Indexes Search Result: indexed - train
Found: dict:easton Strain at @ Strain at

Found: THEOLOGY SUBDIVISION @ Biblical hermeneutics : interpretation of the Bible, often with particular emphasis on the nature and constraints of contemporary interpretation

Found: MARCH23 PM @ They constrained him, saying, Abide with us.-kjv@Luke:24:29 kjv@Revelation:3:20. kjv@Songs:1:7. kjv@Songs:3:4 kjv@Songs:4:16. kjv@Songs:5:1. kjv@Isaiah:45:19 kjv@Matthew:28:20. kjv@Hebrews:13:5. kjv@Matthew:18:20. kjv@John:14:19.

Found: kjv@Proverbs:25:11 @ Apple (Malus domestica.) [Heb., tap·pu?ach]. Arabic is tuffah. To change a p to Letter f in Hebrew there's a dot changed The word itself indicates that which is distinguished by its fragrance, or scent. It comes from the root na·phach?, meaning "blow; pant; struggle for breath." (Genesis:2:7; kjv@Job:31:39; kjv@Jeremiah:15:9) Regarding this, M. C. Fisher wrote: "Relationship [to na·phach?] seems at first semantically strained, but the ideas of ‘breathe’ and ‘exhale an odor’ are related. The by-form puah means both ‘blow’ (of wind) and ‘exhale a pleasant odor, be fragrant.’"- - BiblePlants

Found: 1Clement:20:5 <1CLEMENT>@ Moreover, the inscrutable depths of the abysses and the unutterable statutes of the nether regions are constrained by the same ordinances.

Found: 2Clement:20:2 <2CLEMENT>@ Let us then have faith, brothers and sisters. We are trained by the present life, that we may be crowned with the future.

Found: 2Clement:20:4 <2CLEMENT>@ For if God had paid the recompense of the righteous speedily, then straightway we should have been training ourselves in merchandise, and not in godliness; for we should seem to be righteous, though we were pursuing not that which is godly, but which is gainful. And for this cause Divine judgment overtaketh a spirit that is not just, and loadeth it with chains.

Found: Barnabas:1:4 @ Being therefore persuaded of this, and being conscious with myself that having said much among you I know that the Lord journeyed with me on the way of righteousness, and am wholly constrained also myself to this, to love you more than my own soul (for great faith and love dwelleth in you through the hope of the life which is His)--considering this therefore, that,

Found: Barnabas:2:2 @ The aids of our faith then are fear and patience, and our allies are long-suffering and self-restraint.

Found: Barnabas:2:6 @ These things therefore He annulled, that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, being free from the yoke of constraint, might have its oblation not made by human hands.

Found: Hermas:138:6 @ Thinkest thou not that these things are wrong, yea, very wrong," saith he, "for the servants of God? In all these things he that serveth God must exercise temperance. Be thou temperate, therefore, and refrain from all these things, that thou mayest live unto God, and be enrolled among those who exercise self-restraint in them. These then are the things from which thou shouldest restrain thyself

Found: Hermas:138:7 @ Now hear," saith he, "the things, in which thou shouldest not exercise self restraint, but do them. Exercise no self-restraint in that which is good, but do it."

Found: Hermas:138:8 @ "Sir," say I, "show me the power of the good also, that I may walk in them and serve them, that doing them it may be possible for me to be saved." "Hear," saith he, "the works of the good likewise, which thou must do, and towards which thou must exercise no self-restraint.

Found: Hermas:138:9 @ First of all, there is faith, fear of the Lord, love, concord, words of righteousness, truth, patience; nothing is better than these in the life of men. If a man keep these, and exercise not self-restraint from them, he becomes blessed in his life.

Found: Hermas:241:6 @ For the Spirit of God, that was given unto this flesh, endureth not sadness neither constraint.

Found: Hermas:1111:3 @ For if thou keep his commandments, all evil desire and the sweetness of this world shall be subject unto thee; moreover success shall attend thee in every good undertaking. Embrace his gravity and self-restraint, and tell it out unto all men that he is held in great honor and dignity with the Lord, and is a ruler of great authority, and powerful in his office. To him alone in the whole world hath authority over repentance been assigned. Seemeth he to thee to be powerful? Yet ye despise the gravity and moderation which he useth towards you."

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:3:1 @ I do not command you, as though I were somewhat. For even though I am in bonds for the Name's sake, I am not yet perfected in Jesus Christ. For now am I beginning to be a disciple; and I speak to you as to my school-fellows. For I ought to be trained by you for the contest in faith, in admonition, in endurance, in long-suffering.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:14:1 @ None of these things is hidden from you, if ye be perfect in your faith and love toward Jesus Christ, for these are the beginning and end of life--faith is the beginning and love is the end--and the two being found in unity are God, while all things else follow in their train unto true nobility.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:18:3 @ where the Lord will permit us to gather ourselves together, as we are able, in gladness and joy, and to celebrate the birth-day of his martyrdom for the commemoration of those that have already fought in the contest, and for the training and preparation of those that shall do so hereafter.

Found: Polycarp:4:2 @ and then our wives also, to walk in the faith that hath been given unto them and in love and purity, cherishing their own husbands in all truth and loving all men equally in all chastity, and to train their children in the training of the fear of God.

Found: Polycarp:12:1 @ For I am persuaded that ye are well trained in the sacred writings, and nothing is hidden from you. But to myself this is not granted. Only, as it is said in these scriptures, Be ye angry and sin not, and Let not the sun set on your wrath. Blessed is he that remembereth this; and I trust that this is in you.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL constrained @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL strain @ (1)

Found: kjv@Genesis:18:19 @ God knew that Abraham would train his children in God's ways - OldTestamentLaw - ScripturalOrder

Found: SYSTEMATIC @ Berkhof's Theology

Found: SYSTEMATIC @ Anderson Theology

Found: UNSORTED @ Biblical Training

Found: constrain @ kjv@CONCORD:constrain

Found: constrained @ kjv@CONCORD:constrained

Found: constraineth @ kjv@CONCORD:constraineth

Found: constraint @ kjv@CONCORD:constraint

Found: restrain @ kjv@CONCORD:restrain

Found: restrained @ kjv@CONCORD:restrained

Found: restrainest @ kjv@CONCORD:restrainest

Found: restraint @ kjv@CONCORD:restraint

Found: strain @ kjv@CONCORD:strain

Found: train @ kjv@CONCORD:train

Found: trained @ kjv@CONCORD:trained

Found: dict:easton Strain at @ Strain at