Indexes Search Result: indexed - worm
Found: dict:easton Cankerworm @ Cankerworm

Found: dict:easton Palmer-worm @ Palmer-worm

Found: dict:hitchcock Tola @ worm; grub; scarlet - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: DDD @ Diet of Worms

Found: 1Clement:16:15 <1CLEMENT>@ And again He Himself saith; But I am a worm and no man, a reproach of men and an outcast of the people.

Found: 1Clement:25:3 <1CLEMENT>@ But, as the flesh rotteth, a certain worm is engendered, which is nurtured from the moisture of the dead creature and putteth forth wings. Then, when it is grown lusty, it taketh up that coffin where are the bones of its parent, and carrying them journeyeth from the country of Arabia even unto Egypt, to the place called the City of the Sun;

Found: 2Clement:7:6 <2CLEMENT>@ For as concerning them that have not kept the seal, He saith, Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be for a spectacle unto all flesh.

Found: 2Clement:17:5 <2CLEMENT>@ And the unbelievers shall see His glory and His might: and they shall be amazed when they see the kingdom of the world given to Jesus, saying, Woe unto us, for Thou wast, and we knew it not, and believed not; and we obeyed not the presbyters when they told us of our salvation. And Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be for a spectacle unto all flesh.

Found: Hermas:133:5 @ For if you take a little wormwood, and pour it into a jar of honey, is not the whole of the honey spoiled, and all that honey ruined by a very small quantity of wormwood? For it destroyeth the sweetness of the honey, and it no longer hath the same attraction for the owner, because it is rendered bitter and hath lost its use. But if the wormwood be not put into the honey, the honey is found sweet and becomes useful to its owner.

Found: cankerworm @ kjv@CONCORD:cankerworm

Found: palmerworm @ kjv@CONCORD:palmerworm

Found: worm @ kjv@CONCORD:worm

Found: worms @ kjv@CONCORD:worms

Found: wormwood @ kjv@CONCORD:wormwood

Found: dict:easton Cankerworm @ Cankerworm

Found: dict:easton Palmer-worm @ Palmer-worm

Found: Anise Essential Oil,Properties: Traditionally/ it has been used as an anti-epileptic/ anti-hysteric/ anti-rheumatic/ antiseptic/ anti-spasmodic/ aperient/ carminative/ cordial/ decongestant/ digestive/ expectorant/ insecticide/ sedative/ stimulant and vermifuge.,Health benefits: It is commonly employed to treat rheumatism & arthritis/ protect against septic/ relax spasms/ act as a purgative/ remove gases/ warm the body/ clear congestion/ and ease breathing. Furthermore/ some practitioners use anise essential oil to facilitate digestion/ expel phlegm & catarrh/ kill & repel insects/ worms and lice/ as well as to relieve nervous afflictions.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Bitter Almond Essential Oil,Properties: It is traditionally used as a vermifuge/ febrifuge/ bactericide/ germicide/ fungicide/ sedative/ anesthetic/ aperient/ diuretic/ anti-intoxicant/ antispasmodic/ and as a cure for hydrophobia.,Health benefits: The uses of bitter almond essential oil are widely ranged/ and include killing worms/ reducing fever/ killing bacteria/ germs and fungi/ sedation and reducing inflammation. It can also cause numbness and act as an anesthetic or desensitizing agent. It is purgative/ increases urination and helps remove excess water/ salt/ toxins/ and fat from the body/ while countering the effects of intoxicants/ curing spasms/ and helping to cure hydrophobia/ which is the fear of water/ most commonly presenting itself in someone who has contracted rabies.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Geranium Essential Oil,Properties: It has a range of qualities/ including use as an astringent/ haemostatic/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ diuretic/ deodorant/ styptic/ tonic/ vermifuge/ and vulnerary.,Health benefits: It is employed to induce tightening of the gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels and in stopping hemorrhage/ scar healing/ promotion of cell growth/ and increased urination. It is also used to stop body odor/ tone up the body/ and kill intestinal parasites and worms.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Mugwort Essential Oil,Properties: This essential oil is frequently used as a cordial/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ nervine/ stimulant/ uterine/ and vermifuge,Health benefits: Mugwort essential oil facilitates digestion/ increases urination and removal of toxins/ treats nervous disorders/ stimulates systemic functions/ maintains uterine health/ and kills intestinal worms.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Niaouli Essential Oil,Properties: This oil can be used as an analgesic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ balsamic/ cicatrisant/ decongestant/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ insecticide/ stimulant/ vermifuge and a vulnerary.,Health benefits: Some of the most beneficial uses of this essential oil are pain relief/ its treatment of rheumatism and arthritis/ and its protection against wounds developing septic. Furthermore/ it inhibits bacterial growth/ boosts health/ clears up scars & spots/ decreases congestion/ and eases breathing. Finally/ it expels phlegm and catarrh/ reduces fever/ kills & repels insects/ stimulates functions/ and kills worms.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Nutmeg Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an analgesic/ antiemetic/ antioxidant/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ and antiparasitic. It is also used as an aphrodisiac/ cardiac/ vermifuge/ laxative/ prostaglandin inhibitor/ stimulant and a tonic.,Health benefits: It can be used to relieve pain/ stop vomiting/ counter premature aging/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ and to protect wounds from developing sepsis. It also reduces spasms/ kills parasites and worms/ enhances libido/ improves heart health/ clears bowels/ and stops prostrate enlargement.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Tarragon Essential Oil,Properties: Tarragon essential oil is an antirheumatic/ aperitif/ circulatory agent/ digestive/ deodorant/ emenagogue/ stimulant and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: This oil also treats rheumatism and arthritis/ enhances appetite/ improves circulation of blood and lymph/ facilitates digestion/ eliminates body odor/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle/ stimulates systemic functions and kills intestinal worms.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Wormwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is an antihelmitic/ cholagogue/ deodorant/ digestive/ emenagogue/ febrifuge/ insecticide/ narcotic/ vermifuge and tonic type of substance.,Health benefits: Wormwood essential oil kills worms and larvae/ promotes secretion of bile and other discharges/ eliminates body odor/ facilitates digestion/ regulates and moderates an unobstructed menstrual cycle/ reduces fever/ kills & repels insects/ and generally increases the tone and health of the body.,,ESSENTIAL OIL

