

Dict: all - patriarch


PATRIARCHS @ kjv@Acts:2:29; kjv@Acts:7:8; kjv@Hebrews:7:4


PATRIARCH - P>@ - (father of a tribe), the name given to the head of a family or tribe in Old Testament times. In common usage the title of patriarch is assigned especially to those whose lives are recorded in Scripture previous to the time of Moses, as Adam, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. ("In the early history of the Hebrews we find the ancestor or father of a family retaining authority over his children and his children’s children so long as he lived, whatever new connections they might form when the father died the branch families did not break off and form new communities, but usually united under another common head. The eldest son was generally invested with this dignity. His authority was paternal. He was honored as central point of connection and as the representative of the whole kindred. Thus each great family had its patriarch or head, and each tribe its prince, selected from the several heads of the families which it embraced."
McClintock and Strong.) ("After the destruction of Jerusalem, patriarch was the title of the chief religious rulers of the Jews in Asia and in early Christian times it became the designation of the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem."
American Cyclopedia .)


Patriarch @ a name employed in the New Testament with reference to Abraham kjv@Hebrews:7:4), the sons of Jacob kjv@Acts:7:8-9), and to David (2:29). This name is generally applied to the progenitors of families or "heads of the fathers" kjv@Joshua:14:1) mentioned in Scripture, and they are spoken of as antediluvian (from Adam to Noah) and post-diluvian (from Noah to Jacob) patriachs. But the expression "the patriarch," by way of eminence, is applied to the twelve sons of Jacob, or to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. "Patriachal longevity presents itself as one of the most striking of the facts concerning mankind which the early history of the Book of Genesis places before us...There is a large amount of consentient tradition to the effect that the life of man was originally far more prolonged than it is at present, extending to at least several hundred years. The Babylonians, Egyptians, and Chinese exaggerated these hundreds into thousands. The Greeks and Romans, with more moderation, limited human life within a thousand or eight hundred years. The Hindus still farther shortened the term. Their books taught that in the first age of the world man was free from diseases, and lived ordinarily four hundred years; in the second age the term of life was reduced from four hundred to three hundred; in the third it became two hundred; in the fourth and last it was brought down to one hundred" (Rawlinson's Historical Illustrations).



Patriarchal Government @ Vested in the heads of families kjv@Genesis:18:19
Exercised in
Training, &:c their servants for war kjv@Genesis:14:14
Vindicating their wrongs kjv@Genesis:14:12 kjv@Genesis:14:15 kjv@Genesis:14:16
Forming treaties and alliances kjv@Genesis:14:13 kjv@Genesis:21:22-32 kjv@Genesis:26:28-33
Acting as priests kjv@Genesis:8:20 kjv@Genesis:12:7 kjv@Genesis:12:8 kjv@Genesis:35:1-7 kjv@Job:1:5
Acting as judges kjv@Genesis:38:24
Arbitrarily disinheriting and putting away servants and children kjv@Genesis:21:14 kjv@1Chronicles:5:1
Blessing and cursing their children kjv@Genesis:9:25 kjv@Genesis:9:26 kjv@Genesis:27:28 kjv@Genesis:27:29 kjv@Genesis:49:1-33
The authority of heads of families for, acknowledged kjv@Genesis:23:6



- Head of a family kjv@Acts:7:9





PATRIARCHS @ kjv@Acts:2:29; kjv@Acts:7:8; kjv@Hebrews:7:4


H2585 <STRHEB>@ חנוך chănôk khan-oke' From H2596; initiated; {Chanok} an antediluvian patriarch: - Enoch.

H3290 <STRHEB>@ יעקב ya‛ăqôb yah-ak-obe' From H6117; heel catcher (that {is} supplanter); {Jaakob} the Israelitish patriarch: - Jacob.

H3355 <STRHEB>@ יקטן yoqţân yok-tawn' From H6994; he will be made little; {Joktan} an Arabian patriarch: - Joktan.

H3370 <STRHEB>@ יקשׁן yoqshân yok-shawn' From H3369; insidious; {Jokshan} an Arabian patriarch: - Jokshan.

H3392 <STRHEB>@ ירח yerach yeh'-rakh The same as H3391; {Jerach} an Arabian patriarch: - Jerah.

H3929 <STRHEB>@ למך lemek leh'-mek From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Lemek} the name of two antediluvian patriarchs: - Lamech.

H347 <STRHEB>@ איּוב 'îyôb ee-yobe' From H340; hated (that {is} persecuted); {Ijob} the patriarch famous for his patience: - Job.

H4111 <STRHEB>@ מהללאל mahălall mah-hal-al-ale' From H4110 and H410; praise of God; {Mahalalel} the name of an antediluvian patriarch and of an Israelite: - Mahalaleel.

H4232 <STRHEB>@ מחיּיאל מחוּיאלo mechûyâ'êl mechîyyâ'êl {mekh-oo-yaw-ale'} mekh-ee-yaw-ale' From H4229 and H410; smitten of God; Mechujael or {Mechijael} an antediluvian patriarch: - Mehujael.

