
Dict: smith - ASH


ASH - A>@ - (Heb. oren), only in kjv@Isaiah:44:14) As the true ash is not a native of Palestine, some understand this to be a species of pine tree. Perhaps the larch (Laryx europaea) may be intended.

ASHAN - A>@ - (smoke), a city in the low country of Judah. kjv@Joshua:15:42) In kjv@Joshua:19:7) and 1Chr 4:32 It is mentioned again as belonging to Simeon. It has not yet been identified.

ASHBEA - A>@ - (I adjure), a proper name, but whether of a person or place is uncertain. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:21)

ASHBEL - A>@ - (reproof of God), second son of Benjamin and ancestor of the Ashbelites. kjv@Genesis:46:21; kjv@Numbers:26:38; kjv@1Chronicles:8:1)

ASHCHENAZ - A>@ - ( kjv@1Chronicles:1:6; kjv@Jeremiah:51:27) ASHKENAZ

ASHDOD, OR AZOTUS - A>@ - (a stronghold), kjv@Acts:8:40) one of the five confederate cities of the Philistines situated about 30 miles from the southern frontier of Palestine, three from the Mediterranean Sea, and nearly midway between Gaza and Joppa. It was assigned to the tribe of Judah, kjv@Joshua:15:47) but was never subdued by the Israelites. Its chief importance arose from its position on the high road from Palestine to Egypt. It is now an insignificant village, with no memorials of its ancient importance, but is still called Esdud.

ASHDODITES - A>@ - the inhabitants of Ashdod, kjv@Nehemiah:4:7) called Ashdothites in kjv@Joshua:13:3)

ASHDOTHPISGAH - A>@ - (3:17; kjv@Joshua:12:3 kjv@Joshua:13:20) and in kjv@Deuteronomy:4:49 Authorized Version, translated springs of Pisgah , i.e. a valley or fountain near Mount Pisgah.

ASHER - A>@ - Apocrypha and New Testament, A’ser (blessed), the eighth son of Jacob, by Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid. kjv@Genesis:30:13) (B.C. 1753.) The general position of his tribe was on the seashore from Carmel northward with Manasseh on the south, Zebulun and Issachar on the southeast, and Naphtali on the north-east. kjv@Joshua:19:24-31 kjv@Joshua:17:10-11) and Judg 1:31-32 They possessed the maritime portion of the rich plain of Esdraelon;, probably for a distance of 8 or 10 miles from the shore. This territory contained some of the richest soil in all Palestine.

ASHER - A>@ - a place which formed one boundary of the tribe of Manasseh on the south. kjv@Joshua:17:7) Mr. Porter suggests that Teyasir may be the Asher of Manasseh. Handbook , p.348.

ASHERAH - A>@ - (straight), the name of a Phoenician goddess, or rather of the idol itself (Authorized Version "grove"). Asherah is closely connected with ASHTORETH and her worship, kjv@Judges:3:7) comp. Judg kjv@2:3; 6:25; 1Kin 18:19 Ashtoreth being, perhaps, the proper name of the goddess, whilst Asherah is the name of her image or symbol, which was of wood.
See kjv@Judges:6:25-30; kjv@2Kings:23:14)

ASHERITES - A>@ - descendants of Asher, and members of his tribe. kjv@Judges:1:32)

ASHES - A>@ - The ashes on the altar of burnt offering were gathered into a cavity in its surface. The ashes of a red heifer burnt entire, according to regulations prescribed in Numb. 19, had the ceremonial efficacy of purifying the unclean, kjv@Hebrews:9:13) but of polluting the clean. SACRIFICE Ashes about the person, especially on the head, were used as a sign of sorrow. MOURNING

ASHIMA - A>@ - a god of the Hamathite colonists in Samaria. ( kjv@2Kings:17:30) It has been regarded as identical with the Pan of the Greeks.

ASHKELON, ASKELON - A>@ - Apocrypha As’calon (migration), one of the five cities of the Philistines, kjv@Joshua:113:3; kjv@1Samuel:6:17) a seaport on the Mediterranean, 10 miles north of Gaza. Samson went down from Timnath to Ashkelon. kjv@Judges:14:19) In the post-biblical times Ashkelon rose to considerable importance. Near the town were the temple and sacred lake of Derceto, the Syrian Venus. The soil around was remarkable for its fertility. Ashkelon played a memorable part in the struggles of the Crusades.

ASHKENAZ - A>@ - (spreading fire), one of the three sons of Gomer, son of Japhet. kjv@Genesis:10:3) We may probably recognize the tribe of Ashkenaz on the northern shore of Asia Minor in the name of Lake Ascanius, and in Europe in the name Scandia, Scandinavia . Knobel considers that Ashkenaz is to be identified with the German race.

ASHNAH - A>@ - the name of two cities, both in the lowlands of Judah:

(1) named between Zoreah and Zanoah, and therefore probably northwest of Jerusalem, kjv@Joshua:15:33) and

(2) between Jiptah and Nezib, and therefore to the southwest of Jerusalem. kjv@Joshua:15:43) Each, according, to Robinson’s map

(1857), would be about 16 miles from Jerusalem.

ASHPENAZ - A>@ - (horse-nose), the master of the eunuchs of Nebuchadnezzar. kjv@Daniel:1:3)

ASHRIEL - A>@ - properly As’riel (vow of God). ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:14)

ASHTAROTH - A>@ - and once As’taroth (a star), a city on the east of Jordan in Bashan, in the kingdom of Og, doubtless so called from being a seat of the worship of the goddess of the same name. (1:4; kjv@Joshua:9:10 kjv@Joshua:12:4 kjv@Joshua:13:12 )

ASHTERATHITE - A>@ - a native or inhabitant of Ashtaroth, ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:44) beyond Jordan.

ASHTEROTH KARNAIM - A>@ - (Ashteroth of the two horns or peaks) a place of very great antiquity, the abode of the Rephaim. kjv@Genesis:14:5) The name reappears but once, as Carnaim or Carnion, 1 Macc. 5:26,43-44; 2 Macc. 12:21-26, in "the land of Galaad." It is probably the modern Es
- Sanamein , on the Haj route, about 25 miles south of Damascus.

ASHTORETH - A>@ - (a star) the principal female divinity of the Phoenicians, called Ishtar by the Assyrians and Astarte by the Greeks and Romans. She was by some ancient writers identified with the moon. But on the other hand the Assyrian Ishtar was not the moon-goddess, but the planet Venus; and Astarte was by many identified with the goddess Venus (or Aphrodite), as well as with the plant of that name. It is certain that the worship of Astarte became identified with that of Venus, and that this worship was connected with the most impure rites is apparent from the close connection of this goddess with ASHERAH. (Kings:11:5,33; kjv@2Kings:23:13)

ASHUR - A>@ - (black), the posthumous son of Hezron by his wife Abiah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:24 kjv@1Chronicles:4:5) He became "father" or founder of the town of Tekoa. (B.C. 1658.)

ASHURITES, THE - A>@ - Only in (2 Samuel kjv@2:9) By some of the old interpreters the name is taken as meaning the Geshurites; but if we follow the Targum of Jonathan, "the Asherites" will denote the inhabitants of the whole of the country west of the Jordan above Jez-reel.

ASHVATH - A>@ - One of the sons of Japhlet, of the tribe of Asher. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:33)

ASHURIM - A>@ - (steps), a tribe descended from Dedan, the grandson of Abraham. kjv@Genesis:26:3) Knobel considers them the same with the Asshur of kjv@Ezekiel:27:28) and connected with southern Arabia.