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(1) Commended. SEE Home, HOME

(2) Obligations of. SEE Home, HOME

(3) Of the Israelites with the Heathen Forbidden- kjv@Genesis:24:3; kjv@Genesis:28:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3; kjv@Joshua:23:12; kjv@Ezra:9:12; kjv@Nehemiah:13:25 Separation


(4) Figurative of God's Union with the Church- kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Isaiah:62:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Hosea:2:19; kjv@Matthew:22:2; kjv@Matthew:25:10; kjv@Revelation:19:7 Bride, CHURCH, THE Christ, Bridegroom, CHURCH, THE

(5) Of the Kinsman's Widow- kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5; kjv@Ruth:3:9; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Matthew:22:24


MARRIAGE - M>@ - Its origin and history .
The institution of marriage dates from the time of man’s original creation. kjv@Genesis:2:18-25) From kjv@Genesis:2:24) we may evolve the following principles:

(1) The unity of man and wife, as implied in her being formed out of man.

(2) The indissolubleness of the marriage bond, except on; the strongest grounds, Comp. kjv@Matthew:19:9)

(3) Monogamy, as the original law of marriage

(4) The social equality of man and wife.

(5) The subordination of the wife to the husband. ( kjv@1Corinthians:11:8-9; kjv@1Timothy:2:13)

