Indexes Search Result: indexed - fat
Found: kjv@Exodus:3:16 @ Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say...

Found: kjv@Psalms:103:13 @ Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD...

Found: kjv@Exodus:15:2 @ The LORD is my strength and song, and he is...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:5 @ Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve...

Found: kjv@Exodus:20:12 @ Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may...

Found: kjv@Joshua:24:15 @ And if it seem evil unto you to serve the...

Found: kjv@1Samuel:15:22 @ And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in...

Found: kjv@Luke:1:32 @ He shall be great, and shall be called the Son...

Found: kjv@Esther:4:14 @ For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time,...

Found: kjv@Matthew:15:4 @ For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and,...

Found: kjv@Acts:13:32 @ And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:11:6 @ The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the...

Found: dict:easton Winefat @ Winefat

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/moffat @ Moffat, James, D.D.

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/moffat/jampetjud.html @ Moffat General Epistles: James, Peter, and Judas

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/richardson/fathers.html @ Richardson Early Christian Fathers

Found: http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/index.html @ Schaff Early Church Fathers (version 2)

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lake/fathers2.html @ Lake Apostolic Fathers: I Clement, II Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, Didache, Barnabas, The Shepherd of Hermas, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, The Epistle of Dio Greek Fateema

Found: http://www.wholesomewords.org/biography/biorpmoffat.html @ Robert Moffat (1795-1883) Pioneer Scottish missionary to South Africa.

Found: PHILOSOPHICAL MOVEMENTS @ Christian existentialism: a school of thought founded by the 19th-century Danish philosopher and father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard, which emphasizes subjectivity and deep reflection on purpose, the apparent absurdity of life and the cosmos, the inevitable despair of an awakened existence, and finding authenticity of self by faith in God.

Found: nkjv@Genesis:1 @ GENESIS - The word "genesis" signifies "generation" or "origin" and comes from the Greek translation of kjv@Genesis:2:4. It is an appropriate title for the first book of the Bible, which contains the record of the origin of the universe, the human race, family life, nations, sin redemption, etc. The first 11 chapters, which deal with primeval or pre-Patriarchal times, present the antecedents of Hebrew history from Adam to Abraham. The remaining chapters (12 - 50) are concerned with God’s dealings with the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Jacob’s son Joseph, all "fathers" of the people whom God has chosen to carry out His plan for the redemption of mankind. The book closes with these "Chosen People" in Egypt.

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:1 @ DEUTERONOMY - The final book of the Pentateuch derives its English name from the Greek work deuteronomion, meaning the "second law", or the "law repeated". Deuteronomy is essentially Moses’ farewell address(es) to a new generation in which he summons them to hear the law of God, to be instructed in the application of its principles to the new circumstances awaiting them, and to renew intelligently the covenant God had made with their fathers - a covenant that must be faithfully observed as the condition of God’s blessings upon them in the Promised Land.

Found: nkjv@Hosea:1 @ HOSEA - Sometimes called the "Prophet of Divine Love," Hosea was a native of Israel and was called to be God’s spokesman during that kingdom’s darkest hour. The apostasy of his own people was enough to break Hosea’s heart, but he also bore a heavy cross in his own life - his wife had proved unfaithful. In this bitter experience Hosea came to fathom God’s love for his erring children and pleads with his people to repent and avail themselves of God’s divine compassion and a love that will not let Israel go.

Found: APRIL14 AM @ My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.-nkjv@Psalms:63:5-6 nkjv@Psalms:139:17-18. nkjv@Psalms:119:103. nkjv@Songs:1:2 nkjv@Psalms:73:25. nkjv@Psalms:45:2 nkjv@Songs:2:3-4. nkjv@Songs:5:15-16.

Found: JUNE11 AM @ He arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.-nkjv@Luke:15:20 nkjv@Psalms:103:8-13 nkjv@Romans:8:15-16. nkjv@Ephesians:2:13. nkjv@Ephesians:2:19.

