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(1) Of the Old Testament Of Jotham- kjv@Judges:9:7 Of Nathan- kjv@2Samuel:12:1 Of Woman of Tekoa- kjv@2Samuel:14:15 Of a Prophet- kjv@1Kings:20:39 Of Joash- kjv@2Kings:14:9; kjv@2Chronicles:25:18 Of the Prophets- kjv@Isaiah:5:1; kjv@Jeremiah:13:1; kjv@Ezekiel:17:3; kjv@Ezekiel:19:2,3; kjv@Ezekiel:24:3

(2) Of Christ I. In One Gospel Only Mt. Mr. Lu. The Barren Fig Tree..................

13 The Draw Net......................... 13

The Friend at Midnight...............

11 The Good Samaritan...................

10 The Goodly Pearl..................... 13

The Great Supper.....................

14 The Hidden Treasure.................. 13

The Householder......................
The Labourers in the Vineyard........ 20

The Marriage of the King's Son....... 22

The Pharisee and Publican............

18 The Piece of Money...................

15 The Pounds...........................

19 The Prodigal Son.....................

15 The Rich Fool........................

12 The Rich Man and Lazarus.............

16 The Seed Growing in Secret...........
The Sheep and Goats.................. 25

The Tares............................ 13

The Ten Talents...................... 25

The Ten Virgins...................... 25

The Two Debtors......................

7 The Two Sons......................... 21

The Unjust Judge.....................

18 The Unjust Steward...................

16 The Unmerciful Servant............... 18

The Unprofitable Servants............

17 The Wedding Feast....................

12 The Wise Steward.....................

12 II. Found in Two Gospels Only The House on the Rock................ 7
6 The Leaven........................... 13
13 The Lost Sheep....................... 18
15 III. Found in Three Gospels New Cloth............................ 9 2 5 New Wine in Old Bottles.............. 9 2 5 The Fig Tree......................... 24 13 21 The Mustard Seed..................... 13 4 13 The Sower............................ 13 4 8 The Wicked Husbandmen................ 21 12 20


PARABLE - P>@ - (The word parable is in Greek parable (parabole) which signifies placing beside or together, a comparison, a parable is therefore literally a placing beside, a comparison, a similitude, an illustration of one subject by another.
McClintock and Strong. As used in the New Testament it had a very wide application, being applied sometimes to the shortest proverbs, ( kjv@1Samuel:10:12 kjv@1Samuel:24:13; kjv@2Chronicles:7:20) sometimes to dark prophetic utterances, kjv@Numbers:23:7 kjv@Numbers:23:18 kjv@Numbers:24:3; kjv@Ezekiel:20:49) sometimes to enigmatic maxims, kjv@Psalms:78:2; kjv@Proverbs:1:6) or metaphors expanded into a narrative. kjv@Ezekiel:12:22) In the New Testament itself the word is used with a like latitude in kjv@Matthew:24:32; kjv@Luke:4:23; kjv@Hebrews:9:9) It was often used in a more restricted sense to denote a short narrative under which some important truth is veiled. Of this sort were the parables of Christ. The parable differs from the fable

(1) in excluding brute and inanimate creatures passing out of the laws of their nature and speaking or acting like men;

