823 <STRHEB>@ דּמוּת demûth dem-ooth' From H1819; resemblance; concretely {model} shape; adverbially like: - {fashion} like ({-ness} {as}) {manner} similitude.

H1875 <STRHEB>@ דּרשׁ dârash daw-rash' A primitive root; properly to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication to seek or ask; specifically to worship: - {ask} X at {all} care {for} X {diligently} {inquire} make {inquisition} [necro-] {mancer} {question} {require} {search} seek {[for} {out]} X surely.

H1942 <STRHEB>@ הוּה havvâh hav-vaw' From H1933 (in the sense of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication of falling); desire; also ruin: - {calamity} {iniquity} {mischief} mischievous ({thing}) {naughtiness} {naughty} {noisome} perverse {thing} {substance} very wickedness.

H1984 <STRHEB>@ הלל hâlal haw-lal' A primitive root; to be clear (originally of {sound} but usually of color); to shine; hence to make a show; to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causatively to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast ({self}) {celebrate} {commend} ({deal} {make}) fool ({-ish} {-ly}) {glory} give {[light]} be ({make} feign self) mad ({against}) give in {marriage} {[sing} be worthy of] {praise} {rage} {renowned} shine.

H138 <STRHEB>@ אדניּהוּ אדניּה 'ădônîyâhdônîyâhû {ad-o-nee-yaw'} ad-o-nee-yaw'-hoo From H113 and H3050; lord (that {is} worshipper) of Jah; {Adonijah} the name of three Israelites: - Adonijah.

H147 <STRHEB>@ אדּר 'iddar id-dar' (Chaldee); intensive from a root corresponding to H142; {ample} that {is} a threshing-floor: - threshingfloor.

H166 <STRHEB>@ אהל 'âhal aw-hal' A primitive root; to be clear: - shine.

H2091 <STRHEB>@ זהב zâhâb zaw-hawb' From an unused root meaning to shimmer; gold; figuratively something gold colored (that {is} {yellow}) as {oil} a clear sky: - gold ({-en}) fair weather.

H2094 <STRHEB>@ זהר zâhar zaw-har' A primitive root; to gleam; figuratively to enlighten (by caution): - {admonish} {shine} {teach} (give) warn (-ing).

H2231 <STRHEB>@ זרמה zirmâh zir-maw' Feminine of H2230; a gushing of fluid (semen): - issue.

H2259 <STRHEB>@ חבל chôbêl kho-bale' Active participle from H2254 (in the sense of handling ropes); a sailor: - {pilot} shipmaster.

H2266 <STRHEB>@ חבר châbar khaw-bar' A primitive root; to join (literally or figuratively); specifically (by means of spells) to fascinate: - charm ({-er}) be {compact} couple ({together}) have fellowship {with} heap {up} join ({self} {together}) league.

H2366 <STRHEB>@ חשׁם חשׁים חוּשׁים chûshîym chûshîym chûshim khoo-sheem' (all forms) Plural from H2363; hasters; {Chushim} the name of three Israelites: - Hushim.

H2447 <STRHEB>@ חכליל chaklîyl khak-leel' By reduplication from an unused root apparently meaning to be dark; darkly flashing (only of the eyes); in a good {sense} brilliant (as stimulated by wine): - red.

H2715 <STRHEB>@ חור חר chôr chôr {khore} khore From H2787; properly white or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire (compare H2751); hence (figuratively) noble (in rank): - noble.

H2742 <STRHEB>@ חרץ חרוּץ chârûts chârûts {khaw-roots'} khaw-roots' Passive participle of H2782; properly incised or (active) incisive; hence (as noun masculine or feminine) a trench (as {dug}) gold (as {mined}) a threshing sledge (having sharp teeth); (figuratively) determination; also eager: - {decision} {diligent} (fine) {gold} pointed {things} {sharp} threshing {instrument} wall.

H2745 <STRHEB>@ חרחס charchas khar-khas' From the same as H2775; perhaps shining; {Charchas} an Israelite: - Harbas.

H2757 <STRHEB>@ חרץ חריץ chârîyts chârits {khaw-reets'} khaw-reets' From H2782; properly incisure or (passive) incised (compare H2742); hence a threshing sledge (with sharp teeth); also a slice (as cut): - + {cheese} harrow.

H2776 <STRHEB>@ חרס cheres kheh'-res The same as H2775; shining; {Cheres} a mount in Palestine: - Heres.

H2793 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁ chôresh kho'-resh From H2790; a forest (perhaps as furnishing the material for fabric): - {bough} {forest} {shroud} wood.

H2798 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁים chărâshîym khar-aw-sheem' Plural of H2796; {mechanics} the name of a valley in Jerusalem: - {Charashim} craftsmen.

H2977 <STRHEB>@ יאשׁיּהוּ יאשׁיּה yô'shîyâh yô'shîyâhû {yo-she-yaw'} yo-she-yaw'-hoo From the same root as H803 and H3050; founded of Jah; {Joshijah} the name of two Israelites: - Josiah.

H2982 <STRHEB>@ יבוּס yebûs yeb-oos' From H947; {trodden} that {is} threshing place; {Jebus} the aboriginal name of Jerusalem: - Jebus.

H215 <STRHEB>@ אור 'ôr ore A primitive root; to be (causatively make) luminous (literally and metaphorically): - X break of {day} {glorious} {kindle} ({be} {en-} {give} show) light ({-en} {-ened}) set on {fire} shine.

H251 <STRHEB>@ אח 'âch awkh A primitive word; a brother (used in the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical affinity or resemblance (like H1)): - {another} brother ({-ly}) {kindred} {like} other. Compare also the proper names beginning with Ah- or Ahi-.

H281 <STRHEB>@ אחיּהוּ אחיּה 'ăchîyâhchîyâhû {akh-ee-yaw'} akh-ee-yaw'-hoo From H251 and H3050; brother (that {is} worshipper) of Jah; {Achijah} the name of nine Israelites: - {Ahiah} Ahijah.

H3027 <STRHEB>@ יד yâd yawd A primitive word; a hand (the open one (indicating {power} means6 {direction} {etc.}) in distinction from {H3709} the closed one); used (as {noun} {adverb} etc.) in a great variety of {applications} both literally and {figuratively} both proximate and remote: - (+ be) {able} X {about} + {armholes} {at} {axletree} because {of} {beside} {border} X {bounty} + {broad} [broken-] {handed} X {by} {charge} {coast} + {consecrate} + {creditor} {custody} {debt} {dominion} X {enough} + {fellowship} {force} X {from} hand {[-staves} -y {work]} X {he} {himself} X {in} {labour} + {large} {ledge} [left-] {handed} {means} X {mine} {ministry} {near} X {of} X {order} {ordinance} X {our} {parts} {pain} {power} X {presumptuously} {service} {side} {sore} {state} {stay} draw with {strength} {stroke} + {swear} {terror} X {thee} X by {them} X {them-selves} X thine {own} X {thou} {through} X {throwing} + {thumb} {times} X {to} X {under} X {us} X wait {on} [way-] {side} {where} + {wide} X with ({him} {me} {you}) {work} + {yield} X your-selves.

H3034 <STRHEB>@ ידה yâdâh yaw-daw' A primitive root; used only as denominative from H3027; literally to use (that {is} hold out) the hand; physically to throw (a {stone} an arrow) at or away; especially to revere or worship (with extended hands); intensively to bemoan (by wringing the hands): - cast ({out}) (make) confess ({-ion}) {praise} {shoot} (give) thank ({-ful} {-s} -sgiving).

H3096 <STRHEB>@ יהצה יהצה יהץ yahats yahtsâh yahtsâh {yah'-hats} {yah'-tsaw} yah-tsaw' From an unused root meaning to stamp; perhaps threshing floor; Jahats or {Jahtsah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Jahaz} {Jahazah} Jahzah.

H3143 <STRHEB>@ יושׁביה yôshibyâh yo-shib-yaw' From H3427 and H3050; Jehovah will cause to dwell; {Joshibjah} an Israelite: - Josibiah.

H3156 <STRHEB>@ יזרחיה yizrachyâh yiz-rakh-yaw' From H2224 and H3050; Jah will shine; {Jizrachjah} the name of two Israelites: - {Izrahiah} Jezrahiah.

H3313 <STRHEB>@ יפע yâphayaw-fah' A primitive root; to shine: - be {light} {shew} {self} (cause to) shine (forth).

H3328 <STRHEB>@ יצחר yitschar yits-khar' From the same as H6713; he will shine; {Jitschar} an Israelite: - and Zehoar [from the margin].

H3335 <STRHEB>@ יצר yâtsar yaw-tsar' probably identical with H3334 (through the squeezing into shape); (compare H3331); to mould into a form; especially as a potter; figuratively to determine (that {is} form a resolution): - X {earthen} {fashion} {form} {frame} make ({-r}) {potter} purpose.

H3449 <STRHEB>@ ישּׁיּהוּ ישּׁיּה yishshîyâh yishshîyâhû {yish-shee-yaw'} yish-shee-yaw'-hoo From H5383 and H3050; Jah will lend; {Jishshijah} the name of five Israelites: - {Ishiah} {Isshiah} {Ishijah} Jesiah.

H3452 <STRHEB>@ ישׁימון yeshîymôn yesh-ee-mone' From H3456; a desolation: - {desert} {Jeshimon} {solitary} wilderness.

H3454 <STRHEB>@ ישׁישׁי yeshîyshây yesh-ee-shah'ee From H3453; aged; {Jeshishai} an Israelite: - Jeshishai.

H3469 <STRHEB>@ ישׁעי yish‛îy yish-ee' From H3467; saving; {Jishi} the name of four Israelites: - Ishi.

H3556 <STRHEB>@ כּוכב kôkâb ko-kawb' Probably from the same as H3522 (in the sense of rolling) or H3554 (in the sense of blazing); a star (as round or as shining); figuratively a prince: - star ([-gazer]).

