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strkjv@Genesis:2:11 @ The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

strkjv@Genesis:8:13 @ And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.

strkjv@Genesis:10:5 @ By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

strkjv@Genesis:10:20 @ These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.

strkjv@Genesis:10:31 @ These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.

strkjv@Genesis:13:4 @ Unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first ri#shown#: and there Abram called on the name of the LORD.

strkjv@Genesis:25:25 @ And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

strkjv@Genesis:26:1 @ And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar.

strkjv@Genesis:28:19 @ And he called the name of that place Bethel Beyth-#El#: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first ri#shown#.

strkjv@Genesis:31:2 @ And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it was not toward him as before.

strkjv@Genesis:31:5 @ And said unto them, I see your fathers countenance, that it is not toward me as before; but the God of my father hath been with me.

strkjv@Genesis:32:5 @ And I have oxen showr#, and asses, flocks tso#n#, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.

strkjv@Genesis:32:17 @ And he commanded the foremost ri#shown#, saying, When Esau my brother meeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest thou? and whose are these before thee?

strkjv@Genesis:33:2 @ And he put the handmaids and their children foremost ri#shown#, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost.

strkjv@Genesis:36:20 @ These are the sons of Seir the Horite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon Tsib#own#, and Anah,

strkjv@Genesis:36:21 @ And Dishon Diyshown, Diyshon, Dishown, or, and Ezer, and Dishan: these are the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in the land of Edom.

strkjv@Genesis:36:23 @ And the children of Shobal were these; Alvan, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.

strkjv@Genesis:36:25 @ And the children of Anah were these; Dishon Diyshown, Diyshon, Dishown, or, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah.

strkjv@Genesis:36:26 @ And these are the children of Dishon Diyshown, Diyshon, Dishown, or; Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran.

strkjv@Genesis:36:29 @ These are the dukes that came of the Horites; duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon Tsib#own#, duke Anah,

strkjv@Genesis:36:30 @ Duke Dishon Diyshown, Diyshon, Dishown, or, duke Ezer, duke Dishan: these are the dukes that came of Hori, among their dukes in the land of Seir Se#iyr#.

strkjv@Genesis:38:28 @ And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first ri#shown#.

strkjv@Genesis:40:13 @ Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head ro#sh#, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaohs cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler.

strkjv@Genesis:41:20 @ And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine:

strkjv@Genesis:46:11 @ And the sons of Levi; Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

strkjv@Genesis:49:6 @ O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall showr#.

strkjv@Exodus:4:8 @ And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

strkjv@Exodus:4:10 @ And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore shilshowm#, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

strkjv@Exodus:5:7 @ Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore shilshowm#: let them go and gather straw for themselves.

strkjv@Exodus:5:8 @ And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore shilshowm#, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God.

strkjv@Exodus:5:14 @ And the officers of the children of Israel Yisra#el#, which Pharaohs taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and to day, as heretofore shilshowm#?

strkjv@Exodus:6:16 @ And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari: and the years of the life of Levi were an hundred thirty and seven years.

strkjv@Exodus:6:17 @ The sons of Gershon; Libni, and Shimi Shim#iy#, according to their families.

strkjv@Exodus:6:23 @ And Aaron took him Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab, sister of Naashon, to wife; and she bare him Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar #El#azar#, and Ithamar.

strkjv@Exodus:11:7 @ But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Exodus:12:2 @ This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

strkjv@Exodus:12:15 @ Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Exodus:12:16 @ And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you.

strkjv@Exodus:12:18 @ In the first month, on the fourteenth #H702day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even.

strkjv@Exodus:19:16 @ And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet showphar# exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.

strkjv@Exodus:19:19 @ And when the voice of the trumpet showphar# sounded long, and waxed louder and louder m@#od#, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice.

strkjv@Exodus:20:17 @ Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox showr#, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbours.

strkjv@Exodus:20:18 @ And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet showphar#, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.

strkjv@Exodus:21:28 @ If an ox showr# gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox showr# shall be surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox showr# shall be quit.

strkjv@Exodus:21:29 @ But if the ox showr# were wont to push with his horn in time past t@mowl#, and it hath been testified to his owner ba#al#, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox showr# shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death.

strkjv@Exodus:21:32 @ If the ox showr# shall push a manservant or a maidservant; he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox showr# shall be stoned.

