
Dict: all - Zi


ZIBA @ Saul's servant- kjv@2Samuel:16:1; kjv@2Samuel:19:26

ZIKLAG @ a city of Judah- kjv@Joshua:15:31; kjv@Joshua:19:5; kjv@1Samuel:27:6; kjv@1Samuel:30:1,14; kjv@1Chronicles:12:1; kjv@Nehemiah:11:28

ZIN, WILDERNESS OF @ kjv@Numbers:13:21; kjv@Numbers:20:1; kjv@Numbers:27:14; kjv@Numbers:33:36; kjv@Numbers:34:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:51; kjv@Joshua:15:1

ZION OR SION @ kjv@2Samuel:5:7; kjv@1Kings:8:1; kjv@Psalms:87:2; kjv@Romans:11:26; kjv@Hebrews:12:22; kjv@Revelation:14:1 Jerusalem, JERUSALEM

ZIPPORAH @ daughter of Jethro, married to Moses- kjv@Exodus:2:16; kjv@Exodus:4:25; kjv@Exodus:18:2; kjv@Numbers:12:1


ZIA - Z>@ - (motion), one of the Gadites who dwelt in Bashan. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:13) (B.C. 1014.)

ZIBA - Z>@ - (statue), a servant of Saul whom David made steward of Saul’s son Mephibosheth. (2 Samuel kjv@9:2-18; 16:1-4; 19:17,29) MEPHIBOSHETH (B.C. 1023.)

ZIBEON - Z>@ - (robber), father of Anah, whose daughter Aholibamah was Esau’s wife. kjv@Genesis:36:2) (B.C. 1797.) Although called a Hivite, he is probably the same as Zibeon the son of Seir the Horite. kjv@Genesis:36:20 kjv@Genesis:36:24,29; kjv@1Chronicles:1:38-40)

ZIBIA - Z>@ - (roe), a Benjamite, apparently the son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:9) (B.C. 1440.)

ZIBIAH - Z>@ - (roe), a native of Beersheba and mother of King Joash. ( kjv@2Kings:12:1; kjv@2Chronicles:24:1) (B.C. 876)

ZICHRI - Z>@ - (memorable). Son of Ishar the son of Kohath. kjv@Exodus:6:21) (B.C. 1401.) A Benjamite of the sons of Shimhi. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:19) (B.C. 1440.) A Benjamite of the sons of Shashak. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:23) A Benjamite of the sons of Jeroham. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:27) Son of Asaph, elsewhere called ZABDI and ZACCUB. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:15) A descendant of Eliezer the son of Moses. ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:25) (B.C. before 1043.) The father of Eliezer, the chief of the Reubenites in the reign of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:16) (B.C. before 1043.) One of the tribe of Judah, father of Amasiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:16) Father of Elishaphat, one of the conspirators with Jehoiada. ( kjv@2Chronicles:23:1) (B.C. before 876.) An Ephraimite hero in the invading army of Pekah the son of Remaliah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:28:7) (B.C. 734.) Father or ancestor of kjv@Joel:14. Nehemiah:11:9) A priest of the family of Abijah, in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua. kjv@Nehemiah:12:17) (B.C. 480.)

ZIDDIM - Z>@ - (the declivities), a fortified town in the allotment of Naphtali, kjv@Joshua:10:35)

ZIDKIJAH - Z>@ - (justice of Jehovah) a priest or family of priests who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:1) (B.C. 410.)

ZIDON, OR SIDON - Z>@ - kjv@Genesis:10:15 kjv@Genesis:10:19 kjv@Joshua:11:8 kjv@Joshua:19:28; kjv@Judges:1:31 kjv@Judges:18:28; kjv@Isaiah:23:2-4 kjv@Isaiah:23:12 kjv@Jeremiah:25:22 kjv@Jeremiah:27:3; kjv@Ezekiel:28:21-22; kjv@Joel:3:4) kjv@Joel:4:4); kjv@Zechariah:9:2; kjv@Matthew:11:21-22 kjv@Matthew:15:21; kjv@Mark:3:8 kjv@Mark:1:24 kjv@Mark:1:31; kjv@Luke:6:17 kjv@Luke:10:13-14 An ancient and wealthy city of Phoenicia, on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, less than twenty English miles to the north of Tyre. Its Hebrew name, Tsidon , signifies fishing or fishery . Its modern name is Saida . It is situated in the narrow plain between the Lebanon and the sea. From a biblical point of view this city is inferior in interest to its neighbor Tyre; though in early times Sidon was the more influential of the two cities. This view is confirmed by Zidonians being used as the generic name of Phoenicians or Canaanites. kjv@Joshua:13:6; kjv@Judges:18:7) From the time of Solomon to the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar Zidon is not often directly mentioned in the Bible, and it appears to have been subordinate to Tyre. When the people called "Zidonians" are mentioned, it sometimes seems that the Phoenicians of the plain of Zidon are meant. (Kings:5:6; 11:1,5,33; 16:31; kjv@2Kings:23:13) All that is known are respecting the city is very scanty, amounting to scarcely more than that one of its sources of gain was trade in slaves, in which the inhabitants did not shrink from selling inhabitants of Palestine and that it was governed by kings. kjv@Jeremiah:25:22 kjv@Jeremiah:27:3) During the Persian domination Zidon seems to have attained its highest point of prosperity; and it is recorded that, toward the close of that period, it far excelled all other Phoenician cities in wealth and importance. Its prosperity was suddenly cut short by an unsuccessful revolt against Persia, which ended in the destruction of the town, B.C. 351. Its king, Tennes had proved a traitor and betrayed the city to Ochus, king of the Persians; the Persian troops were admitted within the gates, and occupied the city walls. The Zidonians, before the arrival of Ochus, had burnt their vessels to prevent any one’s leaving the town; and when they saw themselves surrounded by the Persian troops, they adopted the desperate resolution of shutting themselves up with their families, and setting fire each man to his own house. Forty thousand persons are said to have perished in the flames. Zidon however, gradually recovered from the blow, and became again a flourishing town. It is about fifty miles distant from Nazareth, and is the most northern city which is mentioned in connection with Christ’s journeys. (The town Saida still shows signs of its former wealth, and its houses are better constructed and more solid than those of Tyre, many of them being built of stone; but it is a poor, miserable place, without trade or manufactures worthy of the name. The city that once divided with Tyre the empire of the seas is now almost without a vessel. Silk and fruit are its staple products. Its population is estimated at 10,000, 7000 of whom are Moslems, and the rest Catholics, Maronites and Protestants.
McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia. There is a flourishing Protestant mission here.

ZIDONIANS - Z>@ - the inhabitants of Zidon. They were among the nations of Canaan; left to give the Israelites practice in the art of war, kjv@Judges:3:3) and colonies of them appear to have spread up into the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephothmaim, kjv@Joshua:13:4-6) whence in later times they hewed cedar trees for David and Solomon. ( kjv@1Chronicles:22:4) They oppressed the Israelites on their first entrance into the country, kjv@Judges:10:12) and appear to have lived a luxurious, reckless life. kjv@Judges:18:7) They were skillful in hewing timber, (Kings:5:8) and were employed for this purpose by Solomon. They were idolaters, and worshipped Ashtoreth as their tutelary goddess, (Kings:11:5,33; kjv@2Kings:23:13) as well as the sun-god Baal from whom their king was named. (Kings:16:31)

ZIF - Z>@ - (Kings:6:1) MONTH

ZIHA - Z>@ - (parched). The children of Ziha were a family of Nethinim who returned with Zerubbabel. kjv@Ezra:2:43; kjv@Nehemiah:7:46) (B.C. 536.) Chief of the Nethinim in Ophel. kjv@Nehemiah:11:21) The name is probably identical with the preceding.