H3559 <STRHEB>@ כּוּן kûn koon A primitive root; properly to be erect (that {is} stand perpendicular);. hence (causatively) to set {up} in a great variety of {applications} whether literal ({establish} fix6 {prepare} {apply}) or figurative ({appoint} render {sure} proper or prosperous): - certain ({-ty}) {confirm} {direct} {faithfulness} {fashion} {fasten} {firm} be {fitted} be {fixed} {frame} be {meet} {ordain} {order} {perfect} (make) {preparation} prepare ({self}) {provide} make {provision} ({be} make) {ready} {right} set ({aright} {fast} {forth}) be {stable} (e-) {stablish} {stand} {tarry} X very deed.

H3569 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁי kûshîy koo-shee' Patronymic from H3568; a {Cushite} or descendant of Cush: - {Cushi} {Cushite} Ethiopian (-s).

H3570 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁי kûshîy koo-shee' The same as H3569; {Cushi} the name of two Israelites: - Cushi.

H3571 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁית kûshîyth koo-sheeth' Feminine of H3569; a Cushite woman: - Ethiopian.

H3589 <STRHEB>@ כּיד kîyd keed From a primitive root meaning to strike; a crushing; figuratively calamity: - destruction.

H3591 <STRHEB>@ כּידון kîydôn kee-dohn' From the same as H3589; properly something to strike {with} that {is} a dart (perhaps smaller than H2595): - {lance} {shield} {spear} target.

H3704 <STRHEB>@ כּסת keseth keh'-seth From H3680; a cushion or pillow (as covering a seat or bed): - pillow.

H3801 <STRHEB>@ כּתּנת כּתנת kethôneth kûttôneth {keth-o'-neth} koot-to'-neth From an unused root meaning to cover (compare H3802); a shirt: - {coat} {garment} robe.

H3895 <STRHEB>@ לחי lechîy lekh-ee' From an unused root meaning to be soft; the cheek (from its fleshiness); hence the jaw bone: - cheek ({bone}) jaw (bone).

H3912 <STRHEB>@ לטוּשׁם leţûshim let-oo-sheem' Masculine plural of passive participle of H3913; hammered (that {is} oppressed) ones; {Letushim} an Arabian tribe: - Letushim.

H3918 <STRHEB>@ לישׁ layish lah'-yish From H3888 in the sense of crushing; a lion (from his destructive blows): - (old) lion.

H3940 <STRHEB>@ לפּד לפּיד lappîyd lappid {lap-peed'} lap-peed' From an unused root probably meaning to shine; a {flambeau} lamp or flame: - (fire-) {brand} (burning) {lamp} {lightning} torch.

H4042 <STRHEB>@ מגן mâgan maw-gan' A denominative from H4043; properly to shield; encompass with; figuratively to {rescue} to hand safely over (that {is} surrender): - deliver.

H4043 <STRHEB>@ מגנּה מגן mâgên meginnâh {maw-gane'} meg-in-naw' From H1598; a shield (that {is} the small one or buckler); figuratively a protector; also the scaly hide of the crocodile: - X {armed} {buckler} {defence} {ruler} + {scale} shield.

H4082 <STRHEB>@ מדינה medîynâh med-ee-naw' From H1777; properly a {judgeship} that {is} jurisdiction; by implication a district (as ruled by a judge); generally a region: - ( X every) province.

H4098 <STRHEB>@ מדשּׁה medûshshâh med-oosh-shaw' From H1758; a {threshing} that {is} (concretely and figuratively) down trodden people: - threshing.

H4173 <STRHEB>@ מרג מורג môrag môrag {mo-rag'} mo-rag' From an unused root meaning to triturate; a threshing sledge: - threshing instrument.

H4187 <STRHEB>@ משּׁי מוּשׁי mûshîy mûshshîy {moo-shee'} mush-shee' From H4184; sensitive; {Mushi} a Levite: - Mushi.

H4188 <STRHEB>@ מוּשׁי mûshîy moo-shee' Patronymic from H4187; a Mushite (collectively) or descendant of Mushi: - Mushites.

H4399 <STRHEB>@ מלאכה melâ'kâh mel-aw-kaw' From the same as H4397; properly {deputyship} that {is} ministry; generally employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely); also property (as the result of labor): - {business} + {cattle} + {industrious} {occupation} (+ {-pied}) + {officer} thing ({made}) {use} (manner of) work ({[-man]} -manship).

H4520 <STRHEB>@ מנשּׁי menashshîy men-ash-shee' From H4519; a Menashshite or descendant of Menashsheh: - of {Manasseh} Manassites.

H4639 <STRHEB>@ מעשׂה ma‛ăώeh mah-as-eh' From H6213; an action (good or bad); generally a transaction; abstractly activity; by implication a product (specifically a poem) or (generally) property: - {act} {art} + {bakemeat} {business} {deed} do ({-ing}) {labour} thing {made} ware of {making} {occupation} thing {offered} {operation} {possession} X {well} ({[handy-} {needle-} net-]) {work} ({-ing} {-manship}) wrought.

H4697 <STRHEB>@ מצחה mitschâh mits-khaw' From the same as H4696; a shin piece of armor (as {prominent}) only plural: - greaves.

H4703 <STRHEB>@ מצעד mits‛âd mits-awd' From H6805; a step; figuratively companionship: - {going} step.

H4761 <STRHEB>@ מראשׁה marshâh mar-aw-shaw' Denominative from H7218; properly {headship} that {is} (plural for collective) dominion: - principality.

H4774 <STRHEB>@ מרגּעה margê‛âh mar-gay-aw' From H7280; rest: - refreshing.

H4828 <STRHEB>@ מרע mêrêamay-ray'-ah From H7462 in the sense of companionship; a friend: - {companion} friend.

H4919 <STRHEB>@ משׁלּמות meshillêmôth mesh-il-lay-mohth' Plural from H7999; reconciliations; {Meshillemoth} an Israelite: - {Meshillemoth} an Isr: - Meshillemoth. Compare H4921.

H4921 <STRHEB>@ משׁלּמית meshillêmîyth mesh-il-lay-meeth' From H7999; reconciliation; {Meshillemith} an Israelite: - Meshillemith. Compare H4919.

H4933 <STRHEB>@ משׁסּה meshissâh mesh-is-saw' From H8155; plunder: - {booty} spoil.

H4941 <STRHEB>@ משׁפּט mishpâţ mish-pawt' From H8199; properly a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced {judicially} especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (particularly) divine {law} individual or {collectively}) including the {act} the {place} the {suit} the {crime} and the penalty; abstractly {justice} including a particular {right} or privilege (statutory or {customary}) or even a style: - + {adversary} {ceremony} {charge} X {crime} {custom} {desert} {determination} {discretion} {disposing} {due} {fashion} {form} to be {judged} {judgment} just ({-ice} {-ly}) (manner of) law ({-ful}) {manner} {measure} (due) {order} {ordinance} {right} {sentence} {usest} X {worthy} + wrong.

H4945 <STRHEB>@ משׁקה mashqeh mash-keh' From H8248; properly causing to {drink} that {is} a butler; by implication (intransitively) drink (itself); figuratively a well watered region: - butler ({-ship}) {cupbearer} drink ({-ing}) fat {pasture} watered.

H475 <STRHEB>@ אלישׁיב 'elyâshîyb el-yaw-sheeb' From H410 and H7725; God will restore; {Eljashib} the name of six Israelites: - Eliashib.

H5043 <STRHEB>@ נברשׁא nebreshâ' neb-reh-shaw' (Chaldee); from an unused root meaning to shine; a light; plural (collectively) a chandelier: - candlestick.

H5050 <STRHEB>@ נגהּ nâgahh naw-gah' A primitive root; to glitter; causatively to illuminate: - (en-) {lighten} (cause to) shine.

H5051 <STRHEB>@ נגהּ nôgahh no'-gah From H5050; brilliancy (literally or figuratively): - bright ({-ness}) {light} (clear) shining.

H5066 <STRHEB>@ נגשׁ nâgash naw-gash' A primitive root; to be or come (causatively bring) near (for any purpose); euphemistically to lie with a woman; as an {enemy} to attack; religiously to worship; causatively to present; figuratively to adduce an argument; by {reversal} to stand back: - (make to) approach ({nigh}) bring ({forth} {hither} {near}) (cause to) come ({higher} {near} {nigh}) give {place} go hard ({up}) ({be} {draw} go) near ({nigh}) {offer} {overtake} {present} {put} stand.

H5135 <STRHEB>@ נוּר nûr noor (Chaldee); from an unused root (corresponding to that of H5216) meaning to shine; fire: - {fiery} fire.

H5144 <STRHEB>@ נזר nâzar naw-zar' A primitive root; to hold {aloof} that {is} (intransitively) abstain (from food and {drink} from {impurity} and even from divine worship (that {is} apostatize)); specifically to set apart (to sacred {purposes}) that {is} devote: - {consecrate} separate ({-ing} self).

H5250 <STRHEB>@ נמשׁי nimshîy nim-shee' Probably from H4871; extricated; {Nimshi} the (grand-) father of Jehu: - Nimshi.

H5306 <STRHEB>@ נפך nôphek no'-fek From an unused root meaning to glisten; shining; a {gem} probably the garnet: - emerald.

H5322 <STRHEB>@ נץ nêts nayts From H5340; a flower (from its brilliancy); also a hawk (from its flashing speed): - {blossom} hawk.

H5363 <STRHEB>@ נקף nôqeph no'-kef From H5362; a threshing (of olives): - shaking.

H5457 <STRHEB>@ סגד segid seg-eed' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5456: - worship.

H5466 <STRHEB>@ סדין sâdîyn saw-deen' From an unused root meaning to envelop; a {wrapper} that {is} shirt: - fine {linen} sheet.

H5507 <STRHEB>@ סחרה sôchêrâh so-khay-raw' Properly active participle feminine of H5503; something surrounding the {person} that {is} a shield: - buckler.

H5556 <STRHEB>@ סלעם sol‛âm sol-awm' Apparently from the same as H5553 in the sense of crushing as with a {rock} that {is} consuming; a kind of locust (from its destructiveness): - bald locust.