Found: 1Clement:3:1 <1CLEMENT>@ All glory and enlargement was given unto you, and that was fulfilled which is written My beloved ate and drank and was enlarged and waxed fat and kicked.

Found: 1Clement:4:1 <1CLEMENT>@ For so it is written, And it came to pass after certain days that Cain brought of the fruits of the earth a sacrifice unto God, and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of the sheep and of their fatness.

Found: 1Clement:4:8 <1CLEMENT>@ By reason of jealousy our father Jacob ran away from the face of Esau his brother.

Found: 1Clement:6:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Jealousy hath estranged wives from their husbands and changed the saying of our father Adam, This now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.

Found: 1Clement:10:2 <1CLEMENT>@ He through obedience went forth from his land and from his kindred and from his father's house, that leaving a scanty land and a feeble kindred and a mean house he might inherit the promises of God.

Found: 1Clement:10:3 <1CLEMENT>@ For He saith unto him Go forth from thy land and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto the land which I shall show thee, and I will make thee into a great nation, and I will bless thee and will magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. And I will bless them that bless thee, and I will curse them that curse thee; and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed.

Found: 1Clement:12:5 <1CLEMENT>@ And she said unto the men, Of a surety I perceive that the Lord your God delivereth this city unto you; for the fear and the dread of you is fallen upon the inhabitants thereof. When therefore it shall come to pass that ye take it, save me and the house of my father.

Found: 1Clement:23:3 <1CLEMENT>@ Let this scripture be far from us where He saith Wretched are the double-minded, Which doubt in their soul and say, These things we did hear in the days of our fathers also, and behold we have grown old, and none of these things hath befallen us.

Found: 1Clement:30:7 <1CLEMENT>@ Let the testimony to our well doing be given by others, as it was given unto our fathers who were righteous.

Found: 1Clement:31:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Wherefore was our father Abraham blessed? Was it not because he wrought righteousness and truth through faith?

Found: 1Clement:56:16 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye see, dearly beloved, how great protection there is for them that are chastened by the Master: for being a kind father He chasteneth us to the end that we may obtain mercy through His holy chastisement.

Found: 1Clement:60:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Give concord and peace to us and to all that dwell on the earth, as Thou gavest to our fathers, when they called on Thee in faith and truth with holiness, that we may be saved, while we render obedience to Thine almighty and most excellent Name, and to our rulers and governors upon the earth.

Found: 1Clement:62:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For concerning faith and repentance and genuine love and temperance and sobriety and patience we have handled every argument, putting you in remembrance, that ye ought to please Almighty God in righteousness and truth and long suffering with holiness, laying aside malice and pursuing concord in love and peace, being instant in gentleness; even as our fathers, of whom we spake before, pleased Him, being lowly minded toward their Father and God and Creator and towards all men.

Found: 2Clement:1:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For He bestowed the light upon us; He spake to us, as a father to his sons; He saved us, when we were perishing.

Found: 2Clement:11:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For the word of prophecy also saith: Wretched are the double-minded, that doubt in their heart and say, These things we heard of old in the days of our fathers also, yet we have waited day after day and seen none of them.

Found: 2Clement:12:6 <2CLEMENT>@ These things if ye do, saith He, the kingdom of my father shall come.

Found: 2Clement:19:4 <2CLEMENT>@ Therefore let not the godly be grieved, if he be miserable in the times that now are: a blessed time awaiteth him. He shall live again in heaven with our fathers, and shall have rejoicing throughout a sorrowless eternity.

Found: Barnabas:2:5 @ What to Me is the multitude of your sacrifices, saith the Lord I am full of whole burnt-offerings, and the fat of lambs and the blood of bulls and of goats desire not, not though ye should come to be seen of Me. or who required these things at your hands? Ye shall continue no more to tread My court. If ye bring fine flour, it is in vain; incense is an abomination to Me; your new moons and your Sabbaths I cannot away with.

Found: Barnabas:2:7 @ And He saith again unto them; Did command your fathers when they went forth from the land of Egypt to bring Me whole burnt offerings and sacrifices?

