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nkjv@Job:2:10 @ But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

nkjv@Job:2:11 @ Now when Job's three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place--Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him, and to comfort him.

nkjv@Job:4:13 @ In disquieting thoughts from the visions of the night, When deep sleep falls on men,

nkjv@Job:7:18 @ That You should visit him every morning, And test him every moment?

nkjv@Job:7:20 @ Have I sinned? What have I done to You, O watcher of men? Why have You set me as Your target, So that I am a burden to myself?

nkjv@Job:8:3 @ Does God subvert judgment? Or does the Almighty pervert justice?

nkjv@Job:11:3 @ Should your empty talk make men hold their peace? And when you mock, should no one rebuke you?

nkjv@Job:11:10 @ "If He passes by, imprisons, and gathers to judgment, Then who can hinder Him?

nkjv@Job:11:11 @ For He knows deceitful men; He sees wickedness also. Will He not then consider it?

nkjv@Job:12:12 @ Wisdom is with aged men, And with length of days, understanding.

nkjv@Job:12:20 @ He deprives the trusted ones of speech, And takes away the discernment of the elders.

nkjv@Job:13:28 @ "Man decays like a rotten thing, Like a garment that is moth-eaten.

nkjv@Job:14:3 @ And do You open Your eyes on such a one, And bring me to judgment with Yourself?

nkjv@Job:15:18 @ What wise men have told, Not hiding anything received from their fathers,

nkjv@Job:17:6 @ "But He has made me a byword of the people, And I have become one in whose face men spit.

nkjv@Job:17:8 @ Upright men are astonished at this, And the innocent stirs himself up against the hypocrite.

nkjv@Job:19:2 @ "How long will you torment my soul, And break me in pieces with words?

nkjv@Job:19:29 @ Be afraid of the sword for yourselves; For wrath brings the punishment of the sword, That you may know there is a judgment."

nkjv@Job:20:5 @ That the triumphing of the wicked is short, And the joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment?

nkjv@Job:20:18 @ He will restore that for which he labored, And will not swallow it down; From the proceeds of business He will get no enjoyment.

nkjv@Job:21:13 @ They spend their days in wealth, And in a moment go down to the grave.

nkjv@Job:22:4 @ "Is it because of your fear of Him that He corrects you, And enters into judgment with you?

nkjv@Job:22:15 @ Will you keep to the old way Which wicked men have trod,

nkjv@Job:23:4 @ I would present my case before Him, And fill my mouth with arguments.

nkjv@Job:23:12 @ I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth More than my necessary food.

nkjv@Job:27:23 @ Men shall clap their hands at him, And shall hiss him out of his place.

nkjv@Job:28:4 @ He breaks open a shaft away from people; In places forgotten by feet They hang far away from men; They swing to and fro.

nkjv@Job:28:18 @ No mention shall be made of coral or quartz, For the price of wisdom is above rubies.

nkjv@Job:29:8 @ The young men saw me and hid, And the aged arose and stood;

nkjv@Job:29:21 @ "Men listened to me and waited, And kept silence for my counsel.

nkjv@Job:30:1 @ "But now they mock at me, men younger than I, Whose fathers I disdained to put with the dogs of my flock.

nkjv@Job:30:5 @ They were driven out from among men, They shouted at them as at a thief.

nkjv@Job:30:8 @ They were sons of fools, Yes, sons of vile men; They were scourged from the land.

nkjv@Job:30:18 @ By great force my garment is disfigured; It binds me about as the collar of my coat.

nkjv@Job:31:2 @ For what is the allotment of God from above, And the inheritance of the Almighty from on high?

nkjv@Job:31:11 @ For that would be wickedness; Yes, it would be iniquity deserving of judgment.

nkjv@Job:31:28 @ This also would be an iniquity deserving of judgment, For I would have denied God who is above.

nkjv@Job:31:31 @ If the men of my tent have not said, "Who is there that has not been satisfied with his meat?'

nkjv@Job:32:1 @ So these three men ceased answering Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.

nkjv@Job:32:5 @ When Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, his wrath was aroused.

nkjv@Job:32:9 @ Great men are not always wise, Nor do the aged always understand justice.

