pBiblx2 Field Wise - User Settings



| StorylinesOT | StorylinesNT
naves@Nehemiah:1 Nehemiah's Prayer
naves@Nehemiah:2:1-10 Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem
naves@Nehemiah:2:11-20 Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem's Walls
naves@Nehemiah:3 Builders of the Wall
naves@Nehemiah:4 Opposition to the Rebuilding
naves@Nehemiah:5 Nehemiah Helps the Poor
naves@Nehemiah:6:1-14 Further Opposition to the Rebuilding
naves@Nehemiah:6:15-7:3 The Completion of the Wall
naves@Nehemiah:7:4-73 The List of the Exiles Who Returned
naves@Nehemiah:8 Ezra: Reads the Law
naves@Nehemiah:9:1-37 The Israelites Confess Their Sins
naves@Nehemiah:9:38-10:39 The Agreement of the People
naves@Nehemiah:11 The New Residents of Jerusalem
naves@Nehemiah:12:1-26 Priests and Levites
naves@Nehemiah:12:27-47 Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem
naves@Nehemiah:13 Nehemiah's Final Reforms

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