ZIKLAG - Z>@ - (winding), a place which possesses a special interest from its having been the residence and the private property of David. It is first mentioned in the catalogue of the towns of Judah in kjv@Joshua:15:31) and occurs, in the same connection among the places which were allotted out of the territory of Judah to Simeon. kjv@Joshua:19:5) We next encounter it in the possession of the Philistines ( kjv@1Samuel:27:6) when it was, at David’s request, bestowed upon him by Achish king of Gath. He resided there for a year and four months. ( kjv@1Samuel:27:6-7 kjv@1Samuel:30:14 kjv@1Samuel:30:26; kjv@1Chronicles:12:1-20) It was there he received the news of Saul’s death. (2 Samuel kjv@1:1; 4:10) He then relinquished it for Hebron. (2 Samuel kjv@2:1) Ziklag is finally mentioned as being reinhabited by the people of Judah after their return from captivity. kjv@Nehemiah:11:28) The situation of the town is difficult to determine, and we only know for certain that it was in the south country.

ZILLAH - Z>@ - (shade). LAMECH

ZILPAH - Z>@ - (a trickling), a Syrian given by Laban to his daughter Leah as an attendant, kjv@Genesis:29:24) and by Leah to Jacob as a concubine. She was the mother of Gad and Asher. kjv@Genesis:30:9-13 kjv@Genesis:35:26 kjv@Genesis:37:2 ; 46:18) (B.C. 1753.)

ZILTHAI - Z>@ - (shady). A Benjamite, of the sons of Shimhi. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:20) One of the captains of thousands of Manasseh who deserted to David at Ziklag. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:20) (B.C. 1054.)

ZIMMAH - Z>@ - (purpose). A Gershonite Levite, son of Jahath. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:20) (B.C. after 1706.) Another Gershonite, son of Shimei, ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:42) possibly the same as the preceding. Father of ancestor of Joab, a Gershonite in the reign of Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:12) (B.C. before 726.) At a much earlier period we find the same collocation of names, Zimmah and Joah as father and son. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:20)

ZIMRAN - Z>@ - (celebrated), the eldest son of Keturah. kjv@Genesis:25:2; kjv@1Chronicles:1:32) His descendants are not mentioned, nor is any hint given that he was the founder of a tribe. (B.C. 1855.)

ZIMRI - Z>@ - The son of Salu, a Simeonite chieftain, slain by Phinehas with the Midianitish princess Cozbi. kjv@Numbers:25:14). (B.C. 1450.) Fifth sovereign of the separate kingdom of Israel, of which he occupied the throne for the brief period of seven days, B.C. 930 or 929. Originally in command of half the chariots in the royal army, he gained the crown by the murder of King Elah; son of Baasha. But the army made their general, Omri, king, who marched against Tirzah, where Zimri was. Zimri retreated into the innermost part of the late king’s palace, set it on fire, and perished in the ruins. (Kings:16:9-20) One of the five sons of Zerah the son of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:6) (B.C. after 1706.) Son of Jehoadah and descendant of Saul. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:36 kjv@1Chronicles:9:42) An obscure name, mentioned kjv@Jeremiah:25:25) in probable connection with Dedan, Tema, Buz, Arabia, the "mingled people." Nothing further is known respecting Zimri, but the name may possibly be the same as, or derived from, ZIMRAN, which see.

ZIN - Z>@ - (flat), the name given to a portion of the desert tract between the Dead Sea, Ghor , and Arabah on the east, and the general plateau of the Tih which stretches westward. The country in question consists of two or three successive terraces of mountain converging to an acute single at the Dead Sea’s southern verge, toward which also they slope. Kadesh lay in it, and here also Idumea was conterminous with Judah; since Kadesh was a city in the border of Edom.
. kjv@Numbers:13:21 kjv@Numbers:20:1 kjv@Numbers:27:14 ; 33:36; 34:3; kjv@Joshua:15:1)

ZINA - Z>@ - (abundance); Zizah, the second son of Shimei the Gershonite. ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:10) comp. 1Chr 23:11


ZIOR - Z>@ - (smallness), a town in the mountain district of Judah. kjv@Joshua:15:54) It belongs to the same group with Hebron.

ZIPH - Z>@ - (battlement), the name of two towns in Judah. In the south, named between Ithnan and Telem. kjv@Joshua:15:24) It does not appear again in the history, nor has any trace of has been met with. In the highland district, named between Carmel and Juttah. kjv@Joshua:15:55) The place is immortalized by its connection with David. ( kjv@1Samuel:23:14-15 kjv@1Samuel:23:24 kjv@1Samuel:26:2) These passages show that at that time it had near it a wilderness (i,e, a waste pasture-ground) and a wood. The latter has disappeared but the former remains. The name of Zif if, found about three miles south of Hebron, attached to a rounded hill of some 100 feet in height, which is called Tell Zif . Son of Jehaleleel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:16)

ZIPHAH - Z>@ - (feminine of Ziph), another son of Jehaleleel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:16)

ZIPHIM, THE - Z>@ - the inhabitants of ZIPH, 2. In this form the name is found in the Authorized Version only in the title of kjv@Psalms:54:1) In the narrative it occurs in the more usual form of ZIPHITES. ( kjv@1Samuel:23:19 kjv@1Samuel:26:1)

ZIPHION - Z>@ - son of Gad kjv@Genesis:46:18) elsewhere called Zephon.

ZIPHRAN - Z>@ - (fragrance), appoint in the north boundary of the promised land as specified by Moses. kjv@Numbers:34:9)

ZIPPOR - Z>@ - (sparrow), father of Balak king of Moab. kjv@Numbers:22:2-4 kjv@Numbers:22:10,16; 23:18; kjv@Joshua:24:9; kjv@Judges:11:25) Whether he was the "former king of Moab" alluded to in kjv@Numbers:21:26) we are not told. (B.C. 1451.)

ZIPPORAH, OR ZIPPORAH - Z>@ - daughter of Reuel or Jethro, the priest of Midian, wife of Moses and mother of his two sons Gershom and Eliezer. kjv@Exodus:2:21 kjv@Exodus:4:25 kjv@Exodus:18:2 ) comp. Exod 18:6 (B.C. 1530.) The only incident recorded in her life is that of the circumcision of Gershom. kjv@Exodus:4:24-28)

ZITHRI - Z>@ - (protection of Jehovah), properly Sithri; one of the sons of Uzziel the son of Kohath. kjv@Exodus:6:22) In kjv@Exodus:6:21) Zithri should be Zichri, as in Authorized Version of 1611.

ZIZ - Z>@ - (the projection), The cliff of, the pass by which the horde of Moabites, Ammonites and Mehunim made their way up from the shores of the Dead Sea to the wilderness of Judah near Tekoa. ( kjv@2Chronicles:20:16) only; comp. kjv@2Chronicals:20:20 It was the pass of Ain Jidy
the very same route which is taken by the Arabs in their marauding expeditions at the present day.

ZIZA - Z>@ - (shining). Son of Shiphi, a chief of the Simeonites in the reign of Hezekiah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:37) (B.C. about 725.) Son of Rehoboam by Maachah the granddaughter of Absalom. ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:20) (B.C. after 973.)

