
Dict: all - idol



IDOL - I>@ - An image or anything used as an object of worship in place of the true God. Among the earliest objects of worship, regarded as symbols of deity, were the meteoric stones,which the ancients believed to have been images of the Gods sent down from heaven. From these they transferred their regard to rough unhewn blocks, to stone columns or pillars of wood, in which the divinity worshipped was supposed to dwell, and which were connected, like the sacred stone at Delphi, by being anointed with oil and crowned with wool on solemn days. Of the forms assumed by the idolatrous images we have not many traces in the Bible. Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistines, was a human figure terminating in a fish; and that the Syrian deities were represented in later times in a symbolical human shape we know for certainty. When the process of adorning the image was completed, it was placed in a temple or shrine appointed for it. Epist. kjv@Jeremiah:12:1; kjv@Jeremiah:19:1) ... Wisd. 13:15; ( kjv@1Corinthians:18:10) From these temples the idols were sometimes carried in procession, Epist. kjv@Jeremiah:4:26) on festival days. Their priests were maintained from the idol treasury, and feasted upon the meats which were appointed for the idols’ use. Bel and the Dragon 3,13.

IDOLATRY - I>@ - strictly speaking denotes the worship of deity in a visible form, whether the images to which homage is paid are symbolical representations of the true God or of the false divinities which have been made the objects of worship in his stead. I. History of idolatry among the Jews.
The first undoubted allusion to idolatry or idolatrous customs in the Bible is in the account of Rachel’s stealing her father’s teraphim. kjv@Genesis:31:19) During their long residence in Egypt the Israelites defiled themselves with the idols of the land, and it was long before the taint was removed. kjv@Joshua:24:14; kjv@Ezekiel:20:7) In the wilderness they clamored for some visible shape in which they might worship the God who had brought them out of Egypt. kjv@Exodus:32:1) ... until Aaron made the calf, the embodiment of Apis and emblem of the productive power of nature. During the lives of Joshua and the elders who outlived him they kept true to their allegiance; but the generation following who knew not Jehovah nor the works he had done for Israel, swerved from the plain path of their fathers and were caught in the toils of the foreigner. kjv@Judges:2:1) ... From this time forth their history becomes little more than a chronicle of the inevitable sequence of offence and punishment. kjv@Judges:2:12-14) By turns each conquering nation strove to establish the worship of its national God. In later times the practice of secret idolatry was carried to greater lengths. Images were set up on the corn-floors, in the wine-vats, and behind the doors of private houses, kjv@Isaiah:57:8; kjv@Hosea:9:1-2) and to check this tendency the statute in (27:15) was originally promulgated. Under Samuel’s administration idolatry was publicly renounced, ( kjv@1Samuel:7:3-6) but in the reign of Solomon all this was forgotten, even Solomon’s own heart being turned after other gods. (Kings:11:14) Rehoboam perpetuated the worst features of Solomon’s idolatry. (Kings:14:22-24) erected golden calves at Beth-el and at Dan, and by this crafty state’ policy severed forever the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. (Kings:12:26-33) The successors of Jeroboam followed in his steps, till Ahab. The conquest of the ten tribes by Shalmaneser was for them the last scene Of the drama of abominations which had been enacted uninterruptedly for upwards of 250 years. Under Hezekiah a great reform was inaugurated, that was not confined to Judah and Benjamin, but spread throughout Ephraim and Manasseh. ( kjv@2Chronicles:31:1) and to all external appearances idolatry was extirpated. But the reform extended little below the surface. kjv@Isaiah:29:13) With the death of Josiah ended the last effort to revive among the people a purer ritual. If not a purer faith. The lamp of David, which had long shed but a struggling ray, flickered for a while and then went out in the darkness of Babylonian Captivity. Though the conquests of Alexander caused Greek influence to be felt, yet after the captivity better condition of things prevailed, and the Jews never again fell into idolatry. The erection of synagogues had been assigned as a reason for the comparative purity of the Jewish worship after the captivity, while another cause has been discovered in the hatred for images acquired by the Jews in their intercourse with the Persians. II. Objects of idolatry .
The sun and moon were early selected as outward symbols of all-pervading power, and the worship of the heavenly bodies was not only the most ancient but the most prevalent system of idolatry. Taking its rise in the plains of Chaldea, it spread through Egypt, Greece, Scythia, and even Mexico and Ceylon. Comp. (4:19; 17:3; kjv@Job:31:20-28) In the later times of the monarchy, the planets or the zodiacal signs received, next to the sun and moon, their share of popular adoration. ( kjv@2Kings:23:5) Beast-worship, as exemplified in the calves of Jeroboam, has already been alluded to of pure hero-worship among the Semitic races we find no trace. The singular reverence with which trees have been honored is not without example in the history of the Hebrew. The terebinth (oak) at Mamre, beneath which Abraham built an altar, kjv@Genesis:12:7 kjv@Genesis:13:18) and the memorial grove planted by him at Beersheba, kjv@Genesis:21:33) were intimately connected with patriarchal worship. Mountains and high places were chosen spots for offering sacrifice and incense to idols, (Kings:11:7; 14:23) and the retirement of gardens and the thick shade of woods offered great attractions to their worshippers. ( kjv@2Kings:16:4; kjv@Isaiah:1:29; kjv@Hosea:4:13) The host of heaven was worshipped on the house-top. ( kjv@2Kings:23:12; kjv@Jeremiah:19:3 kjv@Jeremiah:32:29; kjv@Zephaniah:1:5) (The modern objects of idolatry are less gross than the ancient, but are none the less idols. Whatever of wealth or honor or pleasure is loved and sought before God and righteousness becomes an object of idolatry.
ED.) III. Punishment of idolatry .
Idolatry to an Israelite was a state offence, ( kjv@1Samuel:15:23) a political crime of the greatest character, high treason against the majesty of his king. The first and second commandments are directed against idolatry of every form. Individuals and communities were equally amenable to the rigorous code. The individual offender was devoted to destruction, kjv@Exodus:22:20) his nearest relatives were not only bound to denounce him and deliver him up to punishment, (13:2-10) but their hands were to strike the first blow, when, on the evidence of two witnesses at least, he was stoned. (17:2-5) To attempt to seduce others to false worship was a crime of equal enormity. (13:6-10) IV. Attractions of idolatry .
Many have wondered why the Israelites were so easily led away from the true God, into the worship of idols.

(1) Visible, outward signs, with shows, pageants, parades, have an attraction to the natural heart, which often fail to perceive the unseen spiritual realities.

(2) But the greatest attraction seems to have been in licentious revelries and obscene orgies with which the worship of the Oriental idols was observed. This worship, appealing to every sensual passion, joined with the attractions of wealth and fashion and luxury, naturally was a great temptation to a simple, restrained, agricultural people, whose worship and law demands the greatest purity of heart and of life.


Idol @

(1.) Heb. aven, "nothingness;" "vanity" kjv@Isaiah:66:3 kjv@Isaiah:41:29; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:21; kjvKings:16:13; kjv@Psalms:31:6; kjv@Jeremiah:8:19, etc.).

