
Dict: all - home



(1) General References to- kjv@Deuteronomy:24:5; kjv@Ruth:1:21; kjv@Mark:5:19; kjv@John:19:27; kjv@1Timothy:5:4; kjv@Titus:2:5

(2) Heavenly Home- kjv@Luke:16:9; kjv@John:14:2 Heaven, 1356

(3) Admonitions concerning Abiding at- kjv@Proverbs:25:17; kjv@Habbakkuk:2:5; kjv@Titus:2:5

(4) Examples of Love of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:31:30 Hobab- kjv@Numbers:10:30 Barzillai- kjv@2Samuel:19:37 David- kjv@2Samuel:23:15 The Jews in Exile- kjv@Psalms:137:1,2,3,4,5,6 (B) COURTSHIP- Genesis:29:11-20; Judges:14:1-10 (C) BETROTHALS Jacob and Rachel Genesis:29.18,19,20 Special Privileges of the Betrothed- kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7 David and Merab- kjv@1Samuel:18:17 Joseph and Mary- kjv@Luke:1:26,27 (D) MARRIAGE

(1) Commended- kjv@Proverbs:18:22; kjv@Jeremiah:29:6; kjv@1Timothy:3:12; kjv@1Timothy:5:14; kjv@Hebrews:13:4 Celibacy, SELF


(2) Solemn Obligations of- kjv@Genesis:2:24; kjv@Matthew:5:32; kjv@Mark:10:7,9; kjv@Romans:7:2; kjv@1Corinthians:7:10,11 For other references to Marriage, SEE 2255-2257, 2255 (E) DOWRY given to brides- kjv@Genesis:30:20; kjv@Genesis:34:12; kjv@Exodus:22:17; kjv@Joshua:15:18 (F) LOVE, FAMILY

(1) Conjugal- kjv@Genesis:24:67; kjv@Genesis:29:20,30; kjv@Esther:2:17; kjv@Proverbs:5:19; kjv@Songs:8:7 kjv@Ephesians:5:28; kjv@Colossians:3:19 (F) LOVE, FAMILY

(2) Examples of Mothers' Love Hagar's Love for her Child- kjv@Genesis:21:16 The Mother of Moses- kjv@Exodus:2:3 The Mother of Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:2:19 Rizpah's Love for her Sons- kjv@2Samuel:21:9,10 The Mother of Solomon's Time- kjv@1Kings:3:26 The Shunammite Mother- kjv@2Kings:4:20 The Mother's Unforgettable Love- kjv@Isaiah:49:15 The Canaanitish Mother- kjv@Matthew:15:22 The Mother of Jesus- kjv@John:19:25

(3) Examples of Fathers' Love Laban- kjv@Genesis:31:28 Jacob- kjv@Genesis:37:35; kjv@Genesis:42:38; kjv@Genesis:46:30 David- kjv@2Samuel:12:16; kjv@2Samuel:13:39; kjv@2Samuel:18:5 Jairus- kjv@Mark:5:23; kjv@Mark:9:24 Father of the Prodigal- kjv@Luke:15:20 Partiality, HOME (G) HUSBANDS AND WIVES

(1) Duties of Husbands- kjv@Genesis:2:23,24; kjv@Deuteronomy:24:5; kjv@Proverbs:5:18; kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:9; kjv@Mark:10:7; kjv@1Corinthians:7:11 kjv@Ephesians:5:25; kjv@1Peter:3:7 Divorce, HOME

(2) Duties of Wives- kjv@Esther:1:20; kjv@Proverbs:31:27; kjv@1Corinthians:7:10; kjv@Ephesians:5:22; kjv@Colossians:3:18; kjv@1Timothy:3:11 kjv@Titus:2:4; kjv@1Peter:3:1 Marriage

(2), HOME

(3) Wives' Counsel, examples of- kjv@Judges:13:22,23; 2Kings:4:8-10; Daniel:5:10-12; kjv@Matthew:27:19 (H) PARENTAL DUTIES

(1) Special Duties Incumbent upon Parents To Teach- kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7; kjv@Deuteronomy:6:20; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:19 To Train- kjv@Proverbs:22:6; kjv@Isaiah:38:19; kjv@Lamentations:2:19 To Provide for- kjv@2Corinthians:12:14 To Nurture- kjv@Ephesians:6:4; kjv@Colossians:3:21 To Control- kjv@1Timothy:3:4; kjv@1Timothy:3:12 To Love- kjv@Titus:2:4

(2) The Correction of Children- kjv@Proverbs:13:24; kjv@Proverbs:19:18; kjv@Proverbs:22:15; kjv@Proverbs:23:13 The Rod of Correction, ROD OF CORRECTION

(3) Instruction of Children- kjv@Deuteronomy:4:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:19; kjv@Deuteronomy:31:13; kjv@Psalms:78:5; kjv@Proverbs:22:6; kjv@Isaiah:28:9 kjv@John:21:15 (I) PARENTAL INFLUENCE AND EXAMPLE

(1) Evil Influence of Parents- kjv@1Kings:22:52; kjv@2Chronicles:22:3; kjv@Jeremiah:9:14; kjv@Ezekiel:20:18; kjv@Amos:2:4; kjv@Matthew:14:8 Sinful Imitation, WORLDLINESS

(2) Parental Example, Good- kjv@1Kings:9:4; kjv@2Chronicles:17:3; kjv@2Chronicles:20:32; kjv@2Chronicles:26:4; kjv@2Chronicles:27:2; kjv@2Timothy:1:5 (J) PARENTAL WEAKNESSES AND SINS

(1) Indulgence of Children, examples of Eli- kjv@1Samuel:3:13 Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:8:3 David- kjv@1Kings:1:6 Disastrous Results of- kjv@Proverbs:29:15 Father of Prodigal- kjv@Luke:15:12,13

(2) Partiality of Parents- kjv@Genesis:25:28; kjv@Genesis:33:2; kjv@Genesis:37:3; kjv@Genesis:42:4; kjv@Genesis:48:22; kjv@1Chronicles:26:10

(3) Parental Pride- kjv@Genesis:37:3; kjv@Esther:5:11; kjv@Matthew:20:21

(4) Sins of Parents Visited upon the Children- kjv@Exodus:20:5; kjv@Exodus:34:7; kjv@Leviticus:26:39; kjv@Numbers:14:18,33; kjv@Job:21:19; kjv@Isaiah:14:21 kjv@Jeremiah:32:18 Sins


(1) Parental Love (a) Examples of.
See HOME (b) Parental Gifts, an expression of Love for Children A Patrimony- kjv@Genesis:24:36 A Beautiful Garment- kjv@Genesis:37:3 Springs of Water- kjv@Joshua:15:19 A Home-made Coat- kjv@1Samuel:2:19 A Type of God's Bounty- kjv@Matthew:7:11