H5600 <STRHEB>@ ספינה sephîynâh sef-ee-naw' From H5603; a (sea going) vessel (as ceiled with a deck): - ship.

H5647 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to {serve} {till} (causatively) {enslave} etc.: - X {be} keep in {bondage} be {bondmen} {bond-service} {compel} {do} {dress} {ear} {execute} + {husbandman} {keep} labour (-ing {man}) bring to {pass} (cause {to} make to) serve ({-ing} {self}) ({be} become) servant ({-s}) do (use) {service} till ({-er}) transgress [from {margin]} (set a) {work} be {wrought} worshipper.

H5769 <STRHEB>@ עלם עולם ‛ôlâm ‛ôlâm {o-lawm'} o-lawm' From H5956; properly {concealed} that {is} the vanishing point; generally time out of mind (past or {future}) that {is} (practically) eternity; frequentative adverbially (especially with prepositional prefix) always: - always ({-s}) ancient ({time}) any {more} {continuance} {eternal} ({for} [n-]) ever ({-lasting} {-more} of {old}) {lasting} long ({time}) (of) old ({time}) {perpetual} at any {time} (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare {H5331} H5703.

H5774 <STRHEB>@ עוּף ‛ûph oof A primitive root; to cover (with wings or obscurity); hence (as denominative from H5775) to fly; also (by implication of dimness) to faint (from the darkness of swooning): - {brandish} be (wax) {faint} flee {away} fly (away - {}) X {set} shine {forth} weary.

H5997 <STRHEB>@ עמית ‛âmîyth aw-meeth' From a primitive root meaning to associate; companionship; hence (concretely) a comrade or kindred man: - {another} {fellow} neighbour.

H512 <STRHEB>@ אלקשׁי 'elqôshîy el-ko-shee' Patrial from a name of uncertain derivation; an Elkoshite or native of Elkosh: - Elkoshite.

H569 <STRHEB>@ אמרפל 'amrâphel am-raw-fel' Of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation; {Amraphel} a king of Shinar: - Amraphel.

H590 <STRHEB>@ אני 'onîy on-ee' Probably from H479 (in the sense of conveyance); a ship or (collectively) a fleet: - {galley} navy (of ships).

H591 <STRHEB>@ אניּה 'onîyâh on-ee-yaw' Feminine of H590; a ship: - ship ([-men]).

H6087 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛âtsab aw-tsab' A primitive root; properly to {carve} that {is} fabricate or fashion; hence (in a bad sense) to {worry} pain or anger: - {displease} {grieve} {hurt} {make} be {sorry} {vex} {worship} wrest.

H6090 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛ôtseb o'-tseb A variation of H6089; an idol (as fashioned); also pain (bodily or mental): - {idol} {sorrow} X wicked.

H6213 <STRHEB>@ עשׂה ‛âώâh aw-saw' A primitive root; to do or {make} in the broadest sense and widest application: - {accomplish} {advance} {appoint} {apt} be {at} {become} {bear} {bestow} bring {forth} {bruise} be {busy} X {certainly} have the charge {of} {commit} deal ({with}) {deck} + {displease} {do} (ready) dress ({-ed}) (put in) execute ({-ion}) {exercise} {fashion} + {feast} [fight-] ing {man} + {finish} {fit} {fly} {follow} {fulfil} {furnish} {gather} {get} go {about} {govern} {grant} {great} + {hinder} hold ([a {feast]}) X {indeed} + be {industrious} + {journey} {keep} {labour} {maintain} {make} be {meet} {observe} be {occupied} {offer} + {officer} {pare} bring (come) to {pass} {perform} {practise} {prepare} {procure} {provide} {put} {requite} X {sacrifice} {serve} {set} {shew} X {sin} {spend} X {surely} {take} X {thoroughly} {trim} X {very} + {vex} be [warr-] {ior} work ({-man}) {yield} use.

H6219 <STRHEB>@ עשׁות ‛âshôth aw-shoth' From H6245; {shining} that {is} polished: - bright.

H6245 <STRHEB>@ עשׁת ‛âshath aw-shath' A primitive root; probably to be {sleek} that {is} glossy; hence (through the idea of polishing) to excogitate (as if forming in the mind): - {shine} think.

H6246 <STRHEB>@ עשׁת ‛ăshith ash-eeth' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6245; to purpose: - think.

H6279 <STRHEB>@ עתר ‛âthar aw-thar' A primitive root (rather denominative from H6281); to burn incense in {worship} that {is} intercede (reciprocally listen to prayer): - {intreat} (make) pray (-er).

H6282 <STRHEB>@ עתר ‛âthâr aw-thawr' From H6280; incense (as increasing to a volume of smoke); hence (from H6279) a worshipper: - {suppliant} thick.

H6333 <STRHEB>@ פּוּרה pûrâh poo-raw' From H6331; a wine press (as crushing the grapes): - winepress.

H6353 <STRHEB>@ פּחר pechâr peh-khawr' (Chaldee); from an unused root probably meaning to fashion; a potter: - potter.

H6399 <STRHEB>@ פּלח pelach pel-akh' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6398; to serve or worship: - {minister} serve.

H6402 <STRHEB>@ פּלחן polchân pol-khawn' (Chaldee); from H6399; worship: - service.

H6465 <STRHEB>@ פּעור pe‛ôr peh-ore' From H6473; a gap; {Peor} a mountain East of Jordan; also (for H1187) a deity worshipped there: - Peor. See also H1047.

H6520 <STRHEB>@ פּרזון perâzôn per-aw-zone' From the same as H6518; {magistracy} that {is} leadership (also concretely chieftains): - village.

H6546 <STRHEB>@ פּרעה par‛âh par-aw' Feminine of H6545 (in the sense of beginning); leadership (plural concretely leaders): - + {avenging} revenge.

H6554 <STRHEB>@ פּרפּר parpar par-par' Probably from H6565 in the sense of rushing; rapid; {Parpar} a river of Syria: - Pharpar.

H6578 <STRHEB>@ פּרת perâth per-awth' From an unused root meaning to break forth; rushing; Perath (that {is} {Euphrates}) a river of the East: - Euphrates.

H6635 <STRHEB>@ צבאה צבא tsâbâ' tsebâ'âh {tsaw-baw'} tseb-aw-aw' From H6633; a mass of persons (or figurative {things}) especially regularly organized for war (an army); by implication a {campaign} literally or figuratively (specifically {hardship} worship): - appointed {time} (+) {army} (+) {battle} {company} {host} {service} {soldiers} waiting {upon} war (-fare).

H6670 <STRHEB>@ צהל tsâhal tsaw-hal' A primitive root; to {gleam} that {is} (figuratively) be cheerful; by {transference} to sound clear (of various animal or human expressions): - {bellow} cry aloud ({out}) lift {up} {neigh} {rejoice} make to {shine} shout.

H6696 <STRHEB>@ צוּר tsûr tsoor A primitive root; to {cramp} that {is} confine (in many {applications} literally and {figuratively} formative or hostile): - {adversary} {assault} {beset} {besiege} bind ({up}) {cast} {distress} {fashion} {fortify} {inclose} lay {siege} put up in bags.

H6716 <STRHEB>@ צי tsîy tsee From H6680; a ship (as a fixture): - ship.

H6793 <STRHEB>@ צנּה tsinnâh tsin-naw' Feminine of H6791; a hook (as pointed); also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness); also cold (as piercing): - {buckler} {cold} {hook} {shield} target.

H6999 <STRHEB>@ קטר qâţar kaw-tar' A primitive root (rather identical with H7000 through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants); to {smoke} that {is} turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship): - burn ({incense} sacrifice) ({upon}) (altar for) {incense} {kindle} offer ({incense} a sacrifice).

H7029 <STRHEB>@ קישׁי qîyshîy kee-shee' From H6983; bowed; {Kishi} an Israelite: - Kishi.

H7160 <STRHEB>@ קרן qâran kaw-ran' A primitive root; to push or gore; used only as denominative from {H7161} to shoot out horns; figuratively rays: - have {horns} shine.

H7175 <STRHEB>@ קרשׁ qeresh keh'-resh From an unused root meaning to split off; a slab or plank; by implication a deck of a ship: - {bench} board.

H7191 <STRHEB>@ קשׁיון qishyôn kish-yone' From H7190; hard ground; {Kishjon} a place in Palestine: - {Kishion} Keshon.

H7227 <STRHEB>@ רב rab rab By contraction from H7231; abundant (in {quantity} {size} {age} {number} {rank} quality): - (in) abound ({-undance} {-ant} {-antly}) {captain} {elder} {enough} {exceedingly} {full} great ({-ly} {man} {one}) {increase} long ({enough} {[time]}) ({do} have) many ({-ifold} {things} a {time}) ([ship-]) {master} {mighty} {more} ({too} very) {much} multiply ({-tude}) {officer} often {[-times]} {plenteous} {populous} {prince} process [of {time]} suffice (-ient).

H7274 <STRHEB>@ רגלים rôgelîym ro-gel-eem' Plural of active participle of H7270; fullers (as tramping the cloth in washing); {Rogelim} a place East of the Jordan: - Rogelim.

H7356 <STRHEB>@ רחם racham rakh'-am From H7355; compassion (in the plural); by extension the womb (as cherishing the foetus); by implication a maiden: - {bowels} {compassion} {damsel} tender {love} ({great} tender) {mercy} {pity} womb.

H7367 <STRHEB>@ רחצה rachtsâh rakh-tsaw' Feminine of H7366; a bathing place: - washing.

H7462 <STRHEB>@ רעה râ‛âh raw-aw' A primitive root; to tend a {flock} that {is} pasture it; intransitively to graze (literally or figuratively); generally to rule; by extension to associate with (as a friend): - X {break} {companion} keep company {with} {devour} eat {up} evil {entreat} {feed} use as a {friend} make friendship {with} {herdman} keep [sheep] ({-er}) {pastor} + shearing {house} {shepherd} {wander} waste.

H7487 <STRHEB>@ רענן ra‛ănan rah-aw-nan' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7488; {green} that {is} (figuratively) prosperous: - flourishing.

