Indexes Search Result: indexed - and ever
Found: kjv@Isaiah:40:4 @ Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill...

Found: kjv@Daniel:2:20 @ Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God...

Found: kjv@Psalms:148:6 @ He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he...

Found: kjv@James:1:17 @ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,...

Found: kjv@1John:4:7 @ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of...

Found: kjv@Revelation:5:13 @ And every creature which is in heaven, and on the...

Found: Revelation:22:5 @ 7 PERFECT THINGS ABOUT HEAVEN - VII. A place of perfect glory (v.5) They shall reign for ever and ever.

Found: JANUARY22 AM @ This God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.-kjv@Psalms:48:14 kjv@Isaiah:25:1. kjv@Psalms:16:5 kjv@Psalms:23:3-4. kjv@Psalms:73:23-26. kjv@Psalms:33:21. kjv@Psalms:138:8.

Found: MAY12 AM @ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.-kjv@1John:4:7 kjv@Romans:5:5. kjv@Romans:8:15-16. kjv@1John:5:10 kjv@1John:4:9. kjv@Ephesians:1:7. kjv@Ephesians:2:7 kjv@1John:4:11.

Found: 1Clement:2:6 <1CLEMENT>@ Every sedition and every schism was abominable to you. Ye mourned over the transgressions of your neighbors: ye judged their shortcomings to be your own.

Found: 1Clement:20:12 <1CLEMENT>@ to whom be the glory and the majesty for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:32:4 <1CLEMENT>@ And so we, having been called through His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified through ourselves or through our own wisdom or understanding or piety or works which we wrought in holiness of heart, but through faith, whereby the Almighty God justified all men that have been from the beginning; to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:38:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Seeing therefore that we have all these things from Him, we ought in all things to give thanks to Him, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:43:6 <1CLEMENT>@ What think ye, dearly beloved? Did not Moses know beforehand that this would come to pass? Assuredly he knew it. But that disorder might not arise in Israel, he did thus, to the end that the Name of the true and only God might be glorified: to whom he the glory for ever and ever. Amen...

Found: 1Clement:45:7 <1CLEMENT>@ Or were Ananias and Azarias and Misael shut up in the furnace of fire by them that professed the excellent and glorious worship of the Most High? Far be this from our thoughts. Who then were they that did these things? Abominable men and full of all wickedness were stirred up to such a pitch of wrath, as to bring cruel suffering upon them that served God in a holy and blameless purpose, not knowing that the Most High is the champion and protector of them that in a pure conscience serve His excellent Name: unto whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:45:8 <1CLEMENT>@ But they that endured patiently in confidence inherited glory and honor; they were exalted, and had their names recorded by God in their memorial for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:50:6 <1CLEMENT>@ This declaration of blessedness was pronounced upon them that have been elected by God through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:54:3 <1CLEMENT>@ He that shall have done this, shall win for himself great renown in Christ, and every place will receive him: for the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

Found: 1Clement:58:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Receive our counsel, and ye shall have no occasion of regret. For as God liveth, and the Lord Jesus Christ liveth, and the Holy Spirit, who are the faith and the hope of the elect, so surely shall he, who with lowliness of mind and instant in gentleness hath without regretfulness performed the ordinances and commandments that are given by God, be enrolled and have a name among the number of them that are saved through Jesus Christ, through whom is the glory unto Him for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:61:3 <1CLEMENT>@ O Thou, who alone art able to do these things and things far more exceeding good than these for us, we praise Thee through the High priest and Guardian of our souls, Jesus Christ, through whom be the glory and the majesty unto Thee both now and for all generations and for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:64:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Finally may the All seeing God and Master of spirits and Lord of all flesh, who chose the Lord Jesus Christ, and us through Him for a peculiar people, grant unto every soul that is called after His excellent and holy Name faith, fear, peace, patience, long-suffering, temperance, chastity and soberness, that they may be well pleasing unto His Name through our High priest and Guardian Jesus Christ, through whom unto Him be glory and majesty, might and honor, both now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: 1Clement:65:2 <1CLEMENT>@ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and with all men in all places who have been called by God and through Him, through whom be glory and honor, power and greatness and eternal dominion, unto Him, from the ages past and forever and ever. Amen.

Found: 2Clement:20:5 <2CLEMENT>@ To the only God invisible, the Father of truth, who sent forth unto us the Savior and Prince of immortality, through whom also He made manifest unto us the truth and the heavenly life, to Him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: Didache:3:1 @ My child, flee from every evil and everything that resembleth it.

Found: Didache:4:12 @ Thou shalt hate all hypocrisy, and everything that is not pleasing to the Lord.