(6) The respective duties of man and wife. In the patriarchal age polygamy prevailed, kjv@Genesis:16:4 kjv@Genesis:25:1 kjv@Genesis:25:8 kjv@Genesis:28:9 ; 29:23,26; kjv@1Chronicles:7:14) but to a great extent divested of the degradation which in modern times attaches to that practice. Divorce also prevailed in the patriarchal age, though but one instance of it is recorded. kjv@Genesis:21:14) The Mosaic law discouraged polygamy, restricted divorce, and aimed to enforce purity of life. It was the best civil law possible at the time, and sought to bring the people up to the pure standard of the moral law. In the Post
- Babylonian period monogamy appears to have become more prevalent than at any previous time. The practice of polygamy nevertheless still existed; Herod the Great had no less than nine wives at one time. The abuse of divorce continued unabated. Our Lord and his apostles re-established the integrity and sanctity of the marriage bond by the following measures: (a) By the confirmation of the original charter of marriage as the basis on which all regulations were to be framed. kjv@Matthew:19:4-5) (b) By the restriction of divorce to the case of fornication, and the prohibition of remarriage in all persons divorced on improper grounds. kjv@Matthew:5:32 kjv@Matthew:19:9; kjv@Romans:7:3; kjv@1Corinthians:7:10-11) (c) By the enforcement of moral purity generally kjv@Hebrews:13:4) etc., and especial formal condemnation of fornication. kjv@Acts:15:20) The conditions of legal marriage .
In the Hebrew commonwealth marriage was prohibited (a) between an Israelite and a non
- Israelite. There were three grades of prohibition: total in regard to the Canaanites on either side; total on the side of the males in regard to the Ammonites and Moabites; and temporary on the side of the males in regard to the Edomites and Egyptians, marriages with females in the two latter instances being regarded as legal. The progeny of illegal marriages between Israelites and non
- Israelites was described as "bastard." (23:2) (b) between an Israelite and one of his own community. The regulations relative to marriage between Israelites and Israelites were based on considerations of relationship. The most important passage relating to these is contained in kjv@Leviticus:18:6-18) wherein we have in the first place a general prohibition against marriage between a man and the "flesh of his flesh," and in the second place special prohibitions against marriage with a mother, stepmother, sister or half-sister, whether "born at home or abroad," granddaughter, aunt, whether by consanguinity on either side or by marriage on the father’s side, daughter in-law, brother’s wife, stepdaughter, wife’s mother, stepgranddaughter, or wife’s sister during the lifetime of the wife. An exception is subsequently made, (26:5-9) in favor of marriage with a brother’s wife in the event of his having died childless. The law which regulates this has been named the "levirate," from the Latin levir , "brother-in-law." The modes by which marriage was effected .
The choice of the bride devolved not on the bridegroom himself, but on his relations or on a friend deputed by the bridegroom for this purpose. The consent of the maiden was sometimes asked kjv@Genesis:24:58) but this appears to have been subordinate to the previous consent of the father and the adult brothers. kjv@Genesis:24:51 kjv@Genesis:34:11) Occasionally the whole business of selecting the wife was left in the hands of a friend. The selection of the bride was followed by the espousal, which was a formal proceeding undertaken by a friend or legal representative on the part of the bridegroom and by the parents on the part of the bride; it was confirmed by oaths, and accompanied with presents to the bride. The act of betrothal was celebrated by a feast, and among the more modern Jews it is the custom in some parts for the bride. groom to place a ring on the bride’s finger. The ring was regarded among the Hebrews as a token of fidelity kjv@Genesis:41:42) and of adoption into a family. kjv@Luke:15:25) Between the betrothal sad the marriage so interval elapsed, varying from a few days in the patriarchal age, kjv@Genesis:24:55) to a full year for virgins and a month for widows in later times. During this period the bride-elect lived with her friends, and all communication between herself and her future husband was carried on through the medium of a friend deputed for the purpose, termed the "friend of the bridegroom." kjv@John:3:29) She was now virtually regarded as the wife of her future husband; hence faithlessness on her part was punishable with death, (22:23-24) the husband having, however, the option of "putting her away." (24:1; kjv@Matthew:1:19) The essence of the marriage ceremony consisted in the removal of the bride from her father’s house to that of the bridegroom or his father. The bridegroom prepared himself for the occasion by putting on a festive dress, and especially by placing on his head a handsome nuptial turban. kjv@Psalms:45:8; Solomon kjv@4:10-11) The bride was veiled. Her robes were white, kjv@Revelation:19:8) and sometimes embroidered with gold thread, kjv@Psalms:45:13-14) and covered with perfumes! kjv@Psalms:45:8) she was further decked out with jewels. kjv@Isaiah:49:18 kjv@Isaiah:61:10; kjv@Revelation:21:2) When the fixed hour arrived, which was, generally late in the evening, the bridegroom set forth from his house, attended by his groomsmen (Authorized Version "companions," kjv@Judges:14:11) "children of the bride-chamber," kjv@Matthew:9:15) preceded by a band of musicians or singers, kjv@Genesis:31:27; kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 kjv@Jeremiah:16:9) and accompanied by persons hearing flambeaux, kjv@Jeremiah:25:10) 2 Esdr. 10:2; kjv@Matthew:25:7; kjv@Revelation:18:23) and took the bride with the friends to his own house. At the house a feast was prepared, to which all the friends and neighbors were invited, kjv@Genesis:29:22; kjv@Matthew:22:1-10; kjv@Luke:14:8; kjv@John:2:2) and the festivities were protracted for seven or even fourteen days. kjv@Judges:14:12; kjv@Job:8:19) The guests were provided by the host with fitting robes, kjv@Matthew:22:11) and the feast was enlivened with riddles, kjv@Judges:14:12) and other amusements. The last act in the ceremonial was the conducting of the bride to the bridal chamber, kjv@Judges:15:1; kjv@Joel:2:16) where a canopy was prepared. kjv@Psalms:19:5; kjv@Joel:2:16) The bride was still completely veiled, so that the deception practiced on Jacob, kjv@Genesis:29:23) was not difficult. A newly married man was exempt from military service, or from any public business which might draw him away from his home, for the space of a year, (24:5) a similar privilege was granted to him who was ’betrothed. (20:7) The social and domestic conditions of married life .
The wife must have exercised an important influence in her own home. She appears to have taken her part in family affairs, and even to have enjoyed a considerable amount of independence. kjv@Judges:4:18; kjv@1Samuel:25:14; kjv@2Kings:4:8) etc. In the New Testament the mutual relations of husband and wife are a subject of frequent exhortation. kjv@Ephesians:5:22-33; kjv@Colossians:3:18-19; kjv@Titus:2:4-5; kjv@1Peter:3:1-7) The duties of the wife in the Hebrew household were multifarious; in addition to the general superintendence of the domestic arrangements, such as cooking, from which even women of rank were not exempt. kjv@Genesis:18:8; 2 Samuel 13:5) and the distribution of food at meal times, kjv@Proverbs:31:13) the manufacture of the clothing and of the various fabrics required in her home devolved upon her, kjv@Proverbs:31:13 kjv@Proverbs:31:21-22) and if she were a model of activity and skill, she produced a surplus of fine linen shirts and girdles, which she sold and so, like a well-freighted merchant ship, brought in wealth to her husband from afar. kjv@Proverbs:31:14 kjv@Proverbs:31:24) The legal rights of the wife are noticed in kjv@Exodus:21:10) under the three heads of food, raiment, and duty of marriage or conjugal right. The allegorical and typical allusions to marriage have exclusive reference to one object, viz., to exhibit the spiritual relationship between God and his people. In the Old Testament kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Hosea:2:19) In the New Testament the image of the bridegroom is transferred from Jehovah to Christ, kjv@Matthew:9:15; kjv@John:3:29) and that of the bride to the Church, ( kjv@2Corinthians:11:2; kjv@Revelation:19:7 kjv@Revelation:21:2 kjv@Revelation:21:9)