Found: Barnabas:5:7 @ that at the same time He might redeem the promise made to the fathers, and by preparing the new people for Himself might show, while He was on earth, that having brought about the resurrection He will Himself exercise judgment.

Found: Barnabas:13:5 @ And he brought Ephraim and Manasseh, desiring that Manasseh should be blessed, because he was the elder; for Joseph led him by the right hand of his father Jacob. But Jacob saw in the spirit a type of the people that should come afterwards. And what saith He? And Jacob crossed his hands, and placed his right hand on the head of Ephraim, the second and younger, and blessed him. And Joseph said unto Jacob, Transfer thy right hand to the head of Manasseh, for he is my first born son. And Jacob said to Joseph, I know it, my son, I know it; but the greater shall serve the less. Yet this one also shall be blessed.

Found: Barnabas:13:7 @ If then besides this He also recorded it through Abraham, we attain the completion of our knowledge. What then saith he to Abraham when he alone believed, and was ascribed for righteousness? Behold I have made thee, Abraham, a father of nations that believe in God in uncircumcision.

Found: Barnabas:14:1 @ Yea verily, but as regards the covenant which He swear to the fathers to give it to the people let us see whether He hath actually given it. He hath given it, but they themselves were not found worthy to receive it by reason of their sins.

Found: Diognetus:2:8 @ And as for the honors which ye think to offer to them, if they are sensible of them, ye rather punish them thereby, whereas, if they are insensible, ye reproach them by propitiating them with the blood and fat of victims.

Found: Diognetus:3:5 @ But those who think to perform sacrifices to Him with blood and fat and whole burnt offerings, and to honor Him with such honors, seem to me in no way different from those who show the same respect towards deaf images; for the one class think fit to make offerings to things unable to participate in the honor, the other class to One Who is in need of nothing.

Found: Diognetus:5:5 @ They dwell in their own countries, but only as sojourners; they bear their share in all things as citizens, and they endure all hardships as strangers. Every foreign country is a fatherland to them, and every fatherland is foreign.

Found: Diognetus:9:6 @ Having then in the former time demonstrated the inability of our nature to obtain life, and having now revealed a Savior able to save even creatures which have no ability, He willed that for both reasons we should believe in His goodness and should regard Him as nurse, father, teacher, counselor, physician, mind, light, honor, glory, strength and life.

Found: Diognetus:11:5 @ He, I say, Who is eternal, Who today was accounted a Son, through Whom the Church is enriched and grace is unfolded and multiplied among the saints, grace which confers understanding, which reveals mysteries, which announces seasons, which rejoices over the faithful, which is bestowed upon those who seek her, even those by whom the pledges of faith are not broken, nor the boundaries of the fathers overstepped.

Found: Hermas:140:2 @ "How, Sir," say I, "is she the sister of these? For angry temper seems to me to be one thing, doubtful-mindedness another, sorrow another." "Thou art a foolish fellow," saith he, "and perceivest not that sorrow is more evil than all the spirits, and is most fatal to the servants of God, and beyond all the spirits destroys a man, and crushes out the Holy Spirit and yet again saves it."

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:8:2 @ And he was met by Herod the captain of police and his father Nicetes, who also removed him to their carriage and tried to prevail upon him, seating themselves by his side and saying, 'Why what harm is there in saying, Caesar is Lord, and offering incense', with more to this effect, 'and saving thyself?' But he at first gave them no answer. When however they persisted, he said, 'I am not going to do what ye counsel me.'