(2) Joy- kjv@Proverbs:15:20; kjv@Proverbs:23:24; kjv@Proverbs:27:11; kjv@Proverbs:29:3; kjv@Luke:15:23,24

(3) Sorrow- kjv@2Samuel:18:33; kjv@Proverbs:10:1; kjv@Proverbs:17:21,25; kjv@Proverbs:19:13,26; kjv@Proverbs:28:7; kjv@Proverbs:29:15

(4) Solicitude- kjv@Genesis:37:14; kjv@1Samuel:10:2; kjv@2Samuel:18:29; kjv@Esther:2:11 (L) CHILDREN

(1) The Gift of God- kjv@Genesis:33:5; kjv@Genesis:48:9; kjv@Joshua:24:3; kjv@Psalms:113:9; kjv@Psalms:127:3; kjv@Isaiah:8:18

(2) Esteemed Highly- kjv@Psalms:127:4,5; kjv@Psalms:128:3; kjv@Proverbs:17:6; kjv@Matthew:19:14

(3) Exhortations to- kjv@Psalms:34:11; kjv@Psalms:148:12; kjv@Proverbs:10:1; kjv@Proverbs:20:11; kjv@Proverbs:23:22; kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:1; kjv@Ezekiel:20:18 kjv@Mark:7:10; kjv@Ephesians:6:1,2,3; kjv@Colossians:3:20; kjv@1Timothy:5:4 Filial Honour, YOUNG PEOPLE Filial Obedience, YOUNG PEOPLE

(4) Present at Religious Worship- kjv@Joshua:8:35; kjv@2Chronicles:20:13; kjv@Ezra:8:21; kjv@Nehemiah:12:43; kjv@Matthew:21:15

(5) Ungrateful- kjv@Exodus:21:15; kjv@Leviticus:20:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:18,20,21; kjv@Proverbs:19:26; kjv@Proverbs:28:24; kjv@Proverbs:30:11 kjv@Proverbs:30:17; kjv@Ezekiel:22:7; kjv@Micah:7:6; kjv@Mark:7:11 Cursing

(3), CURSING Dishonouring Parents, HOME

(6) Examples of Helpful The child Samuel assists Eli- kjv@1Samuel:2:18 A boy who waited upon David and Jonathan- kjv@1Samuel:20:36 A little maid who aided Naaman in securing his health- kjv@2Kings:5:2,3 A child king- kjv@2Chronicles:24:1 The boy Christ about his Father's business- kjv@Luke:2:49 The lad who have his lunch to help feed the multitude- kjv@John:6:9

(7) Vices of- kjv@2Kings:2:23; kjv@Job:19:18; kjv@Job:30:12; kjv@Isaiah:3:5

(8) Special Promises to Children, examples of Reverent Children- kjv@Deuteronomy:5:16 Forsaken Children- kjv@Psalms:27:10 Early Seekers- kjv@Proverbs:8:17 Obedient Children- kjv@Proverbs:8:32 Lambs of the Flock- kjv@Isaiah:40:11 Little Children- kjv@Mark:10:14 Children of Believers- kjv@Acts:2:39 The Commandment with Promise- kjv@Ephesians:6:2

(9) Examples of Good Children of good Parentage Isaac- kjv@Genesis:22:7 Jephthah's Daughter- kjv@Judges:11:36 Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:2:26 John the Baptist- kjv@Luke:1:80 The Boy Jesus- kjv@Luke:2:49; kjv@2Timothy:1:5 Timothy- kjv@2Timothy:3:15 Youthful Piety, YOUNG PEOPLE Seed of the Righteous, HEREDITY

(10) Good Children of Wicked Men- kjv@2Kings:12:2; kjv@2Kings:18:3; kjv@2Kings:22:2; kjv@2Chronicles:34:3

(11) Naming of- kjv@Genesis:4:25; kjv@Genesis:5:29; kjv@Genesis:21:3; kjv@Genesis:30:8; kjv@Genesis:41:51; kjv@Exodus:2:10; kjv@Ruth:4:17; kjv@1Samuel:4:21 kjv@1Chronicles:4:9; kjv@1Chronicles:2:9; kjv@Hosea:1:4; kjv@Luke:1:60; kjv@Luke:2:21

(12) Adoption of- kjv@Genesis:15:3; kjv@Genesis:48:5; kjv@Exodus:2:10; kjv@Esther:2:7

(13) Births Foretold- kjv@Genesis:16:11; kjv@Genesis:18:10; kjv@Judges:13:3; kjv@1Kings:13:2; kjv@2Kings:4:16; kjv@Isaiah:9:6 kjv@Matthew:1:21; kjv@Luke:1:13

(14) Birthright of- kjv@Genesis:25:31; kjv@Genesis:43:33; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:16; kjv@2Chronicles:21:3; kjv@Hebrews:12:16 First-born, OWNERSHIP

(15) Dishonouring Parents, Different Ways of By Stubbornness and Sensuality- kjv@Deuteronomy:21:20 By Lack of Respect for- kjv@Deuteronomy:27:16 By Despising their Mother- kjv@Proverbs:15:20 By Cursing their Father- kjv@Proverbs:30:11 By Strife in the Household- kjv@Micah:7:6 By Failure in Providing for- kjv@Mark:7:11 By Disobedience- kjv@2Timothy:3:2 Cursing


(1) Instances of Sarah and Hagar- kjv@Genesis:16:5 Rebekah and her daughters-in-law- kjv@Genesis:26:34,35; kjv@Genesis:27:46 Jacob and Esau- kjv@Genesis:27:41 Joseph and his brethren- kjv@Genesis:37:4 Moses, Aaron and Miriam- kjv@Numbers:12:11 David and his wife- kjv@2Samuel:6:16 David and his household- kjv@2Samuel:12:11 Ahasuerus and Vashti- kjv@Esther:1:12
Hard to bear. SEE Family Strife, STRIFE

(2) Causes of
- Hatred- kjv@Genesis:27:41
- Childlessness- kjv@Genesis:30:1; kjv@1Samuel:1:6,7
- Envy- kjv@Genesis:37:11
- Ungrateful children- kjv@Deuteronomy:21:20; kjv@2Samuel:15:6
- Unworthy husbands- kjv@1Samuel:25:25
- Avarice- kjv@Proverbs:15:27
- Contentious wives- kjv@Proverbs:21:19
- Slothfulness- kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:18

(3) Childlessness regarded as a Misfortune- kjv@Genesis:11:30; kjv@Genesis:15:2; kjv@Judges:13:2; kjv@1Samuel:1:2; kjv@2Samuel:6:23; kjv@2Kings:4:14 kjv@Luke:1:7; kjv@Luke:20:29

