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HORN @ figurative- kjv@2Samuel:22:3; kjv@1Kings:22:11; kjv@Psalms:89:24; kjv@Psalms:92:10; kjv@Psalms:132:17


HORN - H>@ - The word "horn" is often used metaphorically to signify strength and honor, because horns are the chief weapons and ornaments of the animals which possess them; hence they are also used as a type of victory. Of strength the horn of the unicorn was the most frequent representative, (33:17) etc., but not always; comp. (Kings:22:11) where probably horns of iron, worn defiantly and symbolically on the head, are intended. Among the Druses upon Mount Lebanon the married women wear silver horns on their heads. In the sense of honor, the word horn stands for the abstract "my horn," kjv@Job:16:16) "all the horn of Israel," ( kjv@1Samuel:2:3) and so for the supreme authority. It also stands for the concrete , whence it comes to mean king, kingdom. kjv@Daniel:8:2) etc.; kjv@Zechariah:1:18 Out of either or both of these last two metaphors sprang the idea of representing gods with horns.

HORNET - H>@ - The hornet bears a general resemblance to the common wasp, only it is larger. It is exceedingly fierce and voracious, especially in hot climates and its sting is frequently dangerous. In Scripture the hornet is referred to only by the means which Jehovah employed for the extirpation of the Canaanites. kjv@Exodus:23:28 kjv@Exodus:7:20; kjv@Joshua:24:12) Wisd. 12:8. (It is said that the Phaselitae, a Phoenician people, were driven from their locality by hornets; and other examples are given in Paxton’s "Illustrations of Scripture," 1:303.


Horn @ Trumpets were at first horns perforated at the tip, used for various purposes kjv@Joshua:6:4-5). Flasks or vessels were made of horn ( kjv@1Samuel:16:1 kjv@1Samuel:16:13 kjvKings:1:39). But the word is used also metaphorically to denote the projecting corners of the altar of burnt offerings kjv@Exodus:27:2) and of incense (30:2). The horns of the altar of burnt offerings were to be smeared with the blood of the slain bullock (29:12; kjv@Leviticus:4:7-18). The criminal, when his crime was accidental, found an asylum by laying hold of the horns of the altar (kjvKings:1:50; 2:28). The word also denotes the peak or summit of a hill kjv@Isaiah:5:1, where the word "hill" is the rendering of the same Hebrew word). This word is used metaphorically also for strength kjv@Deuteronomy:33:17) and honour kjv@Job:16:15; kjv@Lamentations:2:3). Horns are emblems of power, dominion, glory, and fierceness, as they are the chief means of attack and defence with the animals endowed with them kjv@Daniel:8:5 kjv@Daniel:8:9 kjv@1Samuel:2:1 kjv@1Samuel:16:1 kjv@1Samuel:16:13; kjvKings:1:39; 22:11; kjv@Joshua:6:4-5; kjv@Psalms:75:5 kjv@Psalms:75:10 kjv@Psalms:132:17; kjv@Luke:1:69, etc.). The expression "horn of salvation," applied to Christ, means a salvation of strength, or a strong Saviour kjv@Luke:1:69). To have the horn "exalted" denotes prosperity and triumph kjv@Psalms:89:17 kjv@Psalms:89:24). To "lift up" the horn is to act proudly kjv@Zechariah:1:21). Horns are also the symbol of royal dignity and power kjv@Jeremiah:48:25; kjv@Zechariah:1:18; kjv@Daniel:8:24).

Hornet @ Heb. tsir'ah, "stinging", kjv@Exodus:23:28; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:20; kjv@Joshua:24:12). The word is used in these passages as referring to some means by which the Canaanites were to be driven out from before the Israelites. Some have supposed that the word is used in a metaphorical sense as the symbol of some panic which would seize the people as a "terror of God" kjv@Genesis:35:5), the consternation with which God would inspire the Canaanites. In Palestine there are four species of hornets, differing from our hornets, being larger in size, and they are very abundant. They "attack human beings in a very furious manner." "The furious attack of a swarm of hornets drives cattle and horses to madness, and has even caused the death of the animals."