strkjv@Exodus:21:33 @ And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig a pit, and not cover it, and an ox showr# or an ass fall therein;

strkjv@Exodus:21:35 @ And if one mans ox showr# hurt anothers, that he die; then they shall sell the live ox showr#, and divide the money of it; and the dead ox also they shall divide.

strkjv@Exodus:21:36 @ Or if it be known that the ox showr# hath used to push in time past t@mowl#, and his owner hath not kept him in; he shall surely pay ox showr# for ox showr#; and the dead shall be his own.

strkjv@Exodus:22:1 @ If a man shall steal an ox showr#, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox showr#, and four sheep for a sheep.

strkjv@Exodus:22:4 @ If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox showr#, or ass, or sheep; he shall restore double.

strkjv@Exodus:22:9 @ For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox showr#, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbour.

strkjv@Exodus:22:10 @ If a man deliver unto his neighbour an ass, or an ox showr#, or a sheep, or any beast, to keep; and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man seeing it:

strkjv@Exodus:22:30 @ Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen showr#, and with thy sheep tso#n#: seven days it shall be with his dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it me.

strkjv@Exodus:23:4 @ If thou meet thine enemys ox showr# or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back # to him again.

strkjv@Exodus:23:12 @ Six days thou shalt do thy work ma#aseh#, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox showr# and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed.

strkjv@Exodus:29:22 @ Also thou shalt take of the ram the fat and the rump, and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder showq#; for it is a ram of consecration:

strkjv@Exodus:29:27 @ And thou shalt sanctify the breast of the wave offering, and the shoulder showq# of the heave offering, which is waved, and which is heaved up, of the ram of the consecration, even of that which is for Aaron, and of that which is for his sons:

strkjv@Exodus:34:1 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first ri#shown#: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest.

strkjv@Exodus:34:4 @ And he hewed two tables of stone like unto the first ri#shown#; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone.

strkjv@Exodus:34:19 @ All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox showr# or sheep, that is male.

strkjv@Exodus:40:2 @ On the first day of the first month shalt thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation mow#ed#.

strkjv@Exodus:40:17 @ And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up.

strkjv@Leviticus:4:10 @ As it was taken off from the bullock showr# of the sacrifice of peace offerings: and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of the burnt offering.

strkjv@Leviticus:4:21 @ And he shall carry forth the bullock without the camp, and burn him as he burned the first bullock: it is a sin offering for the congregation.

strkjv@Leviticus:5:8 @ And he shall bring them unto the priest, who shall offer that which is for the sin offering first ri#shown#, and wring off his head from his neck, but shall not divide it asunder:

strkjv@Leviticus:7:23 @ Speak unto the children of Israel Yisra#el#, saying, Ye shall eat no manner of fat, of ox showr#, or of sheep, or of goat.

strkjv@Leviticus:7:32 @ And the right shoulder showq# shall ye give unto the priest for an heave offering of the sacrifices of your peace offerings.

strkjv@Leviticus:7:33 @ He among the sons of Aaron, that offereth the blood of the peace offerings, and the fat, shall have the right shoulder showq# for his part.

strkjv@Leviticus:7:34 @ For the wave breast and the heave shoulder showq# have I taken of the children of Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace offerings, and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons by a statute for ever from among the children of Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Leviticus:8:25 @ And he took the fat, and the rump, and all the fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and the right shoulder showq#:

strkjv@Leviticus:8:26 @ And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that was before the LORD, he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put them on the fat, and upon the right shoulder showq#:

strkjv@Leviticus:9:4 @ Also a bullock showr# and a ram for peace offerings, to sacrifice before the LORD; and a meat offering mingled with oil: for to day the LORD will appear unto you.

strkjv@Leviticus:9:15 @ And he brought the peoples offering, and took the goat sa#iyr#, which was the sin offering for the people, and slew it, and offered it for sin, as the first ri#shown#.

strkjv@Leviticus:9:18 @ He slew also the bullock showr# and the ram for a sacrifice of peace offerings, which was for the people: and Aarons sons presented unto him the blood, which he sprinkled upon the altar round about,

strkjv@Leviticus:9:19 @ And the fat of the bullock showr# and of the ram, the rump, and that which covereth the inwards, and the kidneys, and the caul above the liver:

strkjv@Leviticus:9:21 @ And the breasts and the right shoulder showq# Aaron waved for a wave offering before the LORD; as Moses commanded.