(2.) 'Elil, "a thing of naught" kjv@Psalms:97:7; kjv@Isaiah:19:3); a word of contempt, used of the gods of Noph kjv@Ezekiel:30:13).

(3.) 'Emah, "terror," in allusion to the hideous form of idols kjv@Jeremiah:50:38).

(4.) Miphletzeth, "a fright;" "horror" (kjvKings:15:13; kjv@2Chronicals:15:16).

(5.) Bosheth, "shame;" "shameful thing" kjv@Jeremiah:11:13; kjv@Hosea:9:10); as characterizing the obscenity of the worship of Baal.

(6.) Gillulim, also a word of contempt, "dung;" "refuse" kjv@Ezekiel:16:36 kjv@Ezekiel:20:8; kjv@Deuteronomy:29:17, marg.).

(7.) Shikkuts, "filth;" "impurity" kjv@Ezekiel:37:23; kjv@Nahum:3:6).

(8.) Semel, "likeness;" "a carved image" kjv@Deuteronomy:4:16).

(9.) Tselem, "a shadow" kjv@Daniel:3:1; kjv@1Samuel:6:5), as distinguished from the "likeness," or the exact counterpart.

(10.) Temunah, "similitude" kjv@Deuteronomy:4:12-19). Here Moses forbids the several forms of Gentile idolatry.

(11.) 'Atsab, "a figure;" from the root "to fashion," "to labour;" denoting that idols are the result of man's labour kjv@Isaiah:48:5; kjv@Psalms:139:24, "wicked way;" literally, as some translate, "way of an idol").

(12.) Tsir, "a form;" "shape" kjv@Isaiah:45:16).

(13.) Matztzebah, a "statue" set up kjv@Jeremiah:43:13); a memorial stone like that erected by Jacob kjv@Genesis:28:18 kjv@Genesis:31:45 kjv@Genesis:35:14 ,20), by Joshua (4:9), and by Samuel ( kjv@1Samuel:7:12). It is the name given to the statues of Baal ( kjv@2Kings:3:2 kjv@2Kings:10:27).

(14.) Hammanim, "sun-images." Hamman is a synonym of Baal, the sun-god of the Phoenicians ( kjv@2Chronicals:34:4 kjv@2Chronicals:34:7 kjv@2Chronicals:14:3-5; kjv@Isaiah:17:8).

(15.) Maskith, "device" kjv@Leviticus:26:1; kjv@Numbers:33:52). In kjv@Leviticus:26:1, the words "image of stone" (A.V.) denote "a stone or cippus with the image of an idol, as Baal, Astarte, etc." In kjv@Ezekiel:8:12, "chambers of imagery" (maskith), are "chambers of which the walls are painted with the figures of idols;" comp. ver. 10, 11.

(16.) Pesel, "a graven" or "carved image" kjv@Isaiah:44:10-20). It denotes also a figure cast in metal kjv@Deuteronomy:7:25 kjv@Deuteronomy:27:15; kjv@Isaiah:40:19 kjv@Isaiah:44:10).

(17.) Massekah, "a molten image" kjv@Deuteronomy:9:12; kjv@Judges:17:3-4).

(18.) Teraphim, pl., "images," family gods (penates) worshipped by Abram's kindred kjv@Joshua:24:14). Put by Michal in David's bed kjv@Judges:17:5 kjv@Judges:18:14 kjv@Judges:18:17, 18, 20; kjv@1Samuel:19:13). "Nothing can be more instructive and significant than this multiplicity and variety of words designating the instruments and inventions of idolatry."

Idolatry @ image-worship or divine honour paid to any created object. Paul describes the origin of idolatry in kjv@Romans:1:21-25: men forsook God, and sank into ignorance and moral corruption (1:28). The forms of idolatry are,

(1.) Fetishism, or the worship of trees, rivers, hills, stones, etc.

(2.) Nature worship, the worship of the sun, moon, and stars, as the supposed powers of nature.

(3.) Hero worship, the worship of deceased ancestors, or of heroes. In Scripture, idolatry is regarded as of heathen origin, and as being imported among the Hebrews through contact with heathen nations. The first allusion to idolatry is in the account of Rachel stealing her father's teraphim kjv@Genesis:31:19), which were the relics of the worship of other gods by Laban's progenitors "on the other side of the river in old time" kjv@Joshua:24:2). During their long residence in Egypt the Hebrews fell into idolatry, and it was long before they were delivered from it kjv@Joshua:24:14; kjv@Ezekiel:20:7). Many a token of God's displeasure fell upon them because of this sin. The idolatry learned in Egypt was probably rooted out from among the people during the forty years' wanderings; but when the Jews entered Palestine, they came into contact with the monuments and associations of the idolatry of the old Canaanitish races, and showed a constant tendency to depart from the living God and follow the idolatrous practices of those heathen nations. It was their great national sin, which was only effectually rebuked by the Babylonian exile. That exile finally purified the Jews of all idolatrous tendencies. The first and second commandments are directed against idolatry of every form. Individuals and communities were equally amenable to the rigorous code. The individual offender was devoted to destruction kjv@Exodus:22:20). His nearest relatives were not only bound to denounce him and deliver him up to punishment kjv@Deuteronomy:13:20-10), but their hands were to strike the first blow when, on the evidence of two witnesses at least, he was stoned kjv@Deuteronomy:17:2-7). To attempt to seduce others to false worship was a crime of equal enormity (13:6-10). An idolatrous nation shared the same fate. No facts are more strongly declared in the Old Testament than that the extermination of the Canaanites was the punishment of their idolatry kjv@Exodus:34:15-16; kjv@Deuteronomy:7; 12:29-31; 20:17), and that the calamities of the Israelites were due to the same cause kjv@Jeremiah:2:17). "A city guilty of idolatry was looked upon as a cancer in the state; it was considered to be in rebellion, and treated according to the laws of war. Its inhabitants and all their cattle were put to death." Jehovah was the theocratic King of Israel, the civil Head of the commonwealth, and therefore to an Israelite idolatry was a state offence ( kjv@1Samuel:15:23), high treason. On taking possession of the land, the Jews were commanded to destroy all traces of every kind of the existing idolatry of the Canaanites kjv@Exodus:23:24 kjv@Exodus:23:32 kjv@Exodus:34:13; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:25 kjv@Deuteronomy:12:1-3). In the New Testament the term idolatry is used to designate covetousness kjv@Matthew:6:24; kjv@Luke:16:13; kjv@Colossians:3:5; kjv@Ephesians:5:5).