ZIZAH - Z>@ - a Gershonite Levite, second son of Shimei, ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:11) called ZINA in ver. ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:10)


Zia @ fear, a Gadite ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:13).

Ziba @ post; statue, "a servant of the house of Saul" ( kjv@2Samuel:9:2), who informed David that Mephibosheth, a son of Jonathan, was alive. He afterwards dealt treacherously toward Mephibosheth, whom he slanderously misrepresented to David.

Zibeon @ robber; or dyed.

(1.) A Hivite kjv@Genesis:36:2).

(2.) A Horite, and son of Seir kjv@Genesis:36:20).

Zibia @ gazelle, a Benjamite ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:9).

Zibiah @ the mother of King Joash ( kjv@2Kings:12:1; kjv@2Chronicals:24:1).

Zichri @ remembered; illustrious.

(1.) A Benjamite chief ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:19).

(2.) Another of the same tribe ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:23).

Ziddim @ sides, a town of Naphtali kjv@Joshua:19:35), has been identified with Kefr
- Hattin, the "village of the Hittites," about 5 miles west of Tiberias.

Zidkijah @ the Lord is righteous, one who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah kjv@Nehemiah:10:1).

Zidon @ a fishery, a town on the Mediterranean coast, about 25 miles north of Tyre. It received its name from the "first-born" of Canaan, the grandson of Noah kjv@Genesis:10:15 kjv@Genesis:10:19). It was the first home of the Phoenicians on the coast of Palestine, and from its extensive commercial relations became a "great" city kjv@Joshua:11:8 kjv@Joshua:19:28). It was the mother city of Tyre. It lay within the lot of the tribe of Asher, but was never subdued kjv@Judges:1:31). The Zidonians long oppressed Israel kjv@Judges:10:12). From the time of David its glory began to wane, and Tyre, its "virgin daughter" kjv@Isaiah:23:12), rose to its place of pre-eminence. Solomon entered into a matrimonial alliance with the Zidonians, and thus their form of idolatrous worship found a place in the land of Israel (kjvKings:11:1-33). This city was famous for its manufactures and arts, as well as for its commerce (kjvKings:5:6; kjv@1Chronicles:22:4; kjv@Ezekiel:27:8). It is frequently referred to by the prophets kjv@Isaiah:23:2-4, 12; kjv@Jeremiah:25:22 kjv@Jeremiah:27:3 kjv@Jeremiah:47:4 ; kjv@Ezekiel:27:8 kjv@Ezekiel:28:21-22 kjv@Ezekiel:32:30 ; kjv@Joel:3:4). Our Lord visited the "coasts" of Tyre and Zidon = Sidon (q.v.), kjv@Matthew:15:21; kjv@Mark:7:24; kjv@Luke:4:26; and from this region many came forth to hear him preaching kjv@Mark:3:8; kjv@Luke:6:17). From Sidon, at which the ship put in after leaving Caesarea, Paul finally sailed for Rome kjv@Acts:27:3-4). This city is now a town of 10,000 inhabitants, with remains of walls built in the twelfth century A.D. In 1855, the sarcophagus of Eshmanezer was discovered. From a Phoenician inscription on its lid, it appears that he was a "king of the Sidonians," probably in the third century B.C., and that his mother was a priestess of Ashtoreth, "the goddess of the Sidonians." In this inscription Baal is mentioned as the chief god of the Sidonians.

Zif @ brightness; splendour; i.e., "the flower month," mentioned only in kjvKings:6:1-37, as the "second month." It was called Iyar by the later Jews. (

Ziha @ drought.

(1.) The name of a family of Nethinim kjv@Ezra:2:43; kjv@Nehemiah:7:46).

(2.) A ruler among the Nethinim kjv@Nehemiah:11:21).

Ziklag @ a town in the Negeb, or south country of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:31), in the possession of the Philistines when David fled to Gath from Ziph with all his followers. Achish, the king, assigned him Ziklag as his place of residence. There he dwelt for over a year and four months. From this time it pertained to the kings of Judah ( kjv@1Samuel:27:6). During his absence with his army to join the Philistine expedition against the Israelites (29:11), it was destroyed by the Amalekites (30:1-2), whom David, however, pursued and utterly routed, returning all the captives ( kjv@1Samuel:30:26-31). Two days after his return from this expedition, David received tidings of the disastrous battle of Gilboa and of the death of Saul ( kjv@2Samuel:1:1-16). He now left Ziklag and returned to Hebron, along with his two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, and his band of 600 men. It has been identified with 'Asluj, a heap of ruins south of Beersheba. Conder, however, identifies it with Khirbet Zuheilikah, ruins found on three hills half a mile apart, some seventeen miles north-west of Beersheba, on the confines of Philistia, Judah, and Amalek.

Zillah @ shadow, one of the wives of Lamech, of the line of Cain, and mother of Tubal-cain kjv@Genesis:4:19 kjv@Genesis:4:22).

Zilpah @ drooping, Leah's handmaid, and the mother of Gad and Asher kjv@Genesis:30:9-13).

Zilthai @ shadow (i.e., protection) of Jehovah.

(1.) A Benjamite ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:20).

(2.) One of the captains of the tribe of Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:20).

Zimmah @ mischief.

(1.) A Gershonite Levite ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:20).

(2.) Another Gershonite Levite ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:42).

(3.) The father of Joah ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:12).

Zimran @ vine-dressers; celebrated, one of the sons of Abraham by Keturah kjv@Genesis:25:2).

Zimri @ praise-worthy.

(1.) A son of Salu, slain by Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, because of his wickedness in bringing a Midianitish woman into his tent kjv@Numbers:25:6-15).

(2.) Murdered Elah at Tirzah, and succeeded him on the throne of Israel (kjvKings:16:8-10). He reigned only seven days, for Omri, whom the army elected as king, laid siege to Tirzah, whereupon Zimri set fire to the palace and perished amid its ruins (11-20). Omri succeeded to the throne only after four years of fierce war with Tibni, another claimant to the throne.

Zin @ a low palm-tree, the south-eastern corner of the desert et
- Tih, the wilderness of Paran, between the Gulf of Akabah and the head of the Wady Guraiyeh kjv@Numbers:13:21). To be distinguished from the wilderness of Sin (q.v.).

Zina @ ornament, one of the sons of Shimei ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:10).

Zion @ sunny; height, one of the eminences on which Jerusalem was built. It was surrounded on all sides, except the north, by deep valleys, that of the Tyropoeon (q.v.) separating it from Moriah (q.v.), which it surpasses in height by 105 feet. It was the south-eastern hill of Jerusalem. When David took it from the Jebusites kjv@Joshua:15:63; kjv@2Samuel:5:7) he built on it a citadel and a palace, and it became "the city of David" (kjvKings:8:1; kjv@2Kings:19:21-31; kjv@1Chronicles:11:5). In the later books of the Old Testament this name was sometimes used kjv@Psalms:87:2 kjv@Psalms:149:2; kjv@Isaiah:33:14; kjv@Joel:2:1) to denote Jerusalem in general, and sometimes God's chosen Israel kjv@Psalms:51:18 kjv@Psalms:87:5). In the New Testament (see SION) it is used sometimes to denote the Church of God kjv@Hebrews:12:22), and sometimes the heavenly city kjv@Revelation:14:1).

Zior @ littleness, a city in the mountains of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:54); the modern Si'air, 4 1/2 miles north-north-east of Hebron.

Ziph @ flowing.

(1.) A son of Jehaleleel ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:16).