nkjv@Job:33:15 @ In a dream, in a vision of the night, When deep sleep falls upon men, While slumbering on their beds,

nkjv@Job:33:16 @ Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction.

nkjv@Job:33:27 @ Then he looks at men and says, "I have sinned, and perverted what was right, And it did not profit me.'

nkjv@Job:34:2 @ "Hear my words, you wise men; Give ear to me, you who have knowledge.

nkjv@Job:34:8 @ Who goes in company with the workers of iniquity, And walks with wicked men?

nkjv@Job:34:10 @ "Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God to do wickedness, And from the Almighty to commit iniquity.

nkjv@Job:34:20 @ In a moment they die, in the middle of the night; The people are shaken and pass away; The mighty are taken away without a hand.

nkjv@Job:34:23 @ For He need not further consider a man, That he should go before God in judgment.

nkjv@Job:34:24 @ He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry, And sets others in their place.

nkjv@Job:34:26 @ He strikes them as wicked men In the open sight of others,

nkjv@Job:34:34 @ "Men of understanding say to me, Wise men who listen to me:

nkjv@Job:34:36 @ Oh, that Job were tried to the utmost, Because his answers are like those of wicked men!

nkjv@Job:35:12 @ There they cry out, but He does not answer, Because of the pride of evil men.

nkjv@Job:36:17 @ But you are filled with the judgment due the wicked; Judgment and justice take hold of you.

nkjv@Job:36:24 @ "Remember to magnify His work, Of which men have sung.

nkjv@Job:37:7 @ He seals the hand of every man, That all men may know His work.

nkjv@Job:37:17 @ Why are your garments hot, When He quiets the earth by the south wind?

nkjv@Job:37:21 @ Even now men cannot look at the light when it is bright in the skies, When the wind has passed and cleared them.

nkjv@Job:37:23 @ As for the Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is excellent in power, In judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress.

nkjv@Job:37:24 @ Therefore men fear Him; He shows no partiality to any who are wise of heart."

nkjv@Job:38:5 @ Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it?

nkjv@Job:38:9 @ When I made the clouds its garment, And thick darkness its swaddling band;

nkjv@Job:38:14 @ It takes on form like clay under a seal, And stands out like a garment.

nkjv@Job:40:8 @ "Would you indeed annul My judgment? Would you condemn Me that you may be justified?

nkjv@Job:41:31 @ He makes the deep boil like a pot; He makes the sea like a pot of ointment.

nkjv@Job:42:15 @ In all the land were found no women so beautiful as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers.

nkjv@Psalms:1:5 @ Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

nkjv@Psalms:4:2 @ How long, O you sons of men, Will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness And seek falsehood?Selah

nkjv@Psalms:7:6 @ Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; Lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies; Rise up for me to the judgment You have commanded!

nkjv@Psalms:7:13 @ He also prepares for Himself instruments of death; He makes His arrows into fiery shafts.

nkjv@Psalms:9:7 @ But the LORD shall endure forever; He has prepared His throne for judgment.

nkjv@Psalms:9:8 @ He shall judge the world in righteousness, And He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness.

nkjv@Psalms:9:16 @ The LORD is known by the judgment He executes; The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.

nkjv@Psalms:9:20 @ Put them in fear, O LORD, That the nations may know themselves to be but men.Selah

nkjv@Psalms:10:5 @ His ways are always prospering; Your judgments are far above, out of his sight; As for all his enemies, he sneers at them.

nkjv@Psalms:11:4 @ The LORD is in His holy temple, The LORD's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.

nkjv@Psalms:12:1 @ Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases! For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.

nkjv@Psalms:12:8 @ The wicked prowl on every side, When vileness is exalted among the sons of men.

nkjv@Psalms:14:2 @ The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.

nkjv@Psalms:17:4 @ Concerning the works of men, By the word of Your lips, I have kept away from the paths of the destroyer.

nkjv@Psalms:17:14 @ With Your hand from men, O LORD, From men of the world who have their portion in this life, And whose belly You fill with Your hidden treasure. They are satisfied with children, And leave the rest of their possession for their babes.