Idolatry @ Forbidden kjv@Exodus:20:2 kjv@Exodus:20:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:7
Consists in
Bowing down to images kjv@Exodus:20:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:9
Worshipping images kjv@Isaiah:44:17 kjv@Daniel:3:5 kjv@Daniel:3:10 kjv@Daniel:3:15
Sacrificing to images kjv@Psalms:106:38 kjv@Acts:7:41
Worshipping other gods kjv@Deuteronomy:30:17 kjv@Psalms:81:9
Swearing by other gods kjv@Exodus:23:13 kjv@Joshua:23:7
Walking after other gods kjv@Deuteronomy:8:19
Speaking in the name of other gods kjv@Deuteronomy:18:20
Looking to other gods kjv@Hosea:3:1
Serving other gods kjv@Deuteronomy:7:4 kjv@Jeremiah:5:19
Fearing other gods kjv@2Kings:17:35
Sacrificing to other gods kjv@Exodus:22:20
Worshipping the true God by an image, &:c kjv@Exodus:32:4-6 kjv@Psalms:106:19 kjv@Psalms:106:20
Worshipping angels kjv@Colossians:2:18
Worshipping the host of heaven kjv@Deuteronomy:4:19 kjv@Deuteronomy:17:3
Worshipping demons kjv@Matthew:4:9-10 kjv@Revelation:9:20
Worshipping dead men kjv@Psalms:106:28
Setting up idols in the heart kjv@Ezekiel:14:3 kjv@Ezekiel:14:4
Covetousness kjv@Ephesians:5:5 kjv@Colossians:3:5
Sensuality kjv@Philippians:3:19
Is changing the glory of God into an image kjv@Romans:1:23 kjv@Acts:17:29
Is changing the truth of God into a lie kjv@Romans:1:25 kjv@Isaiah:44:20
Is a work of the flesh kjv@Galatians:5:19 kjv@Galatians:5:20
Incompatible with the service of God kjv@Genesis:35:2 kjv@Genesis:35:3 kjv@Joshua:24:23 kjv@1Samuel:7:3 kjv@1Kings:18:21 kjv@2Corinthians:6:15 kjv@2Corinthians:6:16
Described as
An abomination to God kjv@Deuteronomy:7:25
Hateful to God kjv@Deuteronomy:16:22 kjv@Jeremiah:44:4
Vain and foolish kjv@Psalms:115:4-8 kjv@Isaiah:44:19 kjv@Jeremiah:10:3
Bloody kjv@Ezekiel:23:39
Abominable kjv@1Peter:4:3
Unprofitable kjv@Judges:10:14 kjv@Isaiah:46:7
Irrational kjv@Acts:17:29 kjv@Romans:1:21-23
Defiling kjv@Ezekiel:20:7 kjv@Ezekiel:36:18
They who practise
Forget God kjv@Deuteronomy:8:19 kjv@Jeremiah:18:15
Go astray from God kjv@Ezekiel:44:10
Pollute the name of God kjv@Ezekiel:20:39
Defile the sanctuary of God kjv@Ezekiel:5:11
Are estranged from God kjv@Ezekiel:14:5
Forsake God kjv@2Kings:22:17 kjv@Jeremiah:16:11
Hate God kjv@2Chronicles:19:2 kjv@2Chronicles:19:3
Provoke God kjv@Deuteronomy:31:20 kjv@Isaiah:65:3 kjv@Jeremiah:25:6
Are vain in their imaginations kjv@Romans:1:21
Are ignorant and foolish kjv@Romans:1:21 kjv@Romans:1:22
Inflame themselves kjv@Isaiah:57:5
Hold fast their deceit kjv@Jeremiah:8:5
Carried away by it kjv@1Corinthians:12:2
Go after it in heart kjv@Ezekiel:20:16
Are mad upon it kjv@Jeremiah:50:38
Boast of it kjv@Psalms:97:7
Have fellowship with devils kjv@Hosea:4:12
Ask counsel of their idols kjv@Hosea:4:12
Look to idols for deliverance kjv@Isaiah:44:17 kjv@Isaiah:45:20
Swear by their idols kjv@Amos:8:14
Objects of, numerous kjv@1Corinthians:8:5
Objects of described as
Strange gods kjv@Genesis:35:2 kjv@Genesis:35:4 kjv@Joshua:24:20
Other gods kjv@Judges:2:12 kjv@Judges:2:17 kjv@1Kings:14:9
New gods kjv@Deuteronomy:32:17 kjv@Judges:5:8
Gods that cannot save kjv@Isaiah:45:20
Gods that have not made the heavens kjv@Jeremiah:10:11
No gods kjv@Jeremiah:5:7 kjv@Galatians:4:8
Molten gods kjv@Exodus:34:17 kjv@Leviticus:19:4
Molten images kjv@Deuteronomy:27:15 kjv@Habakkuk:2:18
Graven images kjv@Isaiah:45:20 kjv@Hosea:11:2
Senseless idols kjv@Deuteronomy:4:28 kjv@Psalms:115:5 kjv@Psalms:115:7
Dumb idols kjv@Habakkuk:2:18
Dumb Stones kjv@Habakkuk:2:19
Stocks kjv@Jeremiah:3:9 kjv@Hosea:4:12
Abominations kjv@Isaiah:44:19 kjv@Jeremiah:32:34
Images of abomination kjv@Ezekiel:7:20
Idols of abomination kjv@Ezekiel:16:36
Stumbling blocks kjv@Ezekiel:14:3
Teachers of lies kjv@Habakkuk:2:18
Wind and confusion kjv@Isaiah:41:29
Nothing kjv@Isaiah:41:24 kjv@1Corinthians:8:4
Helpless kjv@Jeremiah:10:5
Vanity kjv@Jeremiah:18:15
Vanities of the Gentiles kjv@Jeremiah:14:22
Making idols for the purpose of, described and ridiculed kjv@Isaiah:44:10-20
Obstinate sinners judicially given up to kjv@Deuteronomy:4:28 kjv@Deuteronomy:28:64 kjv@Hosea:4:17
Warnings against kjv@Deuteronomy:4:15-19
Exhortations to turn from kjv@Ezekiel:14:6 kjv@Ezekiel:20:7 kjv@Acts:14:15
Renounced on conversion kjv@1Thessalonians:1:9
Led to abominable sins kjv@Romans:1:26-32 kjv@Acts:15:20
Saints should
Keep from kjv@Joshua:23:7 kjv@1John:5:21
Flee from kjv@1Corinthians:10:14
Not have anything connected with in their houses kjv@Deuteronomy:7:26
Not partake of any thing connected with kjv@1Corinthians:10:19 kjv@1Corinthians:10:20
Not have religious intercourse with those who practise kjv@Joshua:23:7 kjv@1Corinthians:5:11
Not covenant with those who practise kjv@Exodus:34:12 kjv@Exodus:34:15 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:2
Not intermarry with those who practise kjv@Exodus:34:16 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3
Testify against kjv@Acts:14:15 kjv@Acts:19:26
Refuse to engage in, though threatened with death kjv@Daniel:3:18
Saints preserved by God from kjv@1Kings:19:18 kjv@Romans:11:4
Saints refuse to receive the worship of kjv@Acts:10:25 kjv@Acts:10:26 kjv@Acts:14:11-15
Angels refuse to receive the worship of kjv@Revelation:22:8 kjv@Revelation:22:9
Destruction of, promised kjv@Ezekiel:36:25 kjv@Zechariah:13:2
Everything connected with, should be destroyed kjv@Exodus:34:13 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:5 kjv@2Samuel:5:21 kjv@2Kings:23:14
Woe denounced against kjv@Habakkuk:2:19
Curse denounced against kjv@Deuteronomy:27:15
Punishment of
Judicial death kjv@Deuteronomy:17:2-5
Dreadful judgments which end in death kjv@Jeremiah:8:2 kjv@Jeremiah:16:1-11
Banishment kjv@Jeremiah:8:3 kjv@Hosea:8:5-8 kjv@Amos:5:26 kjv@Amos:5:27
Exclusion from heaven kjv@1Corinthians:6:9 kjv@1Corinthians:6:10 kjv@Ephesians:5:5 kjv@Revelation:22:15
Eternal torments kjv@Revelation:14:9-11 kjv@Revelation:21:8
Israel kjv@Exodus:32:1 kjv@2Kings:17:12
Philistines kjv@Judges:16:23
Micah kjv@Judges:17:4 kjv@Judges:17:5
Jeroboam kjv@1Kings:12:28
Maachah kjv@1Kings:15:13
Ahab kjv@1Kings:16:31
Jezebel kjv@1Kings:18:19
Sennacherib kjv@2Kings:19:37
Manasseh kjv@2Kings:21:4-7
Amon kjv@2Kings:21:21
Ahaz kjv@2Chronicles:28:3
Judah kjv@Jeremiah:11:13
Nebuchadnezzar kjv@Daniel:3:1
Belshazzar kjv@Daniel:5:23
People of Lystra kjv@Acts:14:11 kjv@Acts:14:12
Athenians kjv@Acts:17:16
Ephesians kjv@Acts:19:28
Zeal against
- Exemplified
Asa kjv@1Kings:15:12
Josiah kjv@2Kings:23:5
Jehoshaphat kjv@2Chronicles:17:6
Israel kjv@2Chronicles:31:1
Manasseh kjv@2Chronicles:33:15
All forms of, forbidden by the law of Moses kjv@Exodus:20:4 kjv@Exodus:20:5
All heathen nations given up to kjv@Psalms:96:5 kjv@Romans:1:23 kjv@Romans:1:25 kjv@1Corinthians:12:2
Led the heathen to think that their gods visited the earth in bodily shapes kjv@Acts:14:11
Led the heathen to consider their gods to have but a local influence kjv@1Kings:20:23 kjv@2Kings:17:26
Objects of
The heavenly bodies kjv@2Kings:23:5 kjv@Acts:7:42
Angels kjv@Colossians:2:18
Departed spirits kjv@1Samuel:28:14 kjv@1Samuel:28:15
Earthly creatures kjv@Romans:1:23
Images kjv@Deuteronomy:29:17 kjv@Psalms:115:4 kjv@Isaiah:44:17
Temples built for kjv@Hosea:8:14
Altars raised for kjv@1Kings:18:26 kjv@Hosea:8:11
Accompanied by feasts kjv@2Kings:10:20 kjv@1Corinthians:10:27 kjv@1Corinthians:10:28
Objects of, worshipped
With sacrifices kjv@Numbers:22:40 kjv@2Kings:10:24
With libations kjv@Isaiah:57:6 kjv@Jeremiah:19:13
With incense kjv@Jeremiah:48:35
With prayer kjv@1Kings:18:26 kjv@Isaiah:44:17
With singing and dancing kjv@Exodus:32:18 kjv@Exodus:32:19 kjv@1Kings:18:26 kjv@1Corinthians:10:7
By bowing to them kjv@1Kings:19:18 kjv@2Kings:5:18
By kissing them kjv@1Kings:19:18 kjv@Hosea:13:2
By kissing the hand to them kjv@Job:31:26 kjv@Job:31:27
By cutting the flesh kjv@1Kings:18:28
By burning children kjv@Deuteronomy:12:31 kjv@2Chronicles:33:6 kjv@Jeremiah:19:4 kjv@Jeremiah:19:5 kjv@Ezekiel:16:21
In temples kjv@2Kings:5:18
On high places kjv@Numbers:22:41 kjv@Jeremiah:2:20
In groves kjv@Exodus:34:13
Under trees kjv@Isaiah:57:5 kjv@Jeremiah:2:20
In private houses kjv@Judges:17:4 kjv@Judges:17:5
On the tops of houses kjv@2Kings:23:12 kjv@Zephaniah:1:5
In secret places kjv@Isaiah:57:8
Rites of, obscene and impure kjv@Exodus:32:25 kjv@Numbers:25:1-3 kjv@2Kings:17:9 kjv@Isaiah:57:6 kjv@Isaiah:57:8 kjv@Isaiah:57:9 kjv@1Peter:4:3
Divination connected with kjv@2Chronicles:33:6
Victims sacrificed in, often adorned with garlands kjv@Acts:14:13
Idols, mentioned in Scripture
Adrammelech kjv@2Kings:17:31
Anammelech kjv@2Kings:17:31
Ashima kjv@2Kings:17:30
Ashtoreth kjv@Judges:2:13 kjv@1Kings:11:33
Baal kjv@Judges:2:11-13 kjv@Judges:6:25
Baal-berith kjv@Judges:8:33 kjv@Judges:9:4 kjv@Judges:9:46
Baal-peor kjv@Numbers:25:1-3
Baalzebub kjv@2Kings:1:2 kjv@2Kings:1:16
Baal-zephon kjv@Exodus:14:2
Bel kjv@Jeremiah:50:2 kjv@Jeremiah:51:44
Chemosh kjv@Numbers:21:29 kjv@1Kings:11:33
Chiun kjv@Amos:5:26
Dagon kjv@Judges:16:23 kjv@1Samuel:5:1-3
Diana kjv@Acts:19:24 kjv@Acts:19:27
Huzzab kjv@Nahum:2:7
Jupiter kjv@Acts:14:12
Mercury kjv@Acts:14:12
Molech or Milcom kjv@Leviticus:18:21 kjv@1Kings:11:5 kjv@1Kings:11:33
Merodach kjv@Jeremiah:50:2
Nergal kjv@2Kings:17:30
Nebo kjv@Isaiah:46:1
Nibhaz and Tartak kjv@2Kings:17:31
Nisroch kjv@2Kings:19:37
Queen of heaven kjv@Jeremiah:44:17 kjv@Jeremiah:44:25
Remphan kjv@Acts:7:43
Rimmon kjv@2Kings:5:18
Succothbenoth kjv@2Kings:17:30
Tammuz kjv@Ezekiel:8:14
Objects of, carried in procession kjv@Isaiah:46:7 kjv@Amos:5:26 kjv@Acts:7:43
Early notice of, amongst God's professing people kjv@Genesis:31:19 kjv@Genesis:31:30 kjv@Genesis:35:1-4 kjv@Joshua:24:2
The Jews
Practised, in Egypt kjv@Joshua:24:14 kjv@Ezekiel:23:3 kjv@Ezekiel:23:19
Brought, out of Egypt with them kjv@Ezekiel:23:8 kjv@Acts:7:39-41
Forbidden to practise kjv@Exodus:20:1-5 kjv@Exodus:23:24
Often mixed up, with God's worship kjv@Exodus:32:1-5 kjv@1Kings:12:27 kjv@1Kings:12:28
Followed the Canaanites in kjv@Judges:2:11-13 kjv@1Chronicles:5:25
Followed the Moabites in kjv@Numbers:25:1-3
Followed the Assyrians in kjv@Ezekiel:16:28-30 kjv@Ezekiel:23:5-7
Followed the Syrians in kjv@Judges:10:6
Adopted by Solomon kjv@1Kings:11:5-8
Adopted by the wicked kings kjv@1Kings:21:26 kjv@2Kings:21:21 kjv@2Chronicles:28:2-4 kjv@2Chronicles:33:3 kjv@2Chronicles:33:7
Example of the kings encouraged Israel in kjv@1Kings:12:30 kjv@2Kings:21:11 kjv@2Chronicles:33:9
Great prevalence of, in Israel kjv@Isaiah:2:8 kjv@Jeremiah:2:28 kjv@Ezekiel:8:10
A virtual forsaking of God kjv@Jeremiah:2:9-13
The good kings of Judah endeavoured to destroy kjv@2Chronicles:15:16 kjv@2Chronicles:34:7
Captivity of Israel on account of kjv@2Kings:17:6-18
Captivity of Judah on account of kjv@2Kings:17:19-23



