
Dict: easton - Cake


Cake @ Cakes made of wheat or barley were offered in the temple. They were salted, but unleavened kjv@Exodus:29:2; kjv@Leviticus:2:4). In idolatrous worship thin cakes or wafers were offered "to the queen of heaven" kjv@Jeremiah:7:18 kjv@Jeremiah:44:19). Pancakes are described in kjv@2Samuel:13:8-9. Cakes mingled with oil and baked in the oven are mentioned in kjv@Leviticus:2:4, and "wafers unleavened anointed with oil," in kjv@Exodus:29:2; kjv@Leviticus:8:26; kjv@1Chronicles:23:29. "Cracknels," a kind of crisp cakes, were among the things Jeroboam directed his wife to take with her when she went to consult Ahijah the prophet at Shiloh (kjvKings:14:3). Such hard cakes were carried by the Gibeonites when they came to Joshua (9:5,12). They described their bread as "mouldy;" but the Hebrew word nikuddim, here used, ought rather to be rendered "hard as biscuit." It is rendered "cracknels" in kjvKings:14:3. The ordinary bread, when kept for a few days, became dry and excessively hard. The Gibeonites pointed to this hardness of their bread as an evidence that they had come a long journey. We read also of honey-cakes kjv@Exodus:16:31), "cakes of figs" ( kjv@1Samuel:25:18), "cake" as denoting a whole piece of bread (kjvKings:17:12), and "a round cake of barley bread" kjv@Judges:7:13). In Leviticus:2 is a list of the different kinds of bread and cakes which were fit for offerings.