
Dict: all - law



(1) God as- kjv@Isaiah:33:22; kjv@Isaiah:51:4; kjv@James:4:12 Decalogue, DECALOGUE, THE

(2) Moses as- kjv@Exodus:34:32; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:44; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:4; kjv@John:1:17; kjv@John:7:19; kjv@Acts:7:38

LAW INSUFFICIENT @ kjv@Romans:3:19; kjv@Romans:8:3; kjv@Galatians:2:19; kjv@Ephesians:2:15; kjv@Hebrews:7:19

LAW, PURPOSE OF @ kjv@Romans:3:20; kjv@Romans:5:20; kjv@Romans:7:7; kjv@Galatians:3:19,24; kjv@1Timothy:1:9

LAWYERS @ kjv@Luke:10:25; kjv@Luke:11:46; kjv@Luke:14:3; kjv@Titus:3:13


LAW - L>@ - The word is properly used, in Scripture as elsewhere, to express a definite commandment laid down by any recognized authority; but when the word is used with the article, and without any words of limitation, it refers to the expressed will to God, and in nine cases out of ten to the Mosaic law, or to the Pentateuch of which it forms the chief portion. The Hebrew word torah (law) lays more stress on its moral authority, as teaching the truth and guiding in the right way; the Greek nomos (law), on its constraining power as imposed and enforced by a recognized authority. The sense of the word, however, extends its scope and assumes a more abstracts character in the writings of St. Paul. Nomos , when used by him with the article, still refers in general to the law of Moses; but when used without the article, so as to embrace any manifestation of "law," it includes all powers which act on the will of man by compulsion, or by the pressure of external motives, whether their commands be or be not expressed in definite forms. The occasional use of the word "law" (as in kjv@Romans:3:27) "law of faith") to denote an internal principle of action does not really mitigate against the general rule. It should also be noticed that the title "the Law" is occasionally used loosely to refer to the whole of the Old Testament, as in kjv@John:10:34) referring to kjv@Psalms:82:6) in kjv@John:15:25) referring to kjv@Psalms:35:19) and in ( kjv@1Corinthians:14:21) referring to kjv@Isaiah:28:11-12)