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:12:2 @ When this was proclaimed by the herald, the whole multitude both of Gentiles and of Jews who dwelt in Smyrna cried out with ungovernable wrath and with a loud shout, 'This is the teacher of Asia, the father of the Christians, the puller down of our gods, who teacheth numbers not to sacrifice nor worship.' Saying these things, they shouted aloud and asked the Asiarch Philip to let a lion loose upon Polycarp. But he said that it was not lawful for him, since he had brought the sports to a close.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:17:2 @ So he put forward Nicetes, the father of Herod and brother of Alce, to plead with the magistrate not to give up his body, 'lest,' so it was said, 'they should abandon the crucified one and begin to worship this man'--this being done at the instigation and urgent entreaty of the Jews, who also watched when we were about to take it from the fire, not knowing that it will be impossible for us either to forsake at any time the Christ who suffered for the salvation of the whole world of those that are saved--suffered though faultless for sinners--nor to worship any other.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL father @ (60)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL fathers @ (3)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL fatlings @ (1)

Found: http://wesley.nnu.edu/sermons-essays-books/noncanonical-literature/noncanonical-literature-the-fathers-of the church @ Wesley Center Online collection of noncanonical early writtings - CHURCH

Found: nkjv@Genesis:21:10-13 @ Sons inherit father's estate - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Exodus:20:12 @ Honor thy father and mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Exodus:21:15 @ Death penalty for smiting father or mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Exodus:21:17 @ Death penalty if curse father and mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Exodus:22:22-24 @ Widows, fatherless - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Leviticus:3:17 @ A perpetual statute: eat neither fat nor blood - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Leviticus:7:22-27 @ Eat no fat or be cut off - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Leviticus:19:3 @ Fear father and mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Leviticus:20:9 @ Death penalty for cursing father or mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Numbers:27:1-11 @ Daughters of Zelophehad wanted to preserve their father's name - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Numbers:30:1-16 @ Vows are not to be broken; father can nullify children's vows - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:5:16 @ Honor thy father and mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:10:17-19 @ God cares for fatherless, widow, stranger - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:14:28-29 @ 3rd tithe for Levite, stranger, fatherless, widow - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:24:19-22 @ Forgotten sheaf for stranger, fatherless, widow - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:26:12-15 @ 3rd tithe for Levite, stranger, fatherless, widow - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:27:16 @ Cursed be he that setteth light by father and mother - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: nkjv@Deuteronomy:27:19 @ Stranger, fatherless, widow - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: UNSORTED @ ChurchFathersIndex

Found: UNSORTED @ Early Documents

Found: UNSORTED @ Ch. Fathers' Writings

Found: UNSORTED @ Church Fathers'

Found: UNSORTED @ More Early Fathers

Found: fat @ kjv@CONCORD:fat

Found: fatfleshed @ kjv@CONCORD:fatfleshed

Found: father @ kjv@CONCORD:father

Found: fatherless @ kjv@CONCORD:fatherless

Found: fathers @ kjv@CONCORD:fathers

Found: fathoms @ kjv@CONCORD:fathoms

Found: fatling @ kjv@CONCORD:fatling

Found: fatlings @ kjv@CONCORD:fatlings

Found: fatness @ kjv@CONCORD:fatness

Found: fats @ kjv@CONCORD:fats

Found: fatted @ kjv@CONCORD:fatted

Found: fatter @ kjv@CONCORD:fatter

Found: fattest @ kjv@CONCORD:fattest

Found: forefathers @ kjv@CONCORD:forefathers

Found: pressfat @ kjv@CONCORD:pressfat

Found: winefat @ kjv@CONCORD:winefat

Found: dict:easton Joseph @ Joseph the adoptive father of Jesus - PEOPLEOFBIBLE

Found: dict:easton Zechariah @ Zechariah father of dict:easton John the Baptist - PEOPLEOFBIBLE

Found: nkjv@John:14:11 @ Jesus By Command - believe me that I am in the father

Found: nkjv@Matthew:19:17-19 @ Jesus By Command - keep the commandments...hou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Found: nkjv@Matthew:23:9 @ Jesus By Command - call no man your father upon the earth

Found: nkjv@Matthew:21:31 @ Whether of them twain did the will of his father? - Jesus By Question

Found: nkjv@Mark:9:21 @ And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? - Jesus By Question

Found: nkjv@Luke:11:11 @ If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? - Jesus By Question

