
Dict: strongs - block


H1848 @ דּפי dophîy dof'-ee From an unused root (meaning to push over); a stumbling block: - slanderest.

H4383 @ מכשׁל מכשׁול mikshôl mikshôl {mik-shole'} mik-shole' Masculine from H3782; a {stumblingblock} literally or figuratively ({obstacle} enticement (specifically an {idol}) scruple): - caused to {fall} {offence} X [no-] thing {offered} {ruin} stumbling-block.

H4384 @ מכשׁלה makshêlâh mak-shay-law' Feminine from H3782; a {stumblingblock} but only figuratively ({fall} enticement (idol)): - {ruin} stumbling-block.

H6330 @ פּוּקה pûqâh poo-kaw' From H6328; a stumbling block: - grief.

G3474 @ μωρός mōros mo-ros' Probably form the base of G3466; dull or stupid (as if shut up) that is heedless (morally) blockhead (apparently) absurd: - fool (-ish X -ishness).

G4033 @ περικυκλόω perikukloō per-ee-koo-klo'-o From G4012 and G2944; to encircle all around that is blockade completely: - compass round.

G4348 @ πρόσκομμα proskomma pros'-kom-mah From G4350; a stub that is (figuratively) occasion of apostasy: - offence stumbling (-block6[-stone]).

G4351 @ προσκυλίω proskuliō pros-koo-lee'-o From G4314 and G2947; to roll towards that is block against: - roll (to).

G4625 @ σκάνδαλον skandalon skan'-dal-on A scandal; probably from a derivative of G2578; a trap stick (bent sapling) that is snare (figuratively cause of displeasure or sin): - occasion to fall (of stumbling) offence thing that offends stumbling-block.

G5420 @ φράσσω phrassō fras'-so Apparently a strengthened form of the base of G5424; to fence or inclose that is (specifically) to block up (figuratively to silence): - stop.