

Dict: all - garden



GARDEN - G>@ - Gardens in the East, as the Hebrew word indicates, are enclosures on the outskirts of towns, planted with various trees and shrubs. From the allusions in the Bible we learn that they were surrounded by hedges of thorn, kjv@Isaiah:5:5) or walls of stone. kjv@Proverbs:24:31) For further protection lodges, kjv@Isaiah:1:8; kjv@Lamentations:2:6) or watchtowers, kjv@Mark:12:1) were built in them, in which sat the keeper, kjv@Job:27:18) to drive away the wild beasts and robbers, as is the case to this day. The gardens of the Hebrews were planted with flowers and aromatic shrubs, (Solomon kjv@6:2; 4:16) besides olives, fig trees, nuts or walnuts, (Solomon kjv@6:12) pomegranates, and others for domestic use. kjv@Exodus:23:11; kjv@Jeremiah:29:5; kjv@Amos:9:14) Gardens of herbs, or kitchen gardens, are mentioned in (11:10) and 1Kin 21:2 The rose garden in Jerusalem, said to have been situated westward of the temple mount, it is remarkable as having been one of the few gardens which, from the time of the prophets, existed within the city walls. The retirement of gardens rendered them favorite places for devotion.


Gardens @ mentioned in Scripture, of Eden kjv@Genesis:2:8-9); Ahab's garden of herbs (kjvKings:21:2); the royal garden ( kjv@2Kings:21:18); the royal garden at Susa kjv@Esther:1:5); the garden of Joseph of Arimathea kjv@John:19:41); of Gethsemane kjv@John:18:1). The "king's garden" mentioned kjv@2Kings:25:4, kjv@Nehemiah:3:15, was near the Pool of Siloam. Gardens were surrounded by hedges of thorns kjv@Isaiah:5:5) or by walls of stone kjv@Proverbs:24:31). "Watch-towers" or "lodges" were also built in them kjv@Isaiah:1:8; kjv@Mark:12:1), in which their keepers sat. On account of their retirement they were frequently used as places for secret prayer and communion with God kjv@Genesis:24:63; kjv@Matthew:26:30-36; kjv@John:1:48 kjv@John:18:1-2). The dead were sometimes buried in gardens kjv@Genesis:23:19-20; kjv@2Kings:21:18 kjv@2Kings:21:26 kjv@1Samuel:25:1; kjv@Mark:15:46; kjv@John:19:41). (



Gardens @ Often made by the banks of rivers kjv@Numbers:24:6
Kinds of, mentioned in scripture
Herbs kjv@Deuteronomy:11:10 kjv@1Kings:21:2
Cucumbers kjv@Isaiah:1:8
Fruit trees kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:5 kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:6
Spices, &:c kjv@Songs:4:16 kjv@Songs:6:2
Often enclosed kjv@Songs:4:12
Often refreshed by fountains kjv@Songs:4:15
Taken care of by gardeners kjv@John:20:15
Lodges erected in kjv@Isaiah:1:8
Often used for
Entertainments kjv@Songs:5:1
Retirement kjv@John:18:1
Burial places kjv@2Kings:21:18 kjv@2Kings:21:26 kjv@John:19:41
Idolatrous worship kjv@Isaiah:1:29 kjv@Isaiah:65:3
Blasting of, a punishment kjv@Amos:4:9
Jews ordered to plant, in Babylon kjv@Jeremiah:29:5 kjv@Jeremiah:29:28
Of eden
Planted by the Lord kjv@Genesis:2:8
Called the garden of the Lord kjv@Genesis:13:10
Called the garden of God kjv@Ezekiel:28:13
Had every tree good for food kjv@Genesis:2:9
Watered by a river kjv@Genesis:2:10-14
Man placed in, to dress and keep kjv@Genesis:2:8 kjv@Genesis:2:15
Man driven from, after the fall kjv@Genesis:3:23 kjv@Genesis:3:24
Fertility of Canaan like kjv@Genesis:13:10 kjv@Joel:2:3
The future state of the Jews shall be like kjv@Isaiah:51:3 kjv@Ezekiel:36:35
Of the church kjv@Songs:5:1 kjv@Songs:6:2 kjv@Songs:6:11
(Enclosed,) of the pleasantness, fruitfulness, and security of the church kjv@Songs:4:12
(Well watered,) of spiritual prosperity of the church kjv@Isaiah:58:11 kjv@Jeremiah:31:12
(When dried up,) of the wicked kjv@Isaiah:1:30



- Of Eden .
- Of Gethsemane



kjv@STRING:En-gannim <HITCHCOCK>@ eye, or fountain, of protection or of gardens - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Gennesaret <HITCHCOCK>@ garden of the prince - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Guni <HITCHCOCK>@ a garden; a covering - HITCHCOCK-G



H1588 <STRHEB>@ גּן gan gan From H1598; a garden (as fenced): - garden.

H1593 <STRHEB>@ גּנּה gannâh gan-naw' Feminine of H1588; a garden: - garden.

H1594 <STRHEB>@ גּנּה ginnâh ghin-naw' Another form for H1593: - garden.

H1599 <STRHEB>@ גּנּתו גּנּתון ginnethôn ginnethô {ghin-neth-one'} ghin-neth-o' From H1598; gardener; Ginnethon or {Ginnetho} an Israelite: - {Ginnetho} Ginnethon.

H3754 <STRHEB>@ כּרם kerem keh'-rem From an unused root of uncertain meaning; a garden or vineyard: - {vines} (increase of the) vineyard ({-s}) vintage. See also H1021.

H3756 <STRHEB>@ כּרמי karmîy kar-mee' From H3754; gardener; {Karmi} the name of three Israelites: - Carmi.

H3759 <STRHEB>@ כּרמל karmel kar-mel' From H3754; a planted field ({garden} {orchard} vineyard or park); by implication garden produce: - full (green) ears (of {corn}) fruitful field ({place}) plentiful (field).

H4302 <STRHEB>@ מטּע maţţâ‛ mat-taw' From H5193; something {planted} that {is} the place (a garden or {vineyard}) or the thing (a {plant} figuratively of men); by implication the {act} planting: - plant ({-ation} -ing).

H4750 <STRHEB>@ מקשׁה miqshâh mik-shaw' Denominative from H7180; literally a cucumbered {field} that {is} a cucumber patch: - garden of cucumbers.

H5873 <STRHEB>@ עין גּנּים ‛êyn gannîym ane gan-neem' From H5869 and the plural of H1588; fountain of gardens; {En-Gannim} a place in Palestine: - En-gannim.

G1068 <STRGRK>@ Γεθσημανῆ Gethsēmanē gheth-say-man-ay' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H1660] and [H8081]); oil press; Gethsemane a garden near Jerusalem: - Gethsemane.

G2779 <STRGRK>@ κῆπος kēpos kay'-pos Of uncertain affinity; a garden: - garden.

G2780 <STRGRK>@ κηπουρός kēpouros kay-poo-ros' From G2779 and οὖρος ouros (a warden); a garden keeper that is gardener: - gardener.

G4237 <STRGRK>@ πρασιά prasia pras-ee-ah' Perhaps from πράσον prason (a leek and so an onion patch); a garden plot that is (by implication of regular beds) a row (repeated in plural by Hebraism to indicate an arrangement): - in ranks.

G5528 <STRGRK>@ χόρτος chortos khor'-tos Apparently a primary word; a court or garden that is (by implication of pasture) herbage or vegetation: - blade grass hay.