H4967 <STRHEB>@ מתוּשׁאל methûshâ'êl meth-oo-shaw-ale' From H4962 and {H410} with the relative interposed; man who (is) of God; {Methushael} an antediluvian patriarch: - Methusael.

H4968 <STRHEB>@ מתוּשׁלח methûshelach meth-oo-sheh'-lakh From H4962 and H7973; man of a dart; {Methushelach} an antediluvian patriarch: - Methuselah.

H5146 <STRHEB>@ נח nôach no'-akh The same as H5118; rest; {Noach} the patriarch of the flood: - Noah.

H5677 <STRHEB>@ עבר ‛êber ay'-ber The same as H5676; {Eber} the name of two patriarchs and four Israelites: - {Eber} Heber.

H7466 <STRHEB>@ רעוּ re‛û reh-oo' For H7471 in the sense of H7453; friend; {Reu} a postdiluvian patriarch: - Reu.

H7956 <STRHEB>@ שׁלה shêlâh shay-law' The same as H7596 (shortened); request; {Shelah} the name of a postdiluvian patriarch and of an Israelite: - Shelah.

H7974 <STRHEB>@ שׁלח shelach sheh'-lakh The same as H7973; {Shelach} a postdiluvian patriarch: - {Salah} Shelah. Compare H7975.

H8286 <STRHEB>@ שׂרוּג ώerûg ser-oog' From H8276; tendril; {Serug} a postdiluvian patriarch: - Serug.

H8422 <STRHEB>@ תּבל תּוּבל tûbal tûbal {too-bal'} too-bal' Probably of foreign derivation; {Tubal} a postdiluvian patriarch and his posterity: - Tubal.

H8423 <STRHEB>@ תּוּבל קין tûbal qayin too-bal' kah'-yin Apparently from H2986 (compare H2981) and H7014; offspring of Cain; Tubal {Kajin} an antediluvian patriarch: - Tubal-cain.

G11 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβραάμ Abraam ab-rah-am' Of Hebrew origin [H85]; Abraham the Hebrew patriarch. In the text should probably read Jacob: - Abraham.

G1443 <STRGRK>@ Ἐβέρ Eber eb-er' Of Hebrew origin [H5677]; Eber a patriarch: - Eber.

G1800 <STRGRK>@ Ἐνώς Enōs en-oce' Of Hebrew origin [H583]; Enos (that is Enosh) a patriarch: - Enos.

G2492 <STRGRK>@ Ἰώβ Iōb ee-obe' Of Hebrew origin [H347]; Job (that is Ijob) a patriarch: - Job.

G2536 <STRGRK>@ Καΐνάν Kainan Kah-ee-nan' Of Hebrew origin [H7018]; Cainan (that is Kenan) the name of two patriarchs: - Cainan.

G2984 <STRGRK>@ Λάμεχ Lamech lam'-ekh Of Hebrew origin [H3929]; Lamech (that is Lemek) a patriarch: - Lamech.

G3091 <STRGRK>@ Λώτ Lōt lote Of Hebrew origin [H3876]; Lot a patriarch: - Lot.

G3198 <STRGRK>@ Μελχισεδέκ Melchisedek mel-khis-ed-ek' Of Hebrew origin [H4442]; Melchisedek (that is Malkitsedek) a patriarch: - Melchisedec.

G3575 <STRGRK>@ Νῶε Nōe no'-eh Of Hebrew origin [H5146]; Noe (that is Noach) a patriarch: - Noe.

G3966 <STRGRK>@ πατριάρχης patriarchēs pat-ree-arkh'-ace From G3965 and G757; a progenitor (patriarch): - patriarch.

G4466 <STRGRK>@ Ῥαγαῦ Rhagau hrag-ow' Of Hebrew origin [H7466]; Ragau (that is Reu) a patriarch: - Ragau.

G4527 <STRGRK>@ Σαλά Sala sal-ah' Of Hebrew origin [H7974]; Sala (that is Shelach) a patriarch: - Sala.

G4562 <STRGRK>@ Σαρούχ Sarouch sar-ooch' Of Hebrew origin [H8286]; Saruch (that is Serug) a patriarch: - Saruch.

G4589 <STRGRK>@ Σήθ Sēth sayth Of Hebrew origin [H8352]; Seth (that is Sheth) a patriarch: - Seth.

G4590 <STRGRK>@ Σήμ Sēm same Of Hebrew origin [H8035]; Sem (that is Shem) a patriarch: - Sem.

G5317 <STRGRK>@ Φάλεκ Phalek fal'-ek Of Hebrew origin [H6389]; Phalek (that is Peleg) a patriarch: - Phalec.

G742 <STRGRK>@ Ἀρφαξάδ Arphaxad ar-fax-ad' Of Hebrew origin [H775]; Arphaxad a post diluvian patriarch: - Arphaxad.