
Dict: all - VINE


VINEGAR @ kjv@Numbers:6:3; kjv@Ruth:2:14; kjv@Psalms:69:21; kjv@Proverbs:10:26; kjv@Matthew:27:48; kjv@John:19:29

VINEYARD, MORAL @ kjv@Isaiah:5:1,7; kjv@Jeremiah:12:10; kjv@Matthew:20:1; kjv@Matthew:21:28,33


VINE - V>@ - the well-known valuable plant (vitis vinifera) very frequently referred to in the Old and New Testaments, and cultivated from the earliest times. The first mention of this plant occurs in kjv@Genesis:9:20-21) That it was abundantly cultivated in Egypt is evident from the frequent representations on the monuments, as well as from the scriptural allusions. kjv@Genesis:40:9-11; kjv@Psalms:78:47) The vines of Palestine were celebrated both for luxuriant growth and for the immense clusters of grapes which they produced, which were sometimes carried on a staff between two men, as in the case of the spies, kjv@Numbers:13:23) and as has been done in some instances in modern times. Special mention is made in the Bible of the vines of Eshcol, kjv@Numbers:13:24 kjv@Numbers:32:9) of Sibmah, Heshbon and Elealeh kjv@Isaiah:16:8-9-10; kjv@Jeremiah:48:32) and of Engedi. (Solomon kjv@1:14) From the abundance and excellence of the vines, it may readily be understood how frequently this plant is the subject of metaphor in the Holy Scriptures. To dwell under the vine and tree is an emblem of domestic happiness and peace, (Kings:4:25; kjv@Psalms:128:3; kjv@Micah:4:4) the rebellious people of Israel are compared to "wild grapes," "an empty vine," "the degenerate plant of a strange vine," etc. kjv@Isaiah:6:2-4; kjv@Jeremiah:2:21; kjv@Hosea:10:1) It is a vine which our Lord selects to show the spiritual union which subsists between himself and his members. kjv@John:15:1-6) The ancient Hebrews probably allowed the vine to go trailing on the ground or upon supports. This latter mode of cultivation appears to be alluded to by Ezekiel. kjv@Ezekiel:19:11-12) The vintage, which formerly was a season of general festivity, began in September. The towns were deserted; the people lived among the vineyards in the lodges and tents. Comp. kjv@Judges:8:27; kjv@Isaiah:16:10; kjv@Jeremiah:25:30) The grapes were gathered with shouts of joy by the "grape gatherers," kjv@Jeremiah:25:30) and put into baskets.
See kjv@Jeremiah:6:9) They were then carried on the head and shoulders, or slung upon a yoke, to the "wine-press." Those intended for eating were perhaps put into flat open baskets of wickerwork, as was the custom in Egypt. In Palestine, at present, the finest grapes, says Dr. Robinson, are dried as raisins, and the juice of the remainder, after having been trodden and pressed, "is boiled down to a sirup, which, under the name of dibs , is much used by all classes, wherever vineyards are found, as a condiment with their food." The vineyard, which was generally on a hill, kjv@Isaiah:5:1; kjv@Jeremiah:31:5; kjv@Amos:9:13) was surrounded by a wall or hedge in order to keep out the wild boars, kjv@Psalms:80:13) jackals and foxes. kjv@Numbers:22:24; kjv@Nehemiah:4:3; Solomon kjv@2:15; Ezekiel:13:4-5; kjv@Matthew:21:33) Within the vineyard was one or more towers of stone in which the vine-dressers lived. kjv@Isaiah:1:8 kjv@Isaiah:5:2; kjv@Matthew:21:33) The vat, which was dug, kjv@Matthew:21:33) or hewn out of the rocky soil, and the press, were part of the vineyard furniture. kjv@Isaiah:5:2)

VINE OF SODOM - V>@ - occurs only in (32:32) It is generally supposed that this passage alludes to the celebrated apples of Sodom, of which Josephus speaks, "which indeed resemble edible fruit in color, but, on being plucked by the hand, are dissolved into smoke and ashes." It has been variously identified. Dr. Robinson pronounced in favor of the ’osher fruit, the Asclepias (Calotropis) procera of botanists. He says, "The fruit greatly resembles externally a large smooth apple or orange, hanging in clusters of three or four together, and when ripe is of a yellow color. It is now fair and delicious to the eye and soft to the touch but, on being pressed or struck, it explodes with a puff: like a bladder or puff-hall, leaving in the hand only the shreds of the thin rind and a few fibres. It is indeed filled chiefly with air, which gives it the round form." Dr. Hooker writes," The vine of Sodom always thought might refer to Cucumis calocynthis , which is bitter end powders inside; the term vine would scarcely be given to any but a trailing or other plant of the habit of a vine." His remark that the term vine must refer to some plant of the habit of a vine is conclusive against the claims of all the plants hitherto identified with the vine of Sodom.

