
Dict: all - HAZOR


HAZOR @ a town captured by Joshua- kjv@Joshua:11:10


HAZOR - H>@ - (castle). A fortified city, which on the occupation of the country was allotted to Naphtali. kjv@Joshua:19:36) Its position was apparently between Ramah and Kedesh, ibid. kjv@Joshua:12:19) on the high ground overlooking the Lake of Merom. There is no reason for supposing it a different place from that of which Jabin was king. kjv@Joshua:11:1; kjv@Judges:4:2 kjv@Judges:4:17 kjv@1Samuel:12:9) It was the principal city of the whole of north Palestine. kjv@Joshua:11:10) It was fortified by Solomon, (Kings:9:15) and its inhabitants were carried captive by Tiglath-pileser. ( kjv@2Kings:15:29) The most probable site of Hazor is Tell Khuraibeh . One of the "cities" of Judah in the extreme south, named next in order to Kedesh. kjv@Joshua:15:23) Hazor
- Hadattah = "new Hazor" another of the southern towns of Judah. kjv@Joshua:15:25) A place in which the Benjamites resided after their return from the captivity. kjv@Nehemiah:11:33)


Hazor @ enclosed; fortified.

(1.) A stronghold of the Canaanites in the mountains north of Lake Merom kjv@Joshua:11:1-5). Jabin the king with his allied tribes here encountered Joshua in a great battle. Joshua gained a signal victory, which virtually completed his conquest of Canaan (11:10-13). This city was, however, afterwards rebuilt by the Canaanites, and was ruled by a king with the same hereditary name of Jabin. His army, under a noted leader of the name of Sisera, swept down upon the south, aiming at the complete subjugation of the country. This powerful army was met by the Israelites under Barak, who went forth by the advice of the prophetess Deborah. The result was one of the most remarkable victories for Israel recorded in the Old Testament kjv@Joshua:19:36; kjv@Judges:4:2; kjv@1Samuel:12:9). The city of Hazor was taken and occupied by the Israelites. It was fortified by Solomon to defend the entrance into the kingdom from Syria and Assyria. When Tiglath-pileser, the Assyrian king, invaded the land, this was one of the first cities he captured, carrying its inhabitants captive into Assyria ( kjv@2Kings:15:29). It has been identified with Khurbet Harrah, 2 1/2 miles south-east of Kedesh.

(2.) A city in the south of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:23). The name here should probably be connected with the word following, Ithnan, HAZOR

- ITHNAN instead of "Hazor and Ithnan."

(3.) A district in Arabia kjv@Jeremiah:49:28-33), supposed by some to be Jetor, i.e., Ituraea.

(4.) "Kerioth and Hezron" kjv@Joshua:15:25) should be "Kerioth-hezron" (as in the R.V.), the two names being joined together as the name of one place (e.g., like Kirjath-jearim), "the same is Hazor" (R.V.). This place has been identified with el
- Kuryetein, and has been supposed to be the home of Judas Iscariot. (

Hazor-hadattah @ New Hazor, a city in the south of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:25). It is probably identified with the ruins of el
- Hazzarah, near Beit Jebrin.






-1. A fortified city of Naphtali kjv@Joshua:11:1 kjv@Joshua:11:10, 11, 13; kjv@Joshua:12:19; kjv@Joshua:19:36; kjv@Judges:4:2 kjv@Judges:4:17 kjv@1Samuel:12:9; kjv@2Kings:15:29; kjv@Nehemiah:11:33

-2. A city in the south of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:23; kjv@1Kings:9:15

-3. A place north of Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:11:33


- A city of the territory of the tribe of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:25



kjv@STRING:En-hazor <HITCHCOCK>@ the grass of the well - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Hazor <HITCHCOCK>@ court; hay - HITCHCOCK-H


HAZOR @ a town captured by Joshua- kjv@Joshua:11:10


H1178 <STRHEB>@ בּעל חצור baal châtsôr bah'-al khaw-tsore' From H1167 and a modification of H2691; possessor of a village; Baal {Chatsor} a place in Palestine: - Baal-hazor.

H2674 <STRHEB>@ חצור châtsôr khaw-tsore' A collective form of H2691; village; {Chatsor} the name (thus simply) of two places in Palestine and of one in Arabia: - Hazor.

H2675 <STRHEB>@ חצור חדתּה châtsôr chădattâh khaw-tsore' khad-at-taw' From H2674 and a Chaldaizing form of the feminine of H2319 (compare H2323); new {Chatsor} a place in Palestine: - {Hazor} Hadattah [as if two places].

H5877 <STRHEB>@ עין חצור ‛êyn châtsôr ane khaw-tsore' From H5869 and the same as H2674; fountain of a village; {En-Chatsor} a place in Palestine: - En-hazor.