(2.) A city in the south of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:24), probably at the pass of Sufah.

(3.) A city in the mountains of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:55), identified with the uninhabited ruins of Tell ez
- Zif, about 5 miles south-east of Hebron. Here David hid himself during his wanderings ( kjv@1Samuel:23:19; kjv@Psalms:54, title).

Ziphah @ a descendant of Judah ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:16).

Ziphron @ sweet odour, a city on the northern border of Palestine kjv@Numbers:34:9), south-east of Hamath.

Zippor @ a little bird, the father of Balak, king of Moab kjv@Numbers:22:2-4).

Zipporah @ a female bird. Reuel's daughter, who became the wife of Moses kjv@Exodus:2:21). In consequence of the event recorded in kjv@Exodus:4:24-26, she and her two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, when so far on the way with Moses toward Egypt, were sent back by him to her own kinsfolk, the Midianites, with whom they sojourned till Moses afterwards joined them (18:2-6).

Zithri @ the Lord protects, a Levite, son of Uzziel kjv@Exodus:6:22).

Ziz @ projecting; a flower, a cleft or pass, probably that near En-gedi, which leads up from the Dead Sea ( kjv@2Chronicals:20:16) in the direction of Tekoa; now Tell Hasasah.

Ziza @ splendour; abundance.

(1.) A Simeonite prince ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:37-43).

(2.) A son of Rehoboam ( kjv@2Chronicals:11:20).

Zizah @ a Gershonite Levite ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:11).





- A Gadite kjv@1Chronicles:5:13

ZIBA @ -(King Saul's servant)
- His fidelity to Mephibosheth 2Samuel:9
- His faithfulness to David kjv@2Samuel:16:1-4; kjv@2Samuel:19:17 kjv@2Samuel:19:26-29


-1. A Hivite kjv@Genesis:36:2 kjv@Genesis:36:14

-2. Son of Seir kjv@Genesis:36:20 kjv@Genesis:36:24, 29; kjv@1Chronicles:1:38-40

- A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:8:9

- Wife of Ahaziah kjv@2Kings:12:1; kjv@2Chronicles:24:1


-1. Son of Izhar kjv@Exodus:6:21

-2. Three Benjamites kjv@1Chronicles:8:19 kjv@1Chronicles:8:23, 27

-3. A Levite kjv@1Chronicles:9:15

-4. Two chiefs in the days of David kjv@1Chronicles:26:25; kjv@1Chronicles:27:16

-5. Father of Amasiah kjv@2Chronicles:17:16

-6. Father of Elishaphat kjv@2Chronicles:23:1

-7. An Ephraimite 2Chronicles:28

-8. Father of Joel kjv@Nehemiah:11:9

-9. A priest kjv@Nehemiah:12:17

- A city in the territory of the tribe of Naphtali kjv@Joshua:19:35

- A chief prince of the exiles who returned to Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:10:1


- Second month (May) kjv@1Kings:6:1


-1. One of the Nethinim kjv@Ezra:2:43; kjv@Nehemiah:7:46

-2. A ruler of the Nethinim kjv@Nehemiah:11:21

- A city within the territory allotted to the tribe of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:31
- Re-allotted to the tribe of Simeon kjv@Joshua:19:5
- David lives at kjv@1Samuel:27:5-6; kjv@2Samuel:1:1; kjv@1Chronicles:12:1
- Amalekites destroy 1Samuel:30
- Inhabited by the returned exiles of Judah kjv@Nehemiah:11:28

- Wife of Lamech kjv@Genesis:4:19 kjv@Genesis:4:22, 23

- Leah's handmaiden kjv@Genesis:29:24
- Mother of Gad and Asher by Jacob kjv@Genesis:30:9-13; kjv@Genesis:35:26; kjv@Genesis:37:2; kjv@Genesis:46:18


-1. A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:8:20

-2. A captain of the tribe of Manasseh kjv@1Chronicles:12:20


-1. A son of Jahath kjv@1Chronicles:6:20

-2. Two Gershonites kjv@1Chronicles:6:42; kjv@2Chronicles:29:12

- A son of Abraham kjv@Genesis:25:2; kjv@1Chronicles:1:32


-1. A chief of Simeon kjv@Numbers:25:6-8 kjv@Numbers:25:14

-2. King of Israel kjv@1Kings:16:9-20; kjv@2Kings:9:31

-3. Son of Zerah kjv@1Chronicles:2:6

-4. A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:8:36; kjv@1Chronicles:9:42

-5. An unknown place kjv@Jeremiah:25:25

- A desert south of Judah kjv@Numbers:13:21; kjv@Numbers:20:1; kjv@Numbers:27:14; kjv@Numbers:33:36; kjv@Numbers:34:3-4; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:51; kjv@Joshua:15:1-3

- A son of Shimei kjv@1Chronicles:23:10
- Called ZIZAH in kjv@1Chronicles:23:11

ZION @ -(A stronghold of Jerusalem)
- Also called SION
- Captured from the Jebusites by David kjv@2Samuel:5:6-9; kjv@1Chronicles:11:5-7
- The ark of the covenant .Placed in kjv@2Samuel:6:12 kjv@2Samuel:6:16 kjv@1Kings:8:1; kjv@1Chronicles:15:1-29; kjv@2Chronicles:5:2 .Removed from, to Solomon's temple on Mount Moriah kjv@1Kings:8:1; kjv@2Chronicles:5:2 with kjv@2Chronicles:3:1
- Collectively, the place, the forms, and the assemblies of Israelite worship kjv@2Kings:19:21-31; kjv@2Kings:48:2 kjv@2Kings:48:Psalms:9:11; 11, 12; kjv@Psalms:74:2; kjv@Psalms:132:13; kjv@Psalms:137:1; kjv@Isaiah:35:10; kjv@Isaiah:40:9; kjv@Isaiah:49:14; kjv@Isaiah:52:1-2 kjv@Isaiah:52:Isaiah:51:16; 7, 8; kjv@Isaiah:60:14; kjv@Isaiah:62:1 kjv@Isaiah:62:11 kjv@Jeremiah:31:6; kjv@Jeremiah:50:5; kjv@Lamentations:1:4; kjv@Joel:2:1 kjv@Joel:2:15 kjv@Matthew:21:5; kjv@John:12:15; kjv@Romans:9:33; kjv@Romans:11:26; kjv@1Peter:2:6
- Name of, applied to Jerusalem kjv@Psalms:87:2 kjv@Psalms:87:5 kjv@Psalms:149:2; kjv@Songs:3:11; kjv@Isaiah:33:14 kjv@Isaiah:33:20 kjv@Jeremiah:9:19; kjv@Jeremiah:30:17; kjv@Zechariah:9:13
- Called the city of God kjv@Psalms:87:2-3; kjv@Isaiah:60:14
- Restoration of, promised kjv@Isaiah:51:3 kjv@Isaiah:51:Isaiah:52:1-2 kjv@Isaiah:52:11 kjv@Isaiah:52:16; 7, 8; kjv@Isaiah:59:20; kjv@Isaiah:60:14; kjv@Obadiah:1:17-21; kjv@Zephaniah:3:14-16; kjv@Zechariah:1:14 kjv@Zechariah:1:17 kjv@Zechariah:2:7 kjv@Zechariah:2:10 kjv@Zechariah:8:2-3; kjv@Zechariah:9:9 kjv@Zechariah:9:13
- Name of, applied to the city of the redeemed kjv@Hebrews:12:22; kjv@Revelation:14:1