VINEGAR - V>@ - The Hebrew word translated "vinegar" was applied to a beverage consisting generally of wine or strong drink turned sour, but sometimes artificially made by an admixture of barley and wine, and thus liable to fermentation. It was acid even to a proverb, kjv@Proverbs:10:26) and by itself formed an unpleasant draught, kjv@Psalms:49:21) but was used by laborers. kjv@Ruth:2:14) Similar was the acetum of the Romans
a thin, sour wine, consumed by soldiers. This was the beverage of which the Saviour partook in his dying moments. kjv@Matthew:27:48; kjv@Mark:15:36; kjv@John:19:29-30)

VINEYARDS, PLAIN OF THE - V>@ - This place, mentioned only in kjv@Judges:11:33) lay east of the Jordan, beyond Aroer.


Vine @ one of the most important products of Palestine. The first mention of it is in the history of Noah kjv@Genesis:9:20). It is afterwards frequently noticed both in the Old and New Testaments, and in the ruins of terraced vineyards there are evidences that it was extensively cultivated by the Jews. It was cultivated in Palestine before the Israelites took possession of it. The men sent out by Moses brought with them from the Valley of Eshcol a cluster of grapes so large that "they bare it between two upon a staff" kjv@Numbers:13:23). The vineyards of En-gedi (Cant. 1:14), Heshbon, Sibmah, Jazer, Elealeh kjv@Isaiah:16:8-10; kjv@Jeremiah:48:32-34), and Helbon kjv@Ezekiel:27:18), as well as of Eshcol, were celebrated. The Church is compared to a vine kjv@Psalms:80:8), and Christ says of himself, "I am the vine" kjv@John:15:1). In one of his parables also kjv@Matthew:21:33) our Lord compares his Church to a vineyard which "a certain householder planted, and hedged round about," etc. kjv@Hosea:10:1 is rendered in the Revised Version, "Israel is a luxuriant vine, which putteth forth his fruit," instead of "Israel is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself," of the Authorized Version.

Vine of Sodom @ referred to only in kjv@Deuteronomy:32:32. Among the many conjectures as to this tree, the most probable is that it is the 'osher of the Arabs, which abounds in the region of the Dead Sea. Its fruit are the so-called "apples of Sodom," which, though beautiful to the eye, are exceedingly bitter to the taste. (
See EN


Vinegar @ Heb. hometz, Gr. oxos, Fr. vin aigre; i.e., "sour wine." The Hebrew word is rendered vinegar in kjv@Psalms:69:21, a prophecy fulfilled in the history of the crucifixion kjv@Matthew:27:34). This was the common sour wine (posea) daily made use of by the Roman soldiers. They gave it to Christ, not in derision, but from compassion, to assuage his thirst. kjv@Proverbs:10:26 shows that there was also a stronger vinegar, which was not fit for drinking. The comparison, "vinegar upon nitre," probably means "vinegar upon soda" (as in the marg. of the R.V.), which then effervesces.



