Indexes Search Result: indexed - same
Found: kjv@Hebrews:13:8 @ Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for...

Found: kjv@Luke:2:8 @ And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in...

Found: kjv@Luke:9:24 @ For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but...

Found: kjv@Luke:9:48 @ And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in...

Found: kjv@Acts:13:33 @ God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in...

Found: kjv@Matthew:18:4 @ Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the...

Found: Genesis:24:3-4 @ PRINCIPLES OF DATING - I. Date and marry someone of your same common background (spiritual, social, cultural)

Found: Acts:20:20-21 @ CHARACTERISTICS OF A TRUE SERVANT OF GOD - VII. Integrity (vv.20-21) (Still the same vv.36-38)

Found: dict:hitchcock Ahijah @ same with Ahiah - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Aiath @ same as Ai; an hour; eye; fountain - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ain @ same as Aiath - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Amashi-ali @ same as Amaziah - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Aminadab @ same as Amminadab - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ammi @ same as Ammah - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Anub @ same as Anab - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Ashriel @ same as Asareel - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Assur @ same as Ashur - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Attai @ same as Athlai - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Azotus @ the same as Ashdod - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Azriel @ same as Asriel - HITCHCOCK-A

Found: dict:hitchcock Baale @ same as Baalath - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Babylon @ same as Babel - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Barachias @ same as Barachel - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Bathsuha @ same as Bathsheba - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Beelzebub @ same as Baalzebub - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Beth-phelet @ same as Beth-palet - HITCHCOCK-B

Found: dict:hitchcock Cappadocia @ the same as Caphtor - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Cis @ same as Kish - HITCHCOCK-C

Found: dict:hitchcock Daberath @ same as Dabareh - HITCHCOCK-D

Found: dict:hitchcock Eglon @ same as Eglah - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Elias @ same as Elijah - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Elisheba @ same as Elisabeth - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Elpalet @ same as Eliphalet - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Esaias @ same as Isaiah - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Eshkalon @ same as Askelon - HITCHCOCK-E

Found: dict:hitchcock Gerar @ same as Gera - HITCHCOCK-G

Found: dict:hitchcock Gideoni @ same as Gideon - HITCHCOCK-G

Found: dict:hitchcock Hadarezer @ same as Hadadezer - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Helkai @ same as Helek - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Henoch @ same as Enoch - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Huri @ being angry; or same as Huram - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: dict:hitchcock Imnah @ same as Jimnah - HITCHCOCK-I

Found: dict:hitchcock Isui @ same as Ishuah - HITCHCOCK-I

Found: dict:hitchcock Jakan @ same as Achan - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock James @ same as Jacob - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jehaziel @ same as Jahaziel - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jehoshua @ same as Joshua - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jerijah @ same as Jeriah - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jeshua @ same as Joshua - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jew @ same as Judah - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Joatham @ same as Jotham - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Josaphat @ same as Jehoshaphat - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Joses @ same as Jose - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Jozabad @ same as Josabad - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Judith @ same as Judah - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Julius @ same as Julia - HITCHCOCK-J

Found: dict:hitchcock Kelitah @ same as Kelaiah - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kinah @ same as Kenah - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Kirioth @ same as Kerioth - HITCHCOCK-K

Found: dict:hitchcock Lebonah @ same as Labana - HITCHCOCK-L

Found: dict:hitchcock Libni @ same as Libnah - HITCHCOCK-L

Found: dict:hitchcock Mahath @ same as Maath - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Makas @ same as Mahaz - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Maleleel @ same as Mahaleleel - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mark @ same as Marcus - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mary @ same as Miriam - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Mash @ same as Meshech - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Matthan @ same as Mattan - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Matthanias @ same as Mattaniah - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Megiddon @ same as Megiddo - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Micha @ same as Micaiah - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Minnith @ same as Minni - HITCHCOCK-M

Found: dict:hitchcock Nachor @ same as Nahor - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nahshon @ same as Naashon - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Naum @ same as Nahum - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nephish @ same as Naphish - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nephthalim @ same as Naphtali - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nephusim @ same as Nephishesim - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nereus @ same as Ner - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nethaneel @ same as Nathanael - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nicolas @ same as Nicodemus - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Noe @ same as Noah - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Nun @ same as Non - HITCHCOCK-N