nkjv@Psalms:18:22 @ For all His judgments were before me, And I did not put away His statutes from me.

nkjv@Psalms:19:1 @ The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

nkjv@Psalms:19:8 @ The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;

nkjv@Psalms:19:9 @ The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

nkjv@Psalms:21:10 @ Their offspring You shall destroy from the earth, And their descendants from among the sons of men.

nkjv@Psalms:22:6 @ But I am a worm, and no man; A reproach of men, and despised by the people.

nkjv@Psalms:22:18 @ They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots.

nkjv@Psalms:26:9 @ Do not gather my soul with sinners, Nor my life with bloodthirsty men,

nkjv@Psalms:30:5 @ For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.

nkjv@Psalms:31:19 @ Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men!

nkjv@Psalms:33:2 @ Praise the LORD with the harp; Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings.

nkjv@Psalms:33:13 @ The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.

nkjv@Psalms:36:6 @ Your righteousness is like the great mountains; Your judgments are a great deep; O LORD, You preserve man and beast.

nkjv@Psalms:36:7 @ How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

nkjv@Psalms:41:13 @ Blessed be the LORD God of Israel From everlasting to everlasting! Amen and Amen.

nkjv@Psalms:45:2 @ You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever.

nkjv@Psalms:45:8 @ All Your garments are scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia, Out of the ivory palaces, by which they have made You glad.

nkjv@Psalms:45:9 @ Kings' daughters are among Your honorable women; At Your right hand stands the queen in gold from Ophir.

nkjv@Psalms:48:11 @ Let Mount Zion rejoice, Let the daughters of Judah be glad, Because of Your judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:49:10 @ For he sees wise men die; Likewise the fool and the senseless person perish, And leave their wealth to others.

nkjv@Psalms:49:18 @ Though while he lives he blesses himself (For men will praise you when you do well for yourself),

nkjv@Psalms:53:2 @ God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.

nkjv@Psalms:55:23 @ But You, O God, shall bring them down to the pit of destruction; Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; But I will trust in You.

nkjv@Psalms:57:4 @ My soul is among lions; I lie among the sons of men Who are set on fire, Whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword.

nkjv@Psalms:58:1 @ Do you indeed speak righteousness, you silent ones? Do you judge uprightly, you sons of men?

nkjv@Psalms:58:11 @ So that men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous; Surely He is God who judges in the earth."

nkjv@Psalms:59:2 @ Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, And save me from bloodthirsty men.

nkjv@Psalms:62:9 @ Surely men of low degree are a vapor, Men of high degree are a lie; If they are weighed on the scales, They are altogether lighter than vapor.

nkjv@Psalms:64:9 @ All men shall fear, And shall declare the work of God; For they shall wisely consider His doing.

nkjv@Psalms:65:3 @ Iniquities prevail against me; As for our transgressions, You will provide atonement for them.

nkjv@Psalms:66:5 @ Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.

nkjv@Psalms:66:12 @ You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.

nkjv@Psalms:68:18 @ You have ascended on high, You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts among men, Even from the rebellious, That the LORD God might dwell there.

nkjv@Psalms:68:25 @ The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; Among them were the maidens playing timbrels.

nkjv@Psalms:69:11 @ I also made sackcloth my garment; I became a byword to them.

nkjv@Psalms:71:3 @ Be my strong refuge, To which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.

nkjv@Psalms:71:16 @ I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only.

nkjv@Psalms:72:1 @ Give the king Your judgments, O God, And Your righteousness to the king's Son.

nkjv@Psalms:72:17 @ His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun. And men shall be blessed in Him; All nations shall call Him blessed.

nkjv@Psalms:72:19 @ And blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen.

nkjv@Psalms:73:5 @ They are not in trouble as other men, Nor are they plagued like other men.

nkjv@Psalms:73:6 @ Therefore pride serves as their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment.

nkjv@Psalms:73:19 @ Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors.

nkjv@Psalms:74:5 @ They seem like men who lift up Axes among the thick trees.

nkjv@Psalms:76:5 @ The stouthearted were plundered; They have sunk into their sleep; And none of the mighty men have found the use of their hands.