Vine, the @ Often found wild kjv@2Kings:4:39 kjv@Hosea:9:10
In vineyards from the time of Noah kjv@Genesis:9:20
On the sides of hills kjv@Jeremiah:31:5
In the valleys kjv@Songs:6:11
By the walls of houses kjv@Psalms:128:3
Required to be dressed and pruned to increase its fruitfulness kjv@Leviticus:25:3 kjv@2Chronicles:26:10 kjv@Isaiah:18:5
Canaan abounded in kjv@Deuteronomy:6:11 kjv@Deuteronomy:8:8
Places celebrated for
Eshcol kjv@Numbers:13:23 kjv@Numbers:13:24
Sibmah kjv@Isaiah:16:8 kjv@Isaiah:16:9
Lebanon kjv@Hosea:14:7
Egypt kjv@Psalms:78:47 kjv@Psalms:80:8
The dwarf and spreading vine particularly esteemed kjv@Ezekiel:17:6
Of Sodom bad and unfit for use kjv@Deuteronomy:32:32
Often degenerated kjv@Isaiah:5:2 kjv@Jeremiah:2:21
Frequently injured by hail and frost kjv@Psalms:78:47 kjv@Psalms:105:32 kjv@Psalms:105:33
Foxes destructive to kjv@Songs:2:15
The wild boar destructive to kjv@Psalms:80:13
The fruit of
Called grapes kjv@Genesis:40:10
Peculiarly sour when unripe kjv@Jeremiah:31:30
Eaten fresh from the tree kjv@Deuteronomy:23:24
Eaten dried kjv@1Samuel:25:18 kjv@1Samuel:30:12
Sold in the markets kjv@Nehemiah:13:15
Made into wine kjv@Deuteronomy:32:14 kjv@Matthew:26:29
The wood of, fit only for burning kjv@Ezekiel:15:2-5
Young cattle fed on its leaves and tender shoots kjv@Genesis:49:11
Probably produced two crops of fruit in the year kjv@Numbers:13:20
Perfumed the air with the fragrance of its flowers kjv@Songs:2:13 kjv@Hosea:14:7
God made, fruitful for his people when obedient kjv@Joel:2:22 kjv@Zechariah:8:12
Frequently made unfruitful as a punishment kjv@Jeremiah:8:13 kjv@Hosea:2:12 kjv@Joel:1:7 kjv@Joel:1:12 kjv@Haggai:2:19
Sometimes cast its fruit before it came to perfection kjv@Job:15:33 kjv@Malachi:3:11
Nazarites prohibited eating any part of kjv@Numbers:6:3 kjv@Numbers:6:4
Of Christ kjv@John:15:1 kjv@John:15:2
Of Israel kjv@Psalms:80:8 kjv@Isaiah:5:2 kjv@Isaiah:5:7
(Its fruitful branches,) of saints kjv@John:15:5
(Of unfruitful branches,) of mere professors kjv@John:15:2 kjv@John:15:6
(Its quick growth,) of the growth of saints in grace kjv@Hosea:14:7
(Its rich clusters,) of the graces of the church kjv@Songs:7:8
(Pruning of,) of God's purifying his people by afflictions kjv@John:15:2
(Worthlessness of its wood,) of the unprofitableness, of the wicked kjv@Ezekiel:15:6 kjv@Ezekiel:15:7
(Unfruitful,) of the wicked kjv@Hosea:10:1
(Sitting under one's own) of peace and prosperity kjv@1Kings:4:25 kjv@Micah:4:4 kjv@Zechariah:3:10
Proverbial allusion to fathers eating the unripe fruit of kjv@Jeremiah:31:29 kjv@Jeremiah:31:30 kjv@Ezekiel:18:2

Vineyards @ Origin and antiquity of kjv@Genesis:9:20
The design of planting kjv@Psalms:107:37 kjv@1Corinthians:9:7
Frequently walled or fenced with hedges kjv@Numbers:22:24 kjv@Proverbs:24:31 kjv@Isaiah:5:2 kjv@Isaiah:5:5
Cottages built in, for the keepers kjv@Isaiah:1:8
Provided with the apparatus for making wine kjv@Isaiah:5:2 kjv@Matthew:21:33
The stones carefully gathered out of kjv@Isaiah:5:2
Laws respecting
Not to be planted with different kinds of seed kjv@Deuteronomy:22:9
Not to be cultivated in the Sabbatical year kjv@Exodus:23:11 kjv@Leviticus:25:4
The spontaneous fruit of, not to be gathered during the sabbatical year kjv@Leviticus:25:5 kjv@Leviticus:25:11
Compensation in kind to be made for injury done to kjv@Exodus:22:5
Strangers entering, allowed to eat fruit of, but not to take any away kjv@Deuteronomy:23:24
The gleaning of, to be left for the poor kjv@Leviticus:19:10 kjv@Deuteronomy:24:21
The fruit of new, not to be eaten for three years kjv@Leviticus:19:23
The fruit of new, to be holy to the Lord in the fourth year kjv@Leviticus:19:24
The fruit of new, to be eaten by the owners from the fifth year kjv@Leviticus:19:25
Planters of, not liable to military service till they had eaten of The fruit kjv@Deuteronomy:20:6
Frequently let out to husbandmen kjv@Songs:8:11 kjv@Matthew:21:33
Rent of, frequently paid by part of the fruit kjv@Matthew:21:34
Were often mortgaged kjv@Nehemiah:5:3 kjv@Nehemiah:5:4
Estimated rent of kjv@Songs:8:11 kjv@Isaiah:7:23
Estimated profit arising from, to the cultivators kjv@Songs:8:12
The poor engaged in the culture of kjv@2Kings:25:12 kjv@Isaiah:61:5
Members of the family often wrought in kjv@Songs:1:6 kjv@Matthew:21:28-30
Mode of hiring and paying labourers for working in kjv@Matthew:20:1 kjv@Matthew:20:2
Of the kings of Israel superintended by officers of the state kjv@1Chronicles:27:27
The vintage or ingathering of
Was a time of great rejoicing kjv@Isaiah:16:10
Sometimes continued to the time of sowing seed kjv@Leviticus:26:5
Failure in, occasioned great grief kjv@Isaiah:16:9 kjv@Isaiah:16:10
Of red grapes particularly esteemed kjv@Isaiah:27:2
The produce of, was frequently destroyed by enemies kjv@Jeremiah:48:32
The whole produce of, often destroyed by insects, &:c kjv@Deuteronomy:28:39 kjv@Amos:4:9
In unfavourable seasons produced but little wine kjv@Isaiah:5:10 kjv@Haggai:1:9 kjv@Haggai:1:11
The wicked judicially deprived of the enjoyment of kjv@Amos:5:11 kjv@Zephaniah:1:13
The Rechabites forbidden to plant kjv@Jeremiah:35:7-9
Of the slothful man neglected and laid waste kjv@Proverbs:24:30 kjv@Proverbs:24:31
Of the Jewish Church kjv@Isaiah:5:7 kjv@Isaiah:27:2 kjv@Jeremiah:12:10 kjv@Matthew:21:23
(Failure of,) of severe calamities kjv@Isaiah:32:10
(Cleaning grapes of,) of the elect kjv@Isaiah:24:13



