pBiblx2 Field Wise - User Settings


Dict: strongs - enduring


H8410 @ תּדהר tidhâr tid-hawr' Apparently from H1725; enduring; a species of hard wood or lasting tree (perhaps oak): - pine (tree).

H8411 @ תּדירא tedîyrâ' ted-ee-raw' (Chaldee); from H1753 in the original sense of enduring; {permanence} that {is} (adverbially) constantly: - continually.

G3116 @ μακροθυμώς makrothumōs mak-roth-oo-moce' Adverb of a compound of G3117 and G2372; with long (enduring) temper that is leniently: - patiently.

G420 @ ἀνεξίκακος anexikakos an-ex-ik'-ak-os From G430 and G2556; enduring of ill that is forbearing: - patient.

G5005 @ ταλαίπωρος talaipōros tal-ah'ee-po-ros From the base of G5007 and a derivative of the base of G3984; enduring trial that is miserable: - wretched.

G5281 @ ὑπομονή hupomonē hoop-om-on-ay' From G5278; cheerful (or hopeful) endurance constancy: - enduring patience patient continuance (waiting).