H7488 <STRHEB>@ רענן ra‛ănân rah-an-awn' From an unused root meaning to be green; verdant; by analogy new; figuratively prosperous: - {green} flourishing.

H7494 <STRHEB>@ רעשׁ raash rah'-ash From H7493; {vibration} {bounding} uproar: - {commotion} confused {noise} {earthquake} {fierceness} {quaking} {rattling} {rushing} shaking.

H7524 <STRHEB>@ רצח retsach reh'-tsakh From H7523; a crushing; specifically a murder cry: - {slaughter} sword.

H7557 <STRHEB>@ רקּת raqqath rak-kath' From H7556 in its original sense of diffusing; a beach (as expanded shingle); {Rakkath} a place in Palestine: - Rakkath.

H7565 <STRHEB>@ רשׁף resheph reh'-shef From H8313; a live coal; by analogy lightning; figuratively an arrow (as flashing through the air); specifically fever: - {arrow} (burning) {coal} burning {heat} + {spark} hot thunderbolt.

H7584 <STRHEB>@ שׁאוה shavâh shah-av-aw' From H7582; a tempest (as rushing): - desolation.

H7588 <STRHEB>@ שׁאון shâ'ôn shaw-one' From H7582; uproar (as of rushing); by implication destruction: - X {horrible} {noise} {pomp} {rushing} tumult (X -uous).

H7626 <STRHEB>@ שׁבט shêbeţ shay'-bet From an unused root probably meaning to branch off; a {scion} that {is} (literally) a stick (for {punishing} {writing} {fighting} {ruling} {walking} etc.) or (figuratively) a clan: - X {correction} {dart} {rod} {sceptre} {staff} tribe.

H7633 <STRHEB>@ שׁביה shibyâh shib-yaw' Feminine of H7628; exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively): - captives (-ity).

H7641 <STRHEB>@ שׁבּלת שׁבּל shibbôl shibbôleth {shib-bole'} shib-bo'-leth From the same as H7640; a stream (as flowing); also an ear of grain (as growing out); by analogy a branch: - {branch} {channel} ear (of {corn}) ([water-]) {flood} Shibboleth. Compare H5451.

H7643 <STRHEB>@ שׂבמה שׂבם ώebâm ώibmâh {seb-awm'} sib-maw' Probably from H1313; spice; Sebam or {Sibmah} a place in Moab: - {Shebam} {Shibmah} Sibmah.

H7651 <STRHEB>@ שׁבעה שׁבע shebashib‛âh {sheh'-bah} shib-aw' From H7650; a primitive cardinal number; seven (as the sacred full one); also (adverbially) seven times; by implication a week; by extension an indefinite number: - (+ by) seven ({[-fold]} {-s} {[-teen} {-teenth]} {-th} times). Compare H7658.

H7655 <STRHEB>@ שׁבעה shib‛âh shib-aw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7651: - seven (times).

H7656 <STRHEB>@ שׁבעה shib‛âh shib-aw' Masculine of H7651; seven (seventh); {Shebah} a well in Palestine: - Shebah.

H7657 <STRHEB>@ שׁבעים shib‛îym shib-eem' Multiple of H7651; seventy: - {seventy} threescore and ten (+ -teen).

H7658 <STRHEB>@ שׁבענה shib‛ânâh shib-aw-naw' Prolonged for the masculine of H7651; seven: - seven.

H7659 <STRHEB>@ שׁבעתים shib‛âthayim shib-aw-thah'-yim Dual (adverb) of H7651; seven times: - seven ({-fold} times).

H7667 <STRHEB>@ שׁבר שׁבר sheber shêber {sheh'-ber} shay'-ber From H7665; a {fracture} figuratively ruin; specifically a solution (of a dream): - {affliction} {breach} {breaking} broken {[-footed} {-handed]} {bruise} {crashing} {destruction} {hurt} {interpretation} vexation.

H7670 <STRHEB>@ שׁברון shibrôn shib-rone' From H7665; {rupture} that {is} a pang; figuratively ruin: - {breaking} destruction.

H7692 <STRHEB>@ שׁגּינה שׁגּיון shiggâyôn shiggâyônâh {shig-gaw-yone'} shig-gaw-yo-naw' From H7686; properly {aberration} that {is} (technically) a dithyramb or rambling poem: - {Shiggaion} Shigio-noth.

H7697 <STRHEB>@ שׁגּעון shiggâ‛ôn shig-gaw-yone' From H7696; craziness: - {furiously} madness.

H7705 <STRHEB>@ שׁדּה shiddâh shid-dah' From H7703; a wife (as mistress of the house): - X all {sorts} musical instrument.

H7711 <STRHEB>@ שׁדּפון שׁדפה shedêphâh shiddâphôn {shed-ay-faw'} shid-daw-fone' From H7710; blight: - blasted (-ing).

H7716 <STRHEB>@ שׂי שׂה ώeh ώêy {seh} say Probably from H7582 through the idea of pushing out to graze; a member of a {flock} that {is} a sheep or goat: - ({lesser} small) {cattle} {ewe} {lamb} sheep.

H7812 <STRHEB>@ שׁחה shâchâh shaw-khaw' A primitive root; to {depress} that {is} prostrate (especially reflexively in homage to royalty or God): - bow (self) {down} {crouch} fall down ({flat}) humbly {beseech} do (make) {obeisance} do {reverence} make to {stoop} worship.

H7848 <STRHEB>@ שׁטּים שׁטּה shiţţâh shiţţîym {shit-taw'} shit-teem' Feminine of a derivative (the second form being only in the {plural} meaning the sticks of wood) from the same as H7850; the acacia (from its scourging thorns): - {shittah} shittim. See also H1029.

H7851 <STRHEB>@ שׁטּים shiţţîym shit-teem' The same as the plural of H7848; acacia trees; {Shittim} a place East of the Jordan: - Shittim.

H7861 <STRHEB>@ שׁטריo shiţray shit-rah'ee From the same as H7860; magisterial; {Shitrai} an Israelite: - Shitrai.

H7866 <STRHEB>@ שׁיאון shîyn shee-ohn' From the same as H7722; ruin; {Shijon} a place in Palestine: - Shihon.

H7877 <STRHEB>@ שׁיזא shîyzâ' shee-zaw' Of unknown derivation; {Shiza} an Israelite: - Shiza.

H7883 <STRHEB>@ שׁחר שׁחור שׁיחור shîychôr shichôr shichôr {shee-khore'} {shee-khore'} shee-khore' Probably from H7835; {dark} that {is} turbid; {Shichor} a stream of Egypt: - {Shihor} Sihor.

H7884 <STRHEB>@ שׁיחור לבנת shîychôr libenâth shee-khore' lib-nawth' From the same as H7883 and H3835; darkish whiteness; Shichor {Libnath} a stream of Palestine: - Shihor-libnath.

H7886 <STRHEB>@ שׁילה shîylôh shee-lo' From H7951; tranquil; {Shiloh} an epithet of the Messiah: - Shiloh.

H7887 <STRHEB>@ שׁלו שׁילו שׁלה שׁילה shîylôh shilôh shîylô shilô (1,2,3&amp;4) shee-lo' From the same as H7886; {Shiloh} a place in Palestine: - Shiloh.

H7888 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני שׁילני שׁילוני shîylônîy shîylônîy shilônîy (1,2&amp;3) shee-lo-nee' From H7887; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh: - Shilonite.

H7889 <STRHEB>@ שׁימון shîymôn shee-mone' Apparently for H3452; desert; {Shimon} an Israelite: - Shimon.

H7894 <STRHEB>@ שׁישׁא shîyshâ' shee-shaw' From the same as H7893; whiteness; {Shisha} an Israelite: - Shisha.

H7895 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּשׁק שׁישׁקo shîyshaq shûshaq {shee-shak'} shoo-shak' Of Egyptian derivation; {Shishak} an Egyptian king: - Shishak.

H7910 <STRHEB>@ שׁכּר שׁכּור shikkôr shikkôr {shik-kore'} shik-kore' From H7937; {intoxicated} as a state or a habit: - drunk ({-ard} {-en} -en man).

H7923 <STRHEB>@ שׁכּלים shikkûlîym shik-koo-leem' Plural from H7921; childlessness (by continued bereavements): - to have after loss of others.

H7929 <STRHEB>@ שׁכמה shikmâh shik-maw' Feminine of H7926; the shoulder bone: - shoulder blade.

H7930 <STRHEB>@ שׁכמי shikmîy shik-mee' Patronymic from H7928; a Shikmite ({collectively}) or descendant of Shekem: - Shichemites.

H7942 <STRHEB>@ שׁכּרון shikkerôn shik-ker-one' For H7943; drunkenness; {Shikkeron} a place in Palestine: - Shicron.

H7943 <STRHEB>@ שׁכּרון shikkârôn shik-kaw-rone' From H7937; intoxication: - (be) drunken (-ness).

H7964 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּח שׁלּוּח shillûach shillûach {shil-loo'-akh} shil-loo'-akh From H7971; (only in plural) a {dismissal} that {is} (of a wife) divorce (especially the document); also (of a daughter) dower: - {presents} have sent back.

H7966 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּם שׁלּוּם shillûm shillûm {shil-loom'} shil-loom' From H7999; a {requital} that {is} (secure) {retribution} (venal) a fee: - {recompense} reward.

H7975 <STRHEB>@ שׁלח שׁלּח shillôach shelach {shee-lo'-akh} sheh'-lakh The second form is in imitation of {H7974} used in ; from H7971; rill; {Shiloach} a fountain of Jerusalem: - {Shiloah} Siloah.

H7976 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּחה shillûchâh shil-loo-kahw' Feminine of H7964; a shoot: - branch.

H7977 <STRHEB>@ שׁלחי shilchîy shil-khee' From H7973; {missive} that {is} armed; {Shilchi} an Israelite: - Shilhi.

H7978 <STRHEB>@ שׁלחים shilchîym shil-kheem' Plural of H7973; javelins or sprouts; {Shilchim} a place in Palestine: - Shilhim.

