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orthjbc@Matthew:1ENGLISH: The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha HE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum terminology. Copyrighted; Distribution permission granted Entire Brit Chadasha Translation finished 4/10/94 to 11/14/96 To Moshiach be the Glory Rabbi Bird
vw@Matthew:1ENGLISH: VW-Edition 2006 English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. In print: "About this Edition" This module is not to be sold. Do not modify or reconfigure for other software without authorization from publisher A Voice in the Wilderness, POBox 9531, Spokane, WA 99209, USA (
weslynt@Matthew:1ENGLISH: Wesley's NT Without payment you have received; without payment you are to give. somebody