- Degeneracy of kjv@Jeremiah:2:21
- Fable of kjv@Judges:9:12-13
- Pruned kjv@Isaiah:5:6; kjv@John:15:1-5
- Parables of kjv@Psalms:80:8-14; kjv@Ezekiel:17:6-10; kjv@Ezekiel:19:10-14

- SYMBOLICAL kjv@John:15:1-5 .

VINEGAR @ -(A sour wine)
- Forbidden to Nazarites kjv@Numbers:6:3
- Used with food kjv@Ruth:2:14; kjv@Psalms:69:21; kjv@Proverbs:10:26; kjv@Proverbs:25:20
- Offered to Christ while on the cross kjv@Matthew:27:34 kjv@Matthew:27:48 kjv@John:19:29; with_Mark:15:23

- Huts (R. V., booths) in kjv@Isaiah:1:8
- Towers in kjv@Isaiah:5:2; kjv@Matthew:21:33; kjv@Mark:12:1
- Winepress in kjv@Isaiah:5:2
- Pools in kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:4-6
- Leased kjv@Songs:8:11-12; kjv@Isaiah:7:23; kjv@Matthew:21:33-39
- Of kings kjv@1Chronicles:27:26-28
- Neglected kjv@Proverbs:24:30-31
- Plain of the kjv@Judges:11:33
- Parables of kjv@Isaiah:5:1-7; kjv@Isaiah:27:2-3; kjv@Jeremiah:12:10; kjv@Matthew:20:1-16; kjv@Matthew:21:28-31-33-41; kjv@Luke:13:6-9



kjv@STRING:Beth-haccerem <HITCHCOCK>@ house of the vineyard - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bezer <HITCHCOCK>@ vine branches - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Carmi <HITCHCOCK>@ my vineyard; lamb of the waters - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Dionysius <HITCHCOCK>@ divinely touched - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Sorek <HITCHCOCK>@ vine; hissing; a color inclining to yellow - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Zemira <HITCHCOCK>@ song; vine; palm - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zimran <HITCHCOCK>@ song; singer; vine - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zimzi <HITCHCOCK>@ my field; my vine - HITCHCOCK-Z


VINEGAR @ kjv@Numbers:6:3; kjv@Ruth:2:14; kjv@Psalms:69:21; kjv@Proverbs:10:26; kjv@Matthew:27:48; kjv@John:19:29

VINEYARD, MORAL @ kjv@Isaiah:5:1,7; kjv@Jeremiah:12:10; kjv@Matthew:20:1; kjv@Matthew:21:28,33


H64 <STRHEB>@ אבל כּרמים 'âbêl kerâmîym aw-bale' ker-aw-meem' From H58 and the plural of H3754; meadow of vineyards; {Abel-Keramim} a place in Palestine: - plain of the vineyards.

H1021 <STRHEB>@ בּית הכּרם bêyth hak-kerem bayth hak-keh'-rem From H1004 and H3754 with the article interposed; house of the vineyard; {Beth-hak-Kerem} a place in Palestine: - Beth-haccerem.