Found: dict:hitchcock Oshea @ same as Joshua - HITCHCOCK-O

Found: dict:hitchcock Pau @ same as Pai - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Paulus @ same as Paul - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Penuel @ same as Peniel - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Persis @ same as Persia - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Peruda @ same as Perida - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Phalec @ same as Peleg - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Philippi @ same as Philip, in the plural - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Priscilla @ same as Prisca - HITCHCOCK-P

Found: dict:hitchcock Rachab @ same as Rahab - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Ramah @ same as Ram - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Rhodes @ same as Rhoda - HITCHCOCK-R

Found: dict:hitchcock Salome @ same as Salmon - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Saron @ same as Sharon - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Sem @ same as Shem - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Seneh @ same as Senaah - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shalem @ same as Salem - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shalim @ same as Salim - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shealtiel @ same as Salathiel - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shelumiel @ same as Shelemiah - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shiloah @ same as Siloah - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shimeon @ same as Simeon - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Shimma @ same as Shimeah - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Stephen @ same as Stephanas - HITCHCOCK-S

Found: dict:hitchcock Tanach @ same as Taanach - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Tharah @ same as Terah - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Thelasar @ same as Telassar - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: dict:hitchcock Uriel @ same as Uriah - HITCHCOCK-U

Found: dict:hitchcock Zabdi @ same as Zabad - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: dict:hitchcock Zechariah @ same as Zachariah - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: dict:hitchcock Zerah @ same as Zarah - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: dict:hitchcock Zereth @ same as Zer - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: dict:hitchcock Ziza @ same as Zina - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: dict:hitchcock Zorobabel @ same as Zerubbabel - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: dict:hitchcock Zuar @ same as Zoar - HITCHCOCK-Z

Found: tab[cebuano_ang_biblia_pinadayag@ntchap] @ TITLE: Cebuano Ang Biblia (Pinadayag Version) DESCRIPTION: Cebuano is the second most widely spoken native language of the Philippines. The complete Cebuano Bible was first published in 1917. This Bible is published today as the Ang Biblia, Cebuano by the Philippine Bible Society. Two separate versions are available: The 'Bugna' version contains the original New Testament from 1917. The 'Pinadayag' version contains a completely revised New Testament which follows a Critical Greek Text. Both versions share the same Old Testament text. The 'Pinadayag' designation is derived from the Cebuano name given to the book of Revelation. Converted from Online Bible. Comparison was made with the printed edition, resulting in some minor corrections. - Version 1.0.8 RIGTHS: We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain. PUBLISHER: LIA

Found: strkjv@Ruth:1 @ RUTH - The Book of Ruth offers a striking contrast to the Book of Judges, but its story is associated with the same period. In Judges, national sin and corruption portray a dark picture. The story of Ruth the Moabitess and her loyalty and devotion to Naomi, her Hebrew mother-in-law, presents the reader with a picture of the nobler side of Hebrew life in the days of the judges.

Found: strkjv@Micah:1 @ MICAH - The Prophet Micah was a younger contemporary of Isaiah and spoke at a time when conditions in Judah paralleled those in the northern kingdom of Israel during Amos’ day. Micah’s messages are strikingly similar to those of Amos: many of the same sins are denounced and the same rugged, direct, indignant, and convincing language is used. While announcing God’s certain judgment upon sin, he also spoke of a sure deliverance to come through the Messiah whose place of birth he predicts.

Found: FEBRUARY29 PM @ Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.-strkjv@Psalms:102:27 strkjv@Psalms:90:2 strkjv@Malachi:3:6. strkjv@Hebrews:13:8 strkjv@James:1:17. strkjv@Romans:11:29 strkjv@Numbers:23:19. strkjv@Lamentations:3:22 strkjv@Hebrews:7:24-25. strkjv@Revelation:1:17.

Found: JULY2 PM @ Jesus prayed the third time, saying the same words.-strkjv@Matthew:26:44 strkjv@Hebrews:5:7 strkjv@Hosea:6:3. strkjv@Romans:12:12. strkjv@Ephesians:6:18. strkjv@Philippians:4:6-7 strkjv@Matthew:26:39. strkjv@1John:5:14 strkjv@Psalms:37:4-5.

Found: OCTOBER3 PM @ There are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.-strkjv@1Corinthians:12:5 strkjv@1Chronicles:27:25-27 strkjv@1Chronicles:27:31 strkjv@1Corinthians:12:28 strkjv@1Corinthians:12:11 strkjv@1Peter:4:10-11.