H7982 <STRHEB>@ שׁלט sheleţ sheh'-let From H7980; probably a shield (as {controlling} that {is} protecting the person): - shield.

H7983 <STRHEB>@ שׁלטון shilţôn shil-tone' From H7980; a potentate: - power.

H7984 <STRHEB>@ שׁלטן שׁלטון shilţôn shilţôn {shil-tone'} shil-tone' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7983: - ruler.

H7988 <STRHEB>@ שׁליה shilyâh shil-yaw' Feminine from H7953; a foetus or babe (as extruded in birth): - young one.

H8005 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּם shillêm shil-lame' From H7999; requital: - recompense.

H8006 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּם shillêm shil-lame' The same as H8005; {Shillem} an Israelite: - Shillem.

H8011 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּמה shillûmâh shil-loo-maw' Feminine of H7966; retribution: - reward.

H8016 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּמי shillêmîy shil-lay-mee Patronymic from H8006; a Shilemite (collectively) or descendant of Shillem: - Shillemites.

H8023 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני shilônîy shee-lo-nee' The same as H7888; {Shiloni} an Israelite: - Shiloni.

H8029 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּשׁ shillêsh shil-laysh' From H8027; a descendant of the third {degree} that {is} great grandchild: - third [generation].

H8030 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁה shilshâh shil-shaw' Feminine from the same as H8028; triplication; {Shilshah} an Israelite: - Shilshah.

H8032 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁם שׁלשׁום shilshôm shilshôm {shil-shome'} shil-shome' From the same as H8028; {trebly} that {is} (in time) day before yesterday: - + before (that {time} {-time}) excellent things [from the {margin]} + {heretofore} three {days} + time past.

H8039 <STRHEB>@ שׁמאה shimh shim-aw' Perhaps for H8093; {Shimah} an Israelite: - Shimah. Compare H8043.

H8043 <STRHEB>@ שׁמאם shimm shim-awm' For H8039 (compare H38); {Shimam} an Israelite: - Shimeam.

H8077 <STRHEB>@ שׁממה שׁממה shemâmâh shimâmâh {shem-aw-maw'} shee-mam-aw' Feminine of H8076; devastation; figuratively astonishment: - ({laid} X most) desolate ({-ion}) waste.

H8078 <STRHEB>@ שׁמּמון shimmâmôn shim-maw-mone' From H8074; stupefaction: - astonishment.

H8080 <STRHEB>@ שׁמן shâman shaw-man' A primitive root; to {shine} that {is} (by analogy) be (causatively make) oily or gross: - become ({make} wax) fat.

H8092 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעא shim‛â' shim-aw' For H8093; {Shima} the name of four Israelites: - {Shimea} {Shimei} Shamma.

H8093 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעה shim‛âh shim-aw' Feminine of H8088; annunciation; {Shimah} an Israelite: - Shimeah.

H8095 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעון shim‛ôn shim-one' From H8085; hearing; {Shimon} one of Jacob´ s {sons} also the tribe descendant from him: - Simeon.

H8096 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעי shim‛îy shim-ee' From H8088; famous; {Shimi} the name of twenty Israelites: - Shimeah [from the {margin]} {Shimei} {Shimhi} Shimi.

H8097 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעי shim‛îy shim-ee' Patronymic from H8096; a Shimite (collectively) or descendant of Shimi: - of {Shimi} Shimites.

H8099 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעני shim‛ônîy shim-o-nee' Patronymic from H8095; a Shimonite (collectively) or descendant of Shimon: - tribe of {Simeon} Simeonites.

H8100 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעת shim‛âth shim-awth' Feminine of H8088; annunciation; {Shimath} an Ammonitess: - Shimath.

H8101 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעתי shim‛âthîy shim-aw-thee' Patronymic from H8093; a Shimathite (collectively) or descendant of Shimah: - Shimeathites.

H8103 <STRHEB>@ שׁמצה shimtsâh shim-tsaw' Feminine of H8102; scornful whispering (of hostile spectators): - shame.

H8107 <STRHEB>@ שׁמּר shimmûr shim-moor' From H8104; an observance: - X be (much) observed.

H8110 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרון shimrôn shim-rone' From H8105 in its original sense; guardianship; {Shimron} the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine: - Shimron.

H8112 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרון מראון shimrôn mern shim-rone' mer-one' From H8110 and a derivative of H4754; guard of lashing; Shimron {Meron} a place in Palestine: - Shimon-meron.

H8113 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרי shimrîy shim-ree' From H8105 in its original sense; watchful; {Shimri} the name of four Israelites: - Shimri.

H8116 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרית shimrîyth shim-reeth' Feminine of H8113; female guard; {Shimrith} a Moabitess: - Shimrith.

H8117 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shimrônîy shim-ro-nee' Patronymic from H8110; a Shimronite (collectively) or descendant of Shimron: - Shimronites.

H8119 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרת shimrâth shim-rawth' From H8104; guardship; {Shimrath} an Israelite: - Shimrath.

H8123 <STRHEB>@ שׁמשׁון shimshôn shim-shone' From H8121; sunlight; {Shimshon} an Israelite: - Samson.

H8124 <STRHEB>@ שׁמשׁי shimshay shim-shah'ee (Chaldee); from H8122; sunny; {Shimshai} a Samaritan: - Shimshai.

H8134 <STRHEB>@ שׁנאב shinb shin-awb' Probably from H8132 and H1; a father has turned; {Shinab} a Canaanite: - Shinab.

H8136 <STRHEB>@ שׁנאן shinn shin-awn' From H8132; {change} that {is} repetition: - X angels.

H8152 <STRHEB>@ שׁנער shin‛âr shin-awr' Probably of foreign derivation; {Shinar} a plain in Babylon: - Shinar.

H8175 <STRHEB>@ שׂער ώâ‛ar saw-ar' A rpim root; to storm; by implication to {shiver} that {is} fear: - be (horribly) {afraid} {fear} hurl as a {storm} be {tempestuous} come like (take away as with) a whirlwind.

H8198 <STRHEB>@ שׁפחה shiphchâh shif-khaw' Feminine from an unused root meaning to spread out (as a family; see H4940); a female slave (as a member of the household): - ({bond-} hand-) maid ({-en} {-servant}) {wench} {bondwoman} womanservant.

H8204 <STRHEB>@ שׁפטן shiphţân shif-tawn' From H8199; judge like; {Shiphtan} an Israelite.

H8218 <STRHEB>@ שׁפלה shiphlâh shif-law' Feminine of H8216; depression: - low place.

H8220 <STRHEB>@ שׁפלוּת shiphlûth shif-looth' From H8213; remissness: - idleness.

H8225 <STRHEB>@ שׁפמי shiphmîy shif-mee' Patrial from H8221; a Shiphmite or inhabitant of Shepham: - Shiphmite.

H8229 <STRHEB>@ שׁפעה shiph‛âh shif-aw' Feminine of H8228; copiousness: - {abundance} {company} multitude.

H8230 <STRHEB>@ שׁפעי shiph‛îy shif-ee' From H8228; copious; {Shiphi} an Israelite: - Shiphi.

H8235 <STRHEB>@ שׁפרה shiphrâh shif-raw' From H8231; brightness: - garnish.

H8236 <STRHEB>@ שׁפרה shiphrâh shif-raw' The same as H8235; {Shiphrah} an Israelitess: - Shiphrah.

H8246 <STRHEB>@ שׁקד shâqad shaw-kad' A denominative from H8247; to be (intensively make) almond shaped: - make like ({unto} after the fashion of) almonds.

H8249 <STRHEB>@ שׁקּו shiqqûv shik-koov' From H8248; (plural collectively) a draught: - drink.

H8250 <STRHEB>@ שׁקּוּי shiqqûy shik-koo'ee From H8248; a beverage; {moisture} that {is} (figuratively) refreshment: - {drink} marrow.

H8251 <STRHEB>@ שׁקּץ שׁקּוּץ shiqqûts shiqqûts {shik-koots'} shik-koots' From H8262; {disgusting} that {is} filthy; especially idolatrous or (concretely) an idol: - abominable filth ({idol} {-ation}) detestable (thing).

H8256 <STRHEB>@ שׁקמה שׁקם shâqâm shiqmâh {shaw-kawm'} shik-maw' (The second form is feminine); of uncertain derivation; a sycamore (usually the tree): - sycamore ({fruit} tree).

H8302 <STRHEB>@ שׁרינה שׁריה שׁרין שׁריון shiryôn shiryân shiryâh shiryônâh (shir) {-yone'} {-yawn'} {-yaw'} -yo-naw' From H8281 in the original sense of turning; a corslet (as if twisted): - {breastplate} coat of {mail} {habergeon} harness. See H5030.

H8303 <STRHEB>@ שׂרין שׁריון shiryôn ώiryôn {shir-yone'} sir-yone' The same as H8304 (that {is} sheeted with snow); Shirjon or {Sirjon} a peak of the Lebanon: - Sirion.

H8334 <STRHEB>@ שׁרת shârath shaw-rath' A primitive root; to attend as a menial or worshipper; figuratively to contribute to: - minister ({unto}) (do) serve ({-ant} {-ice} {-itor}) wait on.

H8337 <STRHEB>@ שׁשּׁה שׁשׁ shêsh shishshâh {shaysh} shish-shaw' (The second form is masculine); a primitive number; six (as an overplus (see H7797) beyond five or the fingers of the hand); as ordinal sixth: - six ({[-teen} {-teenth]}) sixth.

H8345 <STRHEB>@ שׁשּׁי shishshîy shish-shee' From H8337; {sixth} ordinal or (feminine) fractional: - sixth (part).

H8346 <STRHEB>@ שׁשּׁים shishshîym shish-sheem' Multiple of H8337; sixty: - {sixty} three score.

H8353 <STRHEB>@ שׁת שׁת shêth shith {shayth} sheeth (Chaldee); corresponding to H8337: - six (-th).

