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JOEL @ a prophet, son of Pethuel SEE Book of Joel


JOEL - J>@ - (to whom Jehovah is God). Eldest son of Samuel the prophet, ( kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@1Chronicles:6:33 kjv@1Chronicles:15:17) and father of Heman the singer. (B.C. 1094.) In ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:36) Authorized Version, Joel seems to be merely a corruption of Shaul in ver. 24. A Simeonite chief. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:35) A descendant of Reuben. Junius and Tremellius make him the son of Hanoeh, while others trace his descent through Carmi. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:4) (B.C. before 1092.) Chief of the Gadites, who dwelt in the land of Bashan. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:12) (B.C. 782.) The son of Izrahiah, of the tribe of Issachar. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:3) The brother of Nathan of Zobah, ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:38) and one of David’s guard. The chief of the Gershomites in the reign of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:7 kjv@1Chronicles:15:11) A Gershonite Levite in the reign of David, son of Jehiel, a descendant of Laadan, and probably the same as the preceding. ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:8 kjv@1Chronicles:26:22) (B.C. 1014.) The son of Pedaiah, and a chief of the half-tribe of Manasseh west of Jordan, in the reign of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:20) (B.C. 1014.) A Kohathite Levite in the reign of Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:12) (B.C. 726.) One of the sons of Nebo, who returned with Ezra, and had married a foreign wife. kjv@Ezra:10:43) (B.C. 459.) The son of Zichri, a Benjamite. kjv@Nehemiah:11:9) The second of the twelve minor prophets, the son of Pethuel, probably prophesied in Judah in the reign of Uzziah, about B.C. 800. The book of Joel contains a grand outline of the whole terrible scene, which was to be depicted more and more in detail by subsequent prophets. The proximate event to which the prophecy related was a public calamity, then impending on Judah, of a two-plague of locusts
and continuing for several years. The prophet exhorts the people to turn to God with penitence, fasting and prayer; and then, he says, the plague shall cease, and the rain descendent in its season, and the land yield her accustomed fruit. Nay, the time will be a most joyful one; for God, by the outpouring of his Spirit, will extend the blessings of true religion to heathen lands. The prophecy is referred to in kjv@Acts:2.

JOELAH - J>@ - (Jehovah helps), son of Jerohoam of Gedor. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:7)


Joel @ Jehovah is his God.

(1.) The oldest of Samuel's two sons appointed by him as judges in Beersheba ( kjv@1Samuel:8:2). (
See VASHNI (n/a).)

(2.) A descendant of Reuben ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:4 kjv@1Chronicles:5:8).

(3.) One of David's famous warriors ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:38).

(4.) A Levite of the family of Gershom ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:7 kjv@1Chronicles:15:11).

(5.) kjv@1Chronicles:7:3.

(6.) kjv@1Chronicles:27:20.

(7.) The second of the twelve minor prophets. He was the son of Pethuel. His personal history is only known from his book.

Joel, Book of @ Joel was probably a resident in Judah, as his commission was to that people. He makes frequent mention of Judah and Jerusalem (1:14; 2:1,15, 32; 3:1,12, 17, 20, 21). He probably flourished in the reign of Uzziah (about B.C. 800), and was contemporary with Amos and Isaiah. The contents of this book are,

(1.) A prophecy of a great public calamity then impending over the land, consisting of a want of water and an extraordinary plague of locusts (1:1-2:11).

(2.) The prophet then calls on his countrymen to repent and to turn to God, assuring them of his readiness to forgive (2:12-17), and foretelling the restoration of the land to its accustomed fruitfulness (18-26).

(3.) Then follows a Messianic prophecy, quoted by Peter kjv@Acts:2:39).

(4.) Finally, the prophet foretells portents and judgments as destined to fall on the enemies of God (ch. 3, but in the Hebrew text 4).

Joelah @ a Benjamite who joined David at Ziklag ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:7).






-1. Son of Samuel kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@1Chronicles:6:33; kjv@1Chronicles:15:17 .Called VASHNI kjv@1Chronicles:6:28

-2. A Simeonite kjv@1Chronicles:4:35

-3. A Reubenite kjv@1Chronicles:5:4 kjv@1Chronicles:5:8

-4. A Gadite kjv@1Chronicles:5:12

-5. A Kohathite Levite kjv@1Chronicles:6:36

-6. Descendant of Issachar kjv@1Chronicles:7:3

-8. Name of two Gershonites kjv@1Chronicles:15:7 kjv@1Chronicles:15:11 kjv@1Chronicles:23:8; kjv@1Chronicles:26:22

-9. Prince of Manasseh kjv@1Chronicles:27:20

-10. A Kohathite who assisted in the cleansing of the temple kjv@2Chronicles:29:12

-11. One of Nebo's family kjv@Ezra:10:43

-12. Son of Zichri kjv@Nehemiah:11:9

-13. One of the twelve minor prophets, probably lived in the days of Uzziah kjv@Joel:1:1; kjv@Acts:2:16 .Declares the terribleness of God's judgments kjv@Joel:1; Acts:2:1-11 .Denounces judgments against the enemies of God kjv@Joel:3:1-17 .Sets forth the blessings of the church kjv@Joel:3:18-21

- Son of Jeroham kjv@1Chronicles:12:7



kjv@STRING:Joel <HITCHCOCK>@ he that wills or commands - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Joelah <HITCHCOCK>@ lifting up; profiting; taking away slander - HITCHCOCK-J


JOEL @ a prophet, son of Pethuel SEE Book of Joel


H3100 <STRHEB>@ יואל yô'êl yo-ale' From H3068 and H410; Jehovah (is his) God; {Joel} the name of twelve Israelites: - Joel.

H3132 <STRHEB>@ יועאלה yô‛ê'lâh yo-ay-law' Perhaps feminine active participle of H3276; furthermore; {Joelah} an Israelite: - Joelah.

G2493 <STRGRK>@ Ἰωήλ Iōēl ee-o-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H3100]; Joel an Israelite: - Joel.