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NT-GOSPEL.filter - nkjv fall:

nkjv@Matthew:4:9 @ And he said to Him, "All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me."

nkjv@Matthew:7:25 @ and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

nkjv@Matthew:7:27 @ and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."

nkjv@Matthew:10:29 @ Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will.

nkjv@Matthew:12:11 @ Then He said to them, "What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out?

nkjv@Matthew:15:14 @ Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch."

nkjv@Matthew:15:27 @ And she said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."

nkjv@Matthew:17:15 @ "Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water.

nkjv@Matthew:21:44 @ And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder."

nkjv@Matthew:24:29 @ "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

nkjv@Matthew:27:52 @ and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised;

nkjv@Mark:13:25 @ the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

nkjv@Luke:2:34 @ Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against

nkjv@Luke:6:39 @ And He spoke a parable to them: "Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?

nkjv@Luke:8:13 @ But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.

nkjv@Luke:8:47 @ Now when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately.

nkjv@Luke:10:18 @ And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

nkjv@Luke:11:17 @ But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls.

nkjv@Luke:14:5 @ Then He answered them, saying, "Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?"

nkjv@Luke:15:12 @ And the younger of them said to his father, "Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.' So he divided to them his livelihood.

nkjv@Luke:20:18 @ Whoever falls on that stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder."

nkjv@Luke:21:24 @ And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

nkjv@Luke:22:44 @ And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

nkjv@Luke:23:30 @ Then they will begin "to say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!"'

nkjv@John:12:24 @ Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.

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