
Dict: all - Kish


KISH @ father of Saul- kjv@1Samuel:9:1; kjv@1Samuel:10:21; kjv@2Samuel:21:14

KISHON @ a river north of Mt. Carmel- kjv@Judges:4:7; kjv@Judges:5:21; kjv@1Kings:18:40; kjv@Psalms:83:9


KISH - K>@ - (a bow). The father of Saul; a Benjamite of the family of Matri. (B.C. 1095.) Son of Jehiel and uncle to the preceding. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:36) A Benjamite, great-grandfather of Mordecai. kjv@Esther:2:5) A Merarite of the house of Mahli, of the tribe of Levi. ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:21-22 kjv@1Chronicles:24:28-29)

KISHI - K>@ - (bow of Jehovah), a Merarite, and father of ancestor of Ethan the minstrel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:44)

KISHION - K>@ - (hardness), one of the towns on the boundary of the tribe of Issachar, kjv@Joshua:19:20) which with its suburbs was allotted to the Gershonite Levites. kjv@Joshua:21:28) Authorized Version KISHON.

KISHON - K>@ - (winding), The river, a torrent or winter stream of central Palestine, the scene of two of the grandest achievements of Israelitish history
the defeat of Sisera, kjv@Judges:4, and the destruction of the prophets of Baal by Elijah. (Kings:18:40) The Nahr Mukutta , the modern representative of the Kishon, is the drain by which the waters of the plain of Esdraelon and of the mountains which enclose that plain find their way through the plain of Acre to the Mediterranean. The part of the Kishon at which the prophets of Baal were slaughtered by Elijah was doubtless close below the spot on Carmel where the sacrifice had taken place.


Kish @ a bow.

(1.) A Levite of the family of Merari ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:21 kjv@1Chronicles:24:29).

(2.) A Benjamite of Jerusalem ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:30 kjv@1Chronicles:9:36).

(3.) A Levite in the time of Hezekiah ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:12).

(4.) The great-grandfather of Mordecai kjv@Esther:2:5).

(5.) A Benjamite, the son of Abiel, and father of king Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:9:1-3 kjv@1Samuel:10:11-21 kjv@1Samuel:14:51 ; kjv@2Samuel:21:14). All that is recorded of him is that he sent his son Saul in search of his asses that had strayed, and that he was buried in Zelah. Called Cis, kjv@Acts:13:21 (R.V., Kish).

Kishion @ hardness, a city of Issachar assigned to the Gershonite Levites kjv@Joshua:19:20), the same as Kishon (21:28).

Kishon @ winding, a winter torrent of Central Palestine, which rises about the roots of Tabor and Gilboa, and passing in a northerly direction through the plains of Esdraelon and Acre, falls into the Mediterranean at the north-eastern corner of the bay of Acre, at the foot of Carmel. It is the drain by which the waters of the plain of Esdraelon and of the mountains that surround it find their way to the sea. It bears the modern name of Nahr el
- Mokattah, i.e., "the river of slaughter" (comp. kjvKings:18:40). In the triumphal song of Deborah kjv@Judges:5:21) it is spoken of as "that ancient river," either

(1) because it had flowed on for ages, or

(2), according to the Targum, because it was "the torrent in which were shown signs and wonders to Israel of old;" or

(3) probably the reference is to the exploits in that region among the ancient Canaanites, for the adjoining plain of Esdraelon was the great battle-field of Palestine. This was the scene of the defeat of Sisera kjv@Judges:4:7 kjv@Judges:4:13), and of the destruction of the prophets of Baal by Elijah (kjvKings:18:40). "When the Kishon was at its height, it would be, partly on account of its quicksands, as impassable as the ocean itself to a retreating army." (






-1. Father of Saul kjv@1Samuel:9:1-3; kjv@1Samuel:10:21; kjv@2Samuel:21:14 .Called CIS (A. V.) in kjv@Acts:13:21

-2. A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:8:30; kjv@1Chronicles:9:36