(2) in its higher ethical significance. It differs from the allegory in that the latter, with its direct personification of ideas or attributes, and the names which designate them, involves really no comparison. The virtues and vices of mankind appear as in a drama, in their own character and costume. The allegory is self-interpreting; the parable demands attention, insight, sometimes an actual explanation. It differs from a proverb in that it must include a similitude of some kind, while the proverb may assert, without a similitude, some wide generalization of experience.
ED.) For some months Jesus taught in the synagogues and on the seashore of Galilee as he had before taught in Jerusalem, and as yet without a parable. But then there came a change. The direct teaching was met with scorn unbelief hardness, and he seemed for a time to abandon it for that which took the form of parables. The worth of parables as instruments of teaching lies in their being at once a test of character and in their presenting each form of character with that which, as a penalty or blessing, is adapted to it. They withdraw the light from those who love darkness. They protect the truth which they enshrine from the mockery of the scoffer. They leave something even with the careless which may be interpreted and understood afterward. They reveal on the other hand, the seekers after truth. These ask the meaning of the parable, and will not rest until the teacher has explained it. In this way the parable did work, found out the fit hearers and led them on. In most of the parables it is possible to trace something like an order. There is a group which have for their subject the laws of the divine kingdom. Under this head we have the sower, kjv@Matthew:13:1; kjv@Mark:4:1; kjv@Luke:8:1)... the wheat and the tares kjv@Matthew:13:1) ... etc. When the next parables meet us they are of a different type and occupy a different position. They are drawn from the life of men rather than from the world of nature. They are such as these
the two debtors, kjv@Luke:7:1) ... the merciless servant, kjv@Matthew:18:1) ... the good Samaritan, kjv@Luke:10:1) ... etc. Toward the close of our Lord’s ministry the parables are again theocratic but the phase of the divine kingdom on which they chiefly dwell is that of its final consummation. In interpreting parables note

(1) The analogies must be real, not arbitrary;

(2) The parables are to be considered as parts of a whole, and the interpretation of one is not to override or encroach upon the lessons taught by others;

(3) The direct teaching of Christ presents the standard to which all our interpretations are to be referred, and by which they are to be measured.


Parable @ (Gr. parabole), a placing beside; a comparison; equivalent to the Heb. mashal, a similitude. In the Old Testament this is used to denote

(1) a proverb ( kjv@1Samuel:10:12 kjv@1Samuel:24:13; kjv@2Chronicals:7:20),

(2) a prophetic utterance kjv@Numbers:23:7; kjv@Ezekiel:20:49),

(3) an enigmatic saying kjv@Psalms:78:2; kjv@Proverbs:1:6). In the New Testament,

(1) a proverb kjv@Mark:7:17; kjv@Luke:4:23),

(2) a typical emblem kjv@Hebrews:9:9 kjv@Hebrews:11:19),

(3) a similitude or allegory kjv@Matthew:15:15 kjv@Matthew:24:32; kjv@Mark:3:23; kjv@Luke:5:36 kjv@Luke:14:7);

(4) ordinarily, in a more restricted sense, a comparison of earthly with heavenly things, "an earthly story with a heavenly meaning," as in the parables of our Lord. Instruction by parables has been in use from the earliest times. A large portion of our Lord's public teaching consisted of parables. He himself explains his reasons for this in his answer to the inquiry of the disciples, "Why speakest thou to them in parables?" kjv@Matthew:13:13-15; kjv@Mark:4:11-12; kjv@Luke:8:9-10). He followed in so doing the rule of the divine procedures, as recorded in kjv@Matthew:13:13. The parables uttered by our Lord are all recorded in the synoptical (i.e., the first three) Gospels. The fourth Gospel contains no parable properly so called, although the illustration of the good shepherd kjv@John:10:1-16) has all the essential features of a parable. (
See List of Parables in Appendix.)



