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rsv@Judges:1:24 @ And the spies saw a man coming out of the city, and they said to him, "Pray, show us the way into the city, and we will deal kindly with you."

rsv@Judges:1:25 @ And he showed them the way into the city; and they smote the city with the edge of the sword, but they let the man and all his family go.

rsv@Judges:4:22 @ And behold, as Barak pursued Sis'era, Ja'el went out to meet him, and said to him, "Come, and I will show you the man whom you are seeking." So he went in to her tent; and there lay Sis'era dead, with the tent peg in his temple.

rsv@Judges:6:17 @ And he said to him, "If now I have found favor with thee, then show me a sign that it is thou who speakest with me.

rsv@Judges:8:35 @ and they did not show kindness to the family of Jerubba'al (that is, Gideon) in return for all the good that he had done to Israel.

rsv@Judges:13:23 @ But his wife said to him, "If the LORD had meant to kill us, he would not have accepted a burnt offering and a cereal offering at our hands, or shown us all these things, or now announced to us such things as these."

rsv@Ruth:2:18 @ And she took it up and went into the city; she showed her mother-in-law what she had gleaned, and she also brought out and gave her what food she had left over after being satisfied.

rsv@1Samuel:8:9 @ Now then, hearken to their voice; only, you shall solemnly warn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them."

rsv@1Samuel:10:8 @ And you shall go down before me to Gilgal; and behold, I am coming to you to offer burnt offerings and to sacrifice peace offerings. Seven days you shall wait, until I come to you and show you what you shall do."

rsv@1Samuel:14:8 @ Then said Jonathan, "Behold, we will cross over to the men, and we will show ourselves to them.

rsv@1Samuel:14:11 @ So both of them showed themselves to the garrison of the Philistines; and the Philistines said, "Look, Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hid themselves."

rsv@1Samuel:14:12 @ And the men of the garrison hailed Jonathan and his armor-bearer, and said, "Come up to us, and we will show you a thing." And Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, "Come up after me; for the LORD has given them into the hand of Israel."

rsv@1Samuel:15:6 @ And Saul said to the Ken'ites, "Go, depart, go down from among the Amal'ekites, lest I destroy you with them; for you showed kindness to all the people of Israel when they came up out of Egypt." So the Ken'ites departed from among the Amal'ekites.

rsv@1Samuel:16:3 @ And invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what you shall do; and you shall anoint for me him whom I name to you."

rsv@1Samuel:19:7 @ And Jonathan called David, and Jonathan showed him all these things. And Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence as before.

rsv@1Samuel:20:14 @ If I am still alive, show me the loyal love of the LORD, that I may not die;

rsv@2Samuel:2:5 @ David sent messengers to the men of Ja'besh-gil'ead, and said to them, "May you be blessed by the LORD, because you showed this loyalty to Saul your lord, and buried him!

rsv@2Samuel:2:6 @ Now may the LORD show steadfast love and faithfulness to you! And I will do good to you because you have done this thing.

rsv@2Samuel:3:8 @ Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bo'sheth, and said, "Am I a dog's head of Judah? This day I keep showing loyalty to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends, and have not given you into the hand of David; and yet you charge me today with a fault concerning a woman.

rsv@2Samuel:7:19 @ And yet this was a small thing in thy eyes, O Lord GOD; thou hast spoken also of thy servant's house for a great while to come, and hast shown me future generations, O Lord GOD!

rsv@2Samuel:9:1 @ And David said, "Is there still any one left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?"

rsv@2Samuel:9:3 @ And the king said, "Is there not still some one of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him?" Ziba said to the king, "There is still a son of Jonathan; he is crippled in his feet."

rsv@2Samuel:9:7 @ And David said to him, "Do not fear; for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father; and you shall eat at my table always."

rsv@2Samuel:15:20 @ You came only yesterday, and shall I today make you wander about with us, seeing I go I know not where? Go back, and take your brethren with you; and may the LORD show steadfast love and faithfulness to you."

rsv@2Samuel:22:26 @ "With the loyal thou dost show thyself loyal; with the blameless man thou dost show thyself blameless;

rsv@2Samuel:22:27 @ with the pure thou dost show thyself pure, and with the crooked thou dost show thyself perverse.

rsv@2Samuel:22:51 @ Great triumphs he gives to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David, and his descendants for ever."

rsv@1Kings:2:2 @ "I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man,

rsv@1Kings:3:6 @ And Solomon said, "Thou hast shown great and steadfast love to thy servant David my father, because he walked before thee in faithfulness, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart toward thee; and thou hast kept for him this great and steadfast love, and hast given him a son to sit on his throne this day.

rsv@1Kings:8:23 @ and said, "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to thy servants who walk before thee with all their heart;

rsv@1Kings:8:66 @ On the eighth day he sent the people away; and they blessed the king, and went to their homes joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the LORD had shown to David his servant and to Israel his people.