Found: dict:easton Winefat @ Winefat

Found: http://rosaryfidelium.libsyn.com/rss , A Rosary Companion , Religion and Spirituality , The Communion of Saints; bible; catholic; christian; father; fatima; glorious; glory; god; hail; holy; jesus; joyful; luminous; mary; our; pray; prayer; queen; religion , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/3/3/8/2/3382a696503ce002/7_IT_EPIC_15__2019.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.ancientfaith.com/AWordFromTheHolyFathers , A Word from the Holy Fathers , Religion and Spirituality , Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg) and Ancient Faith Radio; church; fathers; apostolic; orthodox; christian; early; faith; religion; christianity; history; spirit , PODCAST , http://images.ancientfaith.com/1800/AWordFromTheHolyFathers.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://bustedhalo.libsyn.com/rss , Busted Halo Show w/Fr. Dave Dwyer , Religion and Spirituality , Fr. Dave Dwyer; CSP; show; religion; christian; faith; spirituality; father; dave; halo; teaching; church; christianity; questions; catholic; priest; catholicism; br , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/3/a/3/9/3a39b46157de1995/BH_FD_Lrg.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://bamcommunicate.podbean.com/feed.xml , By All Means Communicate , Religion and Spirituality , Doyle Srader; show; religion; christian; faith; spirituality; father; dave; halo; teaching; church; christianity; questions; catholic; priest; catholicism; brett; bus , PODCAST , http://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2312699/BAMC.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/courageousparenting , COURAGEOUS PARENTING Video Version , Religion and Spirituality , Angie Tolpin: COURAGEOUS PARENTING; parenting; christian; parenting; raising; kids; parenting; tips; biblical; parenting; motherhood; fatherhood; dad; life; christ , PODCAST , http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ly0W_lyHtLU/hqdefault.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://covenantcompanion.com/feed/podcast/ , CovCast , Religion and Spirituality , CovCast; parenting; christian; parenting; raising; kids; parenting; tips; biblical; parenting; motherhood; fatherhood; dad; life; christian; podcast; christianity; ki , PODCAST , http://covenantcompanion.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/CovCast-Thumbnail-2000.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://fatherdave.libsyn.com/rss , Father Dave Preaches , Religion and Spirituality , Fr. Dave Dwyer; CSP; show; religion; christian; faith; spirituality; father; dave; halo; teaching; church; christianity; questions; catholic; priest; catholicism; br , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/9/f/7/4/9f74d6bb055e6f83/Fr_Dave_preach_sq-LG.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/FatherDwightLongenecker , Father Dwight Longenecker , Religion and Spirituality , noreply@blogger.com (Breadbox Media); show; religion; christian; faith; spirituality; father; dave; halo; teaching; church; christianity; questions; catholic; prie , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/9/f/7/4/9f74d6bb055e6f83/Fr_Dave_preach_sq-LG.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://fiveminutefatherhood.libsyn.com/rss , Five Minute Fatherhood , Religion and Spirituality , Jefferson Bethke & Jeremy Pryor; family; christian; teams; fatherhood , PODCAST , http://ssl-static.libsyn.com/p/assets/d/c/5/2/dc52a87d1e9dd37b/final.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://www.growthproject.org/feed/podcast/fiveminutes , Five Minutes of Truth with Dr. Danny Purvis - A Weekly Devotional Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Danny Purvis; family; christian; teams; fatherhood , PODCAST , http://i0.wp.com/www.growthproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/5minutes-itunes-artwork.jpg?fit=3000%2C3000 , American English; United States ,