(4) Fratricide- kjv@Genesis:4:8; kjv@Judges:9:5; kjv@2Samuel:13:28; kjv@1Kings:2:25; kjv@2Chronicles:21:4; kjv@Matthew:10:21 Murder, (N) FOES OF THE HOME

(1) Adultery- kjv@Exodus:20:14; kjv@Leviticus:20:10; kjv@Job:24:15; kjv@Matthew:5:27; kjv@Matthew:19:9; kjv@Romans:7:3 kjv@1Corinthians:6:9; kjv@2Peter:2:14 Filthiness, DEFILEMENT Lasciviousness, IMPURITY Impurity, IMPURITY Fornication, IMPURITY

(2) Polygamy (a) Examples of- kjv@Genesis:4:19; kjv@Genesis:16:3; kjv@Genesis:26:34; kjv@Genesis:28:9; kjv@Genesis:29:28; kjv@Judges:8:30; kjv@1Samuel:1:2 kjv@2Samuel:3:3; kjv@1Kings:11:3; kjv@1Chronicles:4:5; kjv@2Chronicles:11:18; kjv@2Chronicles:13:21; kjv@2Chronicles:24:3; kjv@Daniel:5:2 (b) Forbidden- kjv@Deuteronomy:17:17; kjv@Malachi:2:15; kjv@Matthew:19:4; kjv@1Timothy:3:2; kjv@Titus:1:6 Marriage, HOME

(3) Concubinage- kjv@Genesis:16:3; kjv@Genesis:22:24; kjv@Genesis:30:4; kjv@Genesis:36:12; kjv@Judges:8:31; kjv@2Samuel:5:13; kjv@1Kings:11:3 kjv@1Chronicles:2:46; kjv@1Chronicles:7:14; kjv@2Chronicles:11:21

(4) Divorce- kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1; kjv@Ezra:10:3; kjv@Jeremiah:3:1; kjv@Matthew:5:31; kjv@Matthew:19:7; kjv@Luke:16:18; kjv@1Corinthians:7:27 Marriage, HOME (O) FAMILY JOYS, causes contributing to Conjugal love- kjv@Genesis:24:67 Birth of children- kjv@Genesis:21:6 Presence of children in the home- kjv@Job:29:5; kjv@Psalms:127:4,5 Blessings of wifehood and motherhood- kjv@Proverbs:31:28 Possession of a home- kjv@Micah:4:4 Maternal and paternal love.

(1) General References to Joshua establishes religion in his home- kjv@Joshua:24:15 Job:sanctifies his children- kjv@Job:1:5 The healed demoniac told to go home and witness for Christ- kjv@Luke:8:39 Mary sits at Jesus' feet in her home- kjv@Luke:10:39 Andrew leads his brother to Christ- kjv@John:1:41 The entire family of the nobleman accept Christ- kjv@John:4:53 Lydia and her household converted- kjv@Acts:16:15 The Philippian jailer and his family are baptized- kjv@Acts:16:33 Home, the best place to show piety- kjv@1Timothy:5:4

(2) Devout Fathers, examples of Abraham exerts a spiritual influence upon his family- kjv@Genesis:18:19 Isaac blesses his son- kjv@Genesis:27:26,27 Jacob commands his household to put away idols- kjv@Genesis:35:2 Manoah prays for instruction in regard to his coming child- kjv@Judges:13:8 David gives godly advice to his son, Solomon- 1Kings:2:1-4 Zacharias, the godly father of John the Baptist- kjv@Luke:1:67 Cornelius, the head of a religious household- kjv@Acts:10:2

(3) Devout Mothers
- Sarah- kjv@Genesis:21:6
- Hannah- kjv@1Samuel:1:22
- Elizabeth- kjv@Luke:1:41
- Mary- kjv@Luke:1:46
- Eunice- kjv@2Timothy:1:5

(4) Parental Prayers Abraham, for Ishmael- kjv@Genesis:17:18 David, for the life of his child- kjv@2Samuel:12:16 David, for Solomon- kjv@1Chronicles:29:19 Job, for his children- kjv@Job:1:5 The father, for the demoniac- kjv@Matthew:17:15 The Syrophenician mother- kjv@Mark:7:26 (Q) PLEASANT SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Bible Stories for Children Who Made the World- Genesis:1:125 The Woman who exchanged her Home and all she had for an Apple Genesis:3:16 The voyage of the Big Boat Genesis:6:14-22; 7:124 The Boy who lost his Home by mocking Genesis:21:920 The Young Man whom an Angel Saved Genesis:22:113 The Young Man who traded his Inheritance for a dish of Pottage Genesis:25:2934 The Beautiful Coat Genesis:37:134 The Boy Captive who became prime minister Genesis:37:13-36; 39:20-23; 41:1-44 The Baby's Cry that won his way to a palace- Exodus:2:110 A fit of Anger that cost a good Man his Life Numbers:20:10-12; Deuteronomy:3:2326 How Snake bites were Healed Numbers:21:49 The Woman who used a Red Cord to save her Life Joshua:2:1-24; 6:2224 The Man who could not keep his Hands from Beautiful things Joshua:7:2026 A Band that captured a City by marching around it thirteen times Joshua:6:1-20 Gideon's Fleece- Judges:6:3640 The Man who won a Battle with Pitchers and Lights Judges:7:1522 The King of the Forest Judges:9:715 The Young Man who became a Slave by having his hair cut Judges:16:1-31 The Boy who could hear God's Voice- 1Samuel:3:1-21 The Men of curiosity who looked into a Sacred Chest and Lost their Lives- kjv@1Samuel:6:19 The Young Farmer who went out seeking Donkeys and found a Crown- 1Samuel:9:1-27; target="9;9;1-27">1Samuel:10:1 The Anointing of the Young Shepherd- 1Samuel:16:114 David the Giant Killer 1Samuel:17:158 Fast Friends 1Samuel:18:14 The Boy Helper 1Samuel:20:21-40 The Lame Prince- kjv@2Samuel:4:4; 9:113 The Killing of the Pet Lamb 2Samuel:12:1-6 The Handsome Prince Caught in a Tree- kjv@2Samuel:18:9 The Prophet fed by the Birds- 1Kings:17:16 The Food that never grew Less 1Kings:17:1016 The Chariot of Fire 2Kings:2:9-11 The Man who used a Cloak to get through a River- kjv@2Kings:2:13,14 The Minister's Boys who were saved from Slavery- 2Kings:4:1-7 A Race for a little Boy's Life- 2Kings:4:18-36 The Captive Girl who returned good for Evil and Saved a Man's Life- 2Kings:5:215 The Borrowed Axe that floated 2Kings:6:17 The Boy King who was hid 2Kings:11:112 The Choir that won a battle by Singing 2Chronicles:20:2024 The most Wonderful House in the world Ecclesiastes:12:27 An Eating and Drinking Contest won by four Temperance Young Men Daniel:1:315 Three Young Men who would not Bend, Budge, or Burn Daniel:3:130 The Man the Lions would not eat Daniel:6:122 Three Fish Stories Jonah:1:1-17; 2:1-10; Luke:5:4-8; John:21:4-11 The Star that led to the Baby's Cradle- Matthew:2:111 The Woman who Prayed with her finger Matthew:9:2022 Five girls Locked out in the cold Matthew:25:113 The Lost Boy who was found in the Church Luke:2:40-52 Mr. Selfishness, Mr. Curiosity, Mr. Kindhearted Luke:10:3037 The Men who were invited to a Feast Luke:14:16-24 Nine Men who forgot to say "Thank You"- Luke:17:1219 The Boy who ran away from Home Luke:15:11-24 Thirtyeight years beside a Pool and never a Chance to get in John:5:19 The Boy whose lunch fed 5000 Men John:6:513 The Fatal Lie Acts:5:110 The Song that opened the Jail Doors Acts:16:1628 Shaking off Vipers Acts:28:1-6