Horns @ Natural weapons on heads of animals kjv@Daniel:7:20
Animals with, mentioned
The ox kjv@Psalms:69:31
The ram kjv@Genesis:22:13
The goat kjv@Daniel:8:5
The unicorn kjv@Psalms:22:21 kjv@Psalms:92:10
Tusks of the elephant so called kjv@Ezekiel:27:15
Used offensively kjv@Exodus:21:29 kjv@Ezekiel:34:21
Were used
For holding oil kjv@1Samuel:16:1 kjv@1Kings:1:39
As musical instruments kjv@Joshua:6:4 kjv@Joshua:6:5 kjv@1Chronicles:25:5
Representations of, placed at the four corners of the altars kjv@Exodus:27:2 kjv@Exodus:30:2
Wearing of, alluded to kjv@Psalms:75:5 kjv@Psalms:75:10
Of power of God kjv@Psalms:18:2 kjv@Habakkuk:3:4
Of power of Christ kjv@Luke:1:69 kjv@Revelation:5:6
Of power of Ephraim &:c kjv@Deuteronomy:33:17
Of power of the wicked kjv@Psalms:22:21 kjv@Psalms:75:10
Of kings kjv@Daniel:7:7 kjv@Daniel:7:8 kjv@Daniel:7:24 kjv@Daniel:8:3 kjv@Daniel:8:5 kjv@Daniel:8:20
Of antichristian powers kjv@Revelation:13:1 kjv@Revelation:17:3 kjv@Revelation:17:7
(Budding of,) of the commencement or revival of a nation kjv@Psalms:132:17 kjv@Ezekiel:29:21
(Raising up,) of arrogance kjv@Psalms:75:4 kjv@Psalms:75:5
(Exalting,) of increase of power and glory kjv@1Samuel:2:1 kjv@1Samuel:2:10 kjv@Psalms:89:17 kjv@Psalms:89:24 kjv@Psalms:92:10 kjv@Psalms:112:9
(Pushing with,) of conquests kjv@Deuteronomy:33:17 kjv@1Kings:22:11 kjv@Micah:4:13
(Bringing down,) of degradation kjv@Job:16:15
(Cutting off,) of destruction of power kjv@Psalms:75:10 kjv@Jeremiah:48:25 kjv@Lamentations:2:3



- Used to containi the anointing oil kjv@1Samuel:16:1; kjv@1Kings:1:39
- Used for a trumpet .

- FIGURATIVE .Of divine protection kjv@2Samuel:22:3 .Of power kjv@1Kings:22:11; kjv@Psalms:89:24; kjv@Psalms:92:10; kjv@Psalms:132:17

- SYMBOLICAL kjv@Daniel:7:7-24; kjv@Daniel:8:3-9 kjv@Daniel:8:20 kjv@Amos:6:13; kjv@Micah:4:13; kjv@Habbakkuk:3:4; kjv@Zechariah:1:18-21; kjv@Revelation:5:6; kjv@Revelation:12:3; kjv@Revelation:13:1 kjv@Revelation:13:11 kjv@Revelation:17:3-16 .Horns of the altar .

- Or wasp kjv@Exodus:23:28; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:20; kjv@Joshua:24:12



kjv@STRING:Abel-shittim <HITCHCOCK>@ mourning of thorns - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahoah <HITCHCOCK>@ a live brother; my thorn or thistle - HITCHCOCK-A


kjv@STRING:Cornelius <HITCHCOCK>@ of a horn - HITCHCOCK-C


kjv@STRING:Hakkoz <HITCHCOCK>@ a thorn; summer; an end - HITCHCOCK-H


kjv@STRING:Keren-happuch <HITCHCOCK>@ the horn or child of beauty - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Shamer <HITCHCOCK>@ keeper; thorn; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shemer <HITCHCOCK>@ guardian; thorn - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shimri <HITCHCOCK>@ thorn; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shittim <HITCHCOCK>@ thorns - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sivan <HITCHCOCK>@ a bush or thorn - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Zareah <HITCHCOCK>@ leprosy; hornet - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zeruah <HITCHCOCK>@ leprous; wasp; hornet - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zorah <HITCHCOCK>@ leprosy; scab; hornet - HITCHCOCK-Z


HORN @ figurative- kjv@2Samuel:22:3; kjv@1Kings:22:11; kjv@Psalms:89:24; kjv@Psalms:92:10; kjv@Psalms:132:17


H1303 <STRHEB>@ בּרקן barqân bar-kawn' From H1300; a thorn (perhaps as burning brightly): - brier.