- A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:54


-1. Two cities of the tribe of Judah kjv@1Samuel:23:14 kjv@1Samuel:23:Joshua:15:24-55; 15, 24; kjv@Joshua:26:2; kjv@2Chronicles:11:8

-2. Grandson of Caleb kjv@1Chronicles:2:42

-3. Son of Jehaleleel kjv@1Chronicles:4:16

- A son of Jehaleleel kjv@1Chronicles:4:16

- A son of Gad kjv@Genesis:46:16
- Called ZEPHON in kjv@Numbers:26:15

- A place in the north of Palestine kjv@Numbers:34:9

- Father of Balak kjv@Numbers:22:2-4 kjv@Numbers:22:10 kjv@Numbers:22:16; kjv@Numbers:23:18; kjv@Joshua:24:9

- Wife of Moses kjv@Exodus:2:16-22
- Reproaches Moses kjv@Exodus:4:25-26
- Separates from Moses, is brought again to him by her father kjv@Exodus:18:2-6
- Miriam and Aaron upbraid Moses concerning kjv@Numbers:12:1

- A son of Uzziel kjv@Exodus:6:22

- A pass in the territory of the tribe of Judah kjv@2Chronicles:20:16


-1. A Simeonite kjv@1Chronicles:4:37

-2. Son of Rehoboam kjv@2Chronicles:11:20

- A Gershonite kjv@1Chronicles:23:11
- Called ZINA in kjv@1Chronicles:23:10



kjv@STRING:Achzib <HITCHCOCK>@ liar; lying; one that runs - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahaziah <HITCHCOCK>@ seizure; vision of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahuzzah <HITCHCOCK>@ possession; seizing; collecting - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Amashi-ali <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Amaziah - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Amaziah <HITCHCOCK>@ the strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Amzi <HITCHCOCK>@ strong, mighty - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Azaziah <HITCHCOCK>@ strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Baal-perazim <HITCHCOCK>@ god of divisions - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Barzillai <HITCHCOCK>@ son of contempt; made of iron - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Chorazin <HITCHCOCK>@ the secret; here is a mystery - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Ezion-geber <HITCHCOCK>@ the wood of the man - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Gehazi <HITCHCOCK>@ valley of sight - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Gerizim <HITCHCOCK>@ cutters, hatchets - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Habazinaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ a hiding of the shield of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hephzibah <HITCHCOCK>@ my delight is in her - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Ittah-kazin <HITCHCOCK>@ hour, or time, of a prince - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Jahaziah <HITCHCOCK>@ the vision of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jahaziel <HITCHCOCK>@ seeing God - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jaziz <HITCHCOCK>@ brightness; departing - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehaziel <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Jahaziel - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Kenizzites <HITCHCOCK>@ possession; purchase - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kezia <HITCHCOCK>@ superficies; the angle; cassia - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Keziz <HITCHCOCK>@ end; extremity - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Mahazioth <HITCHCOCK>@ seeing a sign; seeing a letter - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Neziah <HITCHCOCK>@ conqueror; strong - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nezib <HITCHCOCK>@ standing-place - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Ozias <HITCHCOCK>@ strength from the Lord - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Perazim <HITCHCOCK>@ divisions - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Perizzites <HITCHCOCK>@ dwelling in villages - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Rezin <HITCHCOCK>@ good-will; messenger - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Uzzi <HITCHCOCK>@ my strength; my kid - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Zia <HITCHCOCK>@ sweat; swelling - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziba <HITCHCOCK>@ army; fight; strength - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zibeon <HITCHCOCK>@ iniquity that dwells - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zibiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord dwells; deer; goat - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zichri <HITCHCOCK>@ that remembers; that is a man - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziddim <HITCHCOCK>@ huntings; treasons; destructions - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zidkijah <HITCHCOCK>@ justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zidon <HITCHCOCK>@ hunting; fishing; venison - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zif <HITCHCOCK>@ this or that; brightness; comeliness - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziha <HITCHCOCK>@ brightness; whiteness; drought - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziklag <HITCHCOCK>@ measure pressed down - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zillah <HITCHCOCK>@ shadow; the tingling of the ear - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zilpah <HITCHCOCK>@ distillation from the mouth - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zilthai <HITCHCOCK>@ my shadow; my talk - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zimmah <HITCHCOCK>@ thought; wickedness - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zimran <HITCHCOCK>@ song; singer; vine - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zimzi <HITCHCOCK>@ my field; my vine - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zin <HITCHCOCK>@ buckler; coldness - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zina <HITCHCOCK>@ shining; going back - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zion <HITCHCOCK>@ monument; raised up; sepulcher - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zior <HITCHCOCK>@ ship of him that watches - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziph <HITCHCOCK>@ this mouth or mouthful; falsehood - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziphron <HITCHCOCK>@ falsehood of a song; rejoicing - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zippor <HITCHCOCK>@ bird; sparrow; crown; desert - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zipporah <HITCHCOCK>@ beauty; trumpet; mourning - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zithri <HITCHCOCK>@ to hide; demolished - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziz <HITCHCOCK>@ flower; branch; a lock of hair - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziza <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Zina - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zoheth <HITCHCOCK>@ separation; amazing - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zuzims <HITCHCOCK>@ the posts of a door; splendor; beauty - HITCHCOCK-Z


ZIBA @ Saul's servant- kjv@2Samuel:16:1; kjv@2Samuel:19:26

ZIKLAG @ a city of Judah- kjv@Joshua:15:31; kjv@Joshua:19:5; kjv@1Samuel:27:6; kjv@1Samuel:30:1,14; kjv@1Chronicles:12:1; kjv@Nehemiah:11:28

ZIN, WILDERNESS OF @ kjv@Numbers:13:21; kjv@Numbers:20:1; kjv@Numbers:27:14; kjv@Numbers:33:36; kjv@Numbers:34:3; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:51; kjv@Joshua:15:1

ZION OR SION @ kjv@2Samuel:5:7; kjv@1Kings:8:1; kjv@Psalms:87:2; kjv@Romans:11:26; kjv@Hebrews:12:22; kjv@Revelation:14:1 Jerusalem, JERUSALEM

ZIPPORAH @ daughter of Jethro, married to Moses- kjv@Exodus:2:16; kjv@Exodus:4:25; kjv@Exodus:18:2; kjv@Numbers:12:1


H1188 <STRHEB>@ בּעל פּרצים baal perâtsîym bah'-al per-aw-tseem' From H1167 and the plural of H6556; possessor of breaches; Baal {peratsim} a place in Palestine: - Baal-perazim.

H1271 <STRHEB>@ בּרזלּי barzillay bar-zil-lah'ee From H1270; iron hearted; {Barzillai} the name of three Israelites: - Barzillai.

H1511 <STRHEB>@ גּרזי גּזרי gizrîy girzîy {ghiz-ree'} gher-zee' The first form is patrial from H1507; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitant of Gezer; but the second form is better (as in the text) by transposition and is patrial of H1630; a Girzite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine: - Gezrites.

H1522 <STRHEB>@ גּחזי גּיחזי gêychăzîy gêchăzîy {gay-khah-zee'} gay-khah-zee' Apparently from H1516 and H2372; valley of a visionary; {Gechazi} the servant of Elisha: - Gehazi.

H1630 <STRHEB>@ גּרזים gerizîym gher-ee-zeem' Plural of an unused noun from H1629 (compare {H1511}) cut up (that {is} rocky); {Gerizim} a mountain of Palestine: - Gerizim.