HOME DUTIES @ kjv@Mark:5:19; kjv@1Timothy:5:4
SEE 1626 & HOME & HOME

HOMELESS @ kjv@Job:24:8; kjv@Lamentations:4:5; kjv@Luke:9:58; kjv@1Corinthians:4:11

HOMER @ the largest dry measure- kjv@Leviticus:27:16; kjv@Numbers:11:32; kjv@Isaiah:5:10; kjv@Ezekiel:45:11 Tables, 3534




Homer @ heap, the largest of dry measures, containing about 8 bushels or 1 quarter English = 10 ephahs kjv@Leviticus:27:16; kjv@Numbers:11:32) = a COR. (
See OMER.) "Half a homer," a grain measure mentioned only in kjv@Hosea:3:2.






HOMER @ -(A measure)

- Mortgaged kjv@Nehemiah:5:3
- When alienable, and when inalienable kjv@Leviticus:25:25-34



kjv@STRING:Darda <HITCHCOCK>@ home of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Shomer <HITCHCOCK>@ keeper; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S



(1) General References to- kjv@Deuteronomy:24:5; kjv@Ruth:1:21; kjv@Mark:5:19; kjv@John:19:27; kjv@1Timothy:5:4; kjv@Titus:2:5

(2) Heavenly Home- kjv@Luke:16:9; kjv@John:14:2 Heaven, 1356

(3) Admonitions concerning Abiding at- kjv@Proverbs:25:17; kjv@Habbakkuk:2:5; kjv@Titus:2:5

(4) Examples of Love of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:31:30 Hobab- kjv@Numbers:10:30 Barzillai- kjv@2Samuel:19:37 David- kjv@2Samuel:23:15 The Jews in Exile- kjv@Psalms:137:1,2,3,4,5,6 (B) COURTSHIP- Genesis:29:11-20; Judges:14:1-10 (C) BETROTHALS Jacob and Rachel Genesis:29.18,19,20 Special Privileges of the Betrothed- kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7 David and Merab- kjv@1Samuel:18:17 Joseph and Mary- kjv@Luke:1:26,27 (D) MARRIAGE

(1) Commended- kjv@Proverbs:18:22; kjv@Jeremiah:29:6; kjv@1Timothy:3:12; kjv@1Timothy:5:14; kjv@Hebrews:13:4 Celibacy, SELF


(2) Solemn Obligations of- kjv@Genesis:2:24; kjv@Matthew:5:32; kjv@Mark:10:7,9; kjv@Romans:7:2; kjv@1Corinthians:7:10,11 For other references to Marriage, SEE 2255-2257, 2255 (E) DOWRY given to brides- kjv@Genesis:30:20; kjv@Genesis:34:12; kjv@Exodus:22:17; kjv@Joshua:15:18 (F) LOVE, FAMILY

(1) Conjugal- kjv@Genesis:24:67; kjv@Genesis:29:20,30; kjv@Esther:2:17; kjv@Proverbs:5:19; kjv@Songs:8:7 kjv@Ephesians:5:28; kjv@Colossians:3:19 (F) LOVE, FAMILY

(2) Examples of Mothers' Love Hagar's Love for her Child- kjv@Genesis:21:16 The Mother of Moses- kjv@Exodus:2:3 The Mother of Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:2:19 Rizpah's Love for her Sons- kjv@2Samuel:21:9,10 The Mother of Solomon's Time- kjv@1Kings:3:26 The Shunammite Mother- kjv@2Kings:4:20 The Mother's Unforgettable Love- kjv@Isaiah:49:15 The Canaanitish Mother- kjv@Matthew:15:22 The Mother of Jesus- kjv@John:19:25

(3) Examples of Fathers' Love Laban- kjv@Genesis:31:28 Jacob- kjv@Genesis:37:35; kjv@Genesis:42:38; kjv@Genesis:46:30 David- kjv@2Samuel:12:16; kjv@2Samuel:13:39; kjv@2Samuel:18:5 Jairus- kjv@Mark:5:23; kjv@Mark:9:24 Father of the Prodigal- kjv@Luke:15:20 Partiality, HOME (G) HUSBANDS AND WIVES

(1) Duties of Husbands- kjv@Genesis:2:23,24; kjv@Deuteronomy:24:5; kjv@Proverbs:5:18; kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:9; kjv@Mark:10:7; kjv@1Corinthians:7:11 kjv@Ephesians:5:25; kjv@1Peter:3:7 Divorce, HOME

(2) Duties of Wives- kjv@Esther:1:20; kjv@Proverbs:31:27; kjv@1Corinthians:7:10; kjv@Ephesians:5:22; kjv@Colossians:3:18; kjv@1Timothy:3:11 kjv@Titus:2:4; kjv@1Peter:3:1 Marriage

(2), HOME

(3) Wives' Counsel, examples of- kjv@Judges:13:22,23; 2Kings:4:8-10; Daniel:5:10-12; kjv@Matthew:27:19 (H) PARENTAL DUTIES

(1) Special Duties Incumbent upon Parents To Teach- kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7; kjv@Deuteronomy:6:20; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:19 To Train- kjv@Proverbs:22:6; kjv@Isaiah:38:19; kjv@Lamentations:2:19 To Provide for- kjv@2Corinthians:12:14 To Nurture- kjv@Ephesians:6:4; kjv@Colossians:3:21 To Control- kjv@1Timothy:3:4; kjv@1Timothy:3:12 To Love- kjv@Titus:2:4

(2) The Correction of Children- kjv@Proverbs:13:24; kjv@Proverbs:19:18; kjv@Proverbs:22:15; kjv@Proverbs:23:13 The Rod of Correction, ROD OF CORRECTION