LAW OF MOSES - L>@ - It will be the object of this article to give a brief analysis of the substance of this law, to point out its main principles, and to explain the position which it occupies in the progress of divine revelation. In order to do this the more clearly, it seems best to speak of the law, 1st. In relation to the past; 2d. In its own intrinsic character. (a) In reference to the past , it is all-important, for the proper understanding of the law, to remember its entire dependence on the Abrahamic covenant.
See kjv@Galatians:3:17-24) That covenant had a twofold character. It contained the "spiritual promise" of the Messiah; but it contained also the temporal promises subsidiary to the former. (b) The nature of this relation of the law to the promise is clearly pointed out. The belief in God as the Redeemer of man, and the hope of his manifestation as such int he person of the Messiah, involved the belief that the Spiritual Power must be superior to all carnal obstructions, and that there was in man spiritual element which could rule his life by communion with a spirit from above. But it involved also the idea of an antagonistic power of evil, from which man was to be redeemed, existing in each individual, and existing also in the world at large. (c) Nor is it less essential to remark the period of the history at which it was given. It marked and determined the transition of Israel from the condition of a tribe to that of a nation, and its definite assumption of a distinct position and office in the history of the world. (d) Yet, though new in its general conception, it was probably not wholly new in its materials. There must necessarily have been, before the law, commandments and revelations of a fragmentary character, under which Israel had hitherto grown up. So far therefore as they were consistent with the objects of the Jewish law, the customs of Palestine and the laws of Egypt would doubtless be traceable in the Mosaic system. (e) In close connection with, and almost in consequence of, this reference to antiquity, we find an accommodation of the law to the temper and circumstances of the Israelites, to which our Lord refers int he case of divorce, kjv@Matthew:19:7-8) as necessarily interfering with its absolute perfection. In many cases it rather should be said to guide and modify existing usages than actually to sanction them; and the ignorance of their existence may lead to a conception of its ordinances not only erroneous, but actually the reverse of the truth. (f) In close connection with this subject we observe also the gradual process by which the law was revealed to the Israelites. In kjv@Exodus:20-23, in direct connection with the revelation from Mount Sinai, that which may be called the rough outline of the Mosaic law is given by God, solemnly recorded by Moses, and accepted by the people. In kjv@Exodus:25-31, there is a similar outline of the Mosaic ceremonial. On the basis of these it may be conceived that the fabric of the Mosaic system gradually grew up under the requirements of the time. The first revelation of the law in anything like a perfect form is found in the book of Deuteronomy. yet even then the revelation was not final; it was the duty of the prophets to amend and explain it in special points, kjv@Ezekiel:18:1) ... and to bring out more clearly its great principles. In giving an analysis of the substance of the law , it will probably be better to treat it, as any other system of laws is usually treated, by dividing it into
I. Laws Civil; II. Laws Criminal: III. Laws Judicial and Constitutional; IV. Laws Ecclesiastical and Ceremonial. I. LAWS CIVIL. LAW OF PERSONS. (a) FATHER AND SON.
the power of a father to be held sacred; cursing or smiting, kjv@Exodus:21:15-17; kjv@Leviticus:20:9) and stubborn and willful disobedience, to be considered capital crimes. But uncontrolled power of life and death was apparently refused to the father, and vested only in the congregation. (21:18-21) Right of the first-born to a double portion of the inheritance not to be set aside by partiality. (21:15-17) Inheritance by daughters to be allowed in default of sons, provided, kjv@Numbers:27:6-8) comp. Numb 36:1 ... that heiresses married in their own tribe. Daughters unmarried to be entirely dependent on their father. kjv@Numbers:30:3-5) (b) HUSBAND AND WIFE.
the power of a husband to be so great that a wife could never be sui juris , or enter independently into any engagement, even before God. kjv@Numbers:30:6-15) A widow or a divorced wife became independent, and did not against fall under her father’s power. ver. kjv@Numbers:30:9) Divorce (for uncleanness) allowed, but to be formal and irrevocable. (24:1-4) Marriage within certain degrees forbidden. kjv@Leviticus:18:1) ... etc. A slave wife, whether bought or captive, not to be actual property, nor to be sold; if illtreated, to be ipso facto free. kjv@Exodus:21:7-9 kjv@Exodus:21:10-14) Slander against a wife’s virginity to be punished by fine,a nd by deprived of power of divorce; on the other hand, ante-connubial uncleanness in her to be punished by death. (22:13-21) the raising up of seed (Levirate law) a formal right to be claimed by the widow, under pain of infamy, with a view to preservation of families. (25:5-10) (c) MASTER AND SLAVE.
Power of master so far limited that death under actual chastisement was punishable, kjv@Exodus:21:20) and maiming was to give liberty ipso facto . vs. kjv@Exodus:21:26-27) The Hebrew slave to be freed at the sabbatical year, and provided with necessaries (his wife and children to go with only if they came to his master with him), unless by his own formal act he consented to be a perpetual slave. kjv@Exodus:21:1-6 kjv@Exodus:15:12-18) In any case, it would seem, to be freed at the jubilee, kjv@Leviticus:25:10) with his children. If sold to a resident alien, to be always redeemable, at a price proportioned to the distance of the jubilee. kjv@Leviticus:25:47-54) Foreign slaves to be held and inherited as property forever, kjv@Leviticus:25:45-46) and fugitive slaves from foreign nations not to be given up. (23:15) (d) STRANGERS.
These seem never to have been sui juris , or able to protect themselves, and accordingly protection and kindness toward them are enjoined as a sacred duty. kjv@Exodus:22:21; kjv@Leviticus:19:33-34) LAW OF THINGS. (a) LAWS OF LAND (AND PROPERTY).