H1907 <STRHEB>@ הדּבר haddâbâr had-daw-bawr' (Chaldee); probably of foreign origin; a vizier: - counsellor.

H2001 <STRHEB>@ המן hâmân haw-mawn' Of foreign derivation; {Haman} a Persian vizier: - Haman.

H2099 <STRHEB>@ זו ziv zeev' Probably from an unused root meaning to be prominent; properly brightness (compare {H2111}) that {is} (figuratively) the month of flowers; Ziv (corresponding to Ijar or May): - Zif.

H2104 <STRHEB>@ זוּזים zûzîym zoo-zeem' Plural probably from the same as H2123; prominent; {Zuzites} an aboriginal tribe of Palestine: - Zuzims.

H2124 <STRHEB>@ זיזא zîyzâ' zee-zaw' Apparently from the same as H2123; prominence; {Ziza} the name of two Israelites: - Ziza.

H2125 <STRHEB>@ זיזה zîyzâh zee-zaw' Another form for H2124; {Zizah} an Israelite: - Zizah.

H2126 <STRHEB>@ זינא zîynâ' zee-naw' From H2109; well fed; or perhaps an orthographical error for H2124; {Zina} an Israelite: - Zina.

H2127 <STRHEB>@ זיע zîyazee'-ah From H2111; agitation; {Zia} an Israelite: - Zia.

H2128 <STRHEB>@ זיף zîyph zeef From the same as H2203; flowing; {Ziph} the name of a place in Palestine; also of an Israelite: - Ziph.

H2129 <STRHEB>@ זיפה zîyphâh zee-faw' Feminine of H2128; a flowing; {Ziphah} an Israelite: - Ziphah.

H2130 <STRHEB>@ זיפי zîyphîy zee-fee' Patrial from H2128; a Ziphite or inhabitant of Ziph: - {Ziphim} Ziphite.

H2131 <STRHEB>@ זק זק זיקה zîyqâh ziq zêq {zee-kaw'} {zeek} zake From H2187; properly what leaps {forth} that {is} flash of {fire} or a burning arrow; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond: - {chain} {fetter} {firebrand} spark.

H2146 <STRHEB>@ זכרון zikrôn zik-rone' From H2142; a memento (or memorable {thing} day or writing): - {memorial} record.

H2147 <STRHEB>@ זכרי zikrîy zik-ree' From H2142; memorable; {Zicri} the name of twelve Israelites: - Zichri.

H2152 <STRHEB>@ זלעפה זלעפה zal‛âphâh zil‛âphâh {zal-aw-faw'} zil-aw-faw' From H2196; a glow (of wind or anger); also a famine (as consuming): - {horrible} {horror} terrible.

H2153 <STRHEB>@ זלפּה zilpâh zil-paw From an unused root apparently meaning to {trickle} as myrrh; fragrant dropping; {Zilpah} Leah´ s maid: - Zilpah.

H2154 <STRHEB>@ זמּה זמּה zimmâh zammâh {zim-maw'} zam-maw' From H2161; a {plan} especially a bad one: - heinous {crime} lewd ({-ly} {-ness}) {mischief} {purpose} {thought} wicked ({device} {mind} -ness).

H2155 <STRHEB>@ זמּה zimmâh zim-maw' The same as H2154; {Zimmah} the name of two Israelites: - Zimmah.

H2172 <STRHEB>@ זמרה zimrâh zim-raw' From H2167; a musical piece or song to be accompanied by an instrument: - {melody} psalm.

H2173 <STRHEB>@ זמרה zimrâh zim-raw' From H2168; pruned (that {is} choice) fruit: - best fruit.

H2174 <STRHEB>@ זמרי zimrîy zim-ree' From H2167; musical; {Zimri} the name of five {Israelites} and of an Arabian tribe: - Zimri.

H2175 <STRHEB>@ זמרן zimrân zim-rawn' From H2167; musical; {Zimran} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - Zimran.

H2176 <STRHEB>@ זמרת zimrâth zim-rawth' From H2167; instrumental music; by implication praise: - song.

H2202 <STRHEB>@ זפרן ziphrôn zi-fron' From an unused root (meaning to be fragrant); {Ziphron} a place in Palestine: - Ziphron.

H2209 <STRHEB>@ זקנה ziqnâh zik-naw' Feminine of H2205; old age: - old (age).

H2231 <STRHEB>@ זרמה zirmâh zir-maw' Feminine of H2230; a gushing of fluid (semen): - issue.

H2381 <STRHEB>@ חזיאל chăzîyl khaz-ee-ale' From H2371 and H410; seen of God; {Chaziel} a Levite: - Haziel.

H2383 <STRHEB>@ חזיון chezyôn khez-yone' From H2372; vision; {Chezjon} a Syrian: - Hezion.

H2387 <STRHEB>@ חזיר chêzîyr khay-zeer' From the same as H2386; perhaps protected; {Chezir} the name of two Israelites: - Hezir.

H2657 <STRHEB>@ חפצי בּהּ chephtsîy bâhh khef-tsee' baw From H2656 with suffixes; my delight (is) in her; {Cheptsibah} a fanciful name for Palestine: - Hephzi-bah.

H2675 <STRHEB>@ חצור חדתּה châtsôr chădattâh khaw-tsore' khad-at-taw' From H2674 and a Chaldaizing form of the feminine of H2319 (compare H2323); new {Chatsor} a place in Palestine: - {Hazor} Hadattah [as if two places].

H246 <STRHEB>@ אזקּים 'ăziqqîym az-ik-keem' A variation for H2131; manacles: - chains.

H274 <STRHEB>@ אחזיהוּ אחזיה 'ăchazyâhchazyâhû {akh-az-yaw'} akh-az-yaw'-hoo From H270 and H3050; Jah has seized; {Achazjah} the name of a Jewish and an Israelitish king: - Ahaziah.

H3149 <STRHEB>@ יזואלo yezavl yez-av-ale' From an unused root (meaning to sprinkle) and H410; sprinkled of God; {Jezavel} an Israelite: - Jeziel [from the margin].

H3150 <STRHEB>@ יזּיּה yizzîyâh yiz-zee-yaw' From the same as the first part of H3149 and H3050; sprinkled of Jah; {Jizzijah} an Israelite: - Jeziah.

H3151 <STRHEB>@ יזיז yâzîyz yaw-zeez' From the same as H2123; he will make prominent; {Jaziz} an Israelite: - Jaziz.

H3166 <STRHEB>@ יחזיאל yachăzîyl yakh-az-ee-ale' From H2372 and H410; beheld of God; {Jachaziel} the name of five Israelites: - {Jahaziel} Jahziel.

H3167 <STRHEB>@ יחזיה yachzeyâh yakh-zeh-yaw' From H2371 and H3050; Jah will behold; {Jachzejah} an Israelite: - Jahaziah.

H3185 <STRHEB>@ יחציאל yachtsîyl yakh-tsee-ale' From H2673 and H410; allotted of God; {Jachtsiel} an Israelite: - Jahziel. Compare H3183.

H3268 <STRHEB>@ יעזיאל ya‛ăzîyl yah-az-ee-ale' From H3267 and H410; emboldened of God; {Jaziel} an Israelite: - Jaaziel.

H3269 <STRHEB>@ יעזיּהוּ ya‛ăzîyâhû yah-az-ee-yaw'-hoo From H3267 and H3050; emboldened of Jah; {Jaaziah} an Israelite: - Jaaziah.