Marriage @ was instituted in Paradise when man was in innocence kjv@Genesis:2:18-24). Here we have its original charter, which was confirmed by our Lord, as the basis on which all regulations are to be framed kjv@Matthew:19:4-5). It is evident that monogamy was the original law of marriage kjv@Matthew:19:5; kjv@1Corinthians:6:16). This law was violated in after times, when corrupt usages began to be introduced kjv@Genesis:4:19 kjv@Genesis:6:2). We meet with the prevalence of polygamy and concubinage in the patriarchal age kjv@Genesis:16:1-4 kjv@Genesis:22:21-24 kjv@Genesis:28:8 -9; 29:23-30, etc.). Polygamy was acknowledged in the Mosaic law and made the basis of legislation, and continued to be practised all down through the period of Jewish histroy to the Captivity, after which there is no instance of it on record. It seems to have been the practice from the beginning for fathers to select wives for their sons kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:38:6). Sometimes also proposals were initiated by the father of the maiden kjv@Exodus:2:21). The brothers of the maiden were also sometimes consulted kjv@Genesis:24:51 kjv@Genesis:34:11), but her own consent was not required. The young man was bound to give a price to the father of the maiden (31:15; 34:12; kjv@Exodus:22:16-17; kjv@1Samuel:18:23-25; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Hosea:3:2) On these patriarchal customs the Mosaic law made no change. In the pre
- Mosaic times, when the proposals were accepted and the marriage price given, the bridegroom could come at once and take away his bride to his own house kjv@Genesis:24:63-67). But in general the marriage was celebrated by a feast in the house of the bride's parents, to which all friends were invited (29:22,27); and on the day of the marriage the bride, concealed under a thick veil, was conducted to her future husband's home. Our Lord corrected many false notions then existing on the subject of marriage kjv@Matthew:22:23-30), and placed it as a divine institution on the highest grounds. The apostles state clearly and enforce the nuptial duties of husband and wife kjv@Ephesians:5:22-33; kjv@Colossians:3:18-19; kjv@1Peter:3:1-7). Marriage is said to be "honourable" kjv@Hebrews:13:4), and the prohibition of it is noted as one of the marks of degenerate times ( kjv@1Timothy:4:3). The marriage relation is used to represent the union between God and his people kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:1-14; kjv@Hosea:2:9 kjv@Hosea:2:20). In the New Testament the same figure is employed in representing the love of Christ to his saints kjv@Ephesians:5:25-27). The Church of the redeemed is the "Bride, the Lamb's wife" kjv@Revelation:19:7-9).

