
Dict: naves - ga


- Conspires against and is defeated by Abimelech kjv@Judges:9:26-41

GAASH @ -(A foothill of Mount Ephraim)
- Joshua's inheritance embraced kjv@Joshua:24:30
- Joshua buried on the north side of kjv@Joshua:24:30; kjv@Judges:2:9
- Brooks of kjv@2Samuel:23:30

- Also called GEBA
- A city of Canaan allotted to Benjamin kjv@Joshua:18:24; kjv@Ezra:2:26; kjv@Nehemiah:7:30

- A Benjamite chief kjv@Nehemiah:11:8

- A place for judgment in Jerusalem, where Pilate passed sentence on Jesus kjv@John:19:13

GABRIEL @ -(A messenger of God)
- Appeared to .Daniel kjv@Daniel:8:16; kjv@Daniel:9:21 .Zacharias kjv@Luke:1:11-19 .Mary kjv@Luke:1:26-29


-1. Jacob's seventh son kjv@Genesis:30:11; kjv@Genesis:35:26; kjv@Exodus:1:4 .Children of kjv@Genesis:46:16; kjv@Numbers:26:15-18; kjv@1Chronicles:5:11 .Prophecy concerning kjv@Genesis:49:19

-2. A tribe of Israel .Blessed by Moses kjv@Deuteronomy:33:20 .Enumeration of, at Sinai kjv@Numbers:1:14 kjv@Numbers:1:24, 25 .In the plains of Moab kjv@Numbers:26:15-18 .In the reign of Jotham kjv@1Chronicles:5:11-17 .Place of, in camp and march kjv@Numbers:2:10 kjv@Numbers:2:14, 16 .Wealth of, in cattle, and spoils kjv@Joshua:22:8; kjv@Numbers:32:1 .Petition for their portion of land east of the Jordan River kjv@Deuteronomy:3:12 kjv@Deuteronomy:3:Numbers:32:1-5; 16, 17; kjv@Numbers:29:8 .Boundaries of territory kjv@Joshua:13:24-28; kjv@1Chronicles:5:11 .Aid in the conquest of the region west of the Jordan River kjv@Numbers:32:16-32; kjv@Joshua:4:12-13; kjv@Joshua:22:1-8 .Erect a monument to signify the unity of the tribes east of the Jordan River with the tribes west of the river kjv@Joshua:22:10-14 .Disaffected toward Saul as king, and joined the faction under David in the wilderness of Hebron kjv@1Chronicles:12:8-15 kjv@1Chronicles:12:37, 38 .Join the Reubenites in the war against the Hagarites kjv@1Chronicles:5:10 .Struck by the king of Syria kjv@2Kings:10:32-33 .Carried into captivity to Assyria kjv@1Chronicles:5:26 .Land of, occupied by the Ammonites, after the tribe is carried into captivity kjv@Jeremiah:49:1 .Reallotment of the territory to, by Ezekiel kjv@Ezekiel:48:27-29

-3. A prophet to David kjv@2Samuel:24:11 .Bids David leave Adullam kjv@1Samuel:22:5 .Bears the divine message to David, offering choice between three evils, for his presumption in numbering Israel kjv@2Samuel:24:11-14; kjv@1Chronicles:21:9-13 .Bids David build an altar on the threshing floor of Ornan kjv@2Samuel:24:18-19; kjv@1Chronicles:21:18-19 .Assists David in arranging the temple service kjv@2Chronicles:29:25 .Writings of kjv@1Chronicles:29:29

- Jesus visits and works miracles among, but is rejected kjv@Matthew:8:28-34; kjv@Mark:5:1-19

GADDI @ -(A chief of the tribe of Manasseh)
- One of the twelve spies who explored Canaan kjv@Numbers:13:11

GADDIEL @ -(A chief of the tribe of Zebulun)
- One of the twelve spies kjv@Numbers:13:10