H1238 <STRHEB>@ בּקק bâqaq baw-kah' A primitive root; to pour {out} that {is} to {empty} figuratively to depopulate; by analogy to spread out (as a fruitful vine): - (make) empty ({out}) {fail} X {utterly} make void.

H1612 <STRHEB>@ גּפן gephen gheh'-fen From an unused root meaning to bend; a vine (as {twining}) especially the grape: - {vine} tree.

H1674 <STRHEB>@ דּאגה degâh deh-aw-gaw' From H1672; anxiety: - care ({-fulness}) {fear} {heaviness} sorrow.

H113 <STRHEB>@ אדן אדון 'âdôndôn {aw-done'} aw-done' From an unused root (meaning to rule); {sovereign} that {is} controller (human or divine): - {lord} {master} owner. Compare also names beginning with Adoni-.

H148 <STRHEB>@ אדרגּזר 'ădargâzêr ad-ar''-gaw-zare' (Chaldee); from the same as {H147} and H1505; a chief {diviner} or astrologer: - judge.

H155 <STRHEB>@ אדּרת 'addereth ad-deh'-reth Feminine of H117; something ample (as a large {vine} a wide dress); also the same as H145: - {garment} {glory} {goodly} {mantle} robe.

H2156 <STRHEB>@ זמר זמרה זמורה zemôrâh zemôrâh zemôr {zem-o-raw'} {zem-o-raw'} zem-ore' (Feminine) and (masculine): from H2168; a twig (as pruned): - {vine} {branch} slip.

H2168 <STRHEB>@ זמר zâmar zaw-mar' A primitive root (compare {H2167} {H5568} H6785); to trim (a vine): - prune.

H2558 <STRHEB>@ חמץ chômets kho'-mets From H2566; vinegar: - vinegar.

H3544 <STRHEB>@ כּהה kêheh kay-heh' From H3543; {feeble} obscure: - somewhat {dark} {darkish} wax {dim} {heaviness} smoking.

H3657 <STRHEB>@ כּנּה kannâh kan-naw' From H3661; a plant (as set): - X vineyard.

H3661 <STRHEB>@ כּנן kânan kaw-nan' A primitive root; to set {out} that {is} plant: - X vineyard.

H3754 <STRHEB>@ כּרם kerem keh'-rem From an unused root of uncertain meaning; a garden or vineyard: - {vines} (increase of the) vineyard ({-s}) vintage. See also H1021.

H3755 <STRHEB>@ כּרם kôrêm ko-rame Active participle of an imaginary denominative from H3754; a vinedresser; as one or two words: - vine dresser [as one or two words].

H3759 <STRHEB>@ כּרמל karmel kar-mel' From H3754; a planted field ({garden} {orchard} vineyard or park); by implication garden produce: - full (green) ears (of {corn}) fruitful field ({place}) plentiful (field).

H4302 <STRHEB>@ מטּע maţţâ‛ mat-taw' From H5193; something {planted} that {is} the place (a garden or {vineyard}) or the thing (a {plant} figuratively of men); by implication the {act} planting: - plant ({-ation} -ing).

H4687 <STRHEB>@ מצוה mitsvâh mits-vaw' From H6680; a {command} whether human or divine (collectively the Law): - (which was) commanded ({-ment}) {law} {ordinance} precept.

H4941 <STRHEB>@ משׁפּט mishpâţ mish-pawt' From H8199; properly a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced {judicially} especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (particularly) divine {law} individual or {collectively}) including the {act} the {place} the {suit} the {crime} and the penalty; abstractly {justice} including a particular {right} or privilege (statutory or {customary}) or even a style: - + {adversary} {ceremony} {charge} X {crime} {custom} {desert} {determination} {discretion} {disposing} {due} {fashion} {form} to be {judged} {judgment} just ({-ice} {-ly}) (manner of) law ({-ful}) {manner} {measure} (due) {order} {ordinance} {right} {sentence} {usest} X {worthy} + wrong.

H4957 <STRHEB>@ משׂרקה maώrêqâh mas-ray-kaw' A form for H7796 used denominatively; vineyard; {Masrekah} a place in Idumaea: - Masrekah.

H5136 <STRHEB>@ נוּשׁ nûsh noosh A primitive root; to be {sick} that {is} (figuratively) distressed: - be full of heaviness.

