
Dict: all - BENAIAH


BENAIAH @ a captain of David's army- kjv@2Samuel:8:18; kjv@2Samuel:23:20; kjv@1Kings:1:36; kjv@1Kings:4:4; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22


BENAIAH - B>@ - (made by the Lord). The son of Jehoiada the chief priest, ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:5) of the tribe of Levi, though a native of Kabzeel, (2 Samuel 23:20) set by David, ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:25) over his body-guard. (2 Samuel kjv@8:18; 20:23; kjv@Kings:1:38; kjv@1Chronicles:18:17) One of the mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:22-23; kjv@1Chronicles:11:25 kjv@1Chronicles:27:6) The exploits which gave him this rank are narrated in (2 Samuel 23:20-21; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22) He was captain of the host for the third month. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:5) Benaiah remained faithful to Solomon during Adonijah’s attempt on the crown, (Kings:1:8-10,32-38,44) and was raised unto the place of Joab as commander-in-chief of the whole army. (Kings:2:35; kjv@4:4) (B.C. 1005.) Benaiah the Pirathonite, an Ephraimite, one of David’s thirty mighty men, (2 Samuel 23:30; kjv@1Chronicles:11:31) and the captain of the eleventh monthly course. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:14) A Levite in the time of David, who "played with a psaltry on Alamoth." ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20 kjv@1Chronicles:16:5) A priest in the time of David, appointed to blow the trumpet before the ark. ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:24 kjv@1Chronicles:16:6) A Levite of the sons of Asaph. ( kjv@2Chronicles:20:14) A Levite in the time of Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:31:13) One of the "princes" of the families of Simeon. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:36) Four laymen in the time of Ezra who had taken strange wives. kjv@Ezra:10:25 kjv@Ezra:10:30,35,43) The father of Pelatiah. kjv@Ezekiel:11:1 kjv@Ezekiel:11:13)


Benaiah @ built up by Jehovah.

(1.) The son of Jehoiada, chief priest ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:5). He was set by David over his body-guard of Cherethites and Pelethites ( kjv@2Samuel:8:18; kjvKings:1:32; kjv@1Chronicles:18:17). His exploits are enumerated in kjv@2Samuel:23:20-21, 22; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22. He remained faithful to Solomon (kjvKings:1:8-10, 26), by whom he was raised to the rank of commander-in-chief (kjvKings:2:25,29, 30, 34, 35; 4:4).

(2.) kjv@2Samuel:23:30; kjv@1Chronicles:11:31.

(3.) A musical Levite ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20).

(4.) A priest ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:24 kjv@1Chronicles:16:6).

(5.) The son of Jeiel ( kjv@2Chronicals:20:14).






-1. Son of Jehoiada, commander of the Cherethites and Pelethites kjv@2Samuel:8:18; kjv@1Kings:1:38 .A distinguished warrior kjv@2Samuel:23:20-23; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22-25; kjv@1Chronicles:27:5-6 .Loyal to Solomon kjv@1Kings:1:2; kjv@1Kings:4:4

-2. An Ephraimite, and distinguished warrior kjv@2Samuel:23:30; kjv@1Chronicles:11:31; kjv@1Chronicles:27:14

-3. A Levitical musician kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20; kjv@1Chronicles:16:5

-4. A priest kjv@1Chronicles:15:24; kjv@1Chronicles:16:6

-5. Son of Jeiel kjv@2Chronicles:20:14

-6. A Levite in time of Hezekiah kjv@2Chronicles:31:13

-7. A chief of the Simeonites kjv@1Chronicles:4:36

-8. Father of Pelatiah kjv@Ezekiel:11:1 kjv@Ezekiel:11:13

-9. Son of Parosh kjv@Ezra:10:25

-10. Son of Pahath-moab kjv@Ezra:10:30

-11. Son of Bani kjv@Ezra:10:35

-12. Son of Nebo kjv@Ezra:10:43



kjv@STRING:Benaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ son of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-B


BENAIAH @ a captain of David's army- kjv@2Samuel:8:18; kjv@2Samuel:23:20; kjv@1Kings:1:36; kjv@1Kings:4:4; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22


H1141 <STRHEB>@ בּניהוּ בּניה benâyâh benâyâhû {ben-aw-yaw'} ben-aw-yaw'-hoo From H1129 and H3050; Jah has built; {Benajah} the name of twelve Israelites: - Benaiah.