

Dict: all - scribe


SCRIBES @ writers or secretaries, men who copied the scriptures- kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@2Kings:18:18; kjv@Ezra:7:6; kjv@Nehemiah:8:1; kjv@Esther:3:12; kjv@Jeremiah:8:8; kjv@Matthew:5:20 kjv@Matthew:7:29; kjv@Matthew:9:3; kjv@Matthew:16:21; kjv@Matthew:17:10; kjv@Matthew:20:18; kjv@Matthew:23:2,15; kjv@Matthew:27:41; kjv@Mark:12:38 kjv@Luke:5:21; kjv@Luke:20:46; kjv@1Corinthians:1:20


SCRIBES - S>@ - (Heb.sopherim), I. Name .

(1) Three meanings are connected with the verb saphar , the root of sopherim
(a) to write, (b) to set in order, (c) to count. The explanation of the word has been referred to each of these. The sopherim were so called because they wrote out the law, or because they classified and arranged its precepts, or because they counted with scrupulous minuteness every elapse and letter It contained.

(2) The name of Kirjath-sepher, kjv@Joshua:15:15; kjv@Judges:1:12) may possibly connect itself with some early use of the title, and appears to point to military functions of some kind. kjv@Judges:5:14) The men are mentioned as filling the office of scribe under David and Solomon. (2 Samuel kjv@8:17; 20:25; kjv@Kings:4:3) We may think of them as the king’s secretaries, writing his letters, drawing up his decrees, managing his finances. Comp ( kjv@2Kings:12:10) In Hezekiah’s time transcribed old records, and became a class of students and interpreters of the law, boasting of their wisdom. kjv@Jeremiah:8:8) After the captivity the office became more prominent, as the exiles would be anxious above all things to preserve the sacred books, the laws, the hymns, the prophecies of the past. II. Development of doctrine .
Of the scribes of this period, with the exception of Ezra and Zadok, kjv@Nehemiah:13:13) we have no record. A later age honored them collectively as the men of the Great Synagogue. Never perhaps, was so important a work done so silently. They devoted themselves to the careful study of the text, and laid down rules for transcribing it with the most scrupulous precision. As time passed on the "words of the scribes" were honored above the law. It was a greater crime to offend against them than against the law. The first step was taken toward annulling the commandments of God for the sake of their own traditions. kjv@Mark:7:13) The casuistry became at once subtle and prurient, evading the plainest duties, tampering with conscience. kjv@Matthew:15:1-6 kjv@Matthew:23:16-23) We can therefore understand why they were constantly denounced by our Lord along with the Pharisees. While the scribes repeated the traditions of the elders, he "spake as one having authority," "not as the scribes." kjv@Matthew:7:29) While they confined their teachings to the class of scholars, he "had compassion on the multitudes." kjv@Matthew:9:36) While they were to be found only in the council or in their schools, he journeyed through the cities and villages. kjv@Matthew:4:23 kjv@Matthew:9:35) etc. While they spoke of the kingdom of God vaguely, as a thing far off, he proclaimed that it had already come nigh to men. kjv@Matthew:4:17) In our Lord’s time there were two chief parties: the disciples of Shammai, conspicuous for their fierceness, appealing to popular passions, using the sword to decide their controversies. Out of this party grew the Zealots. The disciples of Hillel, born B.C. 112, and who may have been one of the doctors before whom the boy Jesus came in the temple, for he lived to be 120 years old. Hillel was a "liberal conservative, of genial character and broad range of thought, with some approximations to a higher teaching." In most of the points at issue between the two parties, Jesus must have appeared in direct antagonism to the school of Shammai, in sympathy with that of Hillel. So far, on the other hand, as the temper of the Hillel school was one of mere adaptation to the feeling of the people, cleaving to tradition, wanting in the intuition of a higher life, the teaching of Christ must have been felt as unsparingly condemning it. III. Education and life.
The special training for a scribe’s office began, probably, about the age of thirteen. The boy who was destined by his parents to the calling of a scribe went to Jerusalem and applied for admission in the school of some famous rabbi. After a sufficient period of training, probably at the age of thirty the probationer was solemnly admitted to his office. After his admission there was a choice of a variety of functions, the chances of failure and success. He might give himself to any one of the branches of study, or combine two or more of them. He might rise to high places, become a doctor of the law, an arbitrator in family litigations, kjv@Luke:12:14) the head of a school, a member of the Sanhedrin. He might have to content himself with the humbler work of a transcriber, copying the law and the prophets for the use of synagogues, or a notary, writing out contracts of sale, covenants of espousals, bills of repudiation. The position of the more fortunate was of course attractive enough. In our Lord’s time the passion for distinction was insatiable. The ascending scale of rab, rabbi, rabban, presented so many steps on the ladder of ambition. Other forms of worldliness were not far off. The salutations in the market-place, kjv@Matthew:23:7) the reverential kiss offered by the scholars to their master or by rabbis to each other the greeting of Abba, father kjv@Matthew:23:9) the long robes with the broad blue fringe, kjv@Matthew:23:5)
all these go to make up the picture of a scribe’s life. Drawing to themselves, as they did, nearly all the energy and thought of Judaism, the close hereditary caste of the priesthood was powerless to compete with them. Unless the Priest became a scribe also, he remained in obscurity. The order, as such, became contemptible and base. For the scribes there were the best places at feasts, the chief seats in synagogues. kjv@Matthew:23:6; kjv@Luke:14:7)