nkjv@Psalms:76:8 @ You caused judgment to be heard from heaven; The earth feared and was still,

nkjv@Psalms:76:9 @ When God arose to judgment, To deliver all the oppressed of the earth.Selah

nkjv@Psalms:78:7 @ That they may set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments;

nkjv@Psalms:78:25 @ Men ate angels' food; He sent them food to the full.

nkjv@Psalms:78:31 @ The wrath of God came against them, And slew the stoutest of them, And struck down the choice men of Israel.

nkjv@Psalms:78:60 @ So that He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, The tent He had placed among men,

nkjv@Psalms:78:63 @ The fire consumed their young men, And their maidens were not given in marriage.

nkjv@Psalms:78:64 @ Their priests fell by the sword, And their widows made no lamentation.

nkjv@Psalms:79:9 @ Help us, O God of our salvation, For the glory of Your name; And deliver us, and provide atonement for our sins, For Your name's sake!

nkjv@Psalms:82:7 @ But you shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes."

nkjv@Psalms:86:14 @ O God, the proud have risen against me, And a mob of violent men have sought my life, And have not set You before them.

nkjv@Psalms:87:4 @ "I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to those who know Me; Behold, O Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia: "This one was born there.'

nkjv@Psalms:87:7 @ Both the singers and the players on instruments say, "All my springs are in you."

nkjv@Psalms:89:30 @ "If his sons forsake My law And do not walk in My judgments,

nkjv@Psalms:89:31 @ If they break My statutes And do not keep My commandments,

nkjv@Psalms:89:47 @ Remember how short my time is; For what futility have You created all the children of men?

nkjv@Psalms:89:52 @ Blessed be the LORD forevermore! Amen and Amen.

nkjv@Psalms:90:3 @ You turn man to destruction, And say, "Return, O children of men."

nkjv@Psalms:92:3 @ On an instrument of ten strings, On the lute, And on the harp, With harmonious sound.

nkjv@Psalms:94:2 @ Rise up, O Judge of the earth; Render punishment to the proud.

nkjv@Psalms:94:15 @ But judgment will return to righteousness, And all the upright in heart will follow it.

nkjv@Psalms:97:8 @ Zion hears and is glad, And the daughters of Judah rejoice Because of Your judgments, O LORD.

nkjv@Psalms:102:26 @ They will perish, but You will endure; Yes, they will all grow old like a garment; Like a cloak You will change them, And they will be changed.

nkjv@Psalms:103:18 @ To such as keep His covenant, And to those who remember His commandments to do them.

nkjv@Psalms:104:2 @ Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

nkjv@Psalms:104:6 @ You covered it with the deep as with a garment; The waters stood above the mountains.

nkjv@Psalms:105:5 @ Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth,

nkjv@Psalms:105:7 @ He is the LORD our God; His judgments are in all the earth.

nkjv@Psalms:105:11 @ Saying, "To you I will give the land of Canaan As the allotment of your inheritance,"

nkjv@Psalms:106:48 @ Blessed be the LORD God of Israel From everlasting to everlasting! And let all the people say, "Amen!" Praise the LORD!

nkjv@Psalms:107:8 @ Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

nkjv@Psalms:107:15 @ Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

nkjv@Psalms:107:21 @ Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

nkjv@Psalms:107:31 @ Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

nkjv@Psalms:109:18 @ As he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, So let it enter his body like water, And like oil into his bones.

nkjv@Psalms:109:19 @ Let it be to him like the garment which covers him, And for a belt with which he girds himself continually.

nkjv@Psalms:111:10 @ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

nkjv@Psalms:112:1 @ Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who delights greatly in His commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:115:4 @ Their idols are silver and gold, The work of men's hands.

nkjv@Psalms:115:16 @ The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's; But the earth He has given to the children of men.

nkjv@Psalms:116:11 @ I said in my haste, "All men are liars."

nkjv@Psalms:119:6 @ Then I would not be ashamed, When I look into all Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:7 @ I will praise You with uprightness of heart, When I learn Your righteous judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:10 @ With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!

nkjv@Psalms:119:13 @ With my lips I have declared All the judgments of Your mouth.

