
Dict: all - Antioch



(1) A city in Syria- kjv@Acts:11:19,26; kjv@Acts:13:1; kjv@Acts:14:26; kjv@Acts:15:22,30; kjv@Acts:18:22; kjv@Galatians:2:11

(2) A City in Pisidia- kjv@Acts:13:14; kjv@Acts:14:19; kjv@2Timothy:3:11


ANTIOCH - A>@ - (from Antiochus)
- IN SYRIA. The capital of the Greek kings of Syria, and afterwards the residence of the Roman governors of the province which bore the same name. Situation .
This metropolis was situated where the chain of Lebanon, running northward, and the chain of Taurus, running eastward. are brought to an abrupt meeting. Here the Orontes breaks through the mountains; and Antioch was placed at a bend of the river, 16 1/2 miles from the Mediterranean, partly on an island, partly on the levee which forms the left bank, and partly on the steep and craggy ascent of Mount Silpius, which, rose abruptly on the south. It is about 300 miles north of Jerusalem. In the immediate neighborhood was Daphne the celebrated sanctuary of Apollo 2 Macc. kjv@4:33; whence the city was sometimes called Antioch by Daphne , to distinguish it from other cities of the same name. Destruction .
The city was founded in the year 300 B.C., by Seleucus Nicator. It grew under the successive Seleucid kings till it became a city of great extent and of remarkable beauty. One feature, which seems to have been characteristic of the great Syrian cities,
a vast street with colonnades, intersecting the whole from end to end,
was added by Antiochus Epiphanes. By Pompey it was made a free city, and such it continued till the time of Antoninus Pius. The early emperors raised there some large and important structures, such as aqueducts, amphitheatres and baths. (Antioch, in Paul’s time, was the third city of the Roman empire, and contained over 200,000 inhabitants. Now it is a small, mean place of about 6000.
ED.) Bible History .
No city, after Jerusalem, is so intimately connected with the history of the apostolic church. Jews were settled there from the first in large numbers, were governed by their own ethnarch, and allowed to have the same political privileges with the Greeks. The chief interest of Antioch, however, is connected with the progress of Christianity among the heathen, Here the first Gentile church was founded, kjv@Acts:11:20-21) here the disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians kjv@Acts:11:26) It was from Antioch that St. Paul started on his three missionary journeys. IN PISIDIA, kjv@Acts:13:14 kjv@Acts:14:19-21; kjv@2Timothy:3:11) on the borders of Phrygia, corresponds to Yalobatch , which is distant from Aksher six hours over the mountains. This city, like the Syrian Antioch, was founded by Seleucus Nicator. Under the Romans it became a colonia , and was also called Caesarea.

ANTIOCHUS - A>@ - (an opponent), the name of a number of kings of Syria who lived during the interval between the Old and New Testaments, and had frequent connection with the Jews during that period. They are referred to in the Apocrypha especially in the books of the Maccabees.


Antioch @

(1.) In Syria, on the river Orontes, about 16 miles from the Mediterranean, and some 300 miles north of Jerusalem. It was the metropolis of Syria, and afterwards became the capital of the Roman province in Asia. It ranked third, after Rome and Alexandria, in point of importance, of the cities of the Roman empire. It was called the "first city of the East." Christianity was early introduced into it kjv@Acts:11:19-21, 24), and the name "Christian" was first applied here to its professors kjv@Acts:11:26). It is intimately connected with the early history of the gospel kjv@Acts:6:5 kjv@Acts:11:19 kjv@Acts:11:27, 28, 30; 12:25; 15:22-35; kjv@Galatians:2:11-12). It was the great central point whence missionaries to the Gentiles were sent forth. It was the birth-place of the famous Christian father Chrysostom, who died A.D. 407. It bears the modern name of Antakia, and is now a miserable, decaying Turkish town. Like Philippi, it was raised to the rank of a Roman colony. Such colonies were ruled by "praetors" (R.V. marg., kjv@Acts:16:20-21).

(2.) In the extreme north of Pisidia; was visited by Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey kjv@Acts:13:14). Here they found a synagogue and many proselytes. They met with great success in preaching the gospel, but the Jews stirred up a violent opposition against them, and they were obliged to leave the place. On his return, Paul again visited Antioch for the purpose of confirming the disciples kjv@Acts:14:21). It has been identified with the modern Yalobatch, lying to the east of Ephesus.

Antiochus @ the name of several Syrian kings from B.C. 280 to B.C. 65. The most notable of these were,

(1.) Antiochus the Great, who ascended the throne B.C. 223. He is regarded as the "king of the north" referred to in kjv@Daniel:11:13-19. He was succeeded (B.C. 187) by his son, Seleucus Philopater, spoken of by Daniel (11:20) as "a raiser of taxes", in the Revised Version, "one that shall cause an exactor to pass through the glory of the kingdom."

(2.) Antiochus IV., surnamed "Epiphanes" i.e., the Illustrious, succeeded his brother Seleucus (B.C. 175). His career and character are prophetically described by Daniel (11:21-32). He was a "vile person." In a spirit of revenge he organized an expedition against Jerusalem, which he destroyed, putting vast multitudes of its inhabitants to death in the most cruel manner. From this time the Jews began the great war of independence under their heroic Maccabean leaders with marked success, defeating the armies of Antiochus that were sent against them. Enraged at this, Antiochus marched against them in person, threatening utterly to exterminate the nation; but on the way he was suddenly arrested by the hand of death (B.C. 164).






-1. A city of Syria .Disciples first called Christians in kjv@Acts:11:19-30 .The congregation in kjv@Acts:13:1; kjv@Acts:14:26-27 .Barnabas and Paul make second visit to kjv@Acts:14:26-28 .Dissension within the congregation of kjv@Acts:15:22 with kjv@Acts:15:1-35 .Paul and Peter's controversy at kjv@Galatians:2:11-15

-2. A city of Pisidia. Persecutes Paul kjv@Acts:13:14-52; kjv@2Timothy:3:11; kjv@Acts:14:19-22; kjv@Acts:18:22



kjv@STRING:Antioch <HITCHCOCK>@ speedy as a chariot - HITCHCOCK-A



(1) A city in Syria- kjv@Acts:11:19,26; kjv@Acts:13:1; kjv@Acts:14:26; kjv@Acts:15:22,30; kjv@Acts:18:22; kjv@Galatians:2:11

(2) A City in Pisidia- kjv@Acts:13:14; kjv@Acts:14:19; kjv@2Timothy:3:11


G1456 <STRGRK>@ ἐγκαίνια egkainia eng-kah'ee-nee-ah Neuter plural of a presumed compound from G1722 and G2537; innovatives that is (specifically) renewal (of religious services after the Antiochian interruption): - dedication.

G490 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιόχεια Antiocheia an-tee-okh'-i-ah From Ἀντίοχος Antiochos (a Syrian king); Antiochia a place in Syria: - Antioch.

G491 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιοχεύς Antiocheus an-tee-okh-yoos' From G490; an Antiochian or inhabitant of Antiochia: - of Antioch.