
Dict: all - CHEST


CHESTS @ kjv@2Kings:12:9; kjv@2Chronicles:24:8; kjv@Ezekiel:27:24


CHEST - C>@ - By this word are translated in the Authorized Version two distinct Hebrew terms: Aron ; this is invariably used for the ark of the covenant, and, with two exceptions, for that only. The two exceptions alluded to are (a) the "coffin" in which the bones of Joseph were carried from Egypt, kjv@Genesis:50:26) and (b) the "chest" in which Jehoiada the priest collected the alms for the repairs of the temple. ( kjv@2Kings:12:9-10; kjv@2Chronicles:24:8-11) Genazim , "chests." kjv@Ezekiel:27:24) only.

CHESTNUT TREE - C>@ - (Heb. ’armon .) kjv@Genesis:30:37; kjv@Ezekiel:31:8) Probably the "palm tree" (Platanus orientalis) is intended. This tree thrives best in low and rather moist situations in the north of Palestine, and resembles our sycamore or buttonwood (Platanus occidentalis).


Chest @ (Heb. 'aron, generally rendered "ark"), the coffer into which the contributions for the repair of the temple were put ( kjv@2Kings:12:9-10; kjv@2Chronicals:24:8-10, 11). In kjv@Genesis:50:26 it is rendered "coffin." In kjv@Ezekiel:27:24 a different Hebrew word, genazim (plur.), is used. It there means "treasure-chests."

Chestnut tree @ (Heb. 'armon; i.e., "naked"), mentioned in connection with Jacob's artifice regarding the cattle kjv@Genesis:30:37). It is one of the trees of which, because of its strength and beauty, the Assyrian empire is likened kjv@Ezekiel:31:8; R.V., "plane trees"). It is probably the Oriental plane tree (Platanus orientalis) that is intended. It is a characteristic of this tree that it annually sheds its outer bark, becomes "naked." The chestnut tree proper is not a native of Palestine.





- For money kjv@2Kings:12:9; kjv@2Chronicles:24:8-11

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Genesis:30:37; kjv@Ezekiel:31:8




CHESTS @ kjv@2Kings:12:9; kjv@2Chronicles:24:8; kjv@Ezekiel:27:24


H1595 <STRHEB>@ גּנז genez gheh'-nez From an unused root meaning to store; treasure; by implication a coffer: - {chest} treasury.

H2459 <STRHEB>@ חלב חלב cheleb chêleb {kheh'-leb} khay'-leb From an unused root meaning to be fat; {fat} whether literally or figuratively; hence the richest or choice part: - X {best} fat ({-ness}) X {finest} {grease} marrow.

H6196 <STRHEB>@ ערמון ‛armôn ar-mone' Probably from H6191; the plane tree (from its smooth and shed bark): - chestnut tree.

H727 <STRHEB>@ ארן ארון 'ârônrôn {aw-rone'} aw-rone' From H717 (in the sense of gathering); a box: - {ark} {chest} coffin.

H8321 <STRHEB>@ שׂרקה שׂורק שׂרק ώôrêq ώôrêq ώôrêqâh {so-rake'} {so-rake'} so-ray-kaw' (The third form is feminine); from H8319 in the sense of redness (compare H8320); a vine stock (properly one yielding purple {grapes} the richest variety): - choice ({-st} noble) wine. Compare H8291.

G2382 <STRGRK>@ θώραξ thōrax tho'-rax Of uncertain affinity; the chest (thorax) that is (by implication) a corslet: - breastplate.

G4738 <STRGRK>@ στῆθος stēthos stay'-thos From G2476 (as standing prominently); the (entire external) bosom that is chest: - breast.