Scribes @ anciently held various important offices in the public affairs of the nation. The Hebrew word so rendered (sopher) is first used to designate the holder of some military office kjv@Judges:5:14; A.V., "pen of the writer;" R.V., "the marshal's staff;" marg., "the staff of the scribe"). The scribes acted as secretaries of state, whose business it was to prepare and issue decrees in the name of the king ( kjv@2Samuel:8:17 kjv@2Samuel:20:25; kjv@1Chronicles:18:16 kjv@1Chronicles:24:6; kjvKings:4:3; kjv@2Kings:12:9-11 kjv@2Kings:18:18-37, etc.). They discharged various other important public duties as men of high authority and influence in the affairs of state. There was also a subordinate class of scribes, most of whom were Levites. They were engaged in various ways as writers. Such, for example, was Baruch, who "wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord" kjv@Jeremiah:36:4 kjv@Jeremiah:36:32). In later times, after the Captivity, when the nation lost its independence, the scribes turned their attention to the law, gaining for themselves distinction by their intimate acquaintance with its contents. On them devolved the duty of multiplying copies of the law and of teaching it to others kjv@Ezra:7:6 kjv@Ezra:7:10-12 kjv@Nehemiah:8:1 kjv@Nehemiah:8:4, 9, 13). It is evident that in New Testament times the scribes belonged to the sect of the Pharisees, who supplemented the ancient written law by their traditions Matthew:23), thereby obscuring it and rendering it of none effect. The titles "scribes" and "lawyers" (q.v.) are in the Gospels interchangeable kjv@Matthew:22:35; kjv@Mark:12:28; kjv@Luke:20:39, etc.). They were in the time of our Lord the public teachers of the people, and frequently came into collision with him. They afterwards showed themselves greatly hostile to the apostles kjv@Acts:4:5 kjv@Acts:6:12). Some of the scribes, however, were men of a different spirit, and showed themselves friendly to the gospel and its preachers. Thus Gamaliel advised the Sanhedrin, when the apostles were before them charged with "teaching in this name," to "refrain from these men and let them alone" kjv@Acts:5:34-39; comp. 23:9).



Scribes @ Antiquity of kjv@Judges:5:14
Wore an inkhorn at their girdles kjv@Ezekiel:9:2 kjv@Ezekiel:9:3
Families celebrated for furnishing
Kenites kjv@1Chronicles:2:55
Zebulun kjv@Judges:5:14
Levi kjv@1Chronicles:24:6 kjv@2Chronicles:34:13
Generally men of great wisdom kjv@1Chronicles:27:32
Often learned in the law kjv@Ezra:7:6
Were ready writers kjv@Psalms:45:1
Acted as
Secretaries to kings kjv@2Samuel:8:17 kjv@2Samuel:20:25 kjv@2Kings:12:10 kjv@Esther:3:12
Secretaries to prophets kjv@Jeremiah:36:5 kjv@Jeremiah:36:26
Notaries in courts of justice kjv@Jeremiah:32:11 kjv@Jeremiah:32:12
Religious teachers kjv@Nehemiah:8:2-6
Writers of public documents kjv@1Chronicles:24:6
Keepers of the muster-rolls of the host kjv@2Kings:25:19 kjv@2Chronicles:26:11 kjv@Jeremiah:52:25
Were doctors of the law kjv@Mark:12:28 kjv@Matthew:22:35
Wore long robes and loved pre-eminence kjv@Mark:12:38 kjv@Mark:12:39
Sat in Moses' seat kjv@Matthew:23:2
Were frequently Pharisees kjv@Acts:23:9
Esteemed wise and learned kjv@1Corinthians:1:20
Regarded as interpreters of Scripture kjv@Matthew:2:4 kjv@Matthew:17:10 kjv@Mark:12:35
Their manner of teaching contrasting with that of Christ kjv@Matthew:7:29 kjv@Mark:1:22
Condemned by Christ for hypocrisy kjv@Matthew:23:15
Often offended at out Lord's conduct and teaching kjv@Matthew:21:15 kjv@Mark:2:6 kjv@Mark:2:7 kjv@Mark:2:16 kjv@Mark:3:22
Tempted our Lord kjv@John:8:3
Active in procuring our Lord's death kjv@Matthew:26:3 kjv@Luke:23:10
Persecuted the Christians kjv@Acts:4:5 kjv@Acts:18:21 kjv@Acts:6:12
Illustrated of well instructed ministers of the gospel kjv@Matthew:13:52