Marriage-feasts @ kjv@John:2:1-11) "lasted usually for a whole week; but the cost of such prolonged rejoicing is very small in the East. The guests sit round the great bowl or bowls on the floor, the meal usually consisting of a lamb or kid stewed in rice or barley. The most honoured guests sit nearest, others behind; and all in eating dip their hand into the one smoking mound, pieces of the thin bread, bent together, serving for spoons when necessary. After the first circle have satisfied themselves, those lower in honour sit down to the rest, the whole company being men, for women are never seen at a feast. Water is poured on the hands before eating; and this is repeated when the meal closes, the fingers having first been wiped on pieces of bread, which, after serving the same purpose as table-napkins with us, are thrown on the ground to be eaten by any dog that may have stolen in from the streets through the ever-open door, or picked up by those outside when gathered and tossed out to them kjv@Matthew:15:27; kjv@Mark:7:28). Rising from the ground and retiring to the seats round the walls, the guests then sit down cross-legged and gossip, or listen to recitals, or puzzle over riddles, light being scantily supplied by a small lamp or two, or if the night be chilly, by a smouldering fire of weeds kindled in the middle of the room, perhaps in a brazier, often in a hole in the floor. As to the smoke, it escapes as it best may; but indeed there is little of it, though enough to blacken the water or wine or milk skins hung up on pegs on the wall. (Comp. kjv@Psalms:119:83.) To some such marriage-feast Jesus and his five disciples were invited at Cana of Galilee." Geikie's Life of Christ. (
See CANA.)