- Father of Menahem kjv@2Kings:15:14 kjv@2Kings:15:17

- Son of Nahor kjv@Genesis:22:24

- One of the Nethinim kjv@Ezra:2:47; kjv@Nehemiah:7:49


-1. A Macedonian, and a companion of Paul .Seized at Ephesus kjv@Acts:19:29

-2. A man of Derbe; accompanied Paul from Macedonia kjv@Acts:20:4

-3. A Corinthian, whom Paul baptized kjv@Romans:16:23; kjv@1Corinthians:1:14

-4. Man to whom John's third epistle was addressed kjv@3John:1:14


-1. A Levite kjv@1Chronicles:9:15

-2. Son of Jeduthun kjv@1Chronicles:9:16; kjv@Nehemiah:11:17

GALATIA @ -(A province of Asia Minor)
- Its churches visited by Paul kjv@Acts:16:6; kjv@Acts:18:23
- Collection taken in, for Christians at Jerusalem kjv@1Corinthians:16:1
- Peter's address to kjv@1Peter:1:1
- Churches in kjv@Galatians:1:1-2
See Paul's epistle to Galatians Galatians:1

- A fragrant gum used in the sacred oil kjv@Exodus:30:34

GALEED @ -(Also called JEGAR

- The memorial of Jacob's and Laban's covenant kjv@Genesis:31:47-48


-1. The northern district of Palestine .A city of refuge in kjv@Joshua:20:7; kjv@Joshua:21:32; kjv@1Chronicles:6:76 .Cities in, given to Hiram kjv@1Kings:9:11-12 .Taken by king of Assyria kjv@2Kings:15:29 .Prophecy concerning kjv@Isaiah:9:1; kjv@Matthew:4:15 .Called GALILEE OF THE NATIONS kjv@Isaiah:9:1 .Herod (Antipas), tetrarch of kjv@Mark:6:21; kjv@Luke:3:1; kjv@Luke:23:6-7 .Jesus resides in kjv@Matthew:17:22; kjv@Matthew:19:1; kjv@John:7:1 kjv@John:7:9 .Teaching and miracles of Jesus in kjv@Matthew:4:23-25; kjv@Matthew:15:29-31; kjv@Mark:1:14 .People of, receive Jesus kjv@John:4:45 kjv@John:4:53 .Disciples were chiefly from kjv@Acts:1:11; kjv@Acts:2:7 .Women from, ministered to Jesus kjv@Matthew:27:55-56; kjv@Mark:15:41; kjv@Luke:23:49 kjv@Luke:23:55 .Jesus appeared to his disciples in, after his resurrection kjv@Luke:28:7 kjv@Luke:28:10, kjv@Matthew:26:32; 16, 17; kjv@Mark:14:28; kjv@Mark:16:7; John:21 .Routes from, to Judaea kjv@Judges:21:19; kjv@John:4:3-5 .Dialect of kjv@Mark:14:70 .Called GENNESARET kjv@Matthew:14:34; kjv@Mark:6:53 .Congregations in kjv@Acts:9:31

-2. Sea (Lake) of Galilee .Called SEA OF TIBERIAS kjv@John:21:1 .Called LAKE OF GENNESARET kjv@Luke:5:1 .Called SEA OF CHINNERETH kjv@Numbers:34:11; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:17; kjv@Joshua:13:27 .Called SEA OF CHINNEROTH kjv@Joshua:12:3 .Jesus calls disciples on the shore of kjv@Matthew:4:18-22; kjv@Luke:5:1-11 .Jesus teaches from a ship on kjv@Matthew:13:1-3 .Miracles of Jesus on kjv@Matthew:8:24-32; kjv@Matthew:14:22-33; kjv@Matthew:17:27; kjv@Mark:4:37-39; kjv@Luke:5:1-9; kjv@Luke:8:22-24; kjv@John:21:1-11

- Any bitter or poisonous substance, like bile kjv@Job:16:13
- Venom of serpents kjv@Job:20:14
- A bitter herb kjv@Deuteronomy:29:18
- Given to Jesus kjv@Psalms:69:21; kjv@Matthew:27:34