nkjv@Psalms:119:19 @ I am a stranger in the earth; Do not hide Your commandments from me.

nkjv@Psalms:119:20 @ My soul breaks with longing For Your judgments at all times.

nkjv@Psalms:119:21 @ You rebuke the proud--the cursed, Who stray from Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:30 @ I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me.

nkjv@Psalms:119:32 @ I will run the course of Your commandments, For You shall enlarge my heart.

nkjv@Psalms:119:35 @ Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.

nkjv@Psalms:119:39 @ Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your judgments are good.

nkjv@Psalms:119:47 @ And I will delight myself in Your commandments, Which I love.

nkjv@Psalms:119:48 @ My hands also I will lift up to Your commandments, Which I love, And I will meditate on Your statutes.

nkjv@Psalms:119:52 @ I remembered Your judgments of old, O LORD, And have comforted myself.

nkjv@Psalms:119:60 @ I made haste, and did not delay To keep Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:62 @ At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You, Because of Your righteous judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:66 @ Teach me good judgment and knowledge, For I believe Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:73 @ Your hands have made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:75 @ I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are right, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.

nkjv@Psalms:119:84 @ How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?

nkjv@Psalms:119:86 @ All Your commandments are faithful; They persecute me wrongfully; Help me!

nkjv@Psalms:119:96 @ I have seen the consummation of all perfection, But Your commandment is exceedingly broad.

nkjv@Psalms:119:98 @ You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me.

nkjv@Psalms:119:102 @ I have not departed from Your judgments, For You Yourself have taught me.

nkjv@Psalms:119:106 @ I have sworn and confirmed That I will keep Your righteous judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:108 @ Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, And teach me Your judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:115 @ Depart from me, you evildoers, For I will keep the commandments of my God!

nkjv@Psalms:119:120 @ My flesh trembles for fear of You, And I am afraid of Your judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:127 @ Therefore I love Your commandments More than gold, yes, than fine gold!

nkjv@Psalms:119:131 @ I opened my mouth and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:136 @ Rivers of water run down from my eyes, Because men do not keep Your law.

nkjv@Psalms:119:137 @ Righteous are You, O LORD, And upright are Your judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:143 @ Trouble and anguish have overtaken me, Yet Your commandments are my delights.

nkjv@Psalms:119:151 @ You are near, O LORD, And all Your commandments are truth.

nkjv@Psalms:119:156 @ Great are Your tender mercies, O LORD; Revive me according to Your judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:160 @ The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

nkjv@Psalms:119:164 @ Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:166 @ LORD, I hope for Your salvation, And I do Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:172 @ My tongue shall speak of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness.

nkjv@Psalms:119:175 @ Let my soul live, and it shall praise You; And let Your judgments help me.

nkjv@Psalms:119:176 @ I have gone astray like a lost sheep; Seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:122:5 @ For thrones are set there for judgment, The thrones of the house of David.

nkjv@Psalms:124:2 @ "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, When men rose up against us,

nkjv@Psalms:133:2 @ It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments.

nkjv@Psalms:135:15 @ The idols of the nations are silver and gold, The work of men's hands.

nkjv@Psalms:139:19 @ Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.

nkjv@Psalms:140:1 @ Deliver me, O LORD, from evil men; Preserve me from violent men,

nkjv@Psalms:140:4 @ Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; Preserve me from violent men, Who have purposed to make my steps stumble.

nkjv@Psalms:141:4 @ Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, To practice wicked works With men who work iniquity; And do not let me eat of their delicacies.

nkjv@Psalms:143:2 @ Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, For in Your sight no one living is righteous.

nkjv@Psalms:145:6 @ Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, And I will declare Your greatness.

nkjv@Psalms:145:12 @ To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, And the glorious majesty of His kingdom.

nkjv@Psalms:147:19 @ He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel.

nkjv@Psalms:147:20 @ He has not dealt thus with any nation; And as for His judgments, they have not known them. Praise the LORD!

nkjv@Psalms:148:12 @ Both young men and maidens; Old men and children.

nkjv@Psalms:149:7 @ To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishments on the peoples;

nkjv@Psalms:149:9 @ To execute on them the written judgment-- This honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD!

