
Dict: all - tiph



TIPHSAH - T>@ - (ford) is mentioned in (Kings:4:24) as the limit of Solomon’s empire toward the Euphrates and in ( kjv@2Kings:15:16) it is said to have been attacked by Menahemi. It was known to the Greeks and Romans under the name of Thapsacus, and was the point where it was usual to cross the Euphrates. Thapsacus has been generally placed at the modern Deir ; but the Euphrates expedition proved that there is no ford at Deir , and that the only ford in this part of the course of the Euphrates is at Suriyeh , 45 miles below Balis, and 165 above Deir . This, then, must have been the position of Thapsacus.


Tiphsah @ passing over; ford, one of the boundaries of Solomon's dominions (kjvKings:4:24), probably "Thapsacus, a great and wealthy town on the western bank of the Euphrates," about 100 miles north-east of Tadmor. All the land traffic between the east and the west passed through it. Menahem undertook an expedition against this city, and "smote Tiphsah and all that were therein" ( kjv@2Kings:15:16). This expedition implied a march of some 300 miles from Tirzah if by way of Tadmor, and about 400 if by way of Aleppo; and its success showed the strength of the Israelite kingdom, for it was practically a defiance to Assyria. Conder, however, identifies this place with Khurbet Tafsah, some 6 miles west of Shechem.






-1. A city on the Euphrates River kjv@1Kings:4:24

-2. A city of unknown location kjv@2Kings:15:16



kjv@STRING:Hattipha <HITCHCOCK>@ robbery - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Potiphar <HITCHCOCK>@ bull of Africa; a fat bull - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Potipherah <HITCHCOCK>@ that scatters abroad, or demolishes, the fat - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Tiphsah <HITCHCOCK>@ passage; leap; step; the passover - HITCHCOCK-T



H2412 <STRHEB>@ חטיפא chăţîyphâ' khat-ee-faw' From H2414; robber; {Chatipha} one of the Nethinim: - Hatipha.

H6318 <STRHEB>@ פּוטיפר pôţîyphar po-tee-far' Of Egyptian derivation; {Potiphar} an Egyptian: - Potiphar.

H8597 <STRHEB>@ תּפארת תּפארה tiphrâh tiph'ereth {tif-aw-raw'} tif-eh'-reth From H6286; ornament (abstractly or {concretely} literally or figuratively): - beauty ({-iful}) {bravery} {comely} {fair} glory ({-ious}) {honour} majesty.

H8604 <STRHEB>@ תּפלה tiphlâh tif-law' From the same as H8602; frivolity: - {folly} foolishly.

H8606 <STRHEB>@ תּפלצת tiphletseth tif-leh'-tseth From H6426; fearfulness: - terrible.

H8607 <STRHEB>@ תּפסח tiphsach tif-sakh' From H6452; ford; {Tiphsach} a place in Mesopotamia: - Tipsah.

H8614 <STRHEB>@ תּפתּי tiphtay tif-tah'ee {(Chaldee}) perhaps from H8199; {judicial} that {is} a lawyer: - sheriff.