H5139 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזיר nâzîyr nâzir {naw-zeer'} naw-zeer' From H5144; {separate} that {is} consecrated (as {prince} a Nazirite); hence (figuratively from the latter) an unpruned vine (like an unshorn Nazirite). (The {translation} {Nazarite} is by a false alliteration with Nazareth.): - Nazarite [by a false alliteration with {Nazareth]} separate ({-d}) vine undressed.

H5144 <STRHEB>@ נזר nâzar naw-zar' A primitive root; to hold {aloof} that {is} (intransitively) abstain (from food and {drink} from {impurity} and even from divine worship (that {is} apostatize)); specifically to set apart (to sacred {purposes}) that {is} devote: - {consecrate} separate ({-ing} self).

H5172 <STRHEB>@ נחשׁ nâchash naw-khash' A primitive root; properly to {hiss} that {is} whisper a (magic) spell; generally to prognosticate: - X {certainly} {divine} {enchanter} (use) X {enchantment} learn by {experience} X {indeed} diligently observe.

H5397 <STRHEB>@ נשׁמה neshâmâh nesh-aw-maw' From H5395; a {puff} that {is} {wind} angry or vital {breath} divine {inspiration} intellect or (concretely) an animal: - {blast} (that) breath ({-eth}) {inspiration} {soul} spirit.

H5563 <STRHEB>@ סמדר semâdar sem-aw-dar' Of uncertain derivation; a vine blossom; used also adverbially abloom: - tender grape.

H5737 <STRHEB>@ עדר ‛âdar aw-dar' A primitive root; to {arrange} as a {battle} a vineyard (to hoe); hence to {muster} and so to miss (or find wanting): - {dig} {fail} keep ({rank}) lack.

H6038 <STRHEB>@ ענוה ‛ănâvâh an-aw-vaw' From H6035; {condescension} human and subjective ({modesty}) or divine and objective (clemency): - {gentleness} {humility} meekness.

H6440 <STRHEB>@ פּנים pânîym paw-neem' Plural (but always used as a singular) of an unused noun (פּנה {pâneh} paw-neh'; from 6437); the face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively); also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition ({before} etc.): - + {accept} a (be-) fore ({-time}) {against} {anger} X as (long {as}) {at} + {battle} + because ({of}) + {beseech} {countenance} {edge} + {employ} {endure} + {enquire} {face} {favour} fear {of} {for} forefront ({-part}) form (-er {time} {-ward}) {from} {front} {heaviness} X him ({-self}) + {honourable} + {impudent} + {in} {it} look [-eth] ({-s}) X {me} + {meet} X more {than} {mouth} {of} {off} (of) old ({time}) X {on} {open} + out {of} over {against} the {partial} {person} + {please} {presence} {prospect} was {purposed} by {reason} {of} + {regard} right {forth} + {serve} X {shewbread} {sight} {state} {straight} + {street} X {thee} X them ({-selves}) through (+ {-out}) {till} time (-s) {past} (un-) to ({-ward}) + {upon} upside (+ {down}) with ({-in} + {stand}) X {ye} X you.

H7080 <STRHEB>@ קסם qâsam kaw-sam' A primitive root; properly to {distribute} that {is} determine by lot or magical scroll; by implication to divine: - divine ({-r} {-ation}) {prudent} {soothsayer} use [divination].

H7081 <STRHEB>@ קסם qesem keh'-sem From H7080; a lot; also divination (including its {fee}) oracle: - (reward of) {divination} divine {sentence} witchcraft.

H7796 <STRHEB>@ שׂורק ώôrêq so-rake' The same as H8321; a vine; {Sorek} a valley in Palestine: - Sorek.

H794 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדה 'ăshêdâh ash-ay-daw' Feminine of H793; a ravine: - springs.

H798 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּות הפּסגּה 'ashdôth happisgâh ash-doth' hap-pis-gaw' From the plural of H794 and H6449 with the article interposed; ravines of the Pisgah; {Ashdoth-Pisgah} a place east of the Jordan: - Ashdoth-pisgah.

H8291 <STRHEB>@ שׂרוּק ώârûq sar-ook' Passive participle from the same as H8321; a grapevine: - principal plant. See {H8320} H8321.

H8321 <STRHEB>@ שׂרקה שׂורק שׂרק ώôrêq ώôrêq ώôrêqâh {so-rake'} {so-rake'} so-ray-kaw' (The third form is feminine); from H8319 in the sense of redness (compare H8320); a vine stock (properly one yielding purple {grapes} the richest variety): - choice ({-st} noble) wine. Compare H8291.