Found: OCTOBER4 PM @ There are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.-strkjv@1Corinthians:12:6 strkjv@1Chronicles:12:19-21. strkjv@1Corinthians:12:7 strkjv@1Chronicles:12:32. strkjv@1Corinthians:12:8 strkjv@1Chronicles:12:33. strkjv@James:1:8 strkjv@1Corinthians:12:25-26 strkjv@Ephesians:4:5.

Found: NOVEMBER28 PM @ As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that he might deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.-strkjv@Hebrews:2:14-15 strkjv@1Corinthians:15:55-57. strkjv@2Corinthians:4:16 strkjv@2Corinthians:5:1 strkjv@2Corinthians:5:6-8 strkjv@John:14:1-3.

Found: cebuano_ang_biblia_pinadayag @ TITLE: Cebuano Ang Biblia (Pinadayag Version) DESCRIPTION: Cebuano is the second most widely spoken native language of the Philippines. The complete Cebuano Bible was first published in 1917. This Bible is published today as the Ang Biblia, Cebuano by the Philippine Bible Society. Two separate versions are available: The 'Bugna' version contains the original New Testament from 1917. The 'Pinadayag' version contains a completely revised New Testament which follows a Critical Greek Text. Both versions share the same Old Testament text. The 'Pinadayag' designation is derived from the Cebuano name given to the book of Revelation. Converted from Online Bible. Comparison was made with the printed edition, resulting in some minor corrections. - Version 1.0.8 RIGTHS: We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain. PUBLISHER: LIA

Found: 1Clement:7:1 <1CLEMENT>@ These things, dearly beloved, we write, not only as admonishing you, but also as putting ourselves in remembrance. For we are in the same lists, and the same contest awaiteth us.

Found: 1Clement:20:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Moreover, the inscrutable depths of the abysses and the unutterable statutes of the nether regions are constrained by the same ordinances.

Found: 1Clement:20:8 <1CLEMENT>@ The ocean which is impassable for men, and the worlds beyond it, are directed by the same ordinances of the Master.

Found: 1Clement:39:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Nay, the heaven is not clean in His sight. Away then, ye that dwell in houses of clay, whereof, even of the same clay, we ourselves are made. He smote them like a moth, and from morn to even they are no more. Because they could not succor themselves, they perished.

Found: 2Clement:17:3 <2CLEMENT>@ And let us not think to give heed and believe now only, while we have departed home, let us remember the commandments of the Lord, and not suffer ourselves to be dragged off the other way by our worldly lusts; but coming hither more frequently, let us strive to go forward in the commandments of the Lord, that we all having the same mind may be gathered together unto life.

Found: Barnabas:4:5 @ In like manner Daniel speaketh concerning the same; And I saw the forth beast to be wicked and strong and more intractable than all the beasts of the earth, and how there arose from him ten horns, and from these a little horn and excrescence, and how that it abased under one three of the great horns.

Found: Barnabas:5:7 @ that at the same time He might redeem the promise made to the fathers, and by preparing the new people for Himself might show, while He was on earth, that having brought about the resurrection He will Himself exercise judgment.

Found: Barnabas:7:8 @ And do ye all spit upon it and goad it, and place scarlet wool about its head, and so let it be cast into the wilderness. And when it is so done, he that taketh the goat into the wilderness leadeth it, and taketh off the wool, and putteth it upon the branch which is called Rachia, the same whereof we are wont to eat the shoots when we find them in the country. Of this briar alone is the fruit thus sweet.

Found: Barnabas:8:6 @ And why is there the wool and the hyssop at the same time? Because in His kingdom there shall be evil and foul days, in which we shall be saved; for he who suffers pain in the flesh is healed through the foulness of the hyssop.

Found: Barnabas:10:10 @ And David also receiveth knowledge of the same three decrees, and saith; Blessed is the man who hath not gone in the council of the ungodly--even as the fishes go in darkness into the depths; and hath not stood in the path of sinners--just as they who pretend to fear the Lord sin like swine; and hath not sat on the seat of the destroyers--as the birds that are seated for prey. Ye have now the complete lesson concerning eating.

Found: Barnabas:10:11 @ Again Moses saith; Ye shall everything that divideth the hoof and cheweth the cud. What meaneth he? He that receiveth the food knoweth Him that giveth him the food, and being refreshed appeareth to rejoice in him. Well said he, having regard to the commandment. What then meaneth he? Cleave unto those that fear the Lord, with those who meditate in their heart on the distinction of the word which they have received, with those who tell of the ordinances of the Lord and keep them, with those who know that meditation is a work of gladness and who chew the cud of the word of the Lord. But why that which divideth the hoof? Because the righteous man both walketh in this world, and at the same time looketh for the holy world to come. Ye see how wise a lawgiver Moses was.