nkjv@Psalms:150:1 @ Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament!

nkjv@Psalms:150:4 @ Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!

nkjv@Proverbs:1:3 @ To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity;

nkjv@Proverbs:1:9 @ For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, And chains about your neck.

nkjv@Proverbs:2:3 @ Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding,

nkjv@Proverbs:4:9 @ She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you."

nkjv@Proverbs:6:23 @ For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,

nkjv@Proverbs:7:26 @ For she has cast down many wounded, And all who were slain by her were strong men.

nkjv@Proverbs:8:4 @ "To you, O men, I call, And my voice is to the sons of men.

nkjv@Proverbs:8:31 @ Rejoicing in His inhabited world, And my delight was with the sons of men.

nkjv@Proverbs:11:16 @ A gracious woman retains honor, But ruthless men retain riches.

nkjv@Proverbs:12:8 @ A man will be commended according to his wisdom, But he who is of a perverse heart will be despised.

nkjv@Proverbs:12:12 @ The wicked covet the catch of evil men, But the root of the righteous yields fruit.

nkjv@Proverbs:12:19 @ The truthful lip shall be established forever, But a lying tongue is but for a moment.

nkjv@Proverbs:13:13 @ He who despises the word will be destroyed, But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded.

nkjv@Proverbs:13:20 @ He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.

nkjv@Proverbs:15:11 @ Hell and Destruction are before the LORD; So how much more the hearts of the sons of men.

nkjv@Proverbs:15:21 @ Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment, But a man of understanding walks uprightly.

nkjv@Proverbs:16:6 @ In mercy and truth Atonement is provided for iniquity; And by the fear of the LORD one departs from evil.

nkjv@Proverbs:16:10 @ Divination is on the lips of the king; His mouth must not transgress in judgment.

nkjv@Proverbs:17:6 @ Children's children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father.

nkjv@Proverbs:18:1 @ A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.

nkjv@Proverbs:18:5 @ It is not good to show partiality to the wicked, Or to overthrow the righteous in judgment.

nkjv@Proverbs:18:16 @ A man's gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:16 @ He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, But he who is careless of his ways will die.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:19 @ A man of great wrath will suffer punishment; For if you rescue him, you will have to do it again.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:29 @ Judgments are prepared for scoffers, And beatings for the backs of fools.

nkjv@Proverbs:20:6 @ Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, But who can find a faithful man?

nkjv@Proverbs:20:8 @ A king who sits on the throne of judgment Scatters all evil with his eyes.

nkjv@Proverbs:20:16 @ Take the garment of one who is surety for a stranger, And hold it as a pledge when it is for a seductress.

nkjv@Proverbs:20:29 @ The glory of young men is their strength, And the splendor of old men is their gray head.

nkjv@Proverbs:22:29 @ Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.

nkjv@Proverbs:23:28 @ She also lies in wait as for a victim, And increases the unfaithful among men.

nkjv@Proverbs:24:1 @ Do not be envious of evil men, Nor desire to be with them;

nkjv@Proverbs:24:9 @ The devising of foolishness is sin, And the scoffer is an abomination to men.

nkjv@Proverbs:24:23 @ These things also belong to the wise: It is not good to show partiality in judgment.

nkjv@Proverbs:25:1 @ These also are proverbs of Solomon which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied:

nkjv@Proverbs:25:12 @ Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold Is a wise rebuker to an obedient ear.

nkjv@Proverbs:25:20 @ Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather, And like vinegar on soda, Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

nkjv@Proverbs:26:16 @ The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes Than seven men who can answer sensibly.

nkjv@Proverbs:27:9 @ Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of a man's friend gives delight by hearty counsel.

nkjv@Proverbs:27:13 @ Take the garment of him who is surety for a stranger, And hold it in pledge when he is surety for a seductress.

nkjv@Proverbs:27:27 @ You shall have enough goats' milk for your food, For the food of your household, And the nourishment of your maidservants.

nkjv@Proverbs:28:5 @ Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the LORD understand all.

nkjv@Proverbs:28:12 @ When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.

nkjv@Proverbs:28:28 @ When the wicked arise, men hide themselves; But when they perish, the righteous increase.

