
Dict: smith - JONA


JONA - J>@ - (a dove) (Greek form of Jonah), the father of the apostle Peter, kjv@John:1:42) who is hence addressed as Simon Barjona (i.e. son of Jona) in kjv@Matthew:16:17)

JONADAB - J>@ - (whom Jehovah impels). Son of Shimeah and nephew of David. (B.C. 1033.) He is described as "very subtle." (2 Samuel 13:3) His age naturally made him the friend of his cousin Amnon, heir to the throne. (2 Samuel 13:3) He gave him the fatal advice for ensnaring his sister Tamar. ch (2 Samuel 13:5-6) Again, when, in a later stage of the same tragedy, Amnon was murdered by Absalom, and the exaggerated report reached David that all the princes were slaughtered, Jonadab was already aware of the real state of the case. (2 Samuel 13:32-33) kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-8-10 kjv@Jeremiah:35:14-16-18-19) JEHONADAB

JONAH - J>@ - (dove), the fifth of the minor prophets, was the son of Amittai, and a native of Gath-hepher. ( kjv@2Kings:14:25) He flourished in or before the reign of Jeroboam II., about B.C. 820. Having already, as it seems, prophesied to Israel, he was sent to Nineveh. The time was one of political revival in Israel; but ere long the Assyrians were to be employed by God as a scourge upon them. The prophet shrank from a commission which he felt sure would result, kjv@Jonah:4:2) in the sparing of a hostile city. He attempted therefore to escape to Tarshish. The providence of God, however, watched over him, first in a storm, and then in his being swallowed by a large fish (a sea monster, probably the white shark) for the space of three days and three nights. On this subject see article WHALE After his deliverance, Jonah executed his commission; and the king, "believing him to be a minister form the supreme deity of the nation," and having heard of his miraculous deliverance, ordered a general fast, and averted the threatened judgment. But the prophet, not from personal but national feelings, grudged the mercy shown to a heathen nation. He was therefore taught by the significant lesson of the "gourd," whose growth and decay brought the truth at once home to him, that he was sent to testify by deed, as other prophets would afterward testify by word, the capacity of Gentiles for salvation, and the design of God to make them partakers of it. This was "the sign of the prophet Jonas." kjv@Luke:11:29-30) But the resurrection of Christ itself was also shadowed forth in the history of the prophet. kjv@Matthew:12:39-41 kjv@Matthew:16:4) The mission of Jonah was highly symbolical. The facts contained a concealed prophecy. The old tradition made the burial-place of Jonah to be Gath-hepher; the modern tradition places it at Nebi
- Yunus , opposite Mosul.

JONAM - J>@ - (gift or grace of God), the form given to JONAN in the Revised Version of kjv@Luke:3:30)

JONAN - J>@ - (perhaps a contraction of Johnana, gift or grace of God), son of Eliakim, in the genealogy of Christ. kjv@Luke:3:30) (B.C. before 876.)

JONAS - J>@ - (a dove). The prophet Jonah. kjv@Matthew:12:39-40-41 kjv@Matthew:16:4) Father of Peter. kjv@John:21:15-17) JONA

JONATHAN - J>@ - that is, "the gift of Jehovah, " the eldest son of King Saul. (B.C. about 1095-1056.) He was a man of great strength and activity. (2 Samuel kjv@1:23) He was also famous as a warrior, ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:2) as is shown by the courage he showing in attacking the garrison of the Philistines, in company with is armor-bearer only, slaying twenty men and putting an army to flight. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:6-16) During the pursuit, Jonathan, who had not heard of the rash curse, ch. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:24) which Saul invoked on any one who ate before the evening, tasted the honey which lay on the ground. Saul would have sacrificed him; but the people interposed in behalf of the hero of that great day, and Jonathan was saved. ch. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:24-45) The chief interest of Jonathan’s career is derived from the friendship with David, which began on the day of David’s return from the victory over the champion of Gath, and continued till his death. Their last meeting was in and forest of Ziph, during Saul’s pursuit of David. ( kjv@1Samuel:23:16-18) From this time forth we hear no more till the battle of Gilboa. In that battle he fell. ( kjv@1Samuel:31:2 kjv@1Samuel:31:8) (B.C. 1056.) his ashes were buried first at Jabesh-gilead, ch. ( kjv@1Samuel:31:13) but were afterward removed with those of his father to Zelah in Benjamin. (2 Samuel 21:12) The news of his death occasioned the celebrated elegy of David. He left a son, Mephibosheth. MEPHIBOSHETH A nephew of David. (2 Samuel 21:21; kjv@1Chronicles:20:7) He engaged in single combat with and slew a gigantic Philistine of Gath. (2 Samuel 21:21) (B.C. 1018.) The son of Abiathar, the high priest, is the last descendant of Eli of whom we hear anything. (2 Samuel 15:36; 17:15-21; kjv@Kings:1:42-43) (B.C. 1023.) One of David’s heroes. (2 Samuel 23:32; kjv@1Chronicles:11:34) The son or descendant of Gershom the son of Moses. kjv@Judges:18:30) MICAH (B.C. about 1425.) One of the Bene
- Adin. kjv@Ezra:8:6) A priest, the son of Asahel, in the time of Ezra. kjv@Ezra:10:15) (B.C. 459.) A priest of the family of Melieu. kjv@Nehemiah:12:14) One of the sons of Kareah, and brother of Johanan. kjv@Jeremiah:40:8) (B.C. 587.) Son of Joiada, and his successor in the high priesthood. kjv@Nehemiah:12:11-22-23) (B.C. before 332.) Father of Zechariah, a priest who blew the trumpet at the dedication of the wall. kjv@Nehemiah:12:35) 1 Esdr. kjv@8:32. [
See No. 6] (B.C. 446.)

JONATHELEMRECHOKIM - J>@ - (a dumb love of (in) distant places), a phrase found once only in the Bible, as a heading to the 56th psalm. Aben Ezra, who regards Jonath-elem-rechokim as merely indicating the modulation or the rhythm of the psalm, appears to come the nearest to the meaning of the passage.