
Dict: all - Eliab


ELIAB @ David's eldest brother- kjv@1Samuel:16:6; kjv@1Samuel:17:28; kjv@1Chronicles:27:18; kjv@2Chronicles:11:18


ELIAB - E>@ - (God is my father). Son of Helon and leader of the tribe of Zebulun at the time of the census in the wilderness of Sinai. kjv@Numbers:1:9 kjv@Numbers:2:7 kjv@Numbers:7:24 ,29; 10:16) (B.C. 1490.) A Reubenite, father of Dathan and Abiram. kjv@Numbers:16:1 kjv@Numbers:16:12 kjv@Numbers:26:8-9 kjv@Numbers:11:6 ) One of David’s brothers, the eldest of the family. ( kjv@1Samuel:16:6 kjv@1Samuel:17:13 kjv@1Samuel:17:28; kjv@1Chronicles:2:13) (B.C. 1063.) A Levite in the time of David, who was both a "porter" and a musician on the "psaltery." ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20 kjv@1Chronicles:16:5) One of the warlike Gadite leaders who came over to David when he was in the wilderness taking refuge from Saul. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:9) (B.C. 1061.) An ancestor of Samuel the prophet; a Kohathite Levite, son of Nahath. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:27) (B.C. 1250). Son of Nathanael, one of the fore-fathers of Judith, and therefore belonging to the tribe of Simeon. Judith kjv@8:1.


Eliab @ to whom God is father.

(1.) A Reubenite, son of Pallu kjv@Numbers:16:1 kjv@Numbers:16:12 kjv@Numbers:26:8-9; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6).

(2.) A son of Helon, and chief of the tribe of Zebulun at the time of the census in the wilderness kjv@Numbers:1:9 kjv@Numbers:2:7).

(3.) The son of Jesse, and brother of David ( kjv@1Samuel:16:6). It was he who spoke contemptuously to David when he proposed to fight Goliath ( kjv@1Samuel:17:28).

(4.) One of the Gadite heroes who joined David in his stronghold in the wilderness ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:9).






-1. A Reubenite, progenitor of Dathan and Abiram kjv@Numbers:26:8-9; kjv@Numbers:16:1 kjv@Numbers:16:12 kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6

-2. Son of Helon kjv@Numbers:1:9; kjv@Numbers:2:7; kjv@Numbers:7:24 kjv@Numbers:7:29 kjv@Numbers:10:16

-3. Ancestor of Samuel kjv@1Chronicles:6:27 .Also called ELIHU kjv@1Samuel:1:1 .And ELIEL kjv@1Chronicles:6:34

-4. Son of Jesse and eldest brother of David kjv@1Samuel:16:6; kjv@1Samuel:17:13 kjv@1Samuel:17:28 kjv@1Chronicles:2:13 .A prince in the tribe of Judah kjv@1Chronicles:27:18

-5. A hero of the tribe of Gad kjv@1Chronicles:12:9

-6. A Levite, a porter and musician kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20; kjv@1Chronicles:16:5




ELIAB @ David's eldest brother- kjv@1Samuel:16:6; kjv@1Samuel:17:28; kjv@1Chronicles:27:18; kjv@2Chronicles:11:18


H446 <STRHEB>@ אליאב 'ĕlîyb el-ee-awb' From H410 and H1; God of (his) father; {Eliab} the name of six Israelites: - Eliab.