H3335 <STRHEB>@ יצר yâtsar yaw-tsar' probably identical with H3334 (through the squeezing into shape); (compare H3331); to mould into a form; especially as a potter; figuratively to determine (that {is} form a resolution): - X {earthen} {fashion} {form} {frame} make ({-r}) {potter} purpose.

H3556 <STRHEB>@ כּוכב kôkâb ko-kawb' Probably from the same as H3522 (in the sense of rolling) or H3554 (in the sense of blazing); a star (as round or as shining); figuratively a prince: - star ([-gazer]).

H3580 <STRHEB>@ כּזיב kezîyb kez-eeb' From H3576; falsified; {Kezib} a place in Palestine: - Chezib.

H392 <STRHEB>@ אכזיב 'akzîyb ak-zeeb' From H391; deceitful (in the sense of a winter torrent which fails in summer); {Akzib} the name of two places in Palestine: - Achzib.

H4209 <STRHEB>@ מזמּה mezimmâh mez-im-maw' From H2161; a {plan} usually evil ({machination}) sometimes good (sagacity): - (wicked) {device} {discretion} {intent} witty {invention} {lewdness} mischievous ({device}) {thought} wickedly.

H4238 <STRHEB>@ מחזיאות machăzîyth makh-az-ee-oth' Feminine plural from H2372; visions; {Machazioth} an Israelite: - Mahazioth.

H4543 <STRHEB>@ מסכּנה miskenâh mis-ken-aw' By transposition from H3664; a magazine: - {store(-house}) treasure.

H4590 <STRHEB>@ מעזיהוּ מעזיה maazyâh maazyâhû {mah-az-yaw'} mah-az-yaw'-hoo Probably from H5756 (in the sense of protection) and H3050; rescue of Jah; {Maazjah} the name of two Israelites: - Maaziah.

H5139 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזיר nâzîyr nâzir {naw-zeer'} naw-zeer' From H5144; {separate} that {is} consecrated (as {prince} a Nazirite); hence (figuratively from the latter) an unpruned vine (like an unshorn Nazirite). (The {translation} {Nazarite} is by a false alliteration with Nazareth.): - Nazarite [by a false alliteration with {Nazareth]} separate ({-d}) vine undressed.

H5145 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזר nezer nêzer {neh'-zer} nay'-zer From H5144; properly something set {apart} that {is} (abstractly) dedication (of a priest or Nazirite); hence (concretely) unshorn locks; also (by implication) a chaplet (especially of royalty): - {consecration} {crown} {hair} separation.

H5334 <STRHEB>@ נציב netsîyb nets-eeb' The same as H5333; station; {Netsib} a place in Palestine: - Nezib.

H5335 <STRHEB>@ נציח netsîyach nets-ee'-akh From H5329; conspicuous; {Netsiach} a Temple Servant: - Neziah.

H5644 <STRHEB>@ סתרי sithrîy sith-ree' From H5643; protective; {Sithri} an Israelite: - Zithri.

H5812 <STRHEB>@ עזזיהוּ ‛ăzazyâhû az-az-yaw'-hoo From H5810 and H3050; Jah has strengthened; {Azazjah} the name of three Israelites: - Azaziah.

H5813 <STRHEB>@ עזּי ‛ûzzîy ooz-zee' From H5810; forceful; {Uzzi} the name of six Israelites: - Uzzi.

H5814 <STRHEB>@ עזּיּא ‛ûzzîyâ' ooz-zee-yaw' Perhaps for H5818; {Uzzija} an Israelite: - Uzzia.

H5815 <STRHEB>@ עזיאל ‛ăzîyl az-ee-ale' From H5756 and H410; strengthened of God; {Aziel} an Israelite: - Aziel. Compare H3268.

H5816 <STRHEB>@ עזּיאל ‛ûzzîyl ooz-zee-ale' From H5797 and H410; strength of God; {Uzziel} the name of six Israelites: - Uzziel.

H5817 <STRHEB>@ עזּיאלי ‛ozzîylîy oz-zee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H5816; an Uzzielite (collectively) or descendant of Uzziel: - Uzzielites.

H5818 <STRHEB>@ עזּיּהוּ עזּיּה ‛ûzzîyâh ‛ûzzîyâhû {ooz-zee-yaw'} ooz-zee-yaw'-hoo From H5797 and H3050; strength of Jah; {Uzzijah} the name of five Israelites: - Uzziah.

H5819 <STRHEB>@ עזיזא ‛ăzîyzâ' az-ee-zaw' From H5756; strengthfulness; {Aziza} an Israelite: - Aziza.

H5841 <STRHEB>@ עזּתי ‛azzâthîy az-zaw-thee' Patrial from H5804; an Azzathite or inhabitant of Azzah: - {Gazathite} Gazite.

H5846 <STRHEB>@ עטישׁה ‛ăţîyshâh at-ee-shaw' From an unused root meaning to sneeze; sneezing: - sneezing.

H557 <STRHEB>@ אמצי 'amtsîy am-tsee' From H553; strong; {Amtsi} an Israelite: - Amzi.

H558 <STRHEB>@ אמציהוּ אמציה 'ămatsyâhmatsyâhû {am-ats-yaw'} am-ats-yaw'-hoo From H553 and H3050; strength of Jah; {Amatsjah} the name of four Israelites: - Amaziah.

H6100 <STRHEB>@ עצין גּבר עציון גּבר ‛etsyôn geberetsyôn geber (both) ets-yone' gheh'-ber From H6096 and H1397; backbone like of a man; {Etsjon-Geber} a place on the Red Sea: - {Ezion-gaber} Ezion-geber.

H6278 <STRHEB>@ עת קצין ‛êth qâtsîyn ayth kaw-tseen' From H6256 and H7011; time of a judge; {Eth-Katsin} a place in Palestine. (Formed by including the directive enclitic.): - Ittah-kazin [by includ. directive enclitic].

H6522 <STRHEB>@ פּרזּי perizzîy per-iz-zee' For H6521; inhabitant of the open country; a {Perizzite} one of the Canaanitish tribes: - Perizzite.

H6558 <STRHEB>@ פּרצי partsîy par-tsee' Patronymic from H6557; a Partsite (collectively) or descendant of Perets: - Pharzites.

H6559 <STRHEB>@ פּרצים perâtsîym per-aw-tseem' Plural of H6556; breaks; {Peratsim} a mountain in Palestine: - Perazim.

H6644 <STRHEB>@ צביא tsibyâ' tsib-yaw' For H6645; {Tsibja} an Israelite: - Zibia.

H6645 <STRHEB>@ צביה tsibyâh tsib-yaw' For H6646; {Tsibjah} an Israelitess: - Zibiah.

H6649 <STRHEB>@ צבעון tsib‛ôn tsib-one' From the same as H6648; variegated; {Tsibon} an Idumaean: - Zibeon.

H6661 <STRHEB>@ צדּים tsiddîym tsid-deem' Plural of H6654; sides; Tsiddim (with the {article}) a place in Palestine: - Ziddim.

H6667 <STRHEB>@ צדקיּהוּ צדקיּה tsidqîyâh tsidqîyâhû {tsid-kee-yaw'} tsid-kee-yaw'-hoo From H6664 and H3050; right of Jah; {Tsidkijah} the name of six Israelites: - {Zedekiah} Zidkijah.

H6717 <STRHEB>@ ציבא tsîybâ' tsee-baw' From the same as H6678; station; {Tsiba} an Israelite: - Ziba.