H8386 <STRHEB>@ תּאניּה tanîyâh tah-an-ee-yaw' From H578; lamentation: - {heaviness} mourning.

H8424 <STRHEB>@ תּוּגה tûgâh too-gaw' From H3013; depression (of spirits); concretely a grief: - {heaviness} sorrow.

H8589 <STRHEB>@ תּענית ta‛ănîyth tah-an-eeth' From H6031; affliction (of {self}) that {is} fasting: - heaviness.

G85 <STRGRK>@ ἀδημονέω adēmoneō ad-ay-mon-eh'-o From a derivative of ἀδέω adeō (to be sated to loathing); to be in distress (of mind): - be full of heaviness be very heavy.

G1009 <STRGRK>@ βότρυς botrus bot'-rooce Of uncertain derivation; a bunch (of grapes): - (vine) cluster (of the vine).

G1589 <STRGRK>@ ἐκλογή eklogē ek-log-ay' From G1586; (divine) selection (abstractly or concretely): - chosen election.

G1653 <STRGRK>@ ἐλεέω eleeō el-eh-eh'-o From G1656; to compassionate (by word or deed specifically by divine grace): - have compassion (pity on) have (obtain receive shew) mercy (on).

G1656 <STRGRK>@ ἔλεος eleos el'-eh-os Of uncertain affinity; compassion (human or divine especially active): - (+ tender) mercy.

G1860 <STRGRK>@ ἐπαγγελία epaggelia ep-ang-el-ee'-ah From G1861; an announcement (for information assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good): - message promise.

G2304 <STRGRK>@ θεῖος theios thi'-os From G2316; godlike (neuter as noun divinity): - divine godhead.

G2312 <STRGRK>@ θεοδίδακτος theodidaktos theh-od-id'-ak-tos From G2316 and G1321; divinely instructed: - taught of God. 2312' θεολόγος theologos theh-ol-og'-os From G2316 and G3004; a theologian: - divine.

G2315 <STRGRK>@ θεόπνευστος theopneustos theh-op'-nyoo-stos From G2316 and a presumed derivative of G4154; divinely breathed in: - given by inspiration of God.

G2643 <STRGRK>@ καταλλαγή katallagē kat-al-lag-ay' From G2644; exchange (figuratively adjustment) that is restoration to (the divine) favor: - atonement reconciliation (-ing).

G2726 <STRGRK>@ κατήφεια katēpheia kat-ay'-fi-ah From a compound of G2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of G5316 (meaning downcast in look); demureness that is (by implication) sadness: - heaviness.

G2759 <STRGRK>@ κέντρον kentron ken'-tron From κεντέω kenteō (to prick); a point (centre) that is a sting (figuratively poison) or goad (figuratively divine impulse): - prick sting.

G2783 <STRGRK>@ κήρυξ kērux kay'-roox From G2784; a herald that is of divine truth (especially of the gospel): - preacher.

G2784 <STRGRK>@ κηρύσσω kērussō kay-roos'-so Of uncertain affinity; to herald (as a public crier) especially divine truth (the gospel): - preach (-er) proclaim publish.

G2920 <STRGRK>@ κρίσις krisis kree'-sis (Subjectively or objectively for or against); by extension a tribunal; by implication justice (specifically divine law): - accusation condemnation damnation judgment.

G2999 <STRGRK>@ λατρεία latreia lat-ri'-ah From G3000; ministration of God that is worship: - (divine) service.

G288 <STRGRK>@ ἄμπελος ampelos am'-pel-os Probably from the base of G297 and that of G257; a vine (as coiling about a support): - vine.

G289 <STRGRK>@ ἀμπελουργός ampelourgos am-pel-oor-gos' From G288 and G2041; a vine worker that is pruner: - vine-dresser.

G290 <STRGRK>@ ἀμπελών ampelōn am-pel-ohn' From G288; a vineyard: - vineyard.

G3056 <STRGRK>@ λόγος logos log'-os From G3004; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse) also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (that is Christ): - account cause communication X concerning doctrine fame X have to do intent matter mouth preaching question reason + reckon remove say (-ing) shew X speaker speech talk thing + none of these things move me tidings treatise utterance word work.

G3076 <STRGRK>@ λυπέω lupeō loo-peh'-o From G3077; to distress; reflexively or passively to be sad: - cause grief grieve be in heaviness (be) sorrow (-ful) be (make) sorry.

G3077 <STRGRK>@ λύπη lupē loo'-pay Apparently a primary word; sadness: - grief grievous + grudgingly heaviness sorrow.

