
Dict: all - Maaseiah



MAASEIAH - M>@ - (work of the Lord), the name of four persons who had married foreign wives. In the time of Ezra, A descendant of Jeshua the priest. kjv@Ezra:10:18) A priest, of the sons of Harim. kjv@Ezra:10:21) A priest, of the sons of Pashur. kjv@Ezra:10:22) One of the laymen, a descendant of Pahath-moab. kjv@Ezra:10:30) The father of Azariah. kjv@Nehemiah:3:23) One of those who stood on the right hand of Ezra when he read the law to the people. kjv@Nehemiah:8:4) A Levite who assisted on the same occasion. kjv@Nehemiah:8:7) One of the heads of the people whose descendants signed the covenant with Nehemiah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:25) Son of Baruch the descendant of Pharez the son of Judah, kjv@Nehemiah:11:5) A Benjamite, ancestor of Sallu. kjv@Nehemiah:11:7) Two priests of this name are mentioned, kjv@Nehemiah:12:41-42) as taking part in the musical service which accompanied the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem under Ezra. One of them is probably the same as No. 6. Father of Zephaniah, who was a priest in the reign of Zedekiah. kjv@Jeremiah:21:1 kjv@Jeremiah:29:25 kjv@Jeremiah:37:3 ) Father of Zedekiah the false prophet. kjv@Jeremiah:29:21) One of the Levites of the second rank, appointed by David to sound "with psaltries on Alamoth." ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20) The son of Adaiah, and one of the captains of hundreds in the reign of Joash king of Judah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:23:1) An officer of high rank in the reign of Uzziah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:26:11) He was probably a Levite, comp: ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:4) and engaged in a semi-military capacity. The "king’s son," killed by Zichri the Ephraimitish hero in the invasion of Judah by Pekah king of Israel, during the reign of Ahaz. ( kjv@2Chronicles:28:7) The governor of Jerusalem in the reign of Josiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:34:8) The son of Shallum, a Levite of high rank in the reign of Jehoiakim. kjv@Jeremiah:35:4) comp, 1Chr 9:19 A priest; ancestor of Baruch and Seraiah, the sons of Neriah. kjv@Jeremiah:32:12 kjv@Jeremiah:51:59)


Maaseiah @ the work of Jehovah.

(1.) One of the Levites whom David appointed as porter for the ark ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20).

(2.) One of the "captains of hundreds" associated with Jehoiada in restoring king Jehoash to the throne ( kjv@2Chronicals:23:1).

(3.) The "king's son," probably one of the sons of king Ahaz, killed by Zichri in the invasion of Judah by Pekah, king of Israel ( kjv@2Chronicals:28:7).

(4.) One who was sent by king Josiah to repair the temple ( kjv@2Chronicals:34:8). He was governor (Heb. sar, rendered elsewhere in the Authorized Version "prince," "chief captain," chief ruler") of Jerusalem.

(5.) The father of the priest Zephaniah kjv@Jeremiah:21:1 kjv@Jeremiah:37:3).

(6.) The father of the false prophet Zedekiah kjv@Jeremiah:29:21). Maase'iah, refuge is Jehovah, a priest, the father of Neriah kjv@Jeremiah:32:12 kjv@Jeremiah:51:59).






-1. A Levite musician kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20

-2. A captain of hundreds kjv@2Chronicles:23:1

-3. An officer of Uzziah kjv@2Chronicles:26:11

-4. Son of Ahaz. killed by Zichri kjv@2Chronicles:28:7

-5. Govenor of Jerusalem kjv@2Chronicles:34:8

-6. The name of a number of priests of the exile kjv@Ezra:10:18 kjv@Ezra:10:21, 22; kjv@Nehemiah:8:4 kjv@Nehemiah:8:7 kjv@Nehemiah:12:41-42; kjv@Jeremiah:21:1; kjv@Jeremiah:29:25; kjv@Jeremiah:37:3

-7. A returned exile kjv@Ezra:10:30

-8. Father of Azariah kjv@Nehemiah:3:23

-9. One who sealed the covenant kjv@Nehemiah:10:25

-10. A descendant of Pharez kjv@Nehemiah:11:5

-11. A Benjamite kjv@Nehemiah:11:7

-12. Father of a false prophet kjv@Jeremiah:29:21

-13. An officer of the temple kjv@Jeremiah:35:4

-14. Grandfather of Baruch kjv@Jeremiah:32:12; kjv@Jeremiah:51:59



kjv@STRING:Maaseiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the work of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-M



H4271 <STRHEB>@ מחסיה machsêyâh makh-say-yaw' From H4268 and H3050; refuge of (that {is} in) Jah; {Machsejah} an Israelite: - Maaseiah.