- FIGURATIVE .Gall of bitterness kjv@Acts:8:23

- In the temple of Ezekiel's vision kjv@Ezekiel:42:3

- A town, probably in tribe of Benjamin kjv@1Samuel:25:44; kjv@Isaiah:10:30

GALLIO @ -(Proconsul (governor) of Achaia)
- Dismisses complaint of Jews against Paul kjv@Acts:18:12-17

- Used for execution of criminals kjv@Esther:2:23; kjv@Esther:5:14; kjv@Esther:6:4; kjv@Esther:7:9-10; kjv@Esther:9:13 kjv@Esther:9:25
- Reproach of being hanged upon kjv@Galatians:3:13


-1. A celebrated teacher .Speech of, before the Sanhedrin kjv@Acts:5:33-40 .Paul's teacher kjv@Acts:22:3

-2. A captain of the tribe of Manasseh kjv@Numbers:1:10; kjv@Numbers:2:20; kjv@Numbers:10:23 .Offering of, at dedication of tabernacle kjv@Numbers:7:54-59

- Foot races kjv@1Corinthians:9:24-26; kjv@Galatians:2:2; kjv@Philippians:2:16; kjv@Hebrews:12:1
- Gladiatorial kjv@1Corinthians:1:9; kjv@1Corinthians:9:26; kjv@1Corinthians:15:32; kjv@2Timothy:4:7

- Warriors or watchmen kjv@Ezekiel:27:11

- A priest in the time of David kjv@1Chronicles:24:17

- Of Eden .
- Of Gethsemane


-1. One of David's mighty men kjv@2Samuel:23:38; kjv@1Chronicles:11:40

-2. A hill kjv@Jeremiah:31:39

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Acts:14:13

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Numbers:11:5

- Of righteousness kjv@Isaiah:61:10; kjv@Matthew:22:11; kjv@2Corinthians:5:3; kjv@Revelation:3:18; kjv@Revelation:7:14; kjv@Revelation:16:15; kjv@Revelation:19:8

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Matthew:3:12

- A military camp kjv@1Samuel:13:3; kjv@1Samuel:14:1; kjv@2Samuel:8:6 kjv@2Samuel:8:14 kjv@2Samuel:23:14

- Also called GESHEM, a Samaritan kjv@Nehemiah:6:1 kjv@Nehemiah:6:6

- Grandson of Esau kjv@Genesis:36:11 kjv@Genesis:36:16 kjv@1Chronicles:1:36

- Of cities kjv@Deuteronomy:3:5; kjv@Joshua:6:26; kjv@1Samuel:23:7; kjv@2Samuel:18:24; kjv@2Chronicles:8:5
- Made of iron kjv@Acts:12:10
- Made of wood kjv@Nehemiah:1:3
- Made of brass kjv@Psalms:107:16; kjv@Isaiah:45:2
- Double doors kjv@Isaiah:45:1; kjv@Ezekiel:41:24
- The open square of, a place for idlers kjv@Genesis:19:1; kjv@1Samuel:4:18; kjv@Psalms:69:12; kjv@Proverbs:1:21; kjv@Jeremiah:17:19-20
- Religious services held at kjv@Acts:14:13
- The law read at Nehemiah:8
- The place for the transaction of public business, announcement of legal transactions kjv@Genesis:23:10 kjv@Genesis:23:16
- Conferences on public affairs kjv@Genesis:34:20
- Holding courts of justice kjv@Deuteronomy:16:18; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:19; kjv@Deuteronomy:22:15; kjv@Joshua:20:4; kjv@Ruth:4:1; kjv@2Samuel:15:2; kjv@Proverbs:22:22; kjv@Zechariah:8:16
- Place for public concourse kjv@Genesis:23:10; kjv@Proverbs:1:21; kjv@Proverbs:8:3; kjv@Jeremiah:14:2; kjv@Jeremiah:22:2
- Thrones of kings at kjv@1Kings:22:10; kjv@2Chronicles:18:9; kjv@Jeremiah:38:7; kjv@Jeremiah:39:3
- Punishment of criminals outside of kjv@Deuteronomy:17:5; kjv@Jeremiah:20:2; kjv@Acts:7:58; kjv@Hebrews:13:12
- Closed at night kjv@Joshua:2:5-7
- Closed on the Sabbath kjv@Nehemiah:13:19
- Guards at kjv@2Kings:7:17; kjv@Nehemiah:13:19 kjv@Nehemiah:13:22
- Jails made in the towers of kjv@Jeremiah:20:2
- Bodies of criminals exposed to view at kjv@2Kings:10:8