- Manufacture of kjv@Exodus:20:4; kjv@Exodus:32:4 kjv@Exodus:32:20 kjv@Deuteronomy:4:23; kjv@Isaiah:40:19-20; kjv@Isaiah:44:9-12 kjv@Isaiah:44:17 kjv@Habbakkuk:2:18; kjv@Acts:19:24-25
- Manufacture of, forbidden kjv@Exodus:20:4; kjv@Exodus:34:17
- Made of .Gold kjv@Exodus:32:3-4; kjv@Psalms:115:4-7; kjv@Psalms:135:15-17; kjv@Isaiah:2:20; kjv@Isaiah:30:22; kjv@Isaiah:31:7; kjv@Hosea:8:4 .Silver kjv@Isaiah:2:20; kjv@Isaiah:30:22; kjv@Isaiah:31:7; kjv@Hosea:8:4 .Wood and stone kjv@Leviticus:26:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:28; kjv@2Kings:19:18; kjv@Isaiah:37:19; kjv@Isaiah:41:6; kjv@Isaiah:44:13-19; kjv@Ezekiel:20:32
- Coverings of kjv@Isaiah:30:22
- Prayer to, unanswered kjv@1Kings:18:25-29; kjv@Isaiah:16:12
- Things offered to, not to be eaten kjv@Exodus:34:15


