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pBiblx2 Mission Statement

This pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System server is privately operated by individuals dedicated to the free and public domain proclamation and distribution of God's Holy Word and other biblical resources for the general use and edification of the public.

This pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System server is one of a growing community of similar but unaffiliated servers each evolving and organically creating their own content and resources. Many sites are operated by individuals for their own private internet accessible study/evangelism needs, others by groups such as Home Churches or bible study groups, some are larger websites integrating this system or components thereof for their needs. Some sites do share materials and resources with one another. PbiblxCommunity

It is our hope and our mission that the users of this particular site will find comfort and fruitfulness in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith

Contributors to this site at the very least agree to the general beliefs held in the original Apostles Creed (ApostlesCreed )

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