G3132 <STRGRK>@ μαντεύομαι manteuomai mant-yoo'-om-ahee From a derivative of G3105 (meaning a prophet as supposed to rave through inspiration); to divine that is utter spells (under pretence of foretelling): - by soothsaying.

G3134 <STRGRK>@ μαρὰν ἀθά maran atha mar'-an ath'-ah Of Chaldee origin (meaning our Lord has come); maranatha that is an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment: - Maran-atha.

G3563 <STRGRK>@ νοῦς nous nooce Probably from the base of G1097; the intellect that is mind (divine or human; in thought feeling or will); by implication meaning: - mind understanding. Compare G5590.

G3690 <STRGRK>@ ὄξος oxos ox'-os From G3691; vinegar that is sour wine: - vinegar.

G3718 <STRGRK>@ ὀρθοτομέω orthotomeō or-thot-om-eh'-o From a compound of G3717 and the base of G5114; to make a straight cut that is (figuratively) to dissect (expound) correctly (the divine message): - rightly divide.

G3741 <STRGRK>@ ὅσιος hosios hos'-ee-os Of uncertain affinity; properly right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from G1342 which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from G2413 which denotes formal consecration; and from G40 which relates to purity from defilement) that is hallowed (pious sacred sure): - holy mercy shalt be.

G3801 <STRGRK>@ ὁ ὢν ὁ ἦν ὁ ἐρχόμενος ho ōn ho ēn ho erchomenos ho own ho ane ho er-khom'-enos A phrase combining G3588 with the present participle and imperfect of G1510 and the present participle of G2064 by means of G2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming that is the Eternal as a divine epithet of Christ. (Each and (G2532) was ommited from the phrase because of limited space.): - which art (is was) and (which) wast (is was) and art (is) to come (shalt be).

G4151 <STRGRK>@ πνεῦμα pneuma pnyoo'-mah From G4154; a current of air that is breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit that is (human) the rational soul (by implication) vital principle mental disposition etc. or (superhuman) an angel daemon or (divine) God Christ´ s spirit the Holy spirit: - ghost life spirit (-ual -ually) mind. Compare G5590.

G4152 <STRGRK>@ πνευματικός pneumatikos phyoo-mat-ik-os' From G4151; non-carnal that is (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross) or (daemoniacally) a spirit (concretely) or (divinely) supernatural regenerate religious: - spiritual. Compare G5591.

G4153 <STRGRK>@ πνευματικῶς pneumatikōs pnyoo-mat-ik-oce' Adverb from G4152; non-physically that is divinely figuratively: - spiritually.

G4395 <STRGRK>@ προφητεύω prophēteuō prof-ate-yoo'-o From G4396; to foretell events divine6 speak under inspiration exercise the prophetic office: - prophesy.

G4436 <STRGRK>@ Πύθων Puthōn poo'-thone From Πυθώ Puthō (the name of the region where Delphi the seat of the famous oracle was located); a Python that is (by analogy with the supposed diviner there) inspiration (soothsaying): - divination.

G4889 <STRGRK>@ σύνδουλος sundoulos soon'-doo-los From G4862 and G1401; a co-slave that is servitor or ministrant of the same master (human or divine): - fellowservant.

G5327 <STRGRK>@ φάραγξ pharagx far'-anx Properly strengthened from the base of G4008 or rather of G4486; a gap or chasm that is ravine (winter torrent): - valley.

G5485 <STRGRK>@ χάρις charis khar'-ece From G5463; graciousness (as gratifying) of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in the life; including gratitude): - acceptable benefit favour gift grace (-ious) joy liberality pleasure thank (-s -worthy).

G5486 <STRGRK>@ χάρισμα charisma char'-is-mah From G5483; a (divine) gratuity that is deliverance (from danger or passion); (specifically) a (spiritual) endowment that is (subjectively) religious qualification or (objectively) miraculous faculty: - (free) gift.

G5537 <STRGRK>@ χρηματίζω chrēmatizō khray-mat-id'-zo From G5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of G5530) that is divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of G5532) to constitute a firm for business that is (genitive) bear as a title: - be called be admonished (warned) of God reveal speak.

G5538 <STRGRK>@ χρηματισμός chrēmatismos khray-mat-is-mos' From G5537; a divine response or revelation: - answer of God.

G5567 <STRGRK>@ ψάλλω psallō psal'-lo Probably strengthened from ψάω psaō (to rub or touch the surface; compare G5597); to twitch or twang that is to play on a stringed instrument (celebrate the divine worship with music and accompanying odes): - make melody sing (psalms).