nkjv@Proverbs:29:8 @ Scoffers set a city aflame, But wise men turn away wrath.

nkjv@Proverbs:30:4 @ Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know?

nkjv@Proverbs:30:14 @ There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, And whose fangs are like knives, To devour the poor from off the earth, And the needy from among men.

nkjv@Proverbs:31:3 @ Do not give your strength to women, Nor your ways to that which destroys kings.

nkjv@Proverbs:31:24 @ She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies sashes for the merchants.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @ I searched in my heart how to gratify my flesh with wine, while guiding my heart with wisdom, and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was good for the sons of men to do under heaven all the days of their lives.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:8 @ I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the special treasures of kings and of the provinces. I acquired male and female singers, the delights of the sons of men, and musical instruments of all kinds.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:25 @ For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, more than I?

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:10 @ I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:14 @ I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:16 @ Moreover I saw under the sun: In the place of judgment, Wickedness was there; And in the place of righteousness, Iniquity was there.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:18 @ I said in my heart, "Concerning the condition of the sons of men, God tests them, that they may see that they themselves are like animals."

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:19 @ For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies the other. Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:21 @ Who knows the spirit of the sons of men, which goes upward, and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the earth?

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:1 @ There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @ A good name is better than precious ointment, And the day of death than the day of one's birth;

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @ Better to go to the house of mourning Than to go to the house of feasting, For that is the end of all men; And the living will take it to heart.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:2 @ I say, "Keep the king's commandment for the sake of your oath to God.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:5 @ He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful; And a wise man's heart discerns both time and judgment,

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:6 @ Because for every matter there is a time and judgment, Though the misery of man increases greatly.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @ Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @ There is a vanity which occurs on earth, that there are just men to whom it happens according to the work of the wicked; again, there are wicked men to whom it happens according to the work of the righteous. I said that this also is vanity.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @ So I commended enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry; for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:3 @ This is an evil in all that is done under the sun: that one thing happens to all. Truly the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil; madness is in their hearts while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:8 @ Let your garments always be white, And let your head lack no oil.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I returned and saw under the sun that-- The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @ For man also does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, So the sons of men are snared in an evil time, When it falls suddenly upon them.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:14 @ There was a little city with few men in it; and a great king came against it, besieged it, and built great snares around it.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:10:1 @ Dead flies putrefy the perfumer's ointment, And cause it to give off a foul odor; So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @ Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgment.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:3 @ In the day when the keepers of the house tremble, And the strong men bow down; When the grinders cease because they are few, And those that look through the windows grow dim;

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:13 @ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:12:14 @ For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.

nkjv@Songs:1:3 @ Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you.

nkjv@Songs:1:8 @ If you do not know, O fairest among women, Follow in the footsteps of the flock, And feed your little goats Beside the shepherds' tents.

nkjv@Songs:1:10 @ Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, Your neck with chains of gold.

nkjv@Songs:1:11 @ We will make you ornaments of gold With studs of silver.

nkjv@Songs:3:3 @ The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, "Have you seen the one I love?"

nkjv@Songs:3:7 @ Behold, it is Solomon's couch, With sixty valiant men around it, Of the valiant of Israel.

nkjv@Songs:4:4 @ Your neck is like the tower of David, Built for an armory, On which hang a thousand bucklers, All shields of mighty men.

nkjv@Songs:4:11 @ Your lips, O my spouse, Drip as the honeycomb; Honey and milk are under your tongue; And the fragrance of your garments Is like the fragrance of Lebanon.

nkjv@Songs:5:7 @ The watchmen who went about the city found me. They struck me, they wounded me; The keepers of the walls Took my veil away from me.

nkjv@Songs:5:9 @ What is your beloved More than another beloved, O fairest among women? What is your beloved More than another beloved, That you so charge us?

nkjv@Songs:6:1 @ Where has your beloved gone, O fairest among women? Where has your beloved turned aside, That we may seek him with you?

nkjv@Songs:8:6 @ Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame.

nkjv@Songs:8:9 @ If she is a wall, We will build upon her A battlement of silver; And if she is a door, We will enclose her With boards of cedar.