Found: Barnabas:11:8 @ Ye perceive how He pointed out the water and the cross at the same time. For this is the meaning; Blessed are they that set their hope on the cross, and go down into the water; for He speaketh of the reward at his proper season; then, saith He, I will repay. But now what saith He? His leaves shall not fall off; He meaneth by this that every word, which shall come forth from you through your mouth in faith and love, shall be for the conversion and hope of many.

Found: Barnabas:14:5 @ But He was made manifest, in order that at the same time they might be perfected in their sins, and we might receive the covenant through Him who inherited it, even the Lord Jesus, who was prepared beforehand hereunto, that appearing in person He might redeem out of darkness our hearts which had already been paid over unto death and delivered up to the iniquity of error, and thus establish the covenant in us through the word.

Found: Barnabas:19:7 @ Thou shalt be subject unto thy masters as to a type of God in shame and fear. Thou shalt not command in bitterness thy bondservant or thine handmaid who set their hope on the same God, lest haply, they should cease to fear the God who is over both of you; for He came not to call with respect of persons, but to call those whom the Spirit hath prepared.

Found: Didache:1:3 @ Now of these words the doctrine is this. Bless them that curse you, and pray for your enemies and fast for them that persecute you; for what thank is it, if ye love them that love you? Do not even the Gentiles the same? But do ye love them that hate you that hate you, and ye shall not have an enemy.

Found: Didache:4:10 @ Thou shalt not command thy bondservant or thine handmaid in thy bitterness who trust in the same God as thyself, lest haply they should cease to fear the God who is over both of you; for He cometh, not to call men with respect of persons, but He cometh to those whom the Spirit hath prepared.

Found: Diognetus:2:3 @ Are not all these of perishable matter? Are they not forged by iron and fire? Did not the sculptor make one, and the brass-founder another, and the silversmith another, and the potter another? Before they were molded into this shape by the crafts of these several artificers, was it not possible for each one of them to have been changed in form and made to resemble these several utensils? Might not the vessels which are now made out of the same material, if they met with the same artificers, be made like unto such as these?

Found: Diognetus:3:1 @ In the next place, I fancy that thou art chiefly anxious to hear about their not practicing their religion in the same way as the Jews.

Found: Diognetus:3:5 @ But those who think to perform sacrifices to Him with blood and fat and whole burnt offerings, and to honor Him with such honors, seem to me in no way different from those who show the same respect towards deaf images; for the one class think fit to make offerings to things unable to participate in the honor, the other class to One Who is in need of nothing.

Found: Hermas:15:1 @ I was on the way to Cumae, at the same season as last year, and called to mind my last year's vision as I walked; and again a Spirit taketh me, and carrieth me away to the same place as last year.

Found: Hermas:19y:6 @ Then she came with six young men, the same whom I had seen before, and she stood by me, and listened attentively to me, as I prayed and confessed my sins to the Lord. And she touched me, and said: "Hermas, make an end of constantly entreating for thy sins; entreat also for righteousness, that thou mayest take some part forthwith to thy family."

Found: Hermas:210:1 @ "What did they suffer?" say I. "Listen," saith she. "Stripes, imprisonments, great tribulations, crosses, wild beasts, for the Name's sake. Therefore to them belongs the right side of the Holiness--to them, and to all who shall suffer for the Name. But for the rest is the left side. Howbeit, to both, to them that sit on the right, and to them that sit on the left, are the same gifts, and the same promises, only they sit on the right and have a certain glory.

Found: Hermas:5[13^:7 @ Learn first from thyself When thou hadst riches, thou wast useless; but now thou art useful and profitable unto life. Be ye useful unto God, for thou thyself also art taken from the same stones.

Found: Hermas:525:4 @ While he was still speaking, his form was changed, and I recognized him as being the same, to whom I was delivered; and straightway I was confounded, and fear seized me, and I was altogether overwhelmed with distress that I had answered him so wickedly and senselessly.

Found: Hermas:133:5 @ For if you take a little wormwood, and pour it into a jar of honey, is not the whole of the honey spoiled, and all that honey ruined by a very small quantity of wormwood? For it destroyeth the sweetness of the honey, and it no longer hath the same attraction for the owner, because it is rendered bitter and hath lost its use. But if the wormwood be not put into the honey, the honey is found sweet and becomes useful to its owner.

