
Dict: smith - NEBUZARADAN


NEBUZARADAN - N>@ - (chief whom Nebo favors), the Rab-tabbachim i.e. chief of the slaughterers (Authorized Version "captain of the guard"), a high officer in the court of Nebuchadnezzar. On the capture of Jerusalem he was left by Nebuchadnezzar in charge of the city. Comp. kjv@Jeremiah:39:11) He seems to have quitted Judea when he took down the chief people of Jerusalem to his master at Riblah. ( kjv@2Kings:25:18-20) In four years he again appeared. kjv@Jeremiah:52:30) Nebuchadnezzar in his twenty-third year made a descent on the regions east of Jordan, including the Ammonites and Moabites, who escaped when Jerusalem was destroyed. Thence he proceeded to Egypt, and, either on the way thither or on the return, Nebuzaradan again passed through the country and carried off more captives. kjv@Jeremiah:52:30)