
Dict: all - PARENTS






Parents @ Receive their children from God kjv@Genesis:33:5 kjv@1Samuel:1:27 kjv@Psalms:127:3
Their duty to their children is
To love them kjv@Titus:2:4
To bring them to Christ kjv@Matthew:19:13 kjv@Matthew:19:14
To train them up for God kjv@Proverbs:22:6 kjv@Ephesians:6:4
To instruct them in God's word kjv@Deuteronomy:4:9 kjv@Deuteronomy:11:19 kjv@Isaiah:38:19
To tell them of God's judgments kjv@Joel:1:3
To tell them of the miraculous works of God kjv@Exodus:10:2 kjv@Psalms:78:4
To command them to obey God kjv@Deuteronomy:32:46 kjv@1Chronicles:28:9
To bless them kjv@Genesis:48:15 kjv@Hebrews:11:20
To pity them kjv@Psalms:103:13
To provide for them kjv@Job:42:15 kjv@2Corinthians:12:14 kjv@1Timothy:5:8
To rule them kjv@1Timothy:3:4 kjv@1Timothy:3:12
To correct them kjv@Proverbs:13:24 kjv@Proverbs:19:18 kjv@Proverbs:23:13 kjv@Proverbs:29:17 kjv@Hebrews:12:7
Not to provoke them kjv@Ephesians:6:4 kjv@Colossians:3:21
Not to make unholy connections for them kjv@Genesis:24:1-4 kjv@Genesis:28:1 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Wicked children, a cause of grief to kjv@Proverbs:10:1 kjv@Proverbs:17:25
Should pray for their children
For their spiritual welfare kjv@Genesis:17:18 kjv@1Chronicles:29:19
When in temptation kjv@Job:1:5
When in sickness kjv@2Samuel:12:16 kjv@Mark:5:23 kjv@John:4:46 kjv@John:4:49
When Faithful
Are blessed by their children kjv@Proverbs:31:28
Leave a blessing to their children kjv@Psalms:112:2 kjv@Proverbs:11:21 kjv@Isaiah:65:23
Sins of, visited on their children kjv@Exodus:20:5 kjv@Isaiah:14:20 kjv@Lamentations:5:7
Negligence of, sorely punished kjv@1Samuel:3:13
When wicked
Instruct their children in evil kjv@Jeremiah:9:14 kjv@1Peter:1:18
Set a bad example to their children kjv@Ezekiel:20:18 kjv@Amos:2:4
Good - Exemplified
Abraham kjv@Genesis:18:19
Jacob kjv@Genesis:44:20 kjv@Genesis:44:30
Joseph kjv@Genesis:48:13-20
Mother of Moses kjv@Exodus:2:2 kjv@Exodus:2:3
Manoah kjv@Judges:13:8
Hannah kjv@1Samuel:1:28
David kjv@2Samuel:18:5 kjv@2Samuel:18:33
Shunammite kjv@2Kings:4:19 kjv@2Kings:4:20
Job kjv@Job:1:5
Mother of Lemuel kjv@Proverbs:31:1
Nobleman kjv@John:4:49
Lois and Eunice kjv@2Timothy:1:5
Bad - Exemplified
Mother of Micah kjv@Judges:17:3
Eli kjv@1Samuel:3:13
Saul kjv@1Samuel:20:33
Athaliah kjv@2Chronicles:22:3
Manasseh kjv@2Chronicles:33:6
Herodias kjv@Mark:6:24