Found: http://jayforrest.org/feed/podcast/ , Five Minutes With Jay Forrest , Religion and Spirituality , Jay Forrest; family; christian; teams; fatherhood , PODCAST , http://jayforrest.org/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/JayForrest3000.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://psychic-reading.absolutelypsychic.com/xml.php?feed_id=1257 , Five Sense and More Psychic Advisors onhttp://www.absolutelypsychic.com , Religion and Spirituality , Psychic Advisors onhttp://www.absolutelypsychic.com ; family; christian; teams; fatherhood , PODCAST , http://psychic-reading.absolutelypsychic.com/12378-1sunmoonvector.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://legacy-dads.libsyn.com/rss , Legacy-Dads Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Legacy Dads; christian; faith; bible; college; jesus; christ; legacy; fatherhood; theology; discipline; fathers; apostles , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/3/8/4/8/38488621ae6e3893/PodcastCoverArt_1.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://legado.podbean.com/feed/ , Legado , Religion and Spirituality , ; christian; faith; bible; college; jesus; christ; legacy; fatherhood; theology; discipline; fathers; apostles , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/3/8/4/8/38488621ae6e3893/PodcastCoverArt_1.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PulpitFictionPodcast , Pulpit Fiction Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Robb McCoy and Eric Fistler; bible; christianity; fatpastor; lectionary; preaching; sermon , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/9/e/b/d/9ebd70d386852b01/PulpitFiction-small-square.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/eclecticpodcastingmass , Pulpiteer Without a Pulpit , Religion and Spirituality , Robb McCoy and Eric Fistler; bible; christianity; fatpastor; lectionary; preaching; sermon , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/9/e/b/d/9ebd70d386852b01/PulpitFiction-small-square.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:364511288/sounds.rss , Real Talk Kim , Religion and Spirituality , REAL TALK KIM; addiction; business; christian; christianity; christianmen; dad; dating; daughters; discipleship; faith; father; for; freedom; husband; men; mentor; mo , PODCAST , http://cdn.simplecast.com/images/6feb13af-7d0b-41da-be9b-5213d66ea295/f641cd92-8bb2-48bd-aefb-f8bb92dd8893/rtk-podcast-1.jpg?aid=rss_feed , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.ancientfaith.com/TeachMeThyStatutes , Teach Me Thy Statutes , Religion and Spirituality , Fr. James Early and Ancient Faith Radio; bible; scripture; word; sunday; school; teaching; humor; father; orthodox; church; christian; greek; russian; antiochian; s , PODCAST , http://images.ancientfaith.com/600/TeachMeThyStatutes.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://www.tgcwilliamsburg.com/podcast?format=rss , Teaching Audio - TGC Williamsburg , Religion and Spirituality , Tyler Staton; bible; scripture; word; sunday; school; teaching; humor; father; orthodox; church; christian; greek; russian; antiochian; serbian; romanian; life; applic , PODCAST , http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5509eb31e4b0fca40dc5bbe5/1427555498315-RO7AKEJTOQIT6708MDWW/TGC+williamsburg+podcast.jpg?content-type=image%2Fjpeg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://feeds.ancientfaith.com/WritingsOfTheChurchFathers , Writings of the Church Fathers , Religion and Spirituality , H. Ian Attila and Ancient Faith Radio; patristics; church; fathers; christian; texts; history; church; orthodox; catholic; faith; creed , PODCAST , http://images.ancientfaith.com/1800/WritingsOfTheFathers.jpg , American English;United States ,