H8361 <STRHEB>@ שׁתּין shittîyn shit-teen' (Chaldee); corresponding to H8346 (compare H8353); sixty: - three-score.

H8387 <STRHEB>@ תּאנת שׁלה tanath shilôh tah-an-ath' shee-lo' From H8385 and H7887; approach of Shiloh; Taanath {Shiloh} a place in Palestine: - Taanath-shiloh.

H8401 <STRHEB>@ תּבן teben teh'-ben Probably from H1129; properly {material} that {is} (specifically) refuse haum or stalks of grain (as chopped in threshing and used for fodder): - {chaff} {straw} stubble.

H8426 <STRHEB>@ תּודה tôdâh to-daw' From H3034; properly an extension of the {hand} that {is} (by implication) {avowal} or (usually) adoration; specifically a choir of worshippers: - {confession} (sacrifice of) {praise} thanks ({-giving} offering).

H8483 <STRHEB>@ תּחתּים חדשׁי tachtîym chodshîy takh-teem' khod-shee' Apparently from the plural masculine of H8482 or H8478 and H2320; lower (ones) monthly; Tachtim {Chodshi} a place in Palestine: - Tahtim-hodshi.

H8498 <STRHEB>@ תּכוּנה tekûnâh tek-oo-naw' Feminine passive participle of H8505; {adjustment} that {is} structure; by implication equipage: - {fashion} store.

H8521 <STRHEB>@ תּל חרשׁא têl charshâ' tale khar-shaw' From H8510 and the feminine of H2798; mound of workmanship; {Tel-Charsha} a place in Babylon: - {Tel-haresha} Tel-harsa.

H8544 <STRHEB>@ תּמנה תּמוּנה temûnâh temûnâh {tem-oo-naw'} tem-oo-naw' From H4327; something portioned (that {is} fashioned) {out} as a {shape} that {is} (indefinitely) {phantom} or (specifically) {embodiment} or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor): - {image} {likeness} similitude.

H8573 <STRHEB>@ תּנוּפה tenûphâh ten-oo-faw' From H5130; a brandishing (in threat); by implication tumult; specifically the official undulation of sacrificial offerings: - {offering} {shaking} wave (offering).

H8594 <STRHEB>@ תּערבה ta‛ărûbâh tah-ar-oo-baw' From H6148; {suretyship} that {is} (concretely) a pledge: - + hostage.

H8628 <STRHEB>@ תּקע tâqataw-kah' A primitive root; to {clatter} that {is} slap (the hands {together}) clang (an instrument); by analogy to drive (a nail or tent {pin} a {dart} etc.); by implication to become bondsman (by handclasping): - blow ([a {trumpet]}) {cast} {clap} {fasten} pitch {[tent]} {smite} {sound} {strike} X {suretiship} thrust.

H8659 <STRHEB>@ תּרשׁישׁ tarshîysh tar-sheesh' Probably the same as H8658 (as the region of the {stone} or the reverse); {Tarshish} a place on the {Mediterranean} hence the epithet of a merchant vessel (as if for or from that port); also the name of a Persian and of an Israelite: - {Tarshish} Tharshish.

H8663 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁאה teshû'âh tesh-oo-aw' From H7722; a crashing or loud clamor: - {crying} {noise} {shouting} stir.

H8667 <STRHEB>@ תּשׂוּמת teώûmeth tes-oo-meth' From H7760; a {deposit} that {is} pledging: - + fellowship.

H807 <STRHEB>@ אשׁימא 'ăshîymâ' ash-ee-maw' Of foreign origin; {Ashima} a deity of Hamath: - Ashima.

H919 <STRHEB>@ בּדק bedeq beh'-dek From H918; a gap or leak (in a building or a ship): - {breach} + calker.

H925 <STRHEB>@ בּהיר bâhîyr baw-here' From an unused root (meaning to be bright); shining: - bright.

H949 <STRHEB>@ בּוצץ bôtsêts bo-tsates' From the same as H948; shining; {Botsets} a rock near Michmash: - Bozez.

G1030 <STRGRK>@ βρυγμός brugmos broog-mos' From G1031; a grating (of the teeth): - gnashing.

G1086 <STRGRK>@ Γεργεσηνός Gergesēnos gher-ghes-ay-nos' Of Hebrew origin [H1622]; a Gergesene (that is Girgashite) or one of the aborigines of Palestine: - Gergesene.

G1087 <STRGRK>@ γερουσία gerousia gher-oo-see'-ah From G1088; the eldership that is (collectively) the Jewish Sanhedrim: - senate.

G1350 <STRGRK>@ δίκτυον diktuon dik'-too-on Probably from a primary verb δίκω dikō (to cast); a seine (for fishing): - net.

G1391 <STRGRK>@ δόξα doxa dox'-ah From the base of G1380; glory (as very apparent) in a wide application (literally or figuratively objectively or subjectively): - dignity glory (-ious) honour praise worship.

G1479 <STRGRK>@ ἐθελοθρησκεία ethelothrēskeia eth-el-oth-race-ki'-ah From G2309 and G2356; voluntary (arbitrary and unwarranted) piety that is sanctimony: - will worship.

G1491 <STRGRK>@ εἶδος eidos i'-dos From G1492; a view that is form (literally or figuratively): - appearance fashion shape sight.

G1495 <STRGRK>@ εἰδωλολατρεία eidōlolatreia i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah From G1497 and G2999; image worship (literally or figuratively): - idolatry.

G1496 <STRGRK>@ εἰδωλολάτρης eidōlolatrēs i-do-lol-at'-race From G1497 and the base of G3000; an image (servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): - idolater.

G1497 <STRGRK>@ εἴδωλον eidōlon i'-do-lon From G1491; an image (that is for worship); by implication a heathen god or (plural) the worship of such: - idol.

G1546 <STRGRK>@ ἐκβολή ekbolē ek-bol-ay' From G1544; ejection that is (specifically) a throwing overboard of the cargo: - + lighten the ship.

G1567 <STRGRK>@ ἐκζητέω ekzēteō ek-zay-teh'-o From G1537 and G2212; to search out that is (figuratively) investigate crave6 demand (by Hebraism) worship: - en- (re-) quire seek after (carefully diligently).

G1584 <STRGRK>@ ἐκλάμπω eklampō ek-lam'-po From G1537 and G2989; to be resplendent: - shine forth.

G1602 <STRGRK>@ ἐκπλέω ekpleō ek-pleh'-o From G1537 and G4126; to depart by ship: - sail (away thence).

G1684 <STRGRK>@ ἐμβαίνω embainō em-ba'hee-no From G1722 and the base of G939; to walk on that is embark (aboard a vessel) reach (a pool): - come (get) into enter (into) go (up) into step in take ship.

G1910 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιβαίνω epibainō ep-ee-bah'ee-no From G1909 and the base of G939; to walk upon that is mount6 ascend embark arrive: - come (into) enter into go aboard sit upon take ship.

G1941 <STRGRK>@ ἐπικαλέομαι epikaleomai ep-ee-kal-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice from G1909 and G2564; to entitle; by implication to invoke (for aid worship testimony decision etc.): - appeal (unto) call (on upon) surname.

G1997 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισυναγωγή episunagōgē ep-ee-soon-ag-o-gay' From G1996; a complete collection; specifically a Christian meeting (for worship): - assembling (gathering) together.

G2009 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιτιμία epitimia ep-ee-tee-mee'-ah From a compound of G1909 and G5092; properly esteem that is citizenship; used (in the sense of G2008) of a penalty: - punishment.

G2014 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιφαίνω epiphainō ep-ee-fah'ee-no From G1909 and G5316; to shine upon that is become (literally) visible or (figuratively) known: - appear give light.

G2151 <STRGRK>@ εὐσεβέω eusebeō yoo-seb-eh'-o From G2152; to be pious that is (towards God) to worship or (towards parents) to respect (support): - show piety worship.

G2169 <STRGRK>@ εὐχαριστία eucharistia yoo-khar-is-tee'-ah From G2170; gratitude; actually grateful language (to God as an act of worship): - thankfulness (giving of) thanks (-giving).

G2212 <STRGRK>@ ζητέω zēteō dzay-teh'-o Of uncertain affinity; to seek (literally or figuratively); specifically (by Hebraism) to worship (God) or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life): - be (go) about desire endeavour enquire (for) require (X will) seek (after for means). Compare G4441.

G2275 <STRGRK>@ ἥττημα hēttēma hayt'-tay-mah From G2274; a deterioration that is (objectively) failure or (subjectively) loss: - diminishing fault.

G2303 <STRGRK>@ θεῖον theion thi'-on Probably neuter of G2304 (in its original sense of flashing); sulphur: - brimstone.

G2318 <STRGRK>@ θεοσεβής theosebēs theh-os-eb-ace' From G2316 and G4576; reverent of God that is pious: - worshipper of God.

G2323 <STRGRK>@ θεραπεύω therapeuō ther-ap-yoo'-o From the same as G2324; to wait upon menially that is (figuratively) to adore (God) or (specifically) to relieve (of disease): - cure heal worship.

G2324 <STRGRK>@ θεράπων therapōn ther-ap'-ohn Apparently a participle from an otherwise obsolete derivation of the base of G2330; a menial attendant (as if cherishing): - servant.

G2335 <STRGRK>@ θεωρία theōria theh-o-ree'-ah From the same as G2334; spectatorship that is (concretely) a spectacle: - sight.

G2356 <STRGRK>@ θρησκεία thrēskeia thrace-ki'-ah From a derivative of G2357; ceremonial observance: - religion worshipping.

G2357 <STRGRK>@ θρῆσκος thrēskos thrace'-kos Probably from the base of G2360; ceremonious in worship (as demonstrative) that is pious: - religious.

G2375 <STRGRK>@ θυρεός thureos thoo-reh-os' From G2374; a large shield (as door shaped): - shield.

G2502 <STRGRK>@ Ἰωσίας Iōsias ee-o-see'-as Of Hebrew origin [H2977]; Josias (that is Joshiah) an Israelite: - Josias.