strkjv@Leviticus:10:14 @ And the wave breast and heave shoulder showq# shall ye eat in a clean place; thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee: for they be thy due, and thy sons due, which are given out of the sacrifices of peace offerings of the children of Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Leviticus:10:15 @ The heave shoulder showq# and the wave breast shall they bring with the offerings made by fire of the fat, to wave it for a wave offering before the LORD; and it shall be thine, and thy sons with thee, by a statute for ever; as the LORD hath commanded.

strkjv@Leviticus:17:3 @ What man soever there be of the house of Israel Yisra#el#, that killeth an ox showr#, or lamb, or goat, in the camp, or that killeth it out of the camp,

strkjv@Leviticus:19:14 @ Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD.

strkjv@Leviticus:22:23 @ Either a bullock showr# or a lamb that hath any thing superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer for a freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted.

strkjv@Leviticus:22:27 @ When a bullock showr#, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought forth, then it shall be seven days under the dam; and from the eighth day and thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

strkjv@Leviticus:22:28 @ And whether it be cow showr# or ewe, ye shall not kill it and her young both in one day.

strkjv@Leviticus:23:5 @ In the fourteenth #H6240day of the first month at even is the LORDS passover.

strkjv@Leviticus:23:7 @ In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

strkjv@Leviticus:23:35 @ On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

strkjv@Leviticus:23:39 @ Also in the fifteenth chamesh# day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath.

strkjv@Leviticus:23:40 @ And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days.

strkjv@Leviticus:25:9 @ Then shalt thou cause the trumpet showphar# of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet showphar# sound throughout all your land.

strkjv@Leviticus:26:45 @ But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors ri#shown#, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, that I might be their God: I am the LORD.

strkjv@Leviticus:27:26 @ Only the firstling of the beasts, which should be the LORDS firstling, no man shall sanctify it; whether it be ox showr#, or sheep: it is the LORDS.

strkjv@Numbers:1:7 @ Of Judah; Nahshon the son of Amminadab.

strkjv@Numbers:2:3 @ And on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the standard of the camp of Judah pitch throughout their armies: and Nahshon the son of Amminadab shall be captain of the children of Judah.

strkjv@Numbers:2:9 @ All that were numbered in the camp of Judah were an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred me#ah#, throughout their armies. These shall first set forth.

strkjv@Numbers:3:17 @ And these were the sons of Levi by their names; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari.

strkjv@Numbers:3:18 @ And these are the names of the sons of Gershon by their families; Libni, and Shimei Shim#iy#.

strkjv@Numbers:3:21 @ Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites, and the family of the Shimites Shim#iy#: these are the families of the Gershonites.

strkjv@Numbers:3:25 @ And the charge of the sons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the congregation shall be the tabernacle, and the tent, the covering thereof, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation mow#ed#,

strkjv@Numbers:4:22 @ Take also the sum of the sons of Gershon, throughout the houses of their fathers, by their families;

strkjv@Numbers:4:38 @ And those that were numbered of the sons of Gershon, throughout their families, and by the house of their fathers,

strkjv@Numbers:4:41 @ These are they that were numbered of the families of the sons of Gershon, of all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation mow#ed#, whom Moses and Aaron did number according to the commandment of the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:6:12 @ And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

strkjv@Numbers:6:20 @ And the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD: this is holy for the priest, with the wave breast and heave shoulder showq#: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine.

strkjv@Numbers:7:3 @ And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox showr#: and they brought them before the tabernacle.

strkjv@Numbers:7:7 @ Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service:

strkjv@Numbers:7:12 @ And he that offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah:

strkjv@Numbers:7:17 @ And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.

strkjv@Numbers:9:1 @ And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,

strkjv@Numbers:9:5 @ And they kept the passover on the fourteenth #H6240day of the first month at even in the wilderness of Sinai: according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Numbers:10:13 @ And they first took their journey according to the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

strkjv@Numbers:10:14 @ In the first place went the standard of the camp of the children of Judah according to their armies: and over his host was Nahshon the son of Amminadab.

strkjv@Numbers:10:17 @ And the tabernacle was taken down; and the sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari set forward, bearing the tabernacle.

strkjv@Numbers:15:11 @ Thus shall it be done for one bullock showr#, or for one ram, or for a lamb kebes#, or a kid.