(1) All land to be the property of God alone , and its holders to be deemed his tenants. kjv@Leviticus:25:23)

(2) All sold land therefore to return to its original owners at the jubilee, and the price of sale to be calculated accordingly; and redemption on equitable terms to be allowed at all times. kjv@Leviticus:25:25-27) A house sold to be redeemable within a year; and if not redeemed, to pass away altogether, ch. kjv@Leviticus:25:29-30) But the houses of the Levites , or those in unwalled villages, to be redeemable at all times, in the same way as land; and the Levitical suburbs to be inalienable. ch. kjv@Leviticus:25:31-34)

(3) Land or houses sanctified , or tithes, or unclean firstlings, to be capable of being redeemed, at six-fifths value (calculated according to the distance from the jubilee year by the priest); if devoted by the owner and unredeemed, to be hallowed at the jubilee forever, and given to the priests; if only by a possessor, to return to the owner at the jubilee. kjv@Leviticus:27:14-34)

(4) Inheritance . (b) LAWS OF DEBT.

(1) All debts (to an Israelite) to be released at the seventh (sabbatical year; a blessing promised to obedience, and a curse on refusal to lend. (15:1-11)

(2) Usury (from Israelites) not to be taken. kjv@Exodus:22:25-27 kjv@Exodus:23:19-20)

(3) Pledges not to be insolently or ruinously exacted. (24:6,10-13,17-18) (c) TAXATION.

(1) Census-money , a poll-tax (of a half shekel), to be paid for the service of the tabernacle. kjv@Exodus:30:12-16) All spoil in war to be halved; of the combatants’ half, one five-hundreth, of the people’s, one fiftieth, to be paid for a "heave offering" to Jehovah.

(2) Tithes .
(a) Tithes of all produce to be given for maintenance of the Levites. kjv@Numbers:18:20-24) (Of this one tenth to be paid as a heave offering for maintenance of the priests. vs. kjv@Numbers:18:24-32)) (b) Second tithe to be bestowed in religious feasting and charity, either at the holy place or (every third year) at home. (14:22-28) (c) First-fruits of corn, wine and oil (at least one sixtieth, generally one fortieth, for the priests) to be offered at Jerusalem, with a solemn declaration of dependence on God the King of Israel. kjv@Numbers:18:12-13 kjv@Numbers:26:1-15) Firstlings of clean beasts; the redemption money (five shekels) of man and (half shekel, or one shekel) of unclean beasts to be given to the priests after sacrifice. kjv@Numbers:18:15-18)

(3) Poor laws.
(a) Gleanings (in field or vineyard) to be a legal right of the poor. kjv@Leviticus:19:9-10 kjv@Leviticus:24:19-22) (b) Slight trespass (eating on the spot) to be allowed as legal. (23:24-25) (c) Wages to be paid day by day. (24:15)

(4) Maintenance of priests. kjv@Numbers:18:8-32) (a) Tenth of Levites’ tithe . (
See 2a.) (b) The heave and wave offerings (breast and right shoulder of all peace offerings). (c) The meat and sin offerings , to be eaten solemnly and only in the holy place. (c) First-fruits and redemption money. (
See 2c.) (e) Price of all devoted things , unless specially given for a sacred service. A man’s service, or that of his household, to be redeemed at 50 shekels for man, 30 for woman, 20 for boy and 10 for girl. II. LAWS CRIMINAL. OFFENCES AGAINST GOD (of the nature of treason.) 1St Command. Acknowledgment of false gods , kjv@Exodus:22:20) as e.g. Molech, kjv@Leviticus:20:1-5) and generally all idolatry . (13; 17:2-5) 2Nd Command. Witchcraft and false prophecy. kjv@Exodus:22:18 kjv@Exodus:18:9-22; kjv@Leviticus:19:31) 3Rd Command. Blasphemy . kjv@Leviticus:24:15-16) 4Th Command. Sabbath-breaking . kjv@Numbers:15:32-36) Punishment in all cases, death by stoning . Idolatrous cities to be utterly destroyed. OFFENCES AGAINST MAN. 5Th Command. Disobedience to or cursing or smiting of parents , kjv@Exodus:21:15-17; kjv@Leviticus:20:9 kjv@Leviticus:21:18-21) to be punished by death by stoning, publicly adjudged and inflicted; so also of disobedience to the priests (as judges) or the Supreme Judge. Comp. (Kings:21:10-14) (Naboth); ( kjv@2Chronicles:24:21) (Zechariah). 6Th Command.