- WICKED PRACTICES OF .Human sacrifices kjv@Leviticus:18:21; kjv@Leviticus:20:2-5; kjv@Deuteronomy:12:31; kjv@Deuteronomy:18:10; kjv@2Kings:3:26-27; kjv@2Kings:16:3; kjv@2Kings:17:17-18; kjv@2Kings:21:6; kjv@2Kings:23:10; kjv@2Chronicles:28:3; kjv@2Chronicles:33:6; kjv@Psalms:106:37-38; kjv@Isaiah:57:5; kjv@Jeremiah:7:31; kjv@Jeremiah:19:4-7; kjv@Jeremiah:32:35; kjv@Ezekiel:16:20-21; kjv@Ezekiel:20:26 kjv@Ezekiel:20:31 kjv@Ezekiel:23:37-39; kjv@Micah:6:7 .Practices of, relating to the dead kjv@Deuteronomy:14:1 .Licentiousness of kjv@Exodus:32:6 kjv@Exodus:32:25 kjv@Numbers:25:1-3; kjv@1Kings:14:24; kjv@1Kings:15:12; kjv@2Kings:17:30; kjv@2Kings:23:7; kjv@Ezekiel:16:17; kjv@Ezekiel:23:1-44; kjv@Hosea:4:12-14; kjv@Amos:2:8; kjv@Micah:1:7; kjv@Romans:1:24-26 kjv@Romans:1:27; kjv@1Corinthians:10:7-8; kjv@1Peter:4:3-4; kjv@Revelation:2:14 kjv@Revelation:2:20-22 kjv@Revelation:9:20-21; kjv@Revelation:14:8; kjv@Revelation:17:1-6

- OTHER CUSTOMS OF .Offered burnt offerings kjv@Exodus:32:6; kjv@1Kings:18:26; kjv@Acts:14:13 .Libations kjv@Isaiah:57:6; kjv@Isaiah:65:11; kjv@Jeremiah:7:18; kjv@Jeremiah:19:13; kjv@Jeremiah:44:17 kjv@Jeremiah:44:Jeremiah:32:29; 19, 25; kjv@Ezekiel:20:28 .Libations of wine kjv@Deuteronomy:32:38 .Libations of blood kjv@Psalms:16:4; kjv@Zechariah:9:7 .Meat offerings kjv@Isaiah:57:6; kjv@Jeremiah:7:18; kjv@Jeremiah:44:17; kjv@Ezekiel:16:19 .Peace offerings kjv@Exodus:32:6 .Incense burned on altars kjv@1Kings:12:33; kjv@2Chronicles:30:14; kjv@2Chronicles:34:25; kjv@Isaiah:65:3; kjv@Jeremiah:1:16; kjv@Jeremiah:11:12 kjv@Jeremiah:11:17 kjv@Jeremiah:44:3; kjv@Jeremiah:48:35; kjv@Ezekiel:16:18; kjv@Ezekiel:23:41; kjv@Hosea:11:2 .Prayers to idols kjv@Judges:10:14; kjv@Isaiah:44:17; kjv@Isaiah:45:20; kjv@Isaiah:46:7; kjv@Jonah:1:5 .Praise kjv@Judges:16:24; kjv@Daniel:5:4 .Singing and dancing kjv@Exodus:32:18-19 .Music kjv@Daniel:3:5-7 .Cutting the flesh kjv@1Kings:18:28; kjv@Jeremiah:41:5 .Kissing kjv@1Kings:19:18; kjv@Hosea:13:2; kjv@Job:31:27 .Bowing kjv@1Kings:19:18; kjv@2Kings:5:18 .Tithes and gifts kjv@2Kings:23:11; kjv@Daniel:11:38; kjv@Amos:4:4-5

- ANNUAL FEASTS kjv@Ezekiel:18:6 kjv@Ezekiel:18:11, kjv@1Kings:12:32; 12, 15; kjv@1Kings:22:9; kjv@Daniel:3:2-3

- OBJECTS OF .Sun, moon, and stars kjv@Deuteronomy:4:19; kjv@2Kings:17:16; kjv@2Kings:21:3-5; kjv@2Chronicles:33:3-5; kjv@Job:31:26-28; kjv@Jeremiah:7:17-20; kjv@Jeremiah:8:2; kjv@Ezekiel:8:15-16; kjv@Zephaniah:1:4-5; kjv@Acts:7:42 .Images of angels kjv@Colossians:2:18 .Animals kjv@Romans:1:23 .Gods of Egypt kjv@Exodus:12:12 .Golden calf kjv@Exodus:32:4 .Brazen serpent kjv@2Kings:18:4 .Net and drag kjv@Habbakkuk:1:16 .Pictures kjv@Numbers:33:52; kjv@Isaiah:2:16 .Pictures on walls kjv@Ezekiel:8:10 .Earrings kjv@Genesis:35:4 .

- DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST kjv@Genesis:35:2; kjv@Exodus:20:3-6 kjv@Exodus:20:23 kjv@Exodus:23:13; kjv@Exodus:34:17; kjv@Leviticus:19:4; kjv@Leviticus:26:1-30; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:15-23-25-28; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:16 kjv@Deuteronomy:11:Deuteronomy:5:7-9; 17, 28; kjv@Deuteronomy:12:31; kjv@Deuteronomy:16:21-22; kjv@Deuteronomy:27:15; kjv@Deuteronomy:28:15-68; kjv@Deuteronomy:30:17-18; kjv@Deuteronomy:31:16-21-29; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:15-26; kjv@1Samuel:15:23; kjv@1Kings:9:6-9; kjv@Job:31:26-28; kjv@Psalms:16:4; kjv@Psalms:44:20-21; kjv@Psalms:59:8; kjv@Psalms:79:6; kjv@Psalms:81:9; kjv@Psalms:97:7; kjv@Isaiah:42:17; kjv@Isaiah:45:16; kjv@Joel:3:12; kjv@Jonah:2:8; kjv@Micah:5:15; kjv@Habbakkuk:1:16; kjv@Acts:15:20 kjv@Acts:15:29 kjv@Acts:17:16; kjv@Romans:1:25; kjv@1Corinthians:6:9-10; kjv@1Corinthians:8:1-13; kjv@1Corinthians:10:7 kjv@1Corinthians:10:14, 20-22; kjv@1John:5:21; kjv@Revelation:21:8; kjv@Revelation:22:15 .

- WARNINGS AGAINST, AND PUNISHMENTS OF kjv@Deuteronomy:17:2-5; kjv@2Chronicles:28:23; kjv@Nehemiah:9:27-37; kjv@Psalms:78:58-64; kjv@Psalms:106:34-42; kjv@Isaiah:1:29-31; kjv@Isaiah:2:6-22; kjv@Isaiah:30:22; kjv@Isaiah:57:3-13; kjv@Isaiah:65:3-4; kjv@Jeremiah:1:15-16; kjv@Jeremiah:3:1-11; kjv@Jeremiah:5:1-17; kjv@Jeremiah:8:1 kjv@Jeremiah:8:7 2, 19; kjv@Jeremiah:13:9-27; 16; kjv@Jeremiah:17:1-6; kjv@Jeremiah:18:13-15; 19; kjv@Jeremiah:22:9; kjv@Jeremiah:32:35; 44; kjv@Jeremiah:48:8; kjv@Ezekiel:6; Jeremiah:7:19; kjv@Jeremiah:8:5-18; 9; kjv@Jeremiah:14:1-14; 16; 20; kjv@Jeremiah:22:4; 23; kjv@Jeremiah:44:10-12; kjv@Hosea:1:2; kjv@Hosea:2:2-5; kjv@Hosea:4:12-19; kjv@Hosea:5:1-3; kjv@Hosea:8:5-14; kjv@Hosea:9:10; 10; kjv@Hosea:11:2; kjv@Hosea:12:11-14; kjv@Hosea:13:1-4; kjv@Hosea:14:8; kjv@Amos:3:14; kjv@Amos:4:4-5; kjv@Amos:5:5; kjv@Micah:1:1-9; kjv@Micah:5:12-14; kjv@Micah:6:16; kjv@Zephaniah:1; Malachi:2:11-13

- PROPHECIES RELATING TO kjv@Exodus:12:12; kjv@Numbers:33:4; kjv@Isaiah:2:18-20; kjv@Isaiah:17:7-8; kjv@Isaiah:19:1; kjv@Isaiah:21:9; kjv@Isaiah:27:9; kjv@Isaiah:31:7; kjv@Isaiah:51:44 kjv@Isaiah:51:Jeremiah:10:11 kjv@Jeremiah:10:15 47, 52; kjv@Ezekiel:43:7-9; kjv@Hosea:10:2; kjv@Micah:5:13; kjv@Zephaniah:2:11; kjv@Zechariah:13:2

- FOLLY OF kjv@Exodus:32:20; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:28; kjv@Deuteronomy:32:37-38; kjv@Judges:6:31; kjv@Judges:10:14; kjv@1Samuel:5:3-4; kjv@1Samuel:12:21; kjv@1Kings:18:27; kjv@2Kings:3:13; kjv@2Kings:19:18; kjv@2Chronicles:25:15; kjv@2Chronicles:28:22-23; kjv@Psalms:96:5; kjv@Psalms:115:4 kjv@Psalms:115:Psalms:106:20; 5, 8; kjv@Psalms:135:15-18; kjv@Isaiah:2:8; kjv@Isaiah:16:12; kjv@Isaiah:36:18; kjv@Isaiah:37:19; kjv@Isaiah:41:23 kjv@Isaiah:41:Isaiah:40:12-26; 24, 26-29; kjv@Isaiah:43:9; kjv@Isaiah:44:9-20; kjv@Isaiah:45:20; kjv@Isaiah:46:1-2 kjv@Isaiah:46:6 kjv@Isaiah:46:7; kjv@Isaiah:47:12-15; kjv@Isaiah:57:13; kjv@Jeremiah:2:28; kjv@Jeremiah:10:3-16; kjv@Jeremiah:11:12; kjv@Jeremiah:14:22; kjv@Jeremiah:16:19-20; kjv@Jeremiah:48:13; kjv@Jeremiah:51:17; kjv@Daniel:5:23; kjv@Hosea:8:5-6; kjv@Habbakkuk:2:18-19; kjv@Zechariah:10:2; kjv@Zechariah:17:22 kjv@Zechariah:17:Acts:14:15; 23, 29; kjv@Romans:1:22-23; kjv@1Corinthians:8:4-5; kjv@1Corinthians:10:19; kjv@1Corinthians:12:2; kjv@Galatians:4:8; kjv@Revelation:9:20



kjv@STRING:Baalah <HITCHCOCK>@ her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baal-berith <HITCHCOCK>@ idol of the covenant - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baal-gad <HITCHCOCK>@ idol of fortune or felicity - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baali <HITCHCOCK>@ my idol; lord over me - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baalim <HITCHCOCK>@ idols; masters; false gods - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baal-meon <HITCHCOCK>@ idol or master of the house - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baal-shalisha <HITCHCOCK>@ the god that presides over three; the third idol - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Baal-zephon <HITCHCOCK>@ the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bealiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the god of an idol; in an assembly - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beeliada <HITCHCOCK>@ an open idol - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beth-baalmeon <HITCHCOCK>@ an idol of the dwelling-place - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Esh-baal <HITCHCOCK>@ the fire of the idol, or of the ruler - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Ethbaal <HITCHCOCK>@ toward the idol, or with Baal - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Jerubbesheth <HITCHCOCK>@ let the idol of confusion defend itself - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Teraphim <HITCHCOCK>@ images; idols - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Zalmunna <HITCHCOCK>@ shadow; image; idol forbidden - HITCHCOCK-Z



H1322 <STRHEB>@ בּשׁת bôsheth bo'-sheth From H954; shame (the feeling and the {condition} as well as its cause); by implication (specifically) an idol: - {ashamed} {confusion} + {greatly} (put to) shame (-ful thing).

