
Dict: smith - SARA


SARA - S>@ - Greek form of Sarah.

SARAH - S>@ - (princess). The wife and half-sister, kjv@Genesis:20:12) of Abraham, and mother of Isaac. Her name is first introduced in kjv@Genesis:11:29) as Sarai. The change of her name from Sarai, my princess (i.e. Abraham’s), to Sarah, princess (for all the race), was made at the same time that Abram’s name was changed to Abraham,
on the establishment of the covenant of circumcision between him and God. Sarah’s history is of course that of Abraham. ABRAHAM She died at Hebron at the age of 127 years, 28 years before her husband and was buried by him in the cave of (B.C. 1860.) She is referred to in the New Testament as a type of conjugal obedience in ( kjv@1Peter:3:6) and as one of the types of faith in kjv@Hebrews:11:11) Sarah, the daughter of Asher. kjv@Numbers:26:46)

SARAI - S>@ - (my princess) the original name of Sarah wife of Abraham.

SARAPH - S>@ - (burning) mentioned in ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:22) among the descendants of Judah.