(3) Instruction of Children- kjv@Deuteronomy:4:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:19; kjv@Deuteronomy:31:13; kjv@Psalms:78:5; kjv@Proverbs:22:6; kjv@Isaiah:28:9 kjv@John:21:15 (I) PARENTAL INFLUENCE AND EXAMPLE

(1) Evil Influence of Parents- kjv@1Kings:22:52; kjv@2Chronicles:22:3; kjv@Jeremiah:9:14; kjv@Ezekiel:20:18; kjv@Amos:2:4; kjv@Matthew:14:8 Sinful Imitation, WORLDLINESS

(2) Parental Example, Good- kjv@1Kings:9:4; kjv@2Chronicles:17:3; kjv@2Chronicles:20:32; kjv@2Chronicles:26:4; kjv@2Chronicles:27:2; kjv@2Timothy:1:5 (J) PARENTAL WEAKNESSES AND SINS

(1) Indulgence of Children, examples of Eli- kjv@1Samuel:3:13 Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:8:3 David- kjv@1Kings:1:6 Disastrous Results of- kjv@Proverbs:29:15 Father of Prodigal- kjv@Luke:15:12,13

(2) Partiality of Parents- kjv@Genesis:25:28; kjv@Genesis:33:2; kjv@Genesis:37:3; kjv@Genesis:42:4; kjv@Genesis:48:22; kjv@1Chronicles:26:10

(3) Parental Pride- kjv@Genesis:37:3; kjv@Esther:5:11; kjv@Matthew:20:21

(4) Sins of Parents Visited upon the Children- kjv@Exodus:20:5; kjv@Exodus:34:7; kjv@Leviticus:26:39; kjv@Numbers:14:18,33; kjv@Job:21:19; kjv@Isaiah:14:21 kjv@Jeremiah:32:18 Sins


(1) Parental Love (a) Examples of.
See HOME (b) Parental Gifts, an expression of Love for Children A Patrimony- kjv@Genesis:24:36 A Beautiful Garment- kjv@Genesis:37:3 Springs of Water- kjv@Joshua:15:19 A Homemade Coat kjv@1Samuel:2:19 A Type of God's Bounty- kjv@Matthew:7:11

(2) Joy- kjv@Proverbs:15:20; kjv@Proverbs:23:24; kjv@Proverbs:27:11; kjv@Proverbs:29:3; kjv@Luke:15:23,24

(3) Sorrow- kjv@2Samuel:18:33; kjv@Proverbs:10:1; kjv@Proverbs:17:21,25; kjv@Proverbs:19:13,26; kjv@Proverbs:28:7; kjv@Proverbs:29:15

(4) Solicitude- kjv@Genesis:37:14; kjv@1Samuel:10:2; kjv@2Samuel:18:29; kjv@Esther:2:11 (L) CHILDREN

(1) The Gift of God- kjv@Genesis:33:5; kjv@Genesis:48:9; kjv@Joshua:24:3; kjv@Psalms:113:9; kjv@Psalms:127:3; kjv@Isaiah:8:18

(2) Esteemed Highly- kjv@Psalms:127:4,5; kjv@Psalms:128:3; kjv@Proverbs:17:6; kjv@Matthew:19:14

(3) Exhortations to- kjv@Psalms:34:11; kjv@Psalms:148:12; kjv@Proverbs:10:1; kjv@Proverbs:20:11; kjv@Proverbs:23:22; kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:1; kjv@Ezekiel:20:18 kjv@Mark:7:10; kjv@Ephesians:6:1,2,3; kjv@Colossians:3:20; kjv@1Timothy:5:4 Filial Honour, YOUNG PEOPLE Filial Obedience, YOUNG PEOPLE

(4) Present at Religious Worship- kjv@Joshua:8:35; kjv@2Chronicles:20:13; kjv@Ezra:8:21; kjv@Nehemiah:12:43; kjv@Matthew:21:15

(5) Ungrateful- kjv@Exodus:21:15; kjv@Leviticus:20:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:18,20,21; kjv@Proverbs:19:26; kjv@Proverbs:28:24; kjv@Proverbs:30:11 kjv@Proverbs:30:17; kjv@Ezekiel:22:7; kjv@Micah:7:6; kjv@Mark:7:11 Cursing

(3), CURSING Dishonouring Parents, HOME

(6) Examples of Helpful The child Samuel assists Eli- kjv@1Samuel:2:18 A boy who waited upon David and Jonathan- kjv@1Samuel:20:36 A little maid who aided Naaman in securing his health- kjv@2Kings:5:2,3 A child king- kjv@2Chronicles:24:1 The boy Christ about his Father's business- kjv@Luke:2:49 The lad who have his lunch to help feed the multitude- kjv@John:6:9

(7) Vices of- kjv@2Kings:2:23; kjv@Job:19:18; kjv@Job:30:12; kjv@Isaiah:3:5

(8) Special Promises to Children, examples of Reverent Children- kjv@Deuteronomy:5:16 Forsaken Children- kjv@Psalms:27:10 Early Seekers- kjv@Proverbs:8:17 Obedient Children- kjv@Proverbs:8:32 Lambs of the Flock- kjv@Isaiah:40:11 Little Children- kjv@Mark:10:14 Children of Believers- kjv@Acts:2:39 The Commandment with Promise- kjv@Ephesians:6:2

(9) Examples of Good Children of good Parentage Isaac- kjv@Genesis:22:7 Jephthah's Daughter- kjv@Judges:11:36 Samuel- kjv@1Samuel:2:26 John the Baptist- kjv@Luke:1:80 The Boy Jesus- kjv@Luke:2:49; kjv@2Timothy:1:5 Timothy- kjv@2Timothy:3:15 Youthful Piety, YOUNG PEOPLE Seed of the Righteous, HEREDITY

(10) Good Children of Wicked Men- kjv@2Kings:12:2; kjv@2Kings:18:3; kjv@2Kings:22:2; kjv@2Chronicles:34:3

(11) Naming of- kjv@Genesis:4:25; kjv@Genesis:5:29; kjv@Genesis:21:3; kjv@Genesis:30:8; kjv@Genesis:41:51; kjv@Exodus:2:10; kjv@Ruth:4:17; kjv@1Samuel:4:21 kjv@1Chronicles:4:9; kjv@1Chronicles:2:9; kjv@Hosea:1:4; kjv@Luke:1:60; kjv@Luke:2:21

(12) Adoption of- kjv@Genesis:15:3; kjv@Genesis:48:5; kjv@Exodus:2:10; kjv@Esther:2:7

(13) Births Foretold- kjv@Genesis:16:11; kjv@Genesis:18:10; kjv@Judges:13:3; kjv@1Kings:13:2; kjv@2Kings:4:16; kjv@Isaiah:9:6 kjv@Matthew:1:21; kjv@Luke:1:13