G2512 <STRGRK>@ καθαρισμός katharismos kath-ar-is-mos' From G2511; a washing off that is (ceremonially) ablution (morally) expiation: - cleansing + purge purification (-fying).

G2552 <STRGRK>@ κακοπάθεια kakopatheia kak-op-ath'-i-ah From a compound of G2256 and G3806; hardship: - suffering affliction.

G2553 <STRGRK>@ κακοπαθέω kakopatheō kak-op-ath-eh'-o From the same as G2552; to undergo hardship: - be afflicted endure afflictions (hardness) suffer trouble.

G2634 <STRGRK>@ κατακυριεύω katakurieuō kat-ak-oo-ree-yoo'-o From G2596 and G2961; to lord against that is control subjugate: - exercise dominion over (lordship) be lord over overcome.

G2677 <STRGRK>@ καταρτισμός katartismos kat-ar-tis-mos' From G2675; complete furnishing (objectively): - perfecting.

G2716 <STRGRK>@ κατεργάζομαι katergazomai kat-er-gad'-zom-ahee From G2596 and G2038; to work fully that is accomplish; by implication to finish fashion: - cause do (deed) perform work (out).

G2817 <STRGRK>@ κληρονομία klēronomia klay-ron-om-ee'-ah From G2818; heirship that is (concretely) a patrimony or (generally) a possession: - inheritance.

G2842 <STRGRK>@ κοινωνία koinōnia koy-nohn-ee'-ah From G2844; partnership that is (literally) participation or (social) intercourse or (pecuniary) benefaction: - (to) communicate (-ation) communion (contri-) distribution fellowship.

G2844 <STRGRK>@ κοινωνός koinōnos koy-no-nos' From G2839; a sharer that is associate: - companion X fellowship partaker partner.

G2936 <STRGRK>@ κτίζω ktizō ktid'-zo Probably akin to G2932 (through the idea of the proprietorship of the manufacturer); to fabricate that is found (form originally): - create Creator make.

G2941 <STRGRK>@ κυβέρνησις kubernēsis koo-ber'-nay-sis From κυβερνάω kubernaō (of Latin origin to steer); pilotage that is (figuratively) directorship (in the church): - government.

G2942 <STRGRK>@ κυβερνήτης kubernētēs koo-ber-nay'-tace From the same as G2941; helmsman that is (by implication) captain: - (ship) master.

G2961 <STRGRK>@ κυριεύω kurieuō koo-ree-yoo'-o From G2962; to rule: - have dominion over lord be lord of exercise lordship over.

G2989 <STRGRK>@ λάμπω lampō lam'-po A primary verb; to beam that is radiate brilliancy (literally or figuratively): - give light shine.

G2999 <STRGRK>@ λατρεία latreia lat-ri'-ah From G3000; ministration of God that is worship: - (divine) service.

G3000 <STRGRK>@ λατρεύω latreuō lat-ryoo'-o From λάτρις latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God) that is render religious homage: - serve do the service worship (-per).

G232 <STRGRK>@ ἁλιεύω halieuō hal-ee-yoo'-o From G231; to be a fisher that is (by implication) to fish: - go a-fishing.

G257 <STRGRK>@ ἅλων halōn hal'-ohn Probably form the base of G1507; a threshing floor (as rolled hard) that is (figuratively) the grain (and chaff as just threshed): - floor.

G293 <STRGRK>@ ἀμφίβληστρον amphiblēstron am-fib'-lace-tron From a compound of the base of G297 and G906; a (fishing) net (as thrown about the fish): - net.

G3008 <STRGRK>@ λειτουργέω leitourgeō li-toorg-eh'-o From G3011; to be a public servant that is (by analogy) to perform religious or charitable functions (worship obey relieve): - minister.

G3011 <STRGRK>@ λειτουργός leitourgos li-toorg-os' From a derivative of G2992 and G2041; a public servant that is a functionary in the Temple or Gospel or (generally) a worshipper (of God) or benefactor (of man): - minister (-ed).

G3067 <STRGRK>@ λουτρόν loutron loo-tron' From G3068; a bath that is (figuratively) baptism: - washing.

G3323 <STRGRK>@ Μεσσίας Messias mes-see'-as Of Hebrew origin [H4899]; the Messias (that is Mashiach) or Christ: - Messias.

G3352 <STRGRK>@ μετοχή metochē met-okh-ay' From G3348; participation that is intercourse: - fellowship.

G3445 <STRGRK>@ μορφόω morphoō mor-fo'-o From the same as G3444; to fashion (figuratively): - form.

G3458 <STRGRK>@ μύλος mulos moo'-los Probably ultimately from the base of G3433 (through the idea of hardship); a mill that is (by implication) a grinder (millstone): - millstone.

G3489 <STRGRK>@ ναυαγέω nauageō now-ag-eh'-o From a compound of G3491 and G71; to be shipwrecked (stranded navigate) literally or figuratively: - make (suffer) shipwreck.

G3490 <STRGRK>@ ναύκληρος nauklēros now'-klay-ros From G3491 and G2819 (clerk); a captain: - owner of a ship.

G3491 <STRGRK>@ ναῦς naus nowce From νάω naō̄ and νέω neō (to float); a boat (of any size): - ship.

G3492 <STRGRK>@ ναύτης nautēs now'-tace From G3491; a boatman that is seaman: - sailor shipman.

G3511 <STRGRK>@ νεωκόρος neōkoros neh-o-kor'-os From a form of G3485 and κορέω koreō (to sweep); a temple servant that is (by implication) a votary: - worshipper.

G3582 <STRGRK>@ ξέστης xestēs xes'-tace As if from ξέω xeō (which properly means to smooth; by implication [of friction] to boil or heat); a vessel (as fashioned or for cooking) (or perhaps by corruption from the Latin sextarius the sixth of a modius that is about a pint) that is (specifically) a measure for liquids or solids (by analogy a pitcher): - pot.

G3622 <STRGRK>@ οἰκονομία oikonomia oy-kon-om-ee'-ah From G3623; administration (of a household or estate); specifically a (religious) economy: - dispensation stewardship.

G3657 <STRGRK>@ ὁμιλία homilia hom-il-ee'-ah From G3658; companionship (homily) that is (by implication) intercourse: - communication.

G3779 <STRGRK>@ οὕτω houtō hoo'-to Or before a vowel οὕτως houtōs hoo'-toce. From G3778; in this way (referring to what precedes or follows): - after that after (in) this manner as even (so) for all that like (-wise) no more on this fashion (-wise) so (in like manner) thus what.

G3804 <STRGRK>@ πάθημα pathēma path'-ay-mah From a presumed derivative of G3806; something undergone that is hardship or pain; subjectively an emotion or influence: - affection affliction motion suffering.

G3831 <STRGRK>@ πανήγυρις panēguris pan-ay'-goo-ris From G3956 and a derivative of G58; a mass meeting that is (figuratively) universal companionship: - general assembly.

G3902 <STRGRK>@ παράσημος parasēmos par-as'-ay-mos From G3844 and the base of G4591; side marked that is labelled (with a badge [figure head] of a ship): - sign.

G4015 <STRGRK>@ περιαστράπτω periastraptō per-ee-as-trap'-to From G4012 and G797; to flash all around that is envelop in light: - shine round (about).

G4034 <STRGRK>@ περιλάμπω perilampō per-ee-lam'-po From G4012 and G2989; to illuminate all around that is invest with a halo: - shine round about.

G4077 <STRGRK>@ πηγή pēgē pay-gay' Probably from G4078 (through the idea of gushing plumply); a fount (literally or figuratively) that is source or supply (of water blood enjoyment) (not necessarily the original spring): - fountain well.

G4142 <STRGRK>@ πλοιάριον ploiarion ploy-ar'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G4143; a boat: - boat little (small) ship.

G4143 <STRGRK>@ πλοῖον ploion ploy'-on From G4126; a sailer that is vessel: - ship (-ping).

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4161 <STRGRK>@ ποίημα poiēma poy'-ay-mah From G4160; a product that is fabric (literally or figuratively): - thing that is made workmanship.

G4174 <STRGRK>@ πολιτεία politeia pol-ee-ti'-ah From G4177 (polity); citizenship; concretely a community: - commonwealth freedom.

G4175 <STRGRK>@ πολίτευμα politeuma pol-it'-yoo-mah From G4176; a community that is (abstractly) citizenship (figuratively): - conversation.

G4200 <STRGRK>@ πορισμός porismos por-is-mos' From a derivative of πόρος poros (a way that is means); furnishing (procuring) that is (by implication) money getting (acquisition): - gain.

G4242 <STRGRK>@ πρεσβεία presbeia pres-bi'-ah From G4243; seniority (eldership) that is (by implication) an embassy (concretely ambassadors): - ambassage message.

G4310 <STRGRK>@ προπάσχω propaschō prop-as'-kho From G4253 and G3958; to undergo hardship previously: - suffer before.

G4334 <STRGRK>@ προσέρχομαι proserchomai pros-er'-khom-ahee From G4314 and G2064 (including its alternate); to approach that is (literally) come near visit or (figuratively) worship assent to: - (as soon as he) come (unto) come thereunto consent draw near go (near to unto).

G4335 <STRGRK>@ προσευχή proseuchē pros-yoo-khay' From G4336; prayer (worship); by implication an oratory (chapel): - X pray earnestly prayer.

G4336 <STRGRK>@ προσεύχομαι proseuchomai pros-yoo'-khom-ahee From G4314 and G2172; to pray to God that is supplicate worship: - pray (X earnestly for) make prayer.

G4344 <STRGRK>@ προσκεφάλαιον proskephalaion pros-kef-al'-ahee-on Neuter of a presumed compound of G4314 and G2776; something for the head that is a cushion: - pillow.

G4352 <STRGRK>@ προσκυνέω proskuneō pros-koo-neh'-o From G4314 and probably a derivative of G2965 (meaning to kiss like a dog licking his master´ s hand); to fawn or crouch to that is (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to adore): - worship.

G4353 <STRGRK>@ προσκυνητής proskunētēs pros-koo-nay-tace' From G4352; an adorer: - worshipper.