- Covenant, benefits of, entailed on children kjv@Genesis:6:18; kjv@Exodus:20:6; kjv@Psalms:103:17
- Curses entailed kjv@Exodus:20:5; kjv@Leviticus:20:5; kjv@Isaiah:14:20; kjv@Jeremiah:9:14; kjv@Lamentations:5:7; kjv@Ezekiel:16:44; 45
- Involved in children's wickedness kjv@1Samuel:2:27-36; kjv@1Samuel:4:10-22
- Partiality of .Isaac for Esau kjv@Genesis:25:28 .Rebekah for Jacob kjv@Genesis:25:28; kjv@Genesis:27:6-17 .Jacob for Joseph kjv@Genesis:33:2; kjv@Genesis:37:3; kjv@Genesis:48:22 .Jacob for Benjamin kjv@Genesis:42:4
- Parental affection exemplified by .Hagar kjv@Genesis:21:15-16 .Rebekah's mother kjv@Genesis:24:55 .Isaac and Rebekah kjv@Genesis:25:28 .Isaac kjv@Genesis:27:26-27 .Laban kjv@Genesis:31:26-28 .Jacob kjv@Genesis:37:3-4; kjv@Genesis:42:4 kjv@Genesis:42:38 kjv@Genesis:43:13-14; kjv@Genesis:45:26-28; kjv@Genesis:48:10-11 .Moses' mother Exodus:2 .Naomi kjv@Ruth:1:8-9 .Hannah kjv@1Samuel:2:19 .David kjv@2Samuel:12:18-23; kjv@2Samuel:13:38-39; kjv@2Samuel:18:5 kjv@2Samuel:18:12, kjv@2Samuel:14:1-33; 13, 33; kjv@2Samuel:19:1-6 .Rizpah kjv@2Samuel:21:10 .The true mother of the infant brought to Solomon kjv@1Kings:3:22-28 .Mary kjv@Matthew:12:46; kjv@Luke:2:48; kjv@John:2:5; kjv@John:19:25 .Jairus kjv@Mark:5:23 .Father of the demoniac kjv@Mark:9:24 .The nobleman kjv@John:4:49
- Indulgent .Eli kjv@1Samuel:2:27-36; kjv@1Samuel:3:13-14 .David kjv@1Kings:1:6
- Paternal blessings of .Noah kjv@Genesis:9:24-27 .Abraham kjv@Genesis:17:18 .Isaac kjv@Genesis:27:10-40; kjv@Genesis:28:3-4 .Jacob kjv@Genesis:48:15-20; kjv@Genesis:49:1-28
- Prayers on behalf of children .Of Hannah kjv@1Samuel:1:27 .Of David kjv@2Samuel:7:25-29; kjv@1Chronicles:17:16-27; kjv@2Samuel:12:16; kjv@1Chronicles:22:12; kjv@1Chronicles:29:19 .Of Job kjv@Job:1:5
- Paternal reproaches kjv@Genesis:9:24-25; kjv@Genesis:49:3-7


- UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO kjv@Genesis:18:19; kjv@Exodus:10:2; kjv@Exodus:12:26-27; kjv@Exodus:13:8 kjv@Exodus:13:14 kjv@Exodus:20:5 kjv@Exodus:20:10 kjv@Exodus:21:17; kjv@Leviticus:20:9; kjv@Leviticus:23:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:9-10; kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7 kjv@Deuteronomy:6:20-24 kjv@Deuteronomy:11:18-21; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:46; kjv@Psalms:78:5-6; kjv@Psalms:103:13; kjv@Proverbs:3:12; kjv@Proverbs:13:22-24; kjv@Proverbs:19:18; kjv@Proverbs:22:6 kjv@Proverbs:22:15 kjv@Proverbs:23:13-14; kjv@Proverbs:27:11; kjv@Proverbs:29:15-17; kjv@Proverbs:31:28; kjv@Isaiah:38:19; kjv@Isaiah:49:15; kjv@Isaiah:66:13; kjv@Jeremiah:31:1; kjv@Jeremiah:49:11; kjv@Lamentations:5:7; kjv@Joel:1:3; kjv@Malachi:4:6; kjv@Matthew:10:37; kjv@Luke:11:11-13; kjv@2Corinthians:12:14; kjv@Ephesians:6:4; kjv@Colossians:3:21; kjv@1Timothy:3:4 kjv@1Timothy:3:1Thessalonians:2:11; 5, 12; kjv@1Thessalonians:5:8; kjv@Titus:1:6; kjv@Titus:2:4; kjv@Hebrews:12:7 .





G2151 <STRGRK>@ εὐσεβέω eusebeō yoo-seb-eh'-o From G2152; to be pious that is (towards God) to worship or (towards parents) to respect (support): - show piety worship.

G5387 <STRGRK>@ φιλόστοργος philostorgos fil-os'-tor-gos From G5384 and στοργή storgē (cherishing one´ s kindred especially parents or children); fond of natural relatives that is fraternal towards fellow Christians: - kindly affectioned.