Found: Hermas:342:3 @ "Wherefore," say I, "doth not the intercession of him that is saddened ascend to the altar?" "Because," saith he, "sadness is seated at his heart. Thus sadness mingled with the intercession doth not suffer the intercession to ascend pure to the altar. For as vinegar when mingled with wine in the same (vessel) hath not the same pleasant taste, so likewise sadness mingled with the Holy Spirit hath not the same intercession.

Found: Hermas:3[63^:1 @ I say unto him; "Sir, declare unto me this further matter." "What enquirest thou yet?" saith he. "Whether, Sir," say I, "they that live in self-indulgence and are deceived undergo torments during the same length of time as they live in self-indulgence and are deceived." He saith to me, "They undergo torments for the same length of time."

Found: Hermas:166:1 @ After a few days I saw him on the same plain, where also I had seen the shepherds, and he saith to me, "What seekest thou?" "I am here, Sir," say I, "that thou mayest bid the shepherd that punisheth go out of my house; for he afflicteth me much." "It is necessary for thee," saith he, "to be afflicted; for so," saith he, "the glorious angel ordered as concerning thee, for he wisheth thee to be proved." "Why, what so evil thing have I done, Sir," say I, "that I should be delivered over to this angel?"

Found: Hermas:268:3 @ And all they that went into the tower had the same raiment, white as snow.

Found: Hermas:178:2 @ For when thou wast weaker in the flesh, it was not declared unto thee through an angel; but when thou wast enabled through the Spirit, and didst grow mighty in thy strength so that thou couldest even see an angel, then at length was manifested unto thee, through the Church, the building of the tower. In fair and seemly manner hast thou seen all things, (instructed) as it were by a virgin; but now thou seest (being instructed) by an angel, though by the same Spirit;

Found: Hermas:784:5 @ "How, Sir," say I, "can they, when they are chiseled, fill the same space?" He saith unto me in answer, "As many as shall be found small, shall be put into the middle of the building; but as many as are larger, shall be placed nearer the outside, and they will bind them together."

Found: Hermas:986:5 @ So twelve women were called, most beautiful in form, clad in black, girded about and having the shoulders bare, with their hair hanging loose. And these women, methought, had a savage look. And the shepherd ordered them to take up the stones which had been cast away from the building, and to carry them off to the same mountains from which also they had been brought;

Found: Hermas:1390:7 @ These all," saith he, "received the name of the Son of God, and received likewise the power of these virgins. When then they received these spirits, they were strengthened, and were with the servants of God, and they had one spirit and one body and one garment; for they had the same mind, and they wrought righteousness.

Found: Hermas:1996:3 @ "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "is repentance possible for them, but not for the former ? For their doings are almost the same." "On this account," he saith, "is repentance offered for them, because they blasphemed not their Lord, nor became betrayers of the servants of God; yet from desire of gain they played the hypocrite, and taught each other after the desires of sinful men. But they shall pay a certain penalty; yet repentance is ordained for them, because they are not become blasphemers or betrayers.

Found: Hermas:26103:2 @ they that have the spots are deacons that exercised their office ill, and plundered the livelihood of widows and orphans, and made gain for themselves from the ministrations which they had received to perform. If then they abide in the same evil desire, they are dead and there is no hope of life for them; but if they turn again and fulfill their ministrations in purity, it shall be possible for them to live.

Found: Hermas:27[104_:2 @ Such as these then dwell without doubt in the kingdom of God, because they defiled the commandments of God in nothing, but continued as babes all the days of their life in the same mind.

Found: Hermas:27[104`:3 @ But if he added (stones) from other mountains, he would have been obliged to visit the tower again, and to purify it. Now all these have been found white, who have believed and who shall believe; for they are of the same kind. Blessed is this kind, for it is innocent!

Found: Hermas:2112:2 @ "I myself know," said he, "that thou hast done nothing out of order, nor art about to do so. And so I speak these things unto thee, that thou mayest persevere. For he hath given a good account of thee unto me. Thou therefore shalt speak these words to others, that they too who have practiced or shall practice repentance may be of the same mind as thou art; and he may give a good report of them to me, and I unto the Lord."