H1488 <STRHEB>@ גּז gêz gaze From H1494; a fleece (as shorn); also mown grass: - {fleece} {mowing} mown grass.

H1863 <STRHEB>@ דּרדּר dardar dar-dar' Of uncertain derivation; a thorn: - thistle.

H2312 <STRHEB>@ חדק chêdeq khay'-dek From an unused root meaning to sting; a prickly plant: - {brier} thorn.

H2336 <STRHEB>@ חוח chôach kho'-akh From an unused root apparently meaning to pierce; a thorn; by analogy a ring for the nose: - {bramble} {thistle} thorn.

H2738 <STRHEB>@ חרל חרוּל chârûl chârûl {khaw-rool'} khaw-rool' Apparently passive participle of an unused root probably meaning to be prickly; properly {pointed} that {is} a bramble or other thorny weed: - nettle.

H3104 <STRHEB>@ יבל יובל yôbêl yôbêl {yo-bale'} yo-bale' Apparently from H2986; the blast of a horn (from its continuous sound); specifically the signal of the silver trumpets; hence the instrument itself and the festival thus introduced: - {jubile} ram´ s {horn} trumpet.

H3698 <STRHEB>@ כּסּמת kûssemeth koos-seh'-meth From H3697; spelt (from its bristliness as if just shorn): - {fitches} rie.

H329 <STRHEB>@ אטד 'âţâd aw-tawd From an unused root probably meaning to pierce or make fast; a thorn tree (especially the buckthorn): - {Atad} {bramble} thorn.

H4534 <STRHEB>@ מסוּכה mesûkâh mes-oo-kaw' For H4881; a hedge: - thorn hedge.

H5055 <STRHEB>@ נגח nâgach naw-gakh' A primitive root; to but with the horns; figuratively to war against: - {gore} push ({down} -ing).

H5139 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזיר nâzîyr nâzir {naw-zeer'} naw-zeer' From H5144; {separate} that {is} consecrated (as {prince} a Nazirite); hence (figuratively from the latter) an unpruned vine (like an unshorn Nazirite). (The {translation} {Nazarite} is by a false alliteration with Nazareth.): - Nazarite [by a false alliteration with {Nazareth]} separate ({-d}) vine undressed.

H5145 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזר nezer nêzer {neh'-zer} nay'-zer From H5144; properly something set {apart} that {is} (abstractly) dedication (of a priest or Nazirite); hence (concretely) unshorn locks; also (by implication) a chaplet (especially of royalty): - {consecration} {crown} {hair} separation.

H5285 <STRHEB>@ נעצוּץ na‛ătsûts nah-ats-oots' From an unused root meaning to prick; probably a brier; by implication a thicket of thorny bushes: - thorn.

H5518 <STRHEB>@ סרה סירה סיר sîyr sîyrâh sirâh {seer} {see-raw'} see-raw' From a primitive root meaning to boil up; a pot; also a thorn (as springing up rapidly); by implication a hook: - {caldron} {fishhook} {pan} ([wash-]) {pot} thorn.

H5544 <STRHEB>@ סלּון סלּון sillôn sallôn {sil-lone'} sal-lone' From H5541; a prickle (as if pendulous): - {brier} thorn.

H5570 <STRHEB>@ סנאה senâ'âh sen-aw-aw' From an unused root meaning to prick; thorny; {Senaah} a place in Palestine: - {Senaah} Hassenaah [with the article.

H5573 <STRHEB>@ סנה seneh seh'-neh The same as H5572; thorn; {Seneh} a crag in Palestine: - Seneh.

H6255 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרת קרנים ‛ashterôth qarnayim ash-ter-oth' kar-nah'-yim From H6252 and the dual of H7161; Ashtaroth of (the) double horns (a symbol of the deity); Ashteroth {Karnaim} a place East of the Jordan: - Ashtoreth Karnaim.

H6791 <STRHEB>@ צן tsên tsane From an unused root meaning to be prickly; a thorn; hence a cactus hedge: - thorn.

H6796 <STRHEB>@ צנן צנין tsânîyn tsânin {tsaw-neen'} tsaw-neen From the same as H6791; a thorn: - thorn.

H6880 <STRHEB>@ צרעה tsir‛âh tsir-aw' From H6879; a wasp (as stinging): - hornet.

H6975 <STRHEB>@ קץ קוץ qôts qôts {kotse} kotse From H6972 (in the sense of pricking); a thorn: - thorn.