- FIGURATIVE .Of the people of a city kjv@Isaiah:3:26 .Of the gospel kjv@Isaiah:60:11 .Of the powers of hell (Hades) kjv@Matthew:16:18 .Of death kjv@Job:38:17; kjv@Psalms:9:13 .Of the grave kjv@Isaiah:38:10 .Of righteousness kjv@Psalms:118:19 .Of salvation kjv@Genesis:28:17; kjv@Psalms:24:7; kjv@Psalms:118:19-20; kjv@Isaiah:26:2; kjv@Matthew:7:13 .Of death kjv@Isaiah:38:10

- SYMBOLICAL kjv@Revelation:21:12-13 kjv@Revelation:21:21 kjv@Revelation:21:25

- One of the five chief cities of the Philistines kjv@Joshua:13:3; kjv@1Samuel:6:17; kjv@Amos:6:2; kjv@Micah:1:10
- Anakim, a race of giants, inhabitants of kjv@Joshua:11:22
- Goliath lived in kjv@1Samuel:17:4; kjv@1Chronicles:20:5-8
- Obed-edom belonged to kjv@2Samuel:6:10
- The ark of the covenant taken to kjv@1Samuel:5:8
- Inhabitants of, called GITTITES kjv@Joshua:13:3
- David takes refuge at kjv@1Samuel:21:10-15; kjv@1Samuel:27:2-7
- Band of Gittites, attached to David kjv@2Samuel:15:18-22
- Captured by David kjv@1Chronicles:18:1
- Shimei's servants escape to kjv@1Kings:2:39-41
- Fortified by Rehoboam kjv@2Chronicles:11:8
- Captured by Hazael kjv@2Kings:12:17
- Recovered by Jehoash kjv@2Kings:13:25
- Besieged by Uzziah kjv@2Chronicles:26:6
- Called METHEGAMMAH in kjv@2Samuel:8:1


- A city of Zebulun kjv@2Kings:14:25



-1. A Levitical city of the tribe of Dan kjv@Joshua:19:45

-2. A city of the tribe of Manasseh kjv@Joshua:21:24-25; kjv@1Chronicles:6:69 .Also called BILEAM kjv@1Chronicles:6:70


-1. Also called AZZAH .A city of the Philistines kjv@Joshua:13:3; kjv@Jeremiah:25:20 .One of the border cities of the Canaanites kjv@Genesis:10:19 .A city of the Avim and Anakim kjv@Deuteronomy:2:23; kjv@Joshua:11:22 .Allotted to Judah kjv@Joshua:15:47; kjv@Judges:1:18 .A temple of Dagon, situated at kjv@Judges:16:23 .Samson dies at kjv@Judges:16:21-31 .On the western boundary of the kingdom of Israel in the time of Solomon kjv@1Kings:4:24 .Struck by Pharaoh kjv@Jeremiah:47:1 .Prophecies relating to kjv@Amos:1:6-7; kjv@Zephaniah:2:4; kjv@Zechariah:9:5 .Desert of kjv@Acts:8:26-39

-2. A city of the tribe of Ephraim kjv@Judges:6:4; kjv@1Chronicles:7:28

- Inhabitants of Gaza kjv@Joshua:13:3
- Called GAZITES, in kjv@Judges:16:2

- Also called GEZER kjv@2Samuel:5:25; kjv@1Chronicles:14:16


-1. A son of Caleb kjv@1Chronicles:2:46

-2. A grandson of Caleb kjv@1Chronicles:2:46

- One of the Nethinim kjv@Ezra:2:48; kjv@Nehemiah:7:51