G4355 <STRGRK>@ προσλαμβάνω proslambanō pros-lam-ban'-o From G4314 and G2983; to take to oneself that is use (food) lead (aside) admit (to friendship or hospitality): - receive take (unto).

G4383 <STRGRK>@ πρόσωπον prosōpon pros'-o-pon From G4314 and ὤψ ōps (the visage; from G3700); the front (as being towards view) that is the countenance aspect6 appearance surface; by implication presence person: - (outward) appearance X before countenance face fashion (men´ s) person presence.

G4403 <STRGRK>@ πρύμνα prumna proom'-nah Feminine of πρυμνύς prumnus (hindmost); the stern of a ship: - hinder part stern.

G4408 <STRGRK>@ πρώρα prōra pro'-ra Feminine of a presumed derivation of G4253 as noun; the prow that is forward part of a vessel: - forepart (-ship).

G4522 <STRGRK>@ σαγήνη sagēnē sag-ay'-nay From a derivative of σάττω sattō (to equip) meaning furniture especially a pack saddle (which in the East is merely a bag of netted rope); a seine for fishing: - net.

G4546 <STRGRK>@ Σαμψών Sampsōn samp-sone' Of Hebrew origin [H8123]; Sampson (that is Shimshon) an Israelite: - Samson.

G4573 <STRGRK>@ σεβάζομαι sebazomai seb-ad'-zom-ahee Middle voice from a derivative of G4576; to venerate that is adore: - worship.

G4574 <STRGRK>@ σέβασμα sebasma seb'-as-mah From G4573; something adored that is an object of worship (god altar etc.): - devotion that is worshipped.

G4576 <STRGRK>@ σέβομαι sebomai seb'-om-ahee Middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to revere that is adore: - devout religious worship.

G4584 <STRGRK>@ Σεμῖ Semi sem-eh-ee' Of Hebrew origin [H8096]; Semei (that is Shimi) an Israelite: - Semei.

G4611 <STRGRK>@ Σιλωάμ Silōam sil-o-am' Of Hebrew origin [H7975]; Siloam (that is Shiloach) a pool of Jerusalem: - Siloam.

G4613 <STRGRK>@ Σίμων Simōn see'-mone Of Hebrew origin [H8095]; Simon (that is Shimon) the name of nine Israelites: - Simon. Compare G4826.

G4742 <STRGRK>@ στίγμα stigma stig'-mah From a primary word στίζω stizō (to stick that is prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership) that is (figuratively) scar of service: - mark.

G4744 <STRGRK>@ στίλβω stilbō stil'-bo Apparently a primary verb; to gleam that is flash intensely: - shining.

G4752 <STRGRK>@ στρατεία strateia strat-i'-ah From G4754; military service that is (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger): - warfare.

G4772 <STRGRK>@ συγγένεια suggeneia soong-ghen'-i-ah From G4773; relationship that is (concretely) relatives: - kindred.

G4777 <STRGRK>@ συγκακοπαθέω sugkakopatheō soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o From G4862 and G2553; to suffer hardship in company with: - be partaker of afflictions.

G4790 <STRGRK>@ συγκοινωνέω sugkoinōneō soong-koy-no-neh'-o From G4862 and G2841; to share in company with that is co-participate in: - communicate (have fellowship) with be partaker of.

G4826 <STRGRK>@ Συμεών Sumeōn soom-eh-one' From the same as G4613; Symeon (that is Shimon) the name of five Israelites: - Simeon Simon.

G4832 <STRGRK>@ συμμορφός summorphos soom-mor-fos' From G4862 and G3444; jointly formed that is (figuratively) similar: - conformed to fashioned like unto.

G4862 <STRGRK>@ σύν sun soon A primary preposition denoting union; with or together (but much closer than G3326 or G3844) that is by association companionship process resemblance possession instrumentality addition etc.: - beside with. In compounds it has similar applications including completeness.

G4923 <STRGRK>@ συνοδία sunodia soon-od-ee'-ah From a compound of G4862 and G3598 (synod); companionship on a journey that is (by implication) a caravan: - company.

G4937 <STRGRK>@ συντρίβω suntribō soon-tree'-bo From G4862 and the base of G5147; to crush completely that is to shatter (literally or figuratively): - break (in pieces) broken to shivers (+ -hearted) bruise.

G4964 <STRGRK>@ συσχηματίζω suschēmatizō soos-khay-mat-id'-zo From G4862 and a derivative of G4976; to fashion alike that is conform to the same pattern (figuratively): - conform to fashion self according to.

G4976 <STRGRK>@ σχῆμα schēma skhay'-mah From the alternate of G2192; a figure (as a mode or circumstance) that is (by implication) external condition: - fashion.

G5081 <STRGRK>@ τηλαυγῶς tēlaugōs tay-low-goce Adverb from a compound of a derivative of G5056 and G827; in a far shining manner that is plainly: - clearly.

G5179 <STRGRK>@ τύπος tupos too'-pos From G5180; a die (as struck) that is (by implication) a stamp or scar; by analogy a shape that is a statue (figuratively) style or resemblance; specifically a sampler (type) that is a model (for imitation) or instance (for warning): - en- (ex-) ample fashion figure form manner pattern print.

G5206 <STRGRK>@ υἱοθεσία uihothesia hwee-oth-es-ee'-ah From a presumed compound of G5207 and a derivative of G5087; the placing as a son that is adoption (figuratively Christian sonship in respect to God): - adoption (of children of sons).

G5207 <STRGRK>@ υἱός uihos hwee-os' Apparently a primary word; a son (sometimes of animals) used very widely of immediate remote or figurative kinship: - child foal son.

G5223 <STRGRK>@ ὕπαρξις huparxis hoop'-arx-is From G5225; existency or proprietorship that is (concretely) property wealth: - goods substance.

G5297 <STRGRK>@ ὑποφέρω hupopherō hoop-of-er'-o From G5259 and G5342; to bear from underneath that is (figuratively) to undergo hardship: - bear endure.

G5316 <STRGRK>@ φαίνω phainō fah'ee-no Prolongation for the base of G5457; to lighten (shine) that is show (transitive or intransitive literal or figurative): - appear seem be seen shine X think.

G5318 <STRGRK>@ φανερός phaneros fan-er-os' From G5316; shining that is apparent (literally or figuratively); neuter (as adverb) publicly externally: - abroad + appear known manifest open [+ -ly] outward ([+ -ly]).

G5342 <STRGRK>@ φέρω pherō̄ fer'-o A primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely οἴω oiō̄̄ and ἐνέγκω enegkō̄ to bear or carry (in a very wide application literally and figuratively: - be bear bring (forth) carry come + let her drive be driven endure go on lay lead move reach rushing uphold.

G5373 <STRGRK>@ φιλία philia fil-ee'-ah From G5384; fondness: - friendship.

G5387 <STRGRK>@ φιλόστοργος philostorgos fil-os'-tor-gos From G5384 and στοργή storgē (cherishing one´ s kindred especially parents or children); fond of natural relatives that is fraternal towards fellow Christians: - kindly affectioned.

G5414 <STRGRK>@ φόρτος phortos for'-tos From G5342; something carried that is the cargo of a ship: - lading.

G5457 <STRGRK>@ φῶς phōs foce From an obsoleteφάω phaō (to shine or make manifest especially by rays; compare G5316 and G5346); luminousness (in the widest application natural or artificial abstract or concrete literal or figurative): - fire light.

G5461 <STRGRK>@ φωτίζω phōtizō fo-tid'-zo From G5457; to shed rays that is to shine or (transitively) to brighten up (literally or figuratively): - enlighten illuminate (bring to give) light make to see.

G5509 <STRGRK>@ χιτών chitōn khee-tone' Of foreign origin [H3801]; a tunic or shirt: - clothes coat garment.

G5567 <STRGRK>@ ψάλλω psallō psal'-lo Probably strengthened from ψάω psaō (to rub or touch the surface; compare G5597); to twitch or twang that is to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine worship with music and accompanying odes): - make melody sing (psalms).

G5611 <STRGRK>@ ὡραῖος hōraios ho-rah'-yos From G5610; belonging to the right hour or season (timely) that is (by implication) flourishing (beauteous [figuratively]): - beautiful.

G5614 <STRGRK>@ ὡσαννά hōsanna ho-san-nah' Of Hebrew origin [H3467] and [H4994]; oh save!; hosanna (that is hoshia-na) an exclamation of adoration: - hosanna.

G501 <STRGRK>@ ἀντλέω antleō ant-leh'-o From ἄντλος antlos (the hold of a ship); to bale up (properly bilge water) that is dip water (with a bucket pitcher etc.): - draw (out).

G535 <STRGRK>@ ἀπαρτισμός apartismos ap-ar-tis-mos' From a derivative of G534; completion: - finishing.

G651 <STRGRK>@ ἀποστολή apostolē ap-os-tol-ay' From G649; commission that is (specifically) apostolate: - apostleship.

G696 <STRGRK>@ ἄργυρος arguros ar'-goo-ros From ἀργός argos (shining); silver (the metal in the articles or coin): - silver.

G785 <STRGRK>@ ἀσπίς aspis as-pece' Of uncertain derivation; a buckler (or round shield); used of a serpent (as coiling itself) probably the asp: - asp.

G796 <STRGRK>@ ἀστραπή astrapē as-trap-ay' From G797; lightning; by analogy glare: - lightning bright shining.

G797 <STRGRK>@ ἀστράπτω astraptō as-trap'-to Probably from G792; to flash as lightning: - lighten shine.

G826 <STRGRK>@ αὐγάζω augazō ow-gad'-zo From G827; to beam forth (figuratively): - shine.

G909 <STRGRK>@ βαπτισμός baptismos bap-tis-mos' From G907; ablution (ceremonially or Christian): - baptism washing.

G966 <STRGRK>@ Βηθσαΐδά Bēthsaida bayth-sahee-dah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1004] and [H6719]); fishing house; Bethsaida a place in Palestine: - Bethsaida.