(1) Murder to be punished by death without sanctuary or reprieve, or satisfaction. kjv@Exodus:21:12-14 kjv@Exodus:19:11-13) Death of a slave, actually under the rod, to be punished. kjv@Exodus:21:20-21)

(2) Death by negligence to be punished by death. kjv@Exodus:21:28-30)

(3) Accidental homicide : the avenger of blood to seek safety by flight to a city of refuge, there to remain till the death of the high priest. kjv@Numbers:35:9-28 kjv@Numbers:4:41-43 kjv@Numbers:19:4 -10)

(4) Uncertain murder to be expiated by formal disavowal and sacrifice by the elders of the nearest city. (21:1-9)

(5) Assault to be punished by lex talionis , or damages. kjv@Exodus:21:18-19 kjv@Exodus:21:22-25 kjv@Leviticus:24:19-20) 7Th Command.

(1) Adultery to be punished by death of both offenders; the rape of a married or betrothed woman, by death of the offender. (22:13-27)

(2) Rape or seduction of an unbetrothed virgin to be compensated by marriage, with dowry (50 shekels), and without power of divorce; or, if she be refused, by payment of full dowry. kjv@Exodus:22:16-17 kjv@Exodus:22:28-29)

(3) Unlawful marriages (incestuous, etc.) to be punished, some by death, some by childlessness. kjv@Leviticus:20:1) ... 8Th command.

(1) Theft to be punished by fourfold or double restitution; or nocturnal robber might be slain as an outlaw. kjv@Exodus:22:1-4)

(2) Trespass and injury of things lent to be compensated. kjv@Exodus:23:5-15)

(3) Perversion of justice (by bribes, threats, etc.), and especially oppression of strangers, strictly forbidden. kjv@Exodus:22:9) etc.

(4) Kidnapping to be punished by death. (24:7) 9Th Command. False witness to be punished by lex talionis . kjv@Exodus:23:1-3 kjv@Exodus:19:16-21) Slander of a wife’s chastity, by fine and loss of power of divorce. (22:18-19) A fuller consideration of the tables of the Ten Commandments is given elsewhere. TEN COMMANDMENTS COMMANDMENTS III. LAWS JUDICIAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL. JURISDICTION. (a) Local judges (generally Levites as more skilled in the law) appointed, for ordinary matters, probably by the people with approbation of the supreme authority (as of Moses in the wilderness), kjv@Exodus:18:25 kjv@Exodus:1:15-18) through all the land. (16:18) (b) Appeal to the priests (at the holy place), or to the judge ; their sentence final, and to be accepted under pain of death.
See (17:8-13) comp. appeal to Moses, kjv@Exodus:18:26) (c) Two witnesses (at least) required in capital matters. kjv@Numbers:35:30 kjv@Numbers:17:6-7) (d) Punishment , except by special command, to be personal, and not to extend to the family. (24:16) Stripes allowed and limited, (25:1-3) so as to avoid outrage on the human frame. All this would be to a great extent set aside
1st. By the summary jurisdiction of the king, see ( kjv@1Samuel:22:11-19) (Saul); (2 Samuel 12:1-5; 14:4-11; kjv@Kings:3:16-28) which extended even to the deposition of the high priest. ( kjv@1Samuel:22:17-18; kjv@Kings:2:26-27) The practical difficulty of its being carried out is seen in (2 Samuel 15:2-6) and would lead of course to a certain delegation of his power. 2Nd. By the appointment of the Seventy, kjv@Numbers:11:24-30) with a solemn religious sanction. In later times there was a local sanhedrin of twenty-three in each city, and two such in Jerusalem, as well as the Great Sanhedrin, consisting of seventy members, besides the president, who was to be the high priest if duly qualified, and controlling even the king and high priest. The members were priest, scribes (Levites), and elders (of other tribes). A court of exactly this nature is noticed as appointed to supreme power by Jehoshaphat.
See ( kjv@2Chronicles:19:8-11) ROYAL POWER. The king’s power limited by the law, as written and formally accepted by the king; and directly forbidden to be despotic. (Military conquest discouraged by the prohibition of the use of horses.
See kjv@Joshua:11:6) For an example of obedience to this law see (2 Samuel kjv@8:4) and of disobedience to it see (Kings:10:26-29) (17:14-20) comp. kjv@1Samuel:10:25 Yet he had power of taxation (to one tenth) and of compulsory service, ( kjv@1Samuel:8:10-18) the declaration of war, ( kjv@1Samuel:11:1) ... etc. There are distinct traces of a "mutual contract," (2 Samuel kjv@5:3) a "league," ( kjv@2Kings:11:17) the remonstrance with Rehoboam being clearly not extraordinary. (Kings:13:1-6) The princes of the congregation .
The heads of the tribes, see kjv@Joshua:9:15) seem to have had authority under Joshua to act for the people, comp. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:16-22) and in the later times "the princes of Judah" seem to have had power to control both the king and the priests.
See kjv@Jeremiah:26:10-24 kjv@Jeremiah:38:4-5) etc. ROYAL REVENUE.