rsv@1Kings:13:12 @ And their father said to them, "Which way did he go?" And his sons showed him the way which the man of God who came from Judah had gone.

rsv@1Kings:16:27 @ Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and the might that he showed, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:18:1 @ After many days the word of the LORD came to Eli'jah, in the third year, saying, "Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth."

rsv@1Kings:18:2 @ So Eli'jah went to show himself to Ahab. Now the famine was severe in Sama'ria.

rsv@1Kings:18:15 @ And Eli'jah said, "As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, I will surely show myself to him today."

rsv@1Kings:22:45 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehosh'aphat, and his might that he showed, and how he warred, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:6:6 @ Then the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" When he showed him the place, he cut off a stick, and threw it in there, and made the iron float.

rsv@2Kings:6:11 @ And the mind of the king of Syria was greatly troubled because of this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, "Will you not show me who of us is for the king of Israel?"

rsv@2Kings:8:10 @ And Eli'sha said to him, "Go, say to him, `You shall certainly recover'; but the LORD has shown me that he shall certainly die."

rsv@2Kings:8:13 @ And Haz'ael said, "What is your servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing?" Eli'sha answered, "The LORD has shown me that you are to be king over Syria."

rsv@2Kings:11:4 @ But in the seventh year Jehoi'ada sent and brought the captains of the Carites and of the guards, and had them come to him in the house of the LORD; and he made a covenant with them and put them under oath in the house of the LORD, and he showed them the king's son.

rsv@2Kings:20:13 @ And Hezeki'ah welcomed them, and he showed them all his treasure house, the silver, the gold, the spices, the precious oil, his armory, all that was found in his storehouses; there was nothing in his house or in all his realm that Hezeki'ah did not show them.

rsv@2Kings:20:15 @ He said, "What have they seen in your house?" And Hezeki'ah answered, "They have seen all that is in my house; there is nothing in my storehouses that I did not show them."

rsv@1Chronicles:9:32 @ Also some of their kinsmen of the Ko'hathites had charge of the showbread, to prepare it every sabbath.

rsv@1Chronicles:17:17 @ And this was a small thing in thy eyes, O God; thou hast also spoken of thy servant's house for a great while to come, and hast shown me future generations, O LORD God!

rsv@1Chronicles:23:29 @ to assist also with the showbread, the flour for the cereal offering, the wafers of unleavened bread, the baked offering, the offering mixed with oil, and all measures of quantity or size.

rsv@1Chronicles:28:16 @ the weight of gold for each table for the showbread, the silver for the silver tables,

rsv@2Chronicles:1:8 @ And Solomon said to God, "Thou hast shown great and steadfast love to David my father, and hast made me king in his stead.

rsv@2Chronicles:2:4 @ Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the LORD my God and dedicate it to him for the burning of incense of sweet spices before him, and for the continual offering of the showbread, and for burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths and the new moons and the appointed feasts of the LORD our God, as ordained for ever for Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:6:14 @ and said, "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to thy servants who walk before thee with all their heart;

rsv@2Chronicles:7:10 @ On the twenty-third day of the seventh month he sent the people away to their homes, joyful and glad of heart for the goodness that the LORD had shown to David and to Solomon and to Israel his people.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:11 @ They offer to the LORD every morning and every evening burnt offerings and incense of sweet spices, set out the showbread on the table of pure gold, and care for the golden lampstand that its lamps may burn every evening; for we keep the charge of the LORD our God, but you have forsaken him.

rsv@2Chronicles:16:9 @ For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show his might in behalf of those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this; for from now on you will have wars."

rsv@2Chronicles:24:22 @ Thus Jo'ash the king did not remember the kindness which Jehoi'ada, Zechari'ah's father, had shown him, but killed his son. And when he was dying, he said, "May the LORD see and avenge!"

rsv@2Chronicles:29:18 @ Then they went in to Hezeki'ah the king and said, "We have cleansed all the house of the LORD, the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the table for the showbread and all its utensils.

rsv@2Chronicles:30:22 @ And Hezeki'ah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who showed good skill in the service of the LORD. So the people ate the food of the festival for seven days, sacrificing peace offerings and giving thanks to the LORD the God of their fathers.

rsv@Ezra:9:8 @ But now for a brief moment favor has been shown by the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant, and to give us a secure hold within his holy place, that our God may brighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our bondage.

rsv@Nehemiah:10:33 @ for the showbread, the continual cereal offering, the continual burnt offering, the sabbaths, the new moons, the appointed feasts, the holy things, and the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

rsv@Esther:1:4 @ while he showed the riches of his royal glory and the splendor and pomp of his majesty for many days, a hundred and eighty days.

rsv@Esther:1:11 @ to bring Queen Vashti before the king with her royal crown, in order to show the peoples and the princes her beauty; for she was fair to behold.

rsv@Esther:4:8 @ Mor'decai also gave him a copy of the written decree issued in Susa for their destruction, that he might show it to Esther and explain it to her and charge her to go to the king to make supplication to him and entreat him for her people.

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