Parables @ Remarkable Parables of the Old Testament kjv@Judges:9:8-15 kjv@2Samuel:12:1-4 kjv@2Samuel:14:5-7
Parables of christ
Wise and foolish builders kjv@Matthew:7:24-27
Children of the bride chamber kjv@Matthew:9:15
New cloth and old garment kjv@Matthew:9:16
New wine and old bottles kjv@Matthew:9:17
Unclean spirit kjv@Matthew:12:43
Sower kjv@Matthew:13:3-23 kjv@Luke:8:5-15
Tares kjv@Matthew:13:24-30 kjv@Matthew:13:36-43
Mustard-seed kjv@Matthew:13:31 kjv@Matthew:13:32 kjv@Luke:13:19
Leaven kjv@Matthew:13:33
Treasure hid in a field kjv@Matthew:13:44
Pearl of great price kjv@Matthew:13:45 kjv@Matthew:13:46
Net cast into the sea kjv@Matthew:13:47-50
Meats defiling not kjv@Matthew:15:10-15
Unmerciful servant kjv@Matthew:18:23-35
Labourers hired kjv@Matthew:20:1-16
Two sons kjv@Matthew:21:28-32
Wicked husbandmen kjv@Matthew:21:33-45
Marriage-feast kjv@Matthew:22:2-14
Fig-tree leafing kjv@Matthew:24:32-34
Man of the house watching kjv@Matthew:24:43
Faithful, and evil servants kjv@Matthew:24:45-51
Ten virgins kjv@Matthew:25:1-13
Talents kjv@Matthew:25:14-30
Kingdom, divided against itself kjv@Mark:3:24
House, divided against itself kjv@Mark:3:25
Strong man armed kjv@Mark:3:27 kjv@Luke:11:21
Seed growing secretly kjv@Mark:4:26-29
Lighted candle kjv@Mark:4:21 kjv@Luke:11:33-36
Man taking a far journey kjv@Mark:13:34-37
Blind leading the blind kjv@Luke:6:39
Beam and mote kjv@Luke:6:41 kjv@Luke:6:42
Tree and its fruit kjv@Luke:6:43-45
Creditor and debtors kjv@Luke:7:41-47
Good Samaritan kjv@Luke:10:30-37
Importunate friend kjv@Luke:11:5-9
Rich fool kjv@Luke:12:16-21
Cloud and wind kjv@Luke:12:54-57
Barren fig-tree kjv@Luke:13:6-9
Men bidden to a feast kjv@Luke:14:7-11
Builder of a tower kjv@Luke:14:28-30 kjv@Luke:14:33
King going to war kjv@Luke:14:31-33
Savour of salt kjv@Luke:14:34 kjv@Luke:14:35
Lost sheep kjv@Luke:15:3-7
Lost piece of silver kjv@Luke:15:8-10
Prodigal son kjv@Luke:15:11-32
Unjust steward kjv@Luke:16:1-8
Rich man and Lazarus kjv@Luke:16:19-31
Importunate widow kjv@Luke:18:1-8
Pharisee and Publican kjv@Luke:18:9-14
Pounds kjv@Luke:19:12-27
Good Shepherd kjv@John:10:1-6
Vine and branches kjv@John:15:1-5



- Of the trees kjv@Judges:9:8-15
- Of the lamb kjv@2Samuel:12:1-6
- Of the woman of Tekoa kjv@2Samuel:14:5-12
- Of the garment which was torn in pieces kjv@1Kings:11:30-32
- Of the prisoner of war kjv@1Kings:20:39-41
- Of the thistle and cedar kjv@2Kings:14:9
- Of a vine of Egypt kjv@Psalms:80:8-16
- Of the vineyard kjv@Isaiah:5:1-7; kjv@Isaiah:27:2-3
- Of the husbandman kjv@Isaiah:28:23-29
- Of the skins filled with wine kjv@Jeremiah:13:12-14
- Of the vine kjv@Ezekiel:15; Jeremiah:17:5-10; kjv@Jeremiah:19:10-14
- Of the two eagles Ezekiel:17
- Of lions' cubs kjv@Ezekiel:19:1-9
- Of Aholah and Aholibah Ezekiel:23
- The boiling pot kjv@Ezekiel:24:3-5
- The gourd kjv@Jonah:4:10-11
- The sheet lowered down from the sky (in Peter's vision) kjv@Acts:10:10-16
- The two covenants kjv@Galatians:4:22-31
- The mercenary soldier kjv@2Timothy:2:3-4
- The farmer kjv@2Timothy:2:6
- Furnished house kjv@2Timothy:2:20-21
- The athlete kjv@2Timothy:2:5
- The mirror kjv@James:1:23-25



kjv@STRING:Asyncritus <HITCHCOCK>@ incomparable - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Mashal <HITCHCOCK>@ a parable; governing - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Meshullam <HITCHCOCK>@ peaceable; perfect; their parables - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mishal <HITCHCOCK>@ parables; governing - HITCHCOCK-M