-3. A Levite kjv@1Chronicles:23:21-22; kjv@1Chronicles:24:29

-4. A Levite kjv@2Chronicles:29:12

-5. Great grandfather of Mordecai kjv@Esther:2:5

- Also called KUSHAIAH
- Father of Ethan, a chief assistant in the temple music kjv@1Chronicles:6:44; kjv@1Chronicles:15:17


- Also called KISON -(A noted river of Palestine emptying into the Mediterranean Sea near the northern base of Mount Carmel)
- Sisera defeated at, and his army destroyed in kjv@Judges:4:7 kjv@Judges:4:13 kjv@Judges:5:21; kjv@Psalms:83:9
- Prophets of Baal destroyed by Elijah at kjv@1Kings:18:40



kjv@STRING:Cis <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Kish - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Kish <HITCHCOCK>@ hard; difficult; straw; for age - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kishi <HITCHCOCK>@ hardness; his gravity; his offense - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kishion <HITCHCOCK>@ hardness; soreness - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kishon <HITCHCOCK>@ hard; sore - HITCHCOCK-K


KISH @ father of Saul- kjv@1Samuel:9:1; kjv@1Samuel:10:21; kjv@2Samuel:21:14

KISHON @ a river north of Mt. Carmel- kjv@Judges:4:7; kjv@Judges:5:21; kjv@1Kings:18:40; kjv@Psalms:83:9


H2345 <STRHEB>@ חוּם chûm khoom From an unused root meaning to be {warm} that {is} (by implication) sunburnt or swarthy (blackish): - brown.

H3544 <STRHEB>@ כּהה kêheh kay-heh' From H3543; {feeble} obscure: - somewhat {dark} {darkish} wax {dim} {heaviness} smoking.

H3783 <STRHEB>@ כּשּׁלון kishshâlôn kish-shaw-lone' From H3782; properly a {tottering} that {is} ruin: - fall.

H3788 <STRHEB>@ כּשׁרון kishrôn kish-rone' From H3787; {success} advantage: - {equity} {good} right.

H3923 <STRHEB>@ לכישׁ lâkîysh law-keesh' From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Lakish} a place in Palestine: - Lachish.

H397 <STRHEB>@ אכישׁ 'âkîysh aw-keesh' Of uncertain derivation; {Akish} a Philistine king: - Achish.

H4444 <STRHEB>@ מלכּישׁוּע malkîyshûamal-kee-shoo'-ah From H4428 and H7769; king of wealth; {Malkishua} an Israelite: - Malchishua.

H6941 <STRHEB>@ קדרנּית qedôrannîyth ked-o-ran-neeth' Adverb from H6937; blackish ones (that {is} in sackcloth); used adverbially in mourning weeds: - mournfully.

H7027 <STRHEB>@ קישׁ qîysh keesh From H6983; a bow; {Kish} the name of five Israelites: - Kish.

H7028 <STRHEB>@ קישׁון qîyshôn kee-shone' From H6983; winding; {Kishon} a river of Palestine: - {Kishon} Kison.

H7029 <STRHEB>@ קישׁי qîyshîy kee-shee' From H6983; bowed; {Kishi} an Israelite: - Kishi.

H7180 <STRHEB>@ קשּׁא qishshû' kish-shoo' From an unused root (meaning to be hard); a cucumber (from the difficulty of digestion): - cucumber.

H7191 <STRHEB>@ קשׁיון qishyôn kish-yone' From H7190; hard ground; {Kishjon} a place in Palestine: - {Kishion} Keshon.

H7196 <STRHEB>@ קשּׁר qishshûr kish-shoor' From H7194; an (ornamental) girdle (for women): - {attire} headband.

H7884 <STRHEB>@ שׁיחור לבנת shîychôr libenâth shee-khore' lib-nawth' From the same as H7883 and H3835; darkish whiteness; Shichor {Libnath} a stream of Palestine: - Shihor-libnath.

G2797 <STRGRK>@ Κίς Kis kis Of Hebrew origin [H7027]); Cis (that is Kish) an Israelite: - Cis.