(14) Birthright of- kjv@Genesis:25:31; kjv@Genesis:43:33; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:16; kjv@2Chronicles:21:3; kjv@Hebrews:12:16 First-born, OWNERSHIP

(15) Dishonouring Parents, Different Ways of By Stubbornness and Sensuality- kjv@Deuteronomy:21:20 By Lack of Respect for- kjv@Deuteronomy:27:16 By Despising their Mother- kjv@Proverbs:15:20 By Cursing their Father- kjv@Proverbs:30:11 By Strife in the Household- kjv@Micah:7:6 By Failure in Providing for- kjv@Mark:7:11 By Disobedience- kjv@2Timothy:3:2 Cursing


(1) Instances of Sarah and Hagar- kjv@Genesis:16:5 Rebekah and her daughters-inlaw kjv@Genesis:26:34,35; kjv@Genesis:27:46 Jacob and Esau- kjv@Genesis:27:41 Joseph and his brethren- kjv@Genesis:37:4 Moses, Aaron and Miriam- kjv@Numbers:12:11 David and his wife- kjv@2Samuel:6:16 David and his household- kjv@2Samuel:12:11 Ahasuerus and Vashti- kjv@Esther:1:12
Hard to bear. SEE Family Strife, STRIFE

(2) Causes of Hatred kjv@Genesis:27:41 Childlessness kjv@Genesis:30:1; kjv@1Samuel:1:6,7 Envy kjv@Genesis:37:11 Ungrateful children kjv@Deuteronomy:21:20; kjv@2Samuel:15:6 Unworthy husbands kjv@1Samuel:25:25 Avarice kjv@Proverbs:15:27 Contentious wives kjv@Proverbs:21:19 Slothfulness kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:18

(3) Childlessness regarded as a Misfortune- kjv@Genesis:11:30; kjv@Genesis:15:2; kjv@Judges:13:2; kjv@1Samuel:1:2; kjv@2Samuel:6:23; kjv@2Kings:4:14 kjv@Luke:1:7; kjv@Luke:20:29

(4) Fratricide- kjv@Genesis:4:8; kjv@Judges:9:5; kjv@2Samuel:13:28; kjv@1Kings:2:25; kjv@2Chronicles:21:4; kjv@Matthew:10:21 Murder, (N) FOES OF THE HOME

(1) Adultery- kjv@Exodus:20:14; kjv@Leviticus:20:10; kjv@Job:24:15; kjv@Matthew:5:27; kjv@Matthew:19:9; kjv@Romans:7:3 kjv@1Corinthians:6:9; kjv@2Peter:2:14 Filthiness, DEFILEMENT Lasciviousness, IMPURITY Impurity, IMPURITY Fornication, IMPURITY

(2) Polygamy (a) Examples of- kjv@Genesis:4:19; kjv@Genesis:16:3; kjv@Genesis:26:34; kjv@Genesis:28:9; kjv@Genesis:29:28; kjv@Judges:8:30; kjv@1Samuel:1:2 kjv@2Samuel:3:3; kjv@1Kings:11:3; kjv@1Chronicles:4:5; kjv@2Chronicles:11:18; kjv@2Chronicles:13:21; kjv@2Chronicles:24:3; kjv@Daniel:5:2 (b) Forbidden- kjv@Deuteronomy:17:17; kjv@Malachi:2:15; kjv@Matthew:19:4; kjv@1Timothy:3:2; kjv@Titus:1:6 Marriage, HOME

(3) Concubinage- kjv@Genesis:16:3; kjv@Genesis:22:24; kjv@Genesis:30:4; kjv@Genesis:36:12; kjv@Judges:8:31; kjv@2Samuel:5:13; kjv@1Kings:11:3 kjv@1Chronicles:2:46; kjv@1Chronicles:7:14; kjv@2Chronicles:11:21

(4) Divorce- kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1; kjv@Ezra:10:3; kjv@Jeremiah:3:1; kjv@Matthew:5:31; kjv@Matthew:19:7; kjv@Luke:16:18; kjv@1Corinthians:7:27 Marriage, HOME (O) FAMILY JOYS, causes contributing to Conjugal love- kjv@Genesis:24:67 Birth of children- kjv@Genesis:21:6 Presence of children in the home- kjv@Job:29:5; kjv@Psalms:127:4,5 Blessings of wifehood and motherhood- kjv@Proverbs:31:28 Possession of a home- kjv@Micah:4:4 Maternal and paternal love.

(1) General References to Joshua establishes religion in his home- kjv@Joshua:24:15 Job:sanctifies his children- kjv@Job:1:5 The healed demoniac told to go home and witness for Christ- kjv@Luke:8:39 Mary sits at Jesus' feet in her home- kjv@Luke:10:39 Andrew leads his brother to Christ- kjv@John:1:41 The entire family of the nobleman accept Christ- kjv@John:4:53 Lydia and her household converted- kjv@Acts:16:15 The Philippian jailer and his family are baptized- kjv@Acts:16:33 Home, the best place to show piety- kjv@1Timothy:5:4

(2) Devout Fathers, examples of Abraham exerts a spiritual influence upon his family- kjv@Genesis:18:19 Isaac blesses his son- kjv@Genesis:27:26,27 Jacob commands his household to put away idols- kjv@Genesis:35:2 Manoah prays for instruction in regard to his coming child- kjv@Judges:13:8 David gives godly advice to his son, Solomon- 1Kings:2:14 Zacharias, the godly father of John the Baptist kjv@Luke:1:67 Cornelius, the head of a religious household- kjv@Acts:10:2

(3) Devout Mothers Sarah kjv@Genesis:21:6 Hannah kjv@1Samuel:1:22 Elizabeth kjv@Luke:1:41 Mary kjv@Luke:1:46 Eunice kjv@2Timothy:1:5

