
Dict: smith - CONGREGATION


CONGREGATION - C>@ - This describes the Hebrew people in its collective capacity under its peculiar aspect as a holy community, held together by religious rather than political bonds. Sometimes it is used in a broad sense as inclusive of foreign settlers, kjv@Exodus:12:19) but more properly as exclusively appropriate to the Hebrew element of the population. kjv@Numbers:15:15) The congregation was governed by the father or head of each family and tribe. The number of these representatives being inconveniently large for ordinary business, a further selection was made by Moses of 70, who formed a species of standing committee. kjv@Numbers:11:16) Occasionally indeed the whole body of people was assembled at the door of the tabernacle, hence usually called the tabernacle of the congregation. kjv@Numbers:10:3) The people were strictly bound by the acts of their representatives, even in cases where they disapproved of them. kjv@Joshua:9:18)