Indexes Search Result: indexed - seal
Found: dict:hitchcock Hotham @ a seal - HITCHCOCK-H

Found: MAY24 AM @ Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.-rsv@Ephesians:4:30 rsv@Romans:15:30. rsv@John:14:26. rsv@Isaiah:63:9-10 rsv@1John:4:13. rsv@Ephesians:1:13-14. rsv@Galatians:5:16-17 rsv@Romans:8:26.

Found: 1Clement:43:2 <1CLEMENT>@ For he, when jealousy arose concerning the priesthood, and there was dissension among the tribes which of them was adorned with the glorious name, commanded the twelve chiefs of the tribes to bring to him rods inscribed with the name of each tribe. And he took them and tied them and sealed them with the signet rings of the chiefs of the tribes, and put them away in the tabernacle of the testimony on the table of God.

Found: 1Clement:43:3 <1CLEMENT>@ And having shut the tabernacle he sealed the keys and likewise also the doors.

Found: 1Clement:43:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Now when morning came, he called together all Israel, even the six hundred thousand men, and showed the seals to the chiefs of the tribes and opened the tabernacle of the testimony and drew forth the rods. And the rod of Aaron was found not only with buds, but also bearing fruit.

Found: 2Clement:7:6 <2CLEMENT>@ For as concerning them that have not kept the seal, He saith, Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be for a spectacle unto all flesh.

Found: 2Clement:8:6 <2CLEMENT>@ So then He meaneth this, Keep the flesh pure and the seal unstained, to the end that we may receive life.

Found: Barnabas:4:8 @ But they lost it by turning unto idols. For thus saith the Lord; Moses, Moses, come down quickly; for thy people whom thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt hath done unlawfully. And Moses understood, and threw the two tables from his hands; and their covenant was broken in pieces, that the covenant of the beloved Jesus might be sealed unto our hearts in the hope which springeth from faith in Him.

Found: Barnabas:9:5 @ But thou wilt say; In truth the people hath been circumcised for a seal. Nay, but so likewise is every Syrian and Arabian and all the priests of the idols. Do all those then too belong to their covenant? Moreover the Egyptians also are included among the circumcised.

Found: Hermas:268:2 @ And the others also he sent into the tower, even those who had given up the rods green and with shoots, but the shoots were without fruit; and he set a seal upon them.

Found: Hermas:268:4 @ And those that had given up their rods green as they received them, he sent away, giving them a white robe, and seals.

Found: Hermas:672:3 @ I say unto him, "Sir, now then show me concerning those that have given up their rods, what manner of man each of them is, and their abode, that when they hear this, they that believed and have received the seal and have broken it and did not keep it sound may fully understand what they are doing, and repent, receiving from thee a seal, and may glorify the Lord, that He had compassion upon them and sent thee to renew their spirits."

Found: Hermas:15[92^:3 @ So these likewise that had fallen asleep received the seal of the Son of God and entered into the kingdom of God. For before a man," saith he, "has borne the name of the Son of God, he is dead; but when he has received the seal, he layeth aside his deadness, and resumeth life.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:4 @ The seal then is the water: so they go down into the water dead, and they come up alive. "thus to them also this seal was preached, and they availed themselves of it that they might enter into the kingdom of God."

Found: Hermas:15[92^:5 @ "Wherefore, Sir," say I, "did the forty stones also come up with them from the deep, though they had already received the seal?" "Because," saith he, "these, the apostles and the teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after they had fallen asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, preached also to them that had fallen asleep before them, and themselves gave unto them the seal of the preaching.

Found: Hermas:15[92^:7 @ So by their means they were quickened into life, and came to the full knowledge of the name of the Son of God. For this cause also they came up with them, and were fitted with them into the building of the tower and were builded with them, without being shaped; for they fell asleep in righteousness and in great purity. Only they had not this seal. Thou hast then the interpretation of these things also." "I have, Sir," say I.

Found: Hermas:1794:4 @ "Because," saith he, "all the nations that dwell under heaven, when they heard and believed, were called by the one name of the Son of God. So having received the seal, they had one understanding and one mind, and one faith became theirs and one love, and they bore the spirits of the virgins along with the Name; therefore the building of the tower became of one color, even bright as the sun.

Found: Hermas:27[104a:1 @ "But the other (stones), which have remained round and have not been fitted into the building, because they have not yet received the seal, have been replaced in their own possession, for they were found very round.

Found: Hermas:27[104a:4 @ Moreover I bid all of you, whoever have received this seal, keep guilelessness, and bear no grudge, and continue not in your wickedness nor in the memory of the offenses of bitterness; but become of one spirit, and heal these evil clefts and take them away from among you, that the owner of the flocks may rejoice concerning them.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:1:1 @ We write unto you, brethren, an account of what befell those that suffered martyrdom and especially the blessed Polycarp, who stayed the persecution, having as it were set his seal upon it by his martyrdom. For nearly all the foregoing events came to pass that the Lord might show us once more an example of martyrdom which is conformable to the Gospel

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL sealing @ (1)

Found: rsv@Revelation:5:1 @ Book sealed with - SEVEN SEALS

Found: rsv@Revelation:5:5 @ Book sealed with opened - SEVEN SEALS

Found: ARCHAEOLOGY @ Seals/Ostracon

Found: seal @ kjv@CONCORD:seal

Found: sealed @ kjv@CONCORD:sealed

Found: sealest @ kjv@CONCORD:sealest

Found: sealeth @ kjv@CONCORD:sealeth

Found: sealing @ kjv@CONCORD:sealing

Found: seals @ kjv@CONCORD:seals

Found: rsv@2Corinthians:1:21-22 @I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God.