- A writer and transcriber of the law kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@2Samuel:20:25; kjv@1Kings:4:3; kjv@2Kings:12:10; kjv@2Kings:18:37; kjv@2Kings:19:2; kjv@1Chronicles:24:6; kjv@1Chronicles:27:32; kjv@Nehemiah:13:13; kjv@Jeremiah:36:12
- The king's secretary (official recordist) kjv@2Kings:12:10-12; kjv@2Kings:22:1-14; kjv@Esther:3:12; kjv@Esther:8:9
- The mustering officer of the army kjv@2Kings:25:19; kjv@2Chronicles:26:11
- Instructors in the law kjv@Matthew:7:29; kjv@Matthew:13:52; kjv@Matthew:17:10; kjv@Matthew:23:2-3
- They test Jesus with questions, bringing to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery kjv@John:8:3
- Members of the council (Sanhedrin) kjv@Matthew:2:4
- Conspire against Jesus kjv@Matthew:26:3-57; kjv@Matthew:27:41; kjv@Mark:14:1; kjv@Luke:22:66
- Hypocrisy of, reproved by Jesus kjv@Matthew:5:20; kjv@Matthew:9:3; kjv@Matthew:12:38; kjv@Matthew:15:1; kjv@Matthew:16:21; kjv@Matthew:20:18; kjv@Matthew:21:15



kjv@STRING:Hukkok <HITCHCOCK>@ engraver; scribe; lawyer - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Sephar <HITCHCOCK>@ book; scribe; number - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sepharvaim <HITCHCOCK>@ the two books; the two scribes - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sophereth <HITCHCOCK>@ scribe, numbering - HITCHCOCK-S


SCRIBES @ writers or secretaries, men who copied the scriptures- kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@2Kings:18:18; kjv@Ezra:7:6; kjv@Nehemiah:8:1; kjv@Esther:3:12; kjv@Jeremiah:8:8; kjv@Matthew:5:20 kjv@Matthew:7:29; kjv@Matthew:9:3; kjv@Matthew:16:21; kjv@Matthew:17:10; kjv@Matthew:20:18; kjv@Matthew:23:2,15; kjv@Matthew:27:41; kjv@Mark:12:38 kjv@Luke:5:21; kjv@Luke:20:46; kjv@1Corinthians:1:20


H2328 <STRHEB>@ חוּג chûg khoog A primitive root (compare H2287); to describe a circle: - compassive

H2710 <STRHEB>@ חקק châqaq khaw-kak' A primitive root; properly to {hack} that {is} engrave ( to be a scribe simply); by implication to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (generally) prescribe: - {appoint} {decree} {governor} {grave} {lawgiver} {note} {pourtray} {print} set.

H3051 <STRHEB>@ יהב yâhab yaw-hab' A primitive root; to give (whether literally or figuratively); generally to put; imperatively (reflexively) come: - {ascribe} {bring} come {on} {give} {go} {set} take.

H3789 <STRHEB>@ כּתב kâthab kaw-thab' A primitive root; to grave; by implication to write ({describe} {inscribe} {prescribe} subscribe): - {describe} {record} {prescribe} {subscribe} write ({-ing} -ten).

H3799 <STRHEB>@ כּתם kâtham kaw-tham' A primitive root; properly to carve or {engrave} that {is} (by implication) to inscribe indelibly: - mark.

H5414 <STRHEB>@ נתן nâthan naw-than' A primitive root; to {give} used with great latitude of application ({put} {make} etc.): - {add} {apply} {appoint} {ascribe} {assign} X {avenge} X be ({[healed]}) {bestow} bring ({forth} {hither}) {cast} {cause} {charge} {come} commit {consider} {count} + {cry} deliver ({up}) {direct} distribute {do} X {doubtless} X without {fail} {fasten} {frame} X {get} give ({forth} {over} {up}) {grant} hang ({up}) X {have} X {indeed} lay (unto {charge} {up}) (give) {leave} {lend} let ({out}) + {lie} lift {up} {make} + O {that} {occupy} {offer} {ordain} {pay} {perform} {place} {pour} {print} X {pull} put ({forth}) {recompense} {render} {requite} {restore} send ({out}) set ({forth}) {shew} shoot forth (up). + {sing} + {slander} {strike} [sub-] {mit} {suffer} X {surely} X {take} {thrust} {trade} {turn} {utter} + {weep} X {willingly} + {withdraw} + would (to) {God} yield.

H5608 <STRHEB>@ ספר sâphar saw-far' A primitive root; properly to score with a mark as a tally or {record} that {is} (by implication) to {inscribe} and also to enumerate; intensively to {recount} that {is} celebrate: - {commune} (ac-) {count} {declare} {number} + {penknife} {reckon} {scribe} shew {forth} {speak} {talk} tell ({out}) writer.

H5613 <STRHEB>@ ספר sâphêr saw-fare' (Chaldee); from the same as H5609; a scribe (secular or sacred): - scribe.

H5618 <STRHEB>@ ספרת sôphereth so-feh'-reth Feminine active participle of H5608; a scribe (properly female); {Sophereth} a temple servant: - Sophereth.

H6275 <STRHEB>@ עתק ‛âthaq aw-thak' A primitive root; to remove (intransitively or transitively); figuratively to grow old; specifically to transcribe: - copy {out} leave {off} become (wax) {old} remove.

H7860 <STRHEB>@ שׁטר shôţêr sho-tare' Active participle of an otherwise unused root probably meaning to write; properly a {scribe} that {is} (by analogy or implication) an official superintendent or magistrate: - {officer} {overseer} ruler.

H8372 <STRHEB>@ תּאה תּא tâ' tâ'âh {taw} taw-aw' (The second form being feminine and used in ); from (the base of) H8376; a room (as circumscribed): - (little) chamber.

H8567 <STRHEB>@ תּנה tânâh taw-naw' A primitive root (rather identical with H8566 through the idea of attributing honor); to ascribe ({praise}) that {is} {celebrate} commemorate: - {lament} rehearse.

G1122 <STRGRK>@ γραμματεύς grammateus gram-mat-yooce' From G1121; a writer that is (professionally) scribe or secretary: - scribe town-clerk.

G1123 <STRGRK>@ γραπτός graptos grap-tos' From G1125; inscribed (figuratively): - written.

G1125 <STRGRK>@ γράφω graphō graf'-o A primary verb; to grave especially to write; figuratively to describe: - describe write (-ing -ten).

G1299 <STRGRK>@ διατάσσω diatassō dee-at-as'-so From G1223 and G5021; to arrange thoroughly that is (specifically) institute prescribe etc.: - appoint command give (set in) order ordain.

G1379 <STRGRK>@ δογματίζω dogmatizō dog-mat-id'-zo From G1378; to prescribe by statute that is (reflexively) to submit to ceremonial rule: - be subject to ordinances.

G1449 <STRGRK>@ ἐγγράφω eggraphō eng-graf'-o From G1722 and G1125; to engrave that is inscribe: - write (in).

G1485 <STRGRK>@ ἔθος ethos eth'-os From G1486; a usage (prescribed by habit or law): - custom manner be wont.

G1924 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιγράφω epigraphō ep-ee-graf'-o From G1909 and G1125; to inscribe (physically or mentally): - inscription write in (over thereon).

G3004 <STRGRK>@ λέγω legō leg'-o A primary verb; properly to lay forth that is (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 and G5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while G4483 is properly to break silence merely and G2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication to mean: - ask bid boast call describe give out name put forth say (-ing on) shew speak tell utter.

G4042 <STRGRK>@ περιοχή periochē per-ee-okh-ay' From G4023; a being held around that is (concretely) a passage (of Scripture as circumscribed): - place.

G4270 <STRGRK>@ προγράφω prographō prog-raf'-o From G4253 and G1125; to write previously; figuratively to announce prescribe: - before ordain evidently set forth write (afore aforetime).

G4384 <STRGRK>@ προτάσσω protassō prot-as'-so From G4253 and G5021; to pre-arrange that is prescribe: - before appoint.