H6977 <STRHEB>@ קוצּה qevûtstsâh kev-oots-tsaw' Feminine passive participle of H6972 in its original sense; a forelock (as shorn): - lock.

H7063 <STRHEB>@ קמּשׁון qimmâshôn kim-maw-shone' From the same as H7057; a prickly plant: - thorn.

H7083 <STRHEB>@ קסת qeseth keh'-seth From the same as H3563 (or as H7185); properly a {cup} that {is} an ink stand: - inkhorn.

H7094 <STRHEB>@ קצב qâtsab kaw-tsab' A primitive root; to {clip} or (generally) chop: - cut {down} shorn.

H7160 <STRHEB>@ קרן qâran kaw-ran' A primitive root; to push or gore; used only as denominative from {H7161} to shoot out horns; figuratively rays: - have {horns} shine.

H7161 <STRHEB>@ קרן qeren keh'-ren From H7160; a horn (as projecting); by implication a {flask} cornet; by resemblance an elephant´ s tooth (that {is} {ivory}) a corner (of the {altar}) a peak (of a {mountain}) a ray (of light); figuratively power: - X {hill} horn.

H7162 <STRHEB>@ קרן qeren keh'-ren (Chaldee); corresponding to H7161; a horn (literally or for sound): - {horn} cornet.

H7163 <STRHEB>@ קרן הפּוּך qeren happûk keh'-ren hap-pook' From H7161 and H6320; horn of cosmetic; {Keren-hap-Puk} one of Job´ s daughters: - Keren-happuch.

H7782 <STRHEB>@ שׁפר שׁופר shôphâr shôphâr {sho-far'} sho-far' From H8231 in the original sense of incising; a cornet (as giving a clear sound) or curved horn: - {cornet} trumpet.

H7848 <STRHEB>@ שׁטּים שׁטּה shiţţâh shiţţîym {shit-taw'} shit-teem' Feminine of a derivative (the second form being only in the {plural} meaning the sticks of wood) from the same as H7850; the acacia (from its scourging thorns): - {shittah} shittim. See also H1029.

H7898 <STRHEB>@ שׁית shayith shah'-yith From H7896; scrub or {trash} that {is} wild growth of weeds or briers (as if put on the field): - thorns.

H7905 <STRHEB>@ שׂכּה ώûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H7900 in the sense of H7899; a dart (as pointed like a thorn): - barbed iron.

H8068 <STRHEB>@ שׁמיר shâmîyr shaw-meer' From H8104 in the original sense of pricking; a thorn; also (from its keenness for scratching) a {gem} probably the diamond: - adamant ({stone}) {brier} diamond.

H8104 <STRHEB>@ שׁמר shâmar shaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to hedge about (as with {thorns}) that {is} guard; generally to {protect} attend {to} etc.: - {beware} be {circumspect} take heed (to {self}) keep ({-er} {self}) {mark} look {narrowly} {observe} {preserve} {regard} {reserve} save ({self}) {sure} (that lay) wait ({for}) watch (-man).

H8207 <STRHEB>@ שׁפיפן shephîyphôn shef-ee-fone' From an unused root meaning the same as H7779; a kind of serpent (as {snapping}) probably the cerastes or horned adder: - adder.

G173 <STRGRK>@ ἄκανθα akantha ak'-an-thah Probably from the same as G188; a thorn: - thorn.

G174 <STRGRK>@ ἀκάνθινος akanthinos ak-an'-thee-nos From G173; thorny: - of thorns.

G2762 <STRGRK>@ κεραία keraia ker-ah'-yah Feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of G2768; something horn like that is (specifically) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively the least particle): - tittle.

G2768 <STRGRK>@ κέρας keras ker'-as From a primary word κάρ kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): - horn.

G2769 <STRGRK>@ κεράτιον keration ker-at'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G2768; something horned that is (specifically) the pod of the carob tree: - husk.

G4647 <STRGRK>@ σκόλοψ skolops skol'-ops Perhaps form the base of G4628 and G3700; withered at the front that is a point or prickle (figuratively a bodily annoyance or disability): - thorn.

G5146 <STRGRK>@ τρίβολος tribolos trib'-ol-os From G5140 and G956; properly a crow foot (three pronged obstruction in war) that is (by analogy) a thorny plant (caltrop): - brier thistle.