strkjv@Numbers:18:17 @ But the firstling of a cow showr#, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they are holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn their fat for an offering made by fire, for a sweet savour unto the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:18:18 @ And the flesh of them shall be thine, as the wave breast and as the right shoulder showq# are thine.

strkjv@Numbers:20:1 @ Then came the children of Israel Yisra#el#, even the whole congregation, into the desert of Zin in the first month: and the people abode in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and was buried there.

strkjv@Numbers:21:26 @ For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab Mow#ab#, and taken all his land out of his hand, even unto Arnon.

strkjv@Numbers:22:4 @ And Moab said unto the elders of Midian, Now shall this company lick up all that are round about us, as the ox showr# licketh up the grass of the field. And Balak the son of Zippor was king of the Moabites at that time.

strkjv@Numbers:26:57 @ And these are they that were numbered of the Levites after their families: of Gershon, the family of the Gershonites: of Kohath, the family of the Kohathites: of Merari, the family of the Merarites.

strkjv@Numbers:28:16 @ And in the fourteenth #H6240day of the first month is the passover of the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:28:18 @ In the first day shall be an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work therein:

strkjv@Numbers:32:35 @ And Atroth, Shophan #Atrowth, and Jaazer Ya#azeyr#, and Jogbehah,

strkjv@Numbers:33:3 @ And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth #H2568day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:3:10 @ All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead Gil#ad#, and all Bashan, unto Salchah and Edrei #edre#iy#, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:32 @ For ask now of the days that are past ri#shown#, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it?

strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:42 @ That the slayer might flee thither, which should kill his neighbour unawares b@liy# da#ath#, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:43 @ Namely, Bezer in the wilderness, in the plain country, of the Reubenites R@#uwbeniy#; and Ramoth in Gilead Gil#ad#, of the Gadites; and Golan in Bashan, of the Manassites.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:5:14 @ But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work m@la#kah#, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox showr#, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates sha#ar#; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:5:21 @ Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbours wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbours house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox showr#, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbours.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:9:18 @ And I fell down before the LORD, as at the first ri#shown#, forty #arba#iym# days and forty #arba#iym# nights: I did neither eat bread, nor drink water, because of all your sins which ye sinned, in doing wickedly in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:10:1 @ At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first ri#shown#, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:10:2 @ And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:10:3 @ And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first ri#shown#, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:10:4 @ And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten commandments, which the LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and the LORD gave them unto me.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:10:10 @ And I stayed in the mount, according to the first time, forty #arba#iym# days and forty #arba#iym# nights; and the LORD hearkened unto me at that time also, and the LORD would not destroy thee.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:13:9 @ But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:14:4 @ These are the beasts which ye shall eat: the ox showr#, the sheep seh#, and the goat,

strkjv@Deuteronomy:15:19 @ All the firstling males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no work with the firstling of thy bullock showr#, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep tso#n#.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:16:4 @ And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy coast seven days; neither shall there any thing of the flesh, which thou sacrificedst the first day at even, remain all night until the morning.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:17:1 @ Thou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD thy God any bullock showr#, or sheep, wherein is blemish m#uwm#, or any evilfavouredness ra#: for that is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:17:7 @ The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterward the hands of all the people. So thou shalt putthe evil away from among you.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:18:3 @ And this shall be the priests due from the people, from them that offer a sacrifice, whether it be ox showr# or sheep; and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:19:4 @ And this is the case of the slayer, which shall flee thither, that he may live: Whoso killeth his neighbour ignorantly b@liy# da#ath#, whom he hated not in time past;

strkjv@Deuteronomy:19:6 @ Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer #H7523, while his heart is hot, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him; whereas he was not worthy of death, inasmuch as he hated him not in time past.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:19:14 @ Thou shalt not remove thy neighbours landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:1 @ Thou shalt not see thy brothers ox showr# or his sheep go astray, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:4 @ Thou shalt not see thy brothers ass or his ox showr# fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:10 @ Thou shalt not plow with an ox showr# and an ass together.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:24:4 @ Her former husband ba#al#, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:25:4 @ Thou shalt not muzzle the ox showr# when he treadeth out the corn.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:31 @ Thine ox showr# shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:35 @ The LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs showq#, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:49 @ The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:2 @ My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:

strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:10 @ He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:33:17 @ His glory is like the firstling of his bullock showr#, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns r@#em#: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.