Found: Anise Essential Oil,Properties: Traditionally/ it has been used as an anti-epileptic/ anti-hysteric/ anti-rheumatic/ antiseptic/ anti-spasmodic/ aperient/ carminative/ cordial/ decongestant/ digestive/ expectorant/ insecticide/ sedative/ stimulant and vermifuge.,Health benefits: It is commonly employed to treat rheumatism & arthritis/ protect against septic/ relax spasms/ act as a purgative/ remove gases/ warm the body/ clear congestion/ and ease breathing. Furthermore/ some practitioners use anise essential oil to facilitate digestion/ expel phlegm & catarrh/ kill & repel insects/ worms and lice/ as well as to relieve nervous afflictions.,

Found: Bitter Almond Essential Oil,Properties: It is traditionally used as a vermifuge/ febrifuge/ bactericide/ germicide/ fungicide/ sedative/ anesthetic/ aperient/ diuretic/ anti-intoxicant/ antispasmodic/ and as a cure for hydrophobia.,Health benefits: The uses of bitter almond essential oil are widely ranged/ and include killing worms/ reducing fever/ killing bacteria/ germs and fungi/ sedation and reducing inflammation. It can also cause numbness and act as an anesthetic or desensitizing agent. It is purgative/ increases urination and helps remove excess water/ salt/ toxins/ and fat from the body/ while countering the effects of intoxicants/ curing spasms/ and helping to cure hydrophobia/ which is the fear of water/ most commonly presenting itself in someone who has contracted rabies.,

Found: Geranium Essential Oil,Properties: It has a range of qualities/ including use as an astringent/ haemostatic/ cicatrisant/ cytophylactic/ diuretic/ deodorant/ styptic/ tonic/ vermifuge/ and vulnerary.,Health benefits: It is employed to induce tightening of the gums/ muscles/ skin and blood vessels and in stopping hemorrhage/ scar healing/ promotion of cell growth/ and increased urination. It is also used to stop body odor/ tone up the body/ and kill intestinal parasites and worms.,

Found: Mugwort Essential Oil,Properties: This essential oil is frequently used as a cordial/ digestive/ diuretic/ emenagogue/ nervine/ stimulant/ uterine/ and vermifuge,Health benefits: Mugwort essential oil facilitates digestion/ increases urination and removal of toxins/ treats nervous disorders/ stimulates systemic functions/ maintains uterine health/ and kills intestinal worms.,

Found: Niaouli Essential Oil,Properties: This oil can be used as an analgesic/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ bactericidal/ balsamic/ cicatrisant/ decongestant/ expectorant/ febrifuge/ insecticide/ stimulant/ vermifuge and a vulnerary.,Health benefits: Some of the most beneficial uses of this essential oil are pain relief/ its treatment of rheumatism and arthritis/ and its protection against wounds developing septic. Furthermore/ it inhibits bacterial growth/ boosts health/ clears up scars & spots/ decreases congestion/ and eases breathing. Finally/ it expels phlegm and catarrh/ reduces fever/ kills & repels insects/ stimulates functions/ and kills worms.,

Found: Nutmeg Essential Oil,Properties: It is considered an analgesic/ antiemetic/ antioxidant/ antirheumatic/ antiseptic/ antispasmodic/ and antiparasitic. It is also used as an aphrodisiac/ cardiac/ vermifuge/ laxative/ prostaglandin inhibitor/ stimulant and a tonic.,Health benefits: It can be used to relieve pain/ stop vomiting/ counter premature aging/ treat rheumatism and arthritis/ and to protect wounds from developing sepsis. It also reduces spasms/ kills parasites and worms/ enhances libido/ improves heart health/ clears bowels/ and stops prostrate enlargement.,

Found: Tarragon Essential Oil,Properties: Tarragon essential oil is an antirheumatic/ aperitif/ circulatory agent/ digestive/ deodorant/ emenagogue/ stimulant and a vermifuge.,Health benefits: This oil also treats rheumatism and arthritis/ enhances appetite/ improves circulation of blood and lymph/ facilitates digestion/ eliminates body odor/ relieves obstructed menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle/ stimulates systemic functions and kills intestinal worms.,

Found: Wormwood Essential Oil,Properties: It is an antihelmitic/ cholagogue/ deodorant/ digestive/ emenagogue/ febrifuge/ insecticide/ narcotic/ vermifuge and tonic type of substance.,Health benefits: Wormwood essential oil kills worms and larvae/ promotes secretion of bile and other discharges/ eliminates body odor/ facilitates digestion/ regulates and moderates an unobstructed menstrual cycle/ reduces fever/ kills & repels insects/ and generally increases the tone and health of the body.,