Indexes Search Result: indexed - wax
Found: kjv@Luke:2:40 @ And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled...

Found: dict:hitchcock Imrah @ a rebel; waxing bitter; changing - HITCHCOCK-I

Found: 1Clement:3:1 <1CLEMENT>@ All glory and enlargement was given unto you, and that was fulfilled which is written My beloved ate and drank and was enlarged and waxed fat and kicked.

Found: Barnabas:6:2 @ Woe unto you, for ye all shall wax old as a garment, and the moth shall consume you. And again the prophet saith, seeing that as a hard stone He was ordained for crushing; Behold I will put into the fountains of Zion a stone very precious, elect, a chief corner-stone, honorable.

Found: Hermas:122:6 @ As the cloud of dust waxed greater and greater, I suspected that it was something supernatural. Then the sun shone out a little, and behold, I see a huge beast like some sea-monster, and from its mouth fiery locusts issued forth. And the beast was about a hundred feet in length, and its head was as it were of pottery.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:10:2 @ Therefore put away the vile leaven which hath waxed stale and sour, and betake yourselves to the new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. Be ye salted in Him, that none among you grow putrid, seeing that by your savor ye shall be proved.

Found: IgnatiusPhiladelphians:6:2 @ Shun ye therefore the wicked arts and plottings of the prince of this world, lest haply ye be crushed by his devices, and wax weak in your love. But assemble yourselves all together with undivided heart. And

Found: IgnatiusRomans:5:1 @ From Syria even unto Rome I fight with wild beasts, by land and sea, by night and by day, being bound amidst ten leopards, even a company of soldiers, who only wax worse when they are kindly treated. Howbeit through their wrong doings I become more completely a disciple; yet am I not hereby justified.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL wax @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL waxed @ (1)

Found: wax @ kjv@CONCORD:wax

Found: waxed @ kjv@CONCORD:waxed

Found: waxen @ kjv@CONCORD:waxen

Found: waxeth @ kjv@CONCORD:waxeth

Found: waxing @ kjv@CONCORD:waxing

Found: kjv@Luke:12:32-33 @ Jesus By Command - Fear not...Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old