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:11:1 @ But as touching Philo the deacon from Cilicia, a man of good report, who now also ministereth to me in the word of God, together with Rhaius Agathopus, an elect one who followeth me from Syria, having bidden farewell to this present life; the same who also bear witness to you--and I myself thank God on your behalf, because ye received them, as I trust the Lord will receive you. But may those who treated them with dishonor be redeemed through the grace of Jesus Christ.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:2:1 @ If thou lovest good scholars, this is not thankworthy in thee. Rather bring the more pestilent to submission by gentleness. All wounds are not healed by the same salve. Allay sharp pains by fomentations.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:8:1 @ Since I have not been able to write to all the churches, by reason of my sailing suddenly from Troas to Neapolis, as the Divine will enjoineth, thou shalt write to the churches in front, as one possessing the mind of God, to the intent that they also may do this same thing--let those who are able send messengers, and the rest letters by the persons who are sent by thee, that ye may be glorified by an ever memorable deed--for this is worthy of thee.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:5:1 @ But certain persons ignorantly deny Him, or rather have been denied by Him, being advocates of death rather than of the truth; and they have not been persuaded by the prophecies nor by the law of Moses, nay nor even to this very hour by the Gospel, nor by the sufferings of each of us severally; for they are of the same mind also concerning us.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:2 @ This account Gaius copied from the papers of Irenaeus, a disciple of Polycarp. The same also lived with Irenaeus.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:22:2 @ This account Gaius copied from the papers of Irenaeus. The same lived with Irenaeus who had been a disciple of the holy Polycarp. For this Irenaeus, being in Rome at the time of the martyrdom of the bishop Polycarp, instructed many; and many most excellent and orthodox treatises by him are in circulation. In these he makes mention of Polycarp, saying that he was taught by him. And he ably refuted every heresy, and handed down the catholic rule of the Church just as he had received it from the saint. He mentions this fact also, that when Marcion, after whom the Marcionites are called, met the holy Polycarp on one occasion, and said 'Recognize us, Polycarp,' he said in reply to Marcion, 'Yes indeed, I recognize the firstborn of Satan.' The following statement also is made in the writings of Irenaeus, that on the very day and hour when Polycarp was martyred in Smyrna Irenaeus being in the city of the Romans heard a voice as of a trumpet saying, ' Polycarp is martyred.'

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL same @ (20)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL selfsame @ (1)

Found: strkjv@Acts:1:9-11 @ Jesus returns in the same way he left - RAPTURE

Found: cebuano_ang_biblia_pinadayag@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Cebuano Ang Biblia (Pinadayag Version) DESCRIPTION: Cebuano is the second most widely spoken native language of the Philippines. The complete Cebuano Bible was first published in 1917. This Bible is published today as the Ang Biblia, Cebuano by the Philippine Bible Society. Two separate versions are available: The 'Bugna' version contains the original New Testament from 1917. The 'Pinadayag' version contains a completely revised New Testament which follows a Critical Greek Text. Both versions share the same Old Testament text. The 'Pinadayag' designation is derived from the Cebuano name given to the book of Revelation. Converted from Online Bible. Comparison was made with the printed edition, resulting in some minor corrections. - Version 1.0.8 RIGTHS: We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain. PUBLISHER: LIA

Found: strkjv@Leviticus:22:28 @ Don't kill mother with young in same day - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: same @ kjv@CONCORD:same

Found: selfsame @ kjv@CONCORD:selfsame

Found: strkjv@Luke:10:10-11 @ Jesus By Command - go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say, Even the very dust

Found: strkjv@Luke:10:7 @ Jesus By Command - in the same house remain

Found: strkjv@Matthew:5:46 @ For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? - Jesus By Question

Found: strkjv@Matthew:21:42 @ Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? - Jesus By Question

Found: strkjv@Luke:20:17 @ What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? - Jesus By Question

Found: cebuano_ang_biblia_pinadayag@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Cebuano Ang Biblia (Pinadayag Version) DESCRIPTION: Cebuano is the second most widely spoken native language of the Philippines. The complete Cebuano Bible was first published in 1917. This Bible is published today as the Ang Biblia, Cebuano by the Philippine Bible Society. Two separate versions are available: The 'Bugna' version contains the original New Testament from 1917. The 'Pinadayag' version contains a completely revised New Testament which follows a Critical Greek Text. Both versions share the same Old Testament text. The 'Pinadayag' designation is derived from the Cebuano name given to the book of Revelation. Converted from Online Bible. Comparison was made with the printed edition, resulting in some minor corrections. - Version 1.0.8 RIGTHS: We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain. PUBLISHER: LIA