H1544 <STRHEB>@ גּלּל גּלּוּל gillûl gillûl {ghil-lool'} ghil-lool' From H1556; properly a log (as round); by implication an idol: - idol.

H1908 <STRHEB>@ הדד hădad had-ad' Probably of foreign origin (compare H111); {Hadad} the name of an {idol} and of several kings of Edom: - Hadad.

H152 <STRHEB>@ אדרמּלך 'adrammelek ad-ram-meh'-lek From H142 and H4428; splendor of (the) king; {Adrammelek} the name of an Assyrian {idol} also of a son of Sennacherib: - Adrammelech.

H170 <STRHEB>@ אהלהּ אהלה 'ohŏlâh 'ohŏlâhh {o-hol-aw'} o-hol-aw' The first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form; from H168; her tent (that {is} idolatrous sanctuary); {Oholah} a symbolic name for Samaria: - Aholah.

H2181 <STRHEB>@ זנה zânâh zaw-naw' A primitive root (highly fed and therefore wanton); to commit adultery (usually of the {female} and less often of simple {forniciation} rarely of involuntary ravishment); figuratively to commit idolatry (the Jewish people being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): - (cause to) commit {fornication} X {continually} X {great} (be {an} play the) {harlot} (cause to {be} play the) {whore} ({commit} fall to) {whoredom} (cause to) go {a-whoring} whorish.

H2183 <STRHEB>@ זנוּן zânûn zaw-noon' From H2181; adultery; figuratively idolatry: - whoredom.

H2184 <STRHEB>@ זנוּת zenûth zen-ooth' From H2181; {adultery} that {is} (figuratively) {infidelity} idolatry: - whoredom.

H2553 <STRHEB>@ חמּן chammân kham-mawn' From H2535; a sun pillar: - {idol} image.

H205 <STRHEB>@ און 'âven aw'-ven From an unused root perhaps meaning properly to pant (hence to exert {oneself} usually in vain; to come to naught); strictly nothingness; also {trouble} vanity6 wickedness; specifically an idol: - {affliction} {evil} {false} {idol} {iniquity} {mischief} mourners ({-ing}) {naught} {sorrow} {unjust} {unrighteous} {vain} {vanity} wicked (-ness.) Compare H369.

H206 <STRHEB>@ און 'âven aw'-ven The same as H205; idolatry; {Aven} the contemptuous synonym of three {places} one in Coele {Syria} one in Egypt ({On}) and one in Palestine (Bethel): - Aven. See also {H204} H1007.

H3380 <STRHEB>@ ירבּשׁת yerûbbesheth yer-oob-beh'-sheth From H7378 and H1322; shame (that {is} the idol) will contend; {Jerubbesheth} a symbolical name for Gideon: - Jerubbesheth.

H3577 <STRHEB>@ כּזב kâzâb kaw-zawb' From H3576; falsehood; literally (untruth) or figuratively (idol): - {deceitful} {false} {leasing} + {liar} {lie} lying.

H3594 <STRHEB>@ כּיּוּן kîyûn kee-yoon' From H3559; properly a {statue} that {is} idol; but used (by euphemism) for some heathen deity (perhaps corresponding to Priapus or Baal-peor): - Chiun.

H3649 <STRHEB>@ כּמר kâmâr kaw-mawr' From H3648; properly an ascetic (as if shrunk with self {maceration}) that {is} an idolatrous priest (only in plural): - {Chemarims} (idolatrous) priests.

H367 <STRHEB>@ אמה אימה 'êymâhmâh {ay-maw'} ay-maw' From the same as H366; fright; concretely an idol (as a bugbear): - dread. {fear} {horror} {idol} {terrible} terror.

H4383 <STRHEB>@ מכשׁל מכשׁול mikshôl mikshôl {mik-shole'} mik-shole' Masculine from H3782; a {stumblingblock} literally or figuratively ({obstacle} enticement (specifically an {idol}) scruple): - caused to {fall} {offence} X [no-] thing {offered} {ruin} stumbling-block.

H4384 <STRHEB>@ מכשׁלה makshêlâh mak-shay-law' Feminine from H3782; a {stumblingblock} but only figuratively ({fall} enticement (idol)): - {ruin} stumbling-block.

H4445 <STRHEB>@ מלכּום מלכּם malkâm milkôm {mal-kawm'} mil-kome' From H4428 for H4432; Malcam or {Milcom} the national idol of the Ammonites: - {Malcham} Milcom.

H4507 <STRHEB>@ מני menîy men-ee' From H4487; the {Apportioner} that {is} Fate (as an idol): - number.

H4656 <STRHEB>@ מפלצת miphletseth mif-leh'-tseth From H6426; a {terror} that {is} an idol: - idol.

H4676 <STRHEB>@ מצּבה matstsêbâh mats-tsay-baw' Feminine (causative) participle of H5324; something {stationed} that {is} a column or (memorial stone); by analogy an idol: - {garrison} (standing) {image} pillar.

H4720 <STRHEB>@ מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ miqdâsh miqqedâsh {mik-dawsh'} mik-ked-awsh' From H6942; a consecrated thing or {place} especially a {palace} sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum: - {chapel} hallowed {part} holy {place} sanctuary.

H4781 <STRHEB>@ מרדך merôdâk mer-o-dawk' Of foreign derivation; {Merodak} a Babylonian idol: - Merodach. Compare H4757.

H410 <STRHEB>@ אל 'êl ale Shortened from H352; strength; as adjective mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): - God ({god}) X {goodly} X {great} {idol} might (-y {one}) {power} strong. Compare names in -el.

H457 <STRHEB>@ אליל 'ĕlîyl el-eel' Apparently from H408; good for {nothing} by analogy vain or vanity; specifically an idol: - {idol} no {value} thing of nought.

H5038 <STRHEB>@ נבלה nebêlâh neb-ay-law' From H5034; a flabby {thing} that {is} a carcase or carrion (human or {bestial} often collective); figuratively an idol: - (dead) {body} (dead) {carcase} dead of {itself} which {died} (beast) that (which) dieth of itself.

H5079 <STRHEB>@ נדּה niddâh nid-daw' From H5074; properly rejection; by implication {impurity} especially personal (menstruation) or moral ({idolatry} incest): - X {far} {filthiness} X {flowers} menstruous ({woman}) put {apart} X removed ({woman}) {separation} set {apart} unclean ({-ness} {thing} with filthiness).

H5262 <STRHEB>@ נסך נסך nesek nêsek {neh'-sek} nay'-sek From H5258; a libation; also a cast idol: - {cover} drink {offering} molten image.

H5268 <STRHEB>@ נסרך nisrôk nis-roke' Of foreign origin; {Nisrok} a Babylonian idol: - Nisroch.

H5522 <STRHEB>@ סכּוּת sikkûth sik-kooth' Feminine of H5519; an (idolatrous) booth: - tabernacle.

H5524 <STRHEB>@ סכּות בּנות sûkkôth benôth sook-kohth' ben-ohth' From H5523 and the (irregular) plural of H1323; booths of (the) daughters; {brothels} that {is} idolatrous tents for impure purposes: - Succoth-benoth.

H5566 <STRHEB>@ סמל סמל semel sêmel {seh'-mel} say'-mel From an unused root meaning to resemble; a likeness: - {figure} {idol} image.

H6089 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛etseb eh'-tseb From H6087; an earthen vessel; usually (painful) toil; also a pang (whether of body or mind): - {grievous} {idol} {labor} sorrow.

H6090 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛ôtseb o'-tseb A variation of H6089; an idol (as fashioned); also pain (bodily or mental): - {idol} {sorrow} X wicked.

H6091 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛âtsâb aw-tsawb' From H6087; an (idolatrous) image: - {idol} image.

H6094 <STRHEB>@ עצּבת ‛atstsebeth ats-tseh'-beth From H6087; an idol; also a pain or wound: - {sorrow} wound.

H6297 <STRHEB>@ פּגר peger peh'-gher From H6296; a carcase (as {limp}) whether of man or beast; figuratively an idolatrous image: - {carcase} {corpse} dead body.

H6456 <STRHEB>@ פּסיל pesîyl pes-eel' From H6458; an idol: - carved (graven) {image} quarry.

H6459 <STRHEB>@ פּסל pesel peh'-sel From H6458; an idol: - carved (graven) image.

H6736 <STRHEB>@ ציר tsîyr tseer The same as H6735; a form (of beauty; as if pressed {out} that {is} carved); hence an (idolatrous) image: - {beauty} idol.

H6754 <STRHEB>@ צלם tselem tseh'-lem From an unused root meaning to shade; a {phantom} that {is} (figuratively) {illusion} resemblance; hence a representative {figure} especially an idol: - {image} vain shew.

H6755 <STRHEB>@ צלם צלם tselem tselem {tseh'-lem} tsel-em' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6754; an idolatrous figure: - {form} image.

H6945 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ qâdêsh kaw-dashe' From H6942; a (quasi) sacred {person} that {is} (technically) a (male) devotee (by prostitution) to licentious idolatry: - {sodomite} unclean.

H7413 <STRHEB>@ רמה râmâh raw-maw' Feminine active participle of H7311; a height (as a seat of idolatry): - high place.

H7723 <STRHEB>@ שׁו שׁואo shâv' shav {shawv} shav From the same as H7722 in the sense of desolating; evil (as {destructive}) literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as {false} subjectively)6 uselessness (as {deceptive} objectively; also adverbially in vain): - false ({-ly}) {lie} {lying} {vain} vanity.

H7726 <STRHEB>@ שׁובב shôbâb sho-bawb' From H7725; {apostate} that {is} idolatrous: - {backsliding} {frowardly} turn away [from margin].

H7750 <STRHEB>@ סוּט שׂוּט ώûţ sûţ {soot} soot A primitive root; to {detrude} that {is} (intransitively and figuratively) become derelict (wrongly practise; {namely} idolatry): - turn aside to.

H8251 <STRHEB>@ שׁקּץ שׁקּוּץ shiqqûts shiqqûts {shik-koots'} shik-koots' From H8262; {disgusting} that {is} filthy; especially idolatrous or (concretely) an idol: - abominable filth ({idol} {-ation}) detestable (thing).

H8263 <STRHEB>@ שׁקץ sheqets sheh'-kets From H8262; {filth} that {is} (figuratively and specifically) an idolatrous object: - abominable (-tion).

H8441 <STRHEB>@ תּעבה תּועבה tô‛êbah tô‛êbah {to-ay-baw'} to-ay-baw' Feminine active participle of H8581; properly something disgusting ({morally}) that {is} (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable ({custom} {thing}) abomination.

H8457 <STRHEB>@ תּזנת תּזנוּת taznûth taznûth {taz-nooth'} taz-nooth' From H2181; {harlotry} that {is} (figuratively) idolatry: - {fornication} whoredom.

H8655 <STRHEB>@ תּרפים terâphîym ter-aw-feme' Plural perhaps from H7495; a healer; Teraphim (singular or plural) a family idol: - idols ({-atry}) {images} teraphim.

H868 <STRHEB>@ אתנן 'ethnan eth-nan' The same as H866; a gift (as the price of harlotry or idolatry): - {hire} reward.

G1493 <STRGRK>@ εἰδωλεῖον eidōleion i-do-li'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G1497; an image fane: - idol´ s temple.

G1494 <STRGRK>@ εἰδωλόθυτον eidōlothuton i-do-loth'-oo-ton Neuter of a compound of G1497 and a presumed derivative of G2380; an image sacrifice that is part of an idolatrous offering: - (meat thing that is) offered (in sacrifice sacrificed) to (unto) idols.

G1495 <STRGRK>@ εἰδωλολατρεία eidōlolatreia i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah From G1497 and G2999; image worship (literally or figuratively): - idolatry.

G1496 <STRGRK>@ εἰδωλολάτρης eidōlolatrēs i-do-lol-at'-race From G1497 and the base of G3000; an image (servant or) worshipper (literally or figuratively): - idolater.

G1497 <STRGRK>@ εἴδωλον eidōlon i'-do-lon From G1491; an image (that is for worship); by implication a heathen god or (plural) the worship of such: - idol.

G2712 <STRGRK>@ κατείδωλος kateidōlos kat-i'-do-los From G2596 (intensive) and G1497; utterly idolatrous: - wholly given to idolatry.

G3152 <STRGRK>@ μάταιος mataios mat'-ah-yos From the base of G3155; empty that is (literally) profitless or (specifically) an idol: - vain vanity.

G3154 <STRGRK>@ ματαιόω mataioō mat-ah-yo'-o From G3152; to render (passively become) foolish that is (morally) wicked or (specifically) idolatrous: - become vain.

G3434 <STRGRK>@ Μολόχ Moloch mol-okh' Of Hebrew origin [H4432]; Moloch (that is Molek) an idol: - Moloch.

G4202 <STRGRK>@ πορνεία porneia por-ni'-ah From G4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively idolatry: - fornication.

G4203 <STRGRK>@ πορνεύω porneuō porn-yoo'-o From G4204; to act the harlot that is (literally) indulge unlawful lust (of either sex) or (figuratively) practise idolatry: - commit (fornication).

G4204 <STRGRK>@ πόρνη pornē por'-nay Feminine of G4205; a strumpet; figuratively an idolater: - harlot whore.

G4481 <STRGRK>@ Ῥεμφάν Rhemphan hrem-fan' By incorrect transliteration for a word of Hebrew origin [H3594]; Remphan (that is Kijun) an Egyptian idol: - Remphan.

G896 <STRGRK>@ Βάαλ Baal bah'-al Of Hebrew origin [H1168]; Baal a Phaenician deity (used as a symbol of idolatry): - Baal.

G946 <STRGRK>@ βδέλυγμα bdelugma bdel'-oog-mah From G948; a detestation that is (specifically) idolatry: - abomination.

G947 <STRGRK>@ βδελυκτός bdeluktos bdel-ook-tos' From G948; detestable that is (specifically) idolatrous: - abominable.

G948 <STRGRK>@ βδελύσσω bdelussō bdel-oos'-so From a (presumed) derivative ofβδέω bdeō (to stink); to be disgusted that is (by implication) detest (especially of idolatry): - abhor abominable.