(1) Of the Old Testament Of Jotham- kjv@Judges:9:7 Of Nathan- kjv@2Samuel:12:1 Of Woman of Tekoa- kjv@2Samuel:14:15 Of a Prophet- kjv@1Kings:20:39 Of Joash- kjv@2Kings:14:9; kjv@2Chronicles:25:18 Of the Prophets- kjv@Isaiah:5:1; kjv@Jeremiah:13:1; kjv@Ezekiel:17:3; kjv@Ezekiel:19:2,3; kjv@Ezekiel:24:3

(2) Of Christ I. In One Gospel Only Mt. Mr. Lu. The Barren Fig Tree..................

13 The Draw Net......................... 13

The Friend at Midnight...............

11 The Good Samaritan...................

10 The Goodly Pearl..................... 13

The Great Supper.....................

14 The Hidden Treasure.................. 13

The Householder......................
The Labourers in the Vineyard........ 20

The Marriage of the King's Son....... 22

The Pharisee and Publican............

18 The Piece of Money...................

15 The Pounds...........................

19 The Prodigal Son.....................

15 The Rich Fool........................

12 The Rich Man and Lazarus.............

16 The Seed Growing in Secret...........
The Sheep and Goats.................. 25

The Tares............................ 13

The Ten Talents...................... 25

The Ten Virgins...................... 25

The Two Debtors......................

7 The Two Sons......................... 21

The Unjust Judge.....................

18 The Unjust Steward...................

16 The Unmerciful Servant............... 18

The Unprofitable Servants............

17 The Wedding Feast....................

12 The Wise Steward.....................

12 II. Found in Two Gospels Only The House on the Rock................ 7
6 The Leaven........................... 13
13 The Lost Sheep....................... 18
15 III. Found in Three Gospels New Cloth............................ 9 2 5 New Wine in Old Bottles.............. 9 2 5 The Fig Tree......................... 24 13 21 The Mustard Seed..................... 13 4 13 The Sower............................ 13 4 8 The Wicked Husbandmen................ 21 12 20


H3926 <STRHEB>@ למו lemô lem-o' A prolonged and separable form of the prefixed preposition; to or for: - {at} {for} {to} upon.

H4912 <STRHEB>@ משׁל mâshâl maw-shawl' Apparently from H4910 in some original sense of superiority in mental action; properly a pithy {maxim} usually of a metaphorical nature; hence a simile (as an {adage} {poem} discourse): - {byword} {like} {parable} proverb.

H6311 <STRHEB>@ פּו פּא פּה pôh pô' pô {po} {po} po Probably from a primitive inseparable particle פּ p (the second form; of demonstrative force) and H1931; this place ({French} {icil}) that {is} here or hence: - {here} {hither} the one ({other} {this} that) side.

G1418 <STRGRK>@ δυς dus doos A primary inseparable particle of uncertain derivation; used only in composition as a prefix; hard that is with difficulty: - + hard + grievous etc.

G2255 <STRGRK>@ ἥμισυ hēmisu hay'-mee-soo Neuter of a derivative from an inseparable prefix akin to G260 (through the idea of partition involved in connection) and meaning semi-; (as noun) half: - half.

G3850 <STRGRK>@ παραβολή parabolē par-ab-ol-ay' From G3846; a similitude (parable) that is (symbolically) fictitious narrative (of common life conveying a moral) apoth gm or adage: - comparison figure parable proverb.

G3942 <STRGRK>@ παροιμία paroimia par-oy-mee'-ah From a compound of G3844 and perhaps a derivative of G3633; apparently a state alongside of supposition that is (concretely) an adage; specifically an enigmatical or fictitious illustration: - parable proverb.

G514 <STRGRK>@ ἄξιος axios ax'-ee-os Probably from G71; deserving comparable or suitable (as if drawing praise): - due reward meet [un-] worthy.

G799 <STRGRK>@ Ἀσύγκριτος Asugkritos as-oong'-kree-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G4793; incomparable; Asyncritus a Christian: - Asyncritus.