Found: Didache:8:2 @ Neither pray ye as the hypocrites, but as the Lord commanded in His Gospel, thus pray ye: Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debt, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one; for Thine is the power and the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:9:2 @ First, as regards the cup: We give Thee thanks, O our Father, for the holy vine of Thy son David, which Thou madest known unto us through Thy Son Jesus; Thine is the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:9:3 @ Then as regarding the broken bread: We give Thee thanks, O our Father, for the life and knowledge which Thou didst make known unto us through Thy Son Jesus; Thine is the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:9:4 @ As this broken bread was scattered upon the mountains and being gathered together became one, so may Thy Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth into Thy kingdom; for Thine is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:10:2 @ We give Thee thanks, Holy Father, for Thy holy name, which Thou hast made to tabernacle in our hearts, and for the knowledge and faith and immortality, which Thou hast made known unto us through Thy Son Jesus; Thine is the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:10:4 @ Before all things we give Thee thanks that Thou art powerful; Thine is the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:10:5 @ Remember, Lord, Thy Church to deliver it from all evil and to perfect it in Thy love; and gather it together from the four winds-- even the Church which has been sanctified-- into Thy kingdom which Thou hast prepared for it; for Thine is the power and the glory for ever and ever.

Found: Didache:13:7 @ yea and of money and raiment and every possession take the firstfruit, as shall seem good to thee, and give according to the commandment.

Found: Diognetus:5:5 @ They dwell in their own countries, but only as sojourners; they bear their share in all things as citizens, and they endure all hardships as strangers. Every foreign country is a fatherland to them, and every fatherland is foreign.

Found: Diognetus:12:9 @ and salvation is set forth, and the apostles are filled with understanding, and the Passover of the Lord goes forward, and the congregations are gathered together, and all things are arranged in order, and as He teacheth the saints the Word is gladdened, through Whom the Father is glorified, to Whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: Hermas:140:6 @ But they that have the fear of God, and investigate concerning deity and truth, and direct their heart towards the Lord, perceive and understand everything that is said to them more quickly, because they have the fear of the Lord in themselves; for where the Lord dwelleth, there too is great understanding. Cleave therefore unto the Lord, and thou shalt understand and perceive all things.

Found: Hermas:346:1 @ "I would fain know, Sir," say I, "in what ways I ought to serve the good desire." "Listen," saith he; "practice righteousness and virtue, truth and the fear of the Lord, faith and gentleness, and as many good deeds as are like these. Practicing these thou shalt be well-pleasing as a servant of God, and shalt live unto Him; yea, and every one who shall serve the good desire shall live unto God."

Found: Hermas:356:6 @ First of all, keep thyself from every evil word and every evil desire, and purify thy heart from all the vanities of this world. If thou keep these things, this fast shall be perfect for thee.

Found: Hermas:178:8 @ the seventh mountain had smiling vegetation, and the whole mountain was in a thriving condition, and cattle and birds of every kind did feed upon that mountain; and the more the cattle and the birds did feed, so much the more did the herbage of that mountain flourish. The eighth mountain was full of springs, and every kind of creature of the Lord did drink of the springs on that mountain.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:19:3 @ From that time forward every sorcery and every spell was dissolved, the ignorance of wickedness vanished away, the ancient kingdom was pulled down, when God appeared in the likeness of man unto newness of everlasting life; and that which had been perfected in the counsels of God began to take effect. Thence all things were perturbed, because the abolishing of death was taken in hand.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:14:3 @ For this cause, yea and for all things, I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I glorify Thee, through the eternal and heavenly High-priest, Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, through whom with Him and the Holy Spirit be glory both now and ever and for the ages to come. Amen.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:4 @ And I Pionius again wrote it down from the aforementioned copy, having searched it out (for the blessed Polycarp showed me in a revelation, as I will declare in the sequel), gathering it together when it was now well nigh worn out by age, that the Lord Jesus Christ may gather me also with His elect into His heavenly kingdom; to whom be the glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. {2** THE THREE PROCEEDING PARAGRAPHS AS READ IN THE MOSCOW MS. **}2 @ {9 @

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:4 @ And I Pionius again wrote it down from the copy of Isocrates, having searched for it in obedience to a revelation of the holy Polycarp, gathering it together, when it was well nigh worn out by age, that the Lord Jesus Christ may gather me also with His elect into His heavenly kingdom; to whom be the glory with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Found: Polycarp:4:3 @ Our widows must be sober-minded as touching the faith of the Lord, making intercession without ceasing for all men, abstaining from all calumny, evil speaking, false witness, love of money, and every evil thing, knowing that they are God's altar, and that all sacrifices are carefully inspected, and nothing escapeth Him either of their thoughts or intents or any of the secret things of the heart.

Found: Polycarp:13:2 @ The letters of Ignatius which were sent to us by him, and others as many as we had by us, we send unto you, according as ye gave charge; the which are subjoined to this letter; from which ye will be able to gain great advantage. For they comprise faith and endurance and every kind of edification, which pertaineth unto our Lord. Moreover concerning Ignatius himself and those that were with him, if ye have any sure tidings, certify us.

Found: kjv@Isaiah:55:3-4 @ Jesus By OTProphecy - The Messiah is part of the new and everlasting covenant and kjv@Jeremiah:31:31-34 kjv@Matthew:26:28; kjv@Mark:14:24; kjv@Luke:22:20; kjv@Hebrews:8:6-13