
Dict: all - birthright



BIRTHRIGHT - B>@ - the advantages accruing to the eldest son. These were not definitely fixed in patriarchal times. Great respect was paid to him in the household, and, as the family widened into a tribe, this grew into a sustained authority, undefined save by custom, in all matters of common interest. Thus the "princes" of the congregation had probably rights of primogeniture. kjv@Numbers:7:2 kjv@Numbers:21:18 kjv@Numbers:25:14 ) (Gradually the rights of the eldest son came to be more definite:

(1) The functions of the priesthood in the family with the paternal blessing.

(2) A "double portion" of the paternal property was allotted by the Mosaic law. (21:16-17)

(3) The eldest son succeeded to the official authority of the father. The first-born of the king was his successor by law. ( kjv@2Chronicles:21:3) In all these Jesus was the first-born of the father.


Birthright @

(1.) This word denotes the special privileges and advantages belonging to the first-born son among the Jews. He became the priest of the family. Thus Reuben was the first-born of the patriarchs, and so the priesthood of the tribes belonged to him. That honour was, however, transferred by God from Reuben to Levi kjv@Numbers:3:12-13 kjv@Numbers:8:18).

(2.) The first-born son had allotted to him also a double portion of the paternal inheritance kjv@Deuteronomy:21:15-17). Reuben was, because of his undutiful conduct, deprived of his birth-right kjv@Genesis:49:4; kjv@1Chronicles:5:1). Esau transferred his birth-right to Jacob kjv@Genesis:25:33).

(3.) The first-born inherited the judicial authority of his father, whatever it might be ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:3). By divine appointment, however, David excluded Adonijah in favour of Solomon.

(4.) The Jews attached a sacred importance to the rank of "first-born" and "first-begotten" as applied to the Messiah kjv@Romans:8:29; kjv@Colossians:1:18; kjv@Hebrews:1:4-6). As first-born he has an inheritance superior to his brethren, and is the alone true priest.





- Belonged to the first born kjv@Deuteronomy:21:15-16
- Entitled the firstborn to a double portion of inheritance kjv@Deuteronomy:21:15-17
- Royal succession kjv@2Chronicles:21:3
- An honorable title kjv@Exodus:4:22; kjv@Psalms:89:27; kjv@Jeremiah:31:9; kjv@Romans:8:29; kjv@Colossians:1:15; kjv@Hebrews:1:6; kjv@Hebrews:12:23; kjv@Revelation:1:5
- Sold by Esau kjv@Genesis:25:29-34; kjv@Genesis:27:36 with kjv@Genesis:25:33; kjv@Hebrews:12:16; kjv@Romans:9:12-13
- Forfeited by Reuben kjv@1Chronicles:5:1-2
- Set aside .That of Manasseh kjv@Genesis:48:15-20 .Adonijah kjv@1Kings:2:15 .Hosah's son kjv@1Chronicles:26:10





H1062 <STRHEB>@ בּכרה בּכורה bekôrâh bekôrâh {bek-o-raw'} bek-o-raw' Feminine of H1060; the firstling of man or beast; abstractly primogeniture: - {birthright} firstborn (-ling).

H1069 <STRHEB>@ בּכר bâkar baw-kar' A primitive root; properly to burst the {womb} that {is} (causatively) bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree); also (as denominatively from H1061) to give the birthright: - make {firstborn} be {firstling} bring forth first child (new fruit).

G4415 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοτόκια prōtotokia pro-tot-ok'-ee-ah From G4416; primogeniture (as a privilege): - birthright.