H6721 <STRHEB>@ צידן צידון tsîydôn tsîydôn {tsee-done'} tsee-done' From H6679 in the sense of catching fish; fishery; {Tsidon} the name of a son of {Canaan} and of a place in Palestine: - {Sidon} Zidon.

H6722 <STRHEB>@ צדני צידניo tsîydônîy tsidônîy {tsee-do-nee'} tsee-do-nee' Patrial from H6721; a Tsidonian or inhabitant of Tsidon: - {Sidonian} of {Sidon} Zidonian.

H6726 <STRHEB>@ ציּון tsîyôn tsee-yone' The same (regular) as H6725; Tsijon (as a permanent {capital}) a mountain of Jerusalem: - Zion.

H6727 <STRHEB>@ צחא ציחא tsîychâ' tsichâ' {tsee-kahw'} tsee-khaw' As if feminine of H6704; drought; {Tsicha} the name of two Nethinim: - Ziha.

H6730 <STRHEB>@ ציער tsîy‛ôr tsee-ore' From H6819; small; {Tsior} a place in Palestine: - Zior.

H6732 <STRHEB>@ ציץ tsîyts tseets The same as H6731; bloom; {Tsits} a place in Palestine: - Ziz.

H6741 <STRHEB>@ צלּה tsillâh tsil-law' Feminine of H6738; {Tsillah} an antediluvian woman: - Zillah.

H6769 <STRHEB>@ צלּתי tsillethay tsil-leth-ah'ee From the feminine of H6738; shady; {Tsillethai} the anme of two Israelites: - Zilthai.

H6790 <STRHEB>@ צן tsin tseen From an unused root meaning to prick; a crag; {Tsin} a part of the Desert: - Zin.

H6834 <STRHEB>@ צפּור tsippôr tsip-pore' The same as H6833; {Tsippor} a Moabite: - Zippor.

H6837 <STRHEB>@ צפיון tsiphyôn tsif-yone' From H6822; watch tower; {Tsiphjon} an Israelite: - Ziphion. Compare H6827.

H6855 <STRHEB>@ צפּרה tsippôrâh tsip-po-raw' Feminine of H6833; bird; {tsipporah} Moses´ wife: - Zipporah.

H6860 <STRHEB>@ ציקלג צקלג tsiqlag tsîyqelag {tsik-lag'} tsee-kel-ag' Of uncertain derivation; Tsiklag or {Tsikelag} a place in Palestine: - Ziklag.

H7074 <STRHEB>@ קנזּי qenizzîy ken-iz-zee' Patronymic from {H7073} a Kenizzite or descendant of Kenaz: - {Kenezite} Kenizzites.

H7103 <STRHEB>@ קציעה qetsîy‛âh kets-ee-aw' The same as H7102; {Ketsiah} a daughter of Job: - Kezia.

H7104 <STRHEB>@ קציץ qetsîyts kets-eets' From H7112; abrupt; {Keziz} a valley in Palestine: - Keziz.

H7210 <STRHEB>@ ראי rŏ'îy ro-ee' From H7200; {sight} whether abstractly (vision) or concretely (a spectacle): - {gazingstock} look {to} (that) see (-th).

H7525 <STRHEB>@ רציא ritsyâ' rits-yaw' From H7521; delight; {Ritsjah} an Israelite: - Rezia.

H7526 <STRHEB>@ רצין retsîyn rets-een' Probably for H7522; {Retsin} the name of a Syrian and of an Israelite: - Rezin.

H7697 <STRHEB>@ שׁגּעון shiggâ‛ôn shig-gaw-yone' From H7696; craziness: - {furiously} madness.

H7831 <STRHEB>@ שׁחצוםo shachătsôm shakh-ats-ome' From the same as H7830; proudly; {Shachatsom} a place in Palestine: - Shahazimah [from the margin].

H8491 <STRHEB>@ תּיצי tîytsîy tee-tsee' Partrial or patronymic from an unused noun of uncertain meaning; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits: - Tizite.

H940 <STRHEB>@ בּוּזי bûzîy boo-zee' Patronymic from H938; a Buzite or descendant of Buz: - Buzite.

H941 <STRHEB>@ בּוּזי bûzîy boo-zee' The same as {H940} {Buzi} an Israelite: - Buzi.

G1008 <STRGRK>@ βοτάνη botanē bot-an'-ay From G1006; herbage (as if for grazing): - herb.

G1016 <STRGRK>@ βοῦς bous booce Probably from the base of G1006; an ox (as grazing) that is an animal of that species (beef): - ox.

G2215 <STRGRK>@ ζιζάνιον zizanion dziz-an'-ee-on Of uncertain origin; darnel or false grain: - tares.

G2301 <STRGRK>@ θεατρίζω theatrizō theh-at-rid'-zo From G2302; to expose as a spectacle: - make a gazing stock.

G2776 <STRGRK>@ κεφαλή kephalē kef-al-ay' Probably from the primary wordκάπτω kaptō (in the sense of seizing); the head (as the part most readily taken hold of) literally or figuratively: - head.

G3130 <STRGRK>@ μανία mania man-ee'-ah From G3105; craziness: - [+ make] X mad.

G3551 <STRGRK>@ νόμος nomos nom'-os From a primary word νέμω nemō (to parcel out especially food or grazing to animals); law (through the idea of prescriptive usage) generally (regulation) specifically (of Moses [including the volume]; also of the Gospel) or figuratively (a principle): - law.

G3604 <STRGRK>@ Ὀζίας O̓zias od-zee'-as Of Hebrew origin [H5818]; Ozias (that is Uzzijah) an Israelite: - Ozias.

G3706 <STRGRK>@ ὅρασις horasis hor'-as-is From G3708; the act of gazing that is (external) an aspect or (internal) an inspired appearance: - sight vision.

G4169 <STRGRK>@ ποῖος poios poy'-os From the base of G4226 and G3634; individualizing interrogitive (of character) what sort of or (of number) which one: - what (manner of) which.

G4500 <STRGRK>@ ῥοιζηδόν rhoizēdon hroyd-zay-don' Adverb from a derivative of ῥοῖζος rhoizos (a whir); whizzingly that is with a crash: - with a great noise.

G5009 <STRGRK>@ ταμεῖον tameion tam-i'-on Neuter contraction of a presumed derivative of ταμίας tamias (a dispenser or distributor; akin to τέμνω temnō to cut); a dispensary or magazine that is a chamber on the ground floor or interior of an Oriental house (generally used for storage or privacy a spot for retirement): - secret chamber closet storehouse.

G5116 <STRGRK>@ τοπάζιον topazion top-ad'-zee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative (alternate) of τόπάζος topazos (a topaz; of uncertain origin); a gem probably the chrysolite: - topaz.

G5133 <STRGRK>@ τραπεζίτης trapezitēs trap-ed-zee'-tace From G5132; a money broker or banker: - exchanger.

G5192 <STRGRK>@ ὑάκινθος huakinthos hoo-ak'-in-thos Of uncertain derivation; the hyacinth or jacinth that is some gem of a deep blue color probably the zirkon: - jacinth.

G5393 <STRGRK>@ Φλέγων Phlegōn fleg'-one Active participle of the base of G5395; blazing; Phlegon a Christian: - Phlegon.

G5471 <STRGRK>@ χαλκεύς chalkeus khalk-yooce' From G5475; a copper worker or brazier: - coppersmith.

G5523 <STRGRK>@ Χοραζίν Chorazin khor-ad-zin' Of uncertain derivation Chorazin a place in Palestine: - Chorazin.