(1) Tenth of produce.

(2) Domain land. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:26-29) Note confiscation of criminal’s land. (Kings:21:15)

(3) Bond service , (Kings:5:17-18) chiefly on foreigners. (Kings:9:20-22; kjv@2Chronicles:2:16-17)

(4) Flocks and herds. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:29-31)

(5) Tributes (gifts) from foreign kings.

(6) Commerce ; especially in Solomon’s time. (Kings:10:22,29) etc. IV. ECCLESIASTICAL AND CEREMONIAL LAW. LAW OF SACRIFICE (considered as the sign and the appointed means of the union with God, on which the holiness of the people depended). A. ORDINARY SACRIFICES. (a) The whole burnt offering, kjv@Leviticus:1:1) ... of the herd or the flock; to be offered continually, kjv@Exodus:29:38-42) and the fire on the altar never to be extinguished. kjv@Leviticus:6:8-13) (b) The meat offering, kjv@Leviticus:2; 6:14-23) of flour, oil and frankincense, unleavened and seasoned with salt. (c) The peace offering, kjv@Leviticus:3:1; kjv@Leviticus:7:11-21) of the herd or the flock; either a thank offering or a vow or free-will offering. (d) The sin offering or trespass offering . Leviticus:4-5-6 (A) For sins committed in ignorance. Leviticus:4 (B) For vows unwittingly made and broken, or uncleanness unwittingly contracted. Levi 5 (C) For sins wittingly committed. kjv@Leviticus:6:1-7) b. EXTRAORDINARY SACRIFICES. (a) At the consecration of priests. Leviticus:8-9 (b) At the purification of women. Leviticus:12 (c) At the cleansing of lepers. Leviticus:13-14 (d) On the great day of atonement. Leviticus:16 (e) On the great festivals. Leviticus:23 LAW OF HOLINESS (arising from the union with God through sacrifice). a. HOLINESS OF PERSONS.

(1) Holiness of the whole people as "children of God," kjv@Exodus:19:5-6; kjv@Leviticus:11-15-17-18; 14:1-21) shown in (a) The dedication of the first-born, kjv@Exodus:13:2 kjv@Exodus:13:12-13 kjv@Exodus:22:29-30) etc.; and the offering of all firstlings and first-fruits. kjv@Deuteronomy:26, etc. (b) Distinction of clean and unclean food. Levi 11; kjv@Deuteronomy:14. (c) Provision for purification. Levi 12-13-14-15; (23:1-4) (d) Laws against disfigurement. kjv@Leviticus:19:27 kjv@Leviticus:14:1) comp. (25:3) against excessive scourging. (e) Laws against unnatural marriages and lusts. Leviticus:18-20

(2) Holiness of the priests (and Levites) . (a) Their consecration. kjv@Leviticus:8-9; Exