
Dict: tcr - young



(1) Truths to be Kept in Mind by The Ideal of a Clean Life- kjv@Psalms:119:9 The Certainty of a Day of Reckoning- kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 The Value of Restraint- kjv@Lamentations:3:27 The Power of Personal Influence- kjv@1Timothy:4:12 That Soberness is Better than Frivolity- kjv@Titus:2:6,7 Moral Strength is Mightier than Physical- kjv@Proverbs:20:29; kjv@1John:2:13,14

(2) Examples of those Promoted to Leadership- kjv@Genesis:41:46; kjv@1Samuel:17:33; kjv@2Samuel:5:4; kjv@2Chronicles:24:1; kjv@2Chronicles:34:1,3 kjv@Luke:3:23; kjv@Luke:18:18; kjv@Acts:7:58; kjv@Acts:9:6,22

(3) Examples of Godly young Men Joseph- kjv@Genesis:41:38,46 Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:2:26; kjv@1Samuel:3:1 David- kjv@1Samuel:17:33, 37 Joash- kjv@2Chronicles:24:1,2; kjv@2Kings:12:2 Josiah- 2Chronicles:34:1-3; kjv@Psalms:71:5 Jesus (in the temple)- kjv@Luke:2:49 Timothy- kjv@2Timothy:1:5; kjv@2Timothy:3:15

(4) Examples of Sinful - Cain- kjv@Genesis:4:8 - Esau- kjv@Genesis:25:33,34 - Sons of Eli- kjv@1Samuel:2:12 - Sons of Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:8:3 - Absalom- kjv@2Samuel:15:6 - Rehoboam- 1Kings:12:8-14 - Jeroboam- kjv@1Kings:13:33,34 - Manasseh- kjv@2Kings:21:1,2 - The Prodigal Son- kjv@Luke:15:13 (B) YOUNG WOMEN, examples of Godly - Jephthah's Daughter- kjv@Judges:11:36 - Ruth- kjv@Ruth:1:16 - Esther- kjv@Esther:4:16 - Mary Magdalene- kjv@Mark:16:1 - The Virgin Mary- kjv@Luke:1:38 - Mary of Bethany- kjv@Luke:10:39; kjv@John:12:3 - Martha- kjv@John:11:24 - Daughters of Philip- kjv@Acts:21:9 Notable Women, WOMEN (C) YOUTHFUL MUSICIANS- kjv@Judges:11:34; kjv@1Samuel:16:18; kjv@Psalms:68:25 (D) ATHLETICS, SPIRITUAL, the Christian life compared to a footrace Striving for the Prize kjv@1Corinthians:9:24; kjv@Galatians:2:2 Hindrances to the Runner- kjv@Galatians:5:7; kjv@Philippians:2:16 Pressing toward the Goal- kjv@Philippians:3:14 Stripping for the Contest- kjv@Hebrews:12:1 The Home Stretch- kjv@2Timothy:4:7 The Prize Won- kjv@2Timothy:4:8 SPECIAL DUTIES OF YOUNG PEOPLE (E) FILIAL HONOUR AND OBEDIENCE

(1) Filial Honour Enjoined- kjv@Exodus:20:12; kjv@Leviticus:19:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:27:16; kjv@Proverbs:1:8; kjv@Proverbs:20:20; kjv@Proverbs:30:17; kjv@Isaiah:45:10 kjv@Matthew:15:4; kjv@Ephesians:6:2; kjv@1Timothy:5:4 Filial Obedience, YOUNG PEOPLE

(2) Examples of Filial Honour - Joseph- kjv@Genesis:41:12 - David- kjv@1Samuel:22:3 - Solomon- kjv@1Kings:2:19 - Elisha- kjv@1Kings:19:20 - Sons of Jonadab- kjv@Jeremiah:35:8 - Jesus- kjv@Luke:2:51; kjv@John:19:25,26

(3) Filial Obedience Enjoined- kjv@Proverbs:1:8; kjv@Proverbs:6:20; kjv@Proverbs:7:1; kjv@Proverbs:23:22; kjv@Ephesians:6:1; kjv@Colossians:3:20 (F) REVERENCE FOR OLD AGE, General References to- kjv@Leviticus:19:32; kjv@Job:32:6; kjv@Proverbs:23:22; kjv@1Timothy:5:1,2 Gray Hairs, LONG LIFE (G) SINS OF YOUTH

(1) Results of A Sad Inheritance- kjv@Job:13:26 Disease and Death- kjv@Job:20:11 Bitter Memories- kjv@Psalms:25:7; kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 Shame and Remorse- kjv@Jeremiah:3:25; kjv@Jeremiah:32:30

(2) Disrespect for Old Age, examples of- kjv@2Kings:2:23; kjv@Job:30:1; kjv@Lamentations:5:12 Dishonouring Parents, HOME (H) SPECIAL TEMPTATIONS OF - Pleasure-seeking.

- INDULGENCE - Prodigality.

- INDULGENCE - Self-indulgence.

- INDULGENCE - Revelry.
See SOCIAL LIFE - Love of Dress,