Found: Bitter Almond Essential Oil,Properties: It is traditionally used as a vermifuge/ febrifuge/ bactericide/ germicide/ fungicide/ sedative/ anesthetic/ aperient/ diuretic/ anti-intoxicant/ antispasmodic/ and as a cure for hydrophobia.,Health benefits: The uses of bitter almond essential oil are widely ranged/ and include killing worms/ reducing fever/ killing bacteria/ germs and fungi/ sedation and reducing inflammation. It can also cause numbness and act as an anesthetic or desensitizing agent. It is purgative/ increases urination and helps remove excess water/ salt/ toxins/ and fat from the body/ while countering the effects of intoxicants/ curing spasms/ and helping to cure hydrophobia/ which is the fear of water/ most commonly presenting itself in someone who has contracted rabies.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cardamom Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an antispasmodic/ and it also neutralizes the adverse effects of chemotherapy/ reduces nausea. It is used as an antiseptic/ antimicrobial/ aphrodisiac/ astringent/ digestive/ stomachic/ stimulant/ and diuretic agent.,Health benefits: It has been known to cure spasms/ fight nausea/ protect wounds and incisions/ curb microbial growth/ increase libido/ contract gums/ promote digestion/ and maintain stomach health. It stimulates secretions and other functions/ increases urination and thereby removes extra salt/ bile/ water/ toxins and fat from the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Coriander Essential Oil,Properties: For centuries/ this essential oil has been used as an analgesic/ aphrodisiac/ antispasmodic/ carminative/ depurative/ deodorant/ digestive/ fungicide/ lipolytic/ stimulant/ and stomachic.,Health benefits: It has been well-reported to reduce pain/ increase libido/ reduce spasms/ eliminate excess gas/ purify the blood/ decrease body odor/ promote digestion/ and inhibit fungal growth and infection. Furthermore/ it reduces fat by breaking it down through hydrolysis/ and maintains good health and tone of the stomach.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Pine Essential Oil,Properties: it is often used as an antibacterial/ analgesic/ diuretic/ energizing/ anti septic/ or aromatic substance.,Health benefits: It is commonly employed to help in skin care/ cosmetics/ increase of metabolism/ pain relief/ stress disorders/ mental fatigue/ urinary tract infections/ and various respiratory problems.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Bitter Almond Essential Oil,Properties: It is traditionally used as a vermifuge/ febrifuge/ bactericide/ germicide/ fungicide/ sedative/ anesthetic/ aperient/ diuretic/ anti-intoxicant/ antispasmodic/ and as a cure for hydrophobia.,Health benefits: The uses of bitter almond essential oil are widely ranged/ and include killing worms/ reducing fever/ killing bacteria/ germs and fungi/ sedation and reducing inflammation. It can also cause numbness and act as an anesthetic or desensitizing agent. It is purgative/ increases urination and helps remove excess water/ salt/ toxins/ and fat from the body/ while countering the effects of intoxicants/ curing spasms/ and helping to cure hydrophobia/ which is the fear of water/ most commonly presenting itself in someone who has contracted rabies.,

Found: Cardamom Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an antispasmodic/ and it also neutralizes the adverse effects of chemotherapy/ reduces nausea. It is used as an antiseptic/ antimicrobial/ aphrodisiac/ astringent/ digestive/ stomachic/ stimulant/ and diuretic agent.,Health benefits: It has been known to cure spasms/ fight nausea/ protect wounds and incisions/ curb microbial growth/ increase libido/ contract gums/ promote digestion/ and maintain stomach health. It stimulates secretions and other functions/ increases urination and thereby removes extra salt/ bile/ water/ toxins and fat from the body.,

Found: Cedarwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is antiseborrhoeic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ tonic/ astringent/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ expectorant/ insecticidal/ sedative/ and a fungicide.,Health benefits: Cedarwood is known to help cure seborrhoea/ heal wounds/ fight spasms/ cause contractions in the gums/ muscles/ tissues/ skin and blood vessels/ while increasing urination and the subsequent removal of toxins/ water/ salt and fat from the body. It also regulates menstrual cycles/ cures coughs and colds/ kills insects/ sedates inflammation and nervous disturbances/ and inhibits fungal growth and infections.,

Found: Coriander Essential Oil,Properties: For centuries/ this essential oil has been used as an analgesic/ aphrodisiac/ antispasmodic/ carminative/ depurative/ deodorant/ digestive/ fungicide/ lipolytic/ stimulant/ and stomachic.,Health benefits: It has been well-reported to reduce pain/ increase libido/ reduce spasms/ eliminate excess gas/ purify the blood/ decrease body odor/ promote digestion/ and inhibit fungal growth and infection. Furthermore/ it reduces fat by breaking it down through hydrolysis/ and maintains good health and tone of the stomach.,

Found: Pine Essential Oil,Properties: it is often used as an antibacterial/ analgesic/ diuretic/ energizing/ anti septic/ or aromatic substance.,Health benefits: It is commonly employed to help in skin care/ cosmetics/ increase of metabolism/ pain relief/ stress disorders/ mental fatigue/ urinary tract infections/ and various respiratory problems.,