Marriage @ Divinely instituted kjv@Genesis:2:24
A covenant relationship kjv@Malachi:2:4
Designed for
The happiness of man kjv@Genesis:2:18
Increasing the human population kjv@Genesis:1:28 kjv@Genesis:9:1
Raising up godly seed kjv@Malachi:2:15
Preventing fornication kjv@1Corinthians:7:2
Alliance and Society with the Enemies of God kjv@Genesis:3:15 kjv@Genesis:4:1
Lawful in all kjv@1Corinthians:7:2 kjv@1Corinthians:7:28 kjv@1Timothy:5:14
Honourable for all kjv@Hebrews:13:4
Should be only in the Lord kjv@1Corinthians:7:39
Expressed by
Joining together kjv@Matthew:19:6
Making affinity kjv@1Kings:3:1
Taking to wife kjv@Exodus:2:1
Giving daughters to sons, and sons to daughters kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3 kjv@Ezra:9:12
Indissoluble during the joint lives of the parties kjv@Matthew:19:6 kjv@Romans:7:2 kjv@Romans:7:3 kjv@1Corinthians:7:39
Early introduction of polygamy kjv@Genesis:4:19
Contracted in patriarchal age with near relations kjv@Genesis:20:12 kjv@Genesis:24:24 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Often contracted by parents for children kjv@Genesis:24:49-51 kjv@Genesis:34:6 kjv@Genesis:34:8
Should be with consent of parents kjv@Genesis:28:8 kjv@Judges:14:2 kjv@Judges:14:3
Consent of the parties necessary to kjv@Genesis:24:57 kjv@Genesis:24:58 kjv@1Samuel:18:20 kjv@1Samuel:25:41
Parents might refuse to give their children in kjv@Exodus:22:17 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3
The Jews
Forbidden to contract, with their near relations kjv@Leviticus:18:6
Forbidden to contract with idolaters kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:4 kjv@Joshua:23:12 kjv@Ezra:9:11 kjv@Ezra:9:12
Often contracted with foreigners kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@Nehemiah:13:23
Sometimes guilty of polygamy kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@1Kings:11:3
Careful in contracting for their children kjv@Genesis:24:2 kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:28:1 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Betrothed themselves some time before kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7 kjv@Judges:14:5 kjv@Judges:14:7 kjv@Judges:14:8 kjv@Matthew:1:18
Contracted when young kjv@Proverbs:2:17 kjv@Joel:1:8
Often contracted, in their own tribe kjv@Exodus:2:1 kjv@Numbers:36:6-13 kjv@Luke:1:5 kjv@Luke:1:27
Obliged to contract with a brother's wife who died without seed kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5 kjv@Matthew:22:24
Considered being debarred from, a reproach kjv@Isaiah:4:1
Considered being debarred from, a cause of grief kjv@Judges:11:38
Often punished by being debarred from kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 kjv@Jeremiah:16:9 kjv@Jeremiah:25:10
Were allowed divorce from, because of hardness of their hearts kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1 kjv@Matthew:19:7 kjv@Matthew:19:8
Exempted from going to war immediately after kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7
Priest not to contract, with divorced or improper persons kjv@Leviticus:21:7
The high priest not to contract, with a widow or a divorced or profane person kjv@Leviticus:21:14
Contracted at the gate and before witnesses kjv@Ruth:4:1 kjv@Ruth:4:10 kjv@Ruth:4:11
Modes of demanding women in kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:24:4 kjv@Genesis:34:6 kjv@Genesis:34:8 kjv@1Samuel:25:39 kjv@1Samuel:25:40
Elder daughters usually given in, before the younger kjv@Genesis:29:26
A dowry given to the woman's parents before kjv@Genesis:29:18 kjv@Genesis:34:12 kjv@1Samuel:18:27 kjv@1Samuel:18:28 kjv@Hosea:3:2
With great rejoicing kjv@Jeremiah:33:11 kjv@John:3:29
With feasting kjv@Genesis:29:22 kjv@Judges:14:10 kjv@Matthew:22:2 kjv@Matthew:22:3 kjv@John:2:1-10
For seven days kjv@Judges:14:12
A benediction pronounced after kjv@Genesis:24:60 kjv@Ruth:4:11 kjv@Ruth:4:12
The bride
Received presents before kjv@Genesis:24:53
Given a handmaid at kjv@Genesis:24:59 kjv@Genesis:29:24 kjv@Genesis:29:29
Adorned with jewels for kjv@Isaiah:49:18 kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Gorgeously apparelled kjv@Psalms:45:13 kjv@Psalms:45:14
Attended by bridesmaids kjv@Psalms:45:9
Stood on the right of bridegroom kjv@Psalms:45:9
Called to forget her father's house kjv@Psalms:45:10
The bridegroom
Adorned with ornaments kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Attended by many friends kjv@Judges:14:11 kjv@John:3:29
Presented with gifts kjv@Psalms:45:12
Crowned with garlands kjv@Songs:3:11
Rejoiced over the bride kjv@Isaiah:62:5
Returned with the bride to his house at night kjv@Matthew:25:1-6
Garments provided for guests at kjv@Matthew:22:12
Infidelity of those contracted in, punished as if married kjv@Deuteronomy:22:23 kjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 kjv@Matthew:1:19
Illustrative of
God's union with the Jewish nation kjv@Isaiah:54:5 kjv@Jeremiah:3:14 kjv@Hosea:2:19 kjv@Hosea:2:20
Christ's union with his church kjv@Ephesians:5:23 kjv@Ephesians:5:24 kjv@Ephesians:5:32



- Consanguinous, Abraham and Sarah kjv@Genesis:11:29; kjv@Genesis:12:13; kjv@Genesis:20:3 kjv@Genesis:20:9-16
- Isaac and Rebekah kjv@Genesis:24:3-4 kjv@Genesis:24:67; kjv@Genesis:28:2
- Jacob and his wives kjv@Genesis:29:15-30
See below, in the elaborated text
- Levirate (the brother required to marry a brother's widow) kjv@Genesis:38:8 kjv@Genesis:38:11 kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5-10; kjv@Ruth:4:5; kjv@Matthew:22:24; kjv@Mark:12:19-23; kjv@Luke:20:28
- Parents contract for their children .Hagar selects a wife for Ishmael kjv@Genesis:21:21 .Abraham for Isaac Genesis:24 .Laban arranges for his daughters' marriage Genesis:29 .Samson asks his parents to procure him a wife kjv@Judges:14:2
- Parents' consent requires in the Mosaic law kjv@Exodus:22:17
- Presents given to parents to secure their favor kjv@Genesis:24:53; kjv@Genesis:34:12; kjv@Deuteronomy:22:29; kjv@1Samuel:18:25; kjv@Hosea:3:2
- Nuptial feasts kjv@Genesis:29:22; kjv@Judges:14:12; kjv@Esther:2:18; kjv@Matthew:22:11-12
- Jesus present at kjv@John:2:1-5
- Ceremony attested by witnesses kjv@Ruth:4:1-11; kjv@Isaiah:8:1-3
- The groom exempt one year from military duty kjv@Deuteronomy:24:5
- Bridal ornaments kjv@Isaiah:49:18; kjv@Jeremiah:2:32
- Bridal presents kjv@Genesis:24:53; kjv@Psalms:45:12
- A herald preceded the bridegroom kjv@Matthew:25:6
- Wedding robes adorned with jewels kjv@Isaiah:61:10
- Wives obtained .By purchase kjv@Genesis:29:20; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Hosea:3:2; kjv@Hosea:12:12 .By kidnapping kjv@Judges:21:21-23
- Given by Kings kjv@1Samuel:17:25; kjv@1Samuel:18:17 kjv@1Samuel:18:21
- Daughters given in, as rewards of valor kjv@Judges:1:12; kjv@1Samuel:17:25; kjv@1Samuel:18:27
- Wives taken by edict kjv@Esther:2:2-4 kjv@Esther:2:8-14
- David gave one hundred Philistine foreskins for a wife kjv@2Samuel:3:14
- Wives among the Israelites must be Israelites kjv@Exodus:34:16; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3-4; kjv@Ezra:9:1 kjv@Ezra:9:1Chronicles:23:22; 2, 12; kjv@Nehemiah:10:30; kjv@Nehemiah:13:26-27; kjv@Malachi:2:11; kjv@1Corinthians:7:39; kjv@2Corinthians:6:14
- Betrothal a quasi-marriage kjv@Matthew:1:18; kjv@Luke:1:27
- Betrothal made with the spirit kjv@Ezekiel:16:8
- Celibacy deplored kjv@Judges:11:38; kjv@Isaiah:4:1; kjv@Jeremiah:16:9
- Advised kjv@1Corinthians:7:7-8 kjv@1Corinthians:7:24-40
- Obligations under, inferior to duty to God kjv@Deuteronomy:13:6-10; kjv@Matthew:19:29; kjv@Luke:14:26
- Not binding after death kjv@Matthew:22:29-30; kjv@Mark:12:24-25

- UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO kjv@Genesis:2:23-24; kjv@Exodus:22:16-17; kjv@Exodus:20:14 kjv@Exodus:20:Leviticus:18:6-18; 17, 19-21; kjv@Leviticus:21:1 kjv@Leviticus:21:7, 13-15; kjv@Numbers:36:8; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:10-14; kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1-5; kjv@Proverbs:18:22; kjv@Proverbs:21:9 kjv@Proverbs:21:19 kjv@Jeremiah:29:6; kjv@Hosea:2:19-20; kjv@Malachi:2:13-16; kjv@Matthew:5:31-32; kjv@Mark:6:17-18; kjv@Mark:10:2-12; kjv@Matthew:19:2-9; kjv@Luke:16:18; kjv@Romans:7:1-3; kjv@1Corinthians:6:16; kjv@1Corinthians:7:1-40; kjv@1Corinthians:9:5; kjv@1Corinthians:11:11-12; kjv@1Timothy:3:2 kjv@1Timothy:3:12 kjv@1Timothy:4:1-3; kjv@1Timothy:5:14; kjv@Hebrews:13:4

- FIGURATIVE kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Isaiah:62:4-5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Jeremiah:31:32; kjv@Hosea:1:2; kjv@Hosea:2:19-20; kjv@Ephesians:5:30-32; kjv@Revelation:19:7-9 .Parables from kjv@Matthew:22:2; kjv@Matthew:25:1-10 .





(1) Commended. SEE Home, HOME

(2) Obligations of. SEE Home, HOME

(3) Of the Israelites with the Heathen Forbidden- kjv@Genesis:24:3; kjv@Genesis:28:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3; kjv@Joshua:23:12; kjv@Ezra:9:12; kjv@Nehemiah:13:25 Separation


(4) Figurative of God's Union with the Church- kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Isaiah:62:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Hosea:2:19; kjv@Matthew:22:2; kjv@Matthew:25:10; kjv@Revelation:19:7 Bride, CHURCH, THE Christ, Bridegroom, CHURCH, THE

(5) Of the Kinsman's Widow- kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5; kjv@Ruth:3:9; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Matthew:22:24


H1984 <STRHEB>@ הלל hâlal haw-lal' A primitive root; to be clear (originally of {sound} but usually of color); to shine; hence to make a show; to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causatively to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast ({self}) {celebrate} {commend} ({deal} {make}) fool ({-ish} {-ly}) {glory} give {[light]} be ({make} feign self) mad ({against}) give in {marriage} {[sing} be worthy of] {praise} {rage} {renowned} shine.

H2859 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthan khaw-than' A primitive root; to give (a daughter) away in marriage; hence (generally) to contract affinity by marriage: - join in {affinity} father in {law} make {marriages} mother in {law} son in law.

H2860 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthân khaw-thawn' From H2859; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride); figuratively a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal): - {bridegroom} {husband} son in law.

H3259 <STRHEB>@ יעד yâ‛ad yaw-ad' A primitive root; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); by implication to meet (at a stated {time}) to summon (to {trial}) to direct (in a certain quarter or {position}) to engage (for marriage): - {agree} (make an) appoint ({-ment} a {time}) assemble ({selves}) {betroth} gather ({selves} {together}) meet ({together}) set (a time).

H4376 <STRHEB>@ מכר mâkar maw-kar' A primitive root; to {sell} literally (as {merchandise} a daughter in {marriage} into {slavery}) or figuratively (to surrender): - X at {all} sell ({away} {-er} self).

H5702 <STRHEB>@ עגן ‛âgan aw-gan' A primitive root; to {debar} that {is} from marriage: - stay.

H5772 <STRHEB>@ עונה ‛ônâh o-naw' From an unused root apparently meaning to dwell together; (sexual) cohabitation: - duty of marriage.

G1061 <STRGRK>@ γαμίσκω gamiskō gam-is'-ko From G1062; to espouse (a daughter to a husband): - give in marriage.

G1062 <STRGRK>@ γάμος gamos gam'-os Of uncertain affinity; nuptials: - marriage wedding.

G1547 <STRGRK>@ ἐκγαμίζω ekgamizō ek-gam-id'-zo From G1537 and a form of G1061 (compare G1548); to marry off a daughter: - give in marriage.

G1548 <STRGRK>@ ἐκγαμίσκω ekgamiskō ek-gam-is'-ko From G1537 and G1061; the same as G1547: - give in marriage.

G4801 <STRGRK>@ συζεύγνυμι suzeugnumi sood-zyoog'-noo-mee From G4862 and the base of G2201; to yoke together that is (figuratively) conjoin (in marriage): - join together.