(4) Parental Prayers Abraham, for Ishmael- kjv@Genesis:17:18 David, for the life of his child- kjv@2Samuel:12:16 David, for Solomon- kjv@1Chronicles:29:19 Job, for his children- kjv@Job:1:5 The father, for the demoniac- kjv@Matthew:17:15 The Syrophenician mother- kjv@Mark:7:26 (Q) PLEASANT SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Bible Stories for Children Who Made the World- Genesis:1:125 The Woman who exchanged her Home and all she had for an Apple Genesis:3:16 The voyage of the Big Boat Genesis:6:14-22; 7:124 The Boy who lost his Home by mocking Genesis:21:920 The Young Man whom an Angel Saved Genesis:22:113 The Young Man who traded his Inheritance for a dish of Pottage Genesis:25:2934 The Beautiful Coat Genesis:37:134 The Boy Captive who became prime minister Genesis:37:13-36; 39:20-23; 41:1-44 The Baby's Cry that won his way to a palace- Exodus:2:110 A fit of Anger that cost a good Man his Life Numbers:20:10-12; Deuteronomy:3:2326 How Snake bites were Healed Numbers:21:49 The Woman who used a Red Cord to save her Life Joshua:2:1-24; 6:2224 The Man who could not keep his Hands from Beautiful things Joshua:7:2026 A Band that captured a City by marching around it thirteen times Joshua:6:1-20 Gideon's Fleece- Judges:6:3640 The Man who won a Battle with Pitchers and Lights Judges:7:1522 The King of the Forest Judges:9:715 The Young Man who became a Slave by having his hair cut Judges:16:1-31 The Boy who could hear God's Voice- 1Samuel:3:121 The Men of curiosity who looked into a Sacred Chest and Lost their Lives kjv@1Samuel:6:19 The Young Farmer who went out seeking Donkeys and found a Crown- 1Samuel:9:1-27; target="9;9;1-27">1Samuel:10:1 The Anointing of the Young Shepherd- 1Samuel:16:114 David the Giant Killer 1Samuel:17:158 Fast Friends 1Samuel:18:14 The Boy Helper 1Samuel:20:2140 The Lame Prince kjv@2Samuel:4:4; 9:113 The Killing of the Pet Lamb 2Samuel:12:16 The Handsome Prince Caught in a Tree kjv@2Samuel:18:9 The Prophet fed by the Birds- 1Kings:17:16 The Food that never grew Less 1Kings:17:1016 The Chariot of Fire 2Kings:2:911 The Man who used a Cloak to get through a River kjv@2Kings:2:13,14 The Minister's Boys who were saved from Slavery- 2Kings:4:1-7 A Race for a little Boy's Life- 2Kings:4:18-36 The Captive Girl who returned good for Evil and Saved a Man's Life- 2Kings:5:215 The Borrowed Axe that floated 2Kings:6:17 The Boy King who was hid 2Kings:11:112 The Choir that won a battle by Singing 2Chronicles:20:2024 The most Wonderful House in the world Ecclesiastes:12:27 An Eating and Drinking Contest won by four Temperance Young Men Daniel:1:315 Three Young Men who would not Bend, Budge, or Burn Daniel:3:130 The Man the Lions would not eat Daniel:6:122 Three Fish Stories Jonah:1:1-17; 2:1-10; Luke:5:4-8; John:21:4-11 The Star that led to the Baby's Cradle- Matthew:2:111 The Woman who Prayed with her finger Matthew:9:2022 Five girls Locked out in the cold Matthew:25:113 The Lost Boy who was found in the Church Luke:2:40-52 Mr. Selfishness, Mr. Curiosity, Mr. Kindhearted Luke:10:3037 The Men who were invited to a Feast Luke:14:16-24 Nine Men who forgot to say "Thank You"- Luke:17:1219 The Boy who ran away from Home Luke:15:11-24 Thirtyeight years beside a Pool and never a Chance to get in John:5:19 The Boy whose lunch fed 5000 Men John:6:513 The Fatal Lie Acts:5:110 The Song that opened the Jail Doors Acts:16:1628 Shaking off Vipers Acts:28:1-6

HOME DUTIES @ kjv@Mark:5:19; kjv@1Timothy:5:4
SEE 1626 & HOME & HOME

HOMELESS @ kjv@Job:24:8; kjv@Lamentations:4:5; kjv@Luke:9:58; kjv@1Corinthians:4:11

HOMER @ the largest dry measure- kjv@Leviticus:27:16; kjv@Numbers:11:32; kjv@Isaiah:5:10; kjv@Ezekiel:45:11 Tables, 3534


H1004 <STRHEB>@ בּית bayith bah'-yith Probably from H1129 abbreviated; a house (in the greatest variation of {applications} especially {family} etc.): - {court} {daughter} {door} + {dungeon} {family} + forth {of} X great as would {contain} hangings. {home[born]} [winter]house ({-hold}) {inside(-ward}) {palace} {place} + {prison} + {steward} + {tablet} {temple} {web} + within (-out).

H168 <STRHEB>@ אהל 'ôhel o'-hel From H166; a tent (as clearly conspicuous from a distance): - {covering} (dwelling) ({place}) {home} {tabernacle} tent.

H2527 <STRHEB>@ חם chôm khome From H2552; heat: - {heat} to be hot (warm).

H2563 <STRHEB>@ חמר chômer kho'-mer From H2560; properly a bubbling {up} that {is} of {water} a wave; of {earth} mire or clay (cement); also a heap; hence a chomer or dry measure: - {clay} {heap} {homer} {mire} {motion} mortar.

H249 <STRHEB>@ אזרח 'ezrâch ez-rawkh' From H2224 (in the sense of springing up); a spontaneous {growth} that {is} native (tree or persons): - bay {tree} (home-) born (in the {land}) of the (one´ s own) country (nation).

H3211 <STRHEB>@ יליד yâlîyd yaw-leed' From H3205; born: - ([home-]) {born} {child} son.

H3490 <STRHEB>@ יתום yâthôm yaw-thome' From an unused root meaning to be lonely; a bereaved person: - fatherless ({child}) orphan.

H3963 <STRHEB>@ לתך lethek leh'-thek From an unused root of uncertain meaning; a measure for things dry: - half homer.

H4494 <STRHEB>@ מנוח mânôach maw-no'-akh From H5117; {quiet} that {is} (concretely) a settled {spot} or (figuratively) a home: - (place of) rest.

H4583 <STRHEB>@ מעין מעוןo mâ‛ôn mâ‛îyn {maw-ohn'} maw-een' From the same as H5772; an {abode} of God (the Tabernacle or the {Temple}) men (their home) or animals (their lair); hence a retreat (asylum): - {den} dwelling ([-]) {place}) habitation.

H4725 <STRHEB>@ מקמה מקומה מקם מקום mâqôm mâqôm meqômâh meqômâh (1,2) {maw-kome'} (3,4) mek-o-mah' From H6965; properly a {standing} that {is} a spot; but used widely of a locality (generally or specifically); also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind): - {country} X {home} X {open} {place} {room} {space} X whither [-soever].

H4998 <STRHEB>@ נאה nâ'âh naw-aw' A primitive root; properly to be at {home} that {is} (by implication) to be pleasant (or {suitable}) that {is} beautiful: - be {beautiful} {become} be comely.

H4999 <STRHEB>@ נאה nâ'âh naw-aw' From H4998; a home; figuratively a pasture: - {habitation} {house} {pasture} pleasant place.

H5115 <STRHEB>@ נוה nâvâh naw-vaw' A primitive root; to rest (as at home); causatively (through the implied idea of beauty (compare {H5116)}) to celebrate (with praises): - keep at {home} prepare an habitation.

H5116 <STRHEB>@ נוה נוה nâveh nâvâh {naw-veh'} naw-vaw' From H5115; (adjective) at home; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely; also (noun) a {home} of God ({temple}) men ({residence}) flocks ({pasture}) or wild animals (den): - {comely} dwelling ({place}) {fold} {habitation} pleasant {place} {sheepcote} {stable} tarried.

H5731 <STRHEB>@ עדן ‛êden ay'-den The same as H5730 (masculine); {Eden} the region of Adam´ s home: - Eden.

H6619 <STRHEB>@ פּתם pithôm pee-thome' Of Egyptian derivation; {Pithom} a place in Egypt: - Pithom.

H674 <STRHEB>@ אפּתם 'appethôm ap-pe-thome' (Chaldee); of Persian origin; revenue; others at the last: - revenue.

H7725 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּב shûb shoob A primitive root; to turn back ({hence} away) transitively or {intransitively} literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbially again: - ({[break} {build} {circumcise} {dig} do {anything} do {evil} {feed} lay {down} lie {down} {lodge} {make} {rejoice} {send} {take} weep]) X {again} (cause to) answer (+ {again}) X in any case ({wise}) X at {all} {averse} bring ({again} {back} home {again}) call [to {mind]} carry again ({back}) {cease} X {certainly} come again (back) X {consider} + {continually} {convert} deliver ({again}) + {deny} draw {back} fetch home {again} X {fro} get [oneself] (back) {again} X give ({again}) go again ({back} {home}) [go] {out} {hinder} {let} [see] {more} X {needs} be {past} X {pay} {pervert} pull in {again} put ({again} up {again}) {recall} {recompense} {recover} {refresh} {relieve} render ({again}) X {repent} {requite} {rescue} {restore} {retrieve} (cause {to} make to) {return} {reverse} {reward} + say {nay} send {back} set {again} slide {back} {still} X {surely} take back ({off}) (cause {to} make to) turn ({again} self {again} {away} {back} back {again} {backward} {from} {off}) withdraw.

H7763 <STRHEB>@ שׁמר שׁומר shômêr shômêr {sho-mare'} sho-mare' Active participle of H8104; keeper; {Shomer} the name of two Israelites: - Shomer.

H8032 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁם שׁלשׁום shilshôm shilshôm {shil-shome'} shil-shome' From the same as H8028; {trebly} that {is} (in time) day before yesterday: - + before (that {time} {-time}) excellent things [from the {margin]} + {heretofore} three {days} + time past.

H8111 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרון shômerôn sho-mer-one' From the active participle of H8104; watch station; {Shomeron} a place in Palestine: - Samaria.

H8118 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shômerônîy sho-mer-o-nee' Patrial from H8111; a Shomeronite (collectively) or inhabitant of Shomeron: - Samaritans.

H8415 <STRHEB>@ תּהם תּהום tehôm tehôm {teh-home'} teh-home' (Usually feminine) from H1949; an abyss (as a surging mass of {water}) especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water supply): - deep ({place}) depth.

G1736 <STRGRK>@ ἐνδημέω endēmeō en-day-meh'-o From a compound of G1722 and G1218; to be in one´ s own country that is home (figuratively): - be at home (present).

G1927 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιδημέω epidēmeō ep-ee-day-meh'-o From a compound of G1909 and G1218; to make oneself at home that is (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country): - [be] dwelling (which were) there stranger.

G2398 <STRGRK>@ ἴδιος idios id'-ee-os Of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self that is one's own; by implication private or separate: - X his acquaintance when they were alone apart aside due his (own proper several) home (her our thine your) own (business) private (-ly) proper severally their (own).

G3614 <STRGRK>@ οἰκία oikia oy-kee'-ah From G3624; properly residence (abstractly) but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics): - home house (-hold).

G3624 <STRGRK>@ οἶκος oikos oy'-kos Of uncertain affinity; a dwelling (more or less extensive literally or figuratively); by implication a family (more or less related literally or figuratively): - home house (-hold) temple.

G3626 <STRGRK>@ οἰκουρός oikouros oy-koo-ros' From G3624 and οὖρος ouros (a guard; be ware); a stayer at home that is domestically inclined (a good housekeeper): - keeper at home.

G3801 <STRGRK>@ ὁ ὢν ὁ ἦν ὁ ἐρχόμενος ho ōn ho ēn ho erchomenos ho own ho ane ho er-khom'-enos A phrase combining G3588 with the present participle and imperfect of G1510 and the present participle of G2064 by means of G2532; the one being and the one that was and the one coming that is the Eternal as a divine epithet of Christ. (Each and (G2532) was ommited from the phrase because of limited space.): - which art (is was) and (which) wast (is was) and art (is) to come (shalt be).

G3941 <STRGRK>@ πάροικος paroikos par'-oy-kos From G3844 and G3624; having a home near that is (as noun) a by-dweller (alien resident): - foreigner sojourn stranger.

G3968 <STRGRK>@ πατρίς patris pat-rece' From G3962; a father land that is native town; (figuratively) heavenly home: - (own) country.

G387 <STRGRK>@ ἀναστατόω anastatoō an-as-tat-o'-o From a derivative of G450 (in the sense of removal); properly to drive out of home that is (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): - trouble turn upside down make an uproar.

G4540 <STRGRK>@ Σαμάρεια Samareia sam-ar'-i-ah Of Hebrew origin [H8111]; Samaria (that is Shomeron) a city and region of Palestine: - Samaria.

G4634 <STRGRK>@ σκηνοπηγία skēnopēgia skay-nop-ayg-ee'-ah From G4636 and G4078; the Festival of Tabernacles (so called from the custom of erecting booths for temporary homes): - tabernacles.

G4675 <STRGRK>@ σοῦ sou soo Genitive case of G4771; of thee thy: - X home thee thine (own) thou thy.

G4898 <STRGRK>@ συνέκδημος sunekdēmos soon-ek'-day-mos From G4862 and the base of G1553; a co-absentee from home that is fellow traveller: - companion in travel travel with.

G5117 <STRGRK>@ τόπος topos top'-os Apparently a primary word; a spot (generally in space but limited by occupancy; whereas G5561 is a larger but particular locality) that is location (as a position home tract etc.); figuratively condition opportunity; specifically a scabbard: - coast licence place X plain quarter + rock room where.

G600 <STRGRK>@ ἀποκαθίστημι apokathistēmi ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee From G575 and G2525; to reconstitute (in health home or organization): - restore (again).

G790 <STRGRK>@ ἀστατέω astateō as-tat-eh'-o From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G2476; to be non stationary that is (figuratively) homeless: - have no certain dwelling-place.