Index: NATURALREMEDY.csv - regeneration

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Name:Properties:Health Benefits:Dosage:Class
Carrot Seed Essential OilProperties: It is antiseptic/ disinfectant/ detoxifying/ anti oxidant/ carminative/ depurative/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ stimulant/ cytophylactic/ and a tonic.Health benefits: Protects wounds from becoming septic/ fights infections/ removes toxins from the body/ neutralizes free radicals and reverses the effects of oxidation. Furthermore/ it removes excess gas and does not let it build up in the body/ while purifying blood by removing toxins/ increasing urination/ opening and regulating menses/ stimulating secretions/ and promoting the regeneration of new cells.ESSENTIAL OIL
Frankincense Essential OilProperties: It is commonly used as an antiseptic/ disinfectant/ astringent/ carminative/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ sedative/ tonic/ uterine/ and vulnerary.Health benefits: Frankincense essential oil protects wounds from becoming septic/ fights infections/ induces contractions in gums/ muscles and blood vessels/ and removes excess gas/ heals scars/ keeps cells healthy and promotes their regeneration. It promotes digestion/ increases urination/ regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ soothes anxiety and inflammation/ and ensures good health of the uterus.ESSENTIAL OIL
Helichrysum Essential OilProperties: This essential oil is antispasmodic/ anticoagulant/ antiallergenic/ antimicrobial/ antihaematomic/ antiphlogistic/ nervine/ antiinflammatory/ antitussive/ cicatrisant/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ anti septic/ cholagogue/ emollient/ mucolytic/ fungicidal/ hepatic/ diuretic/ splenic/ and cytophylactic.Health benefits: Patients regularly use this essential oil because it reduces spasms/ maintains the fluidity of blood/ fights allergies/ inhibits microbial infections/ dissolves and clears blood clots/ reduces inflammation from fever/ and is good for nervous system health. Furthermore/ it reduces various other types of inflammation/ clears phlegm and reduces coughs/ heals scars/ protects wounds from becoming septic/ stimulates proper bile discharge into the stomach/ makes skin smooth and young/ dissolves mucus/ and kills fungus. It is also notoriously good for the liver and spleen/ while stimulating urination and the regeneration of new cells.ESSENTIAL OIL
Mandarin Essential OilProperties: It is famed for being an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ circulatory/ cytophylactic/ depurative/ digestive/ hepatic/ nervous relaxant/ sedative/ stomachic and a tonic.Health benefits: This essential oil protects wounds against becoming septic/ relaxes spasms/ increases blood & lymph circulation/ promotes growth & regeneration of cells/ purifies blood/ facilitates digestion/ and is good for the liver. Furthermore/ it soothes inflammation and nervous afflictions/ while being good for the stomach and generally toning up the body.ESSENTIAL OIL
Manuka Essential OilProperties: Manuka essential oil is an antidandruff/ an antidote to insect bites and stings/ as well as antibacterial/ antifungal/ antiinflammatory/ antihistaminic/ antiallergenic. cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ deodorant and is a great nervous relaxant.Health benefits: It is commonly used to treat dandruff/ counter venomous bites/ inhibit bacterial and fungal infections/ sedate inflammation/ check production of histamine and reduces allergic symptoms. Finally/ it quickly clears up scars and spots/ promotes growth & regeneration of cells/ and reduces body odor.ESSENTIAL OIL
Palma Rosa Essential OilProperties: Palma rosa essential oil is used as an antiseptic/ antiviral/ bactericide/ cytophylactic/ digestive/ febrifuge and a hydration balm.Health benefits: This oil protects against sepsis/ inhibits viral and bacterial growth/ promotes growth & regeneration of cells/ facilitates digestion/ and reduces fever.ESSENTIAL OIL
Tangerine Essential OilProperties: This type of essential oil is an antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ cytophylactic/ depurative/ sedative/ stomachic and tonic type of substance.Health benefits: It is commonly used to protect against sepsis/ relax spasms/ promote growth and regeneration of cells/ while also purifying the blood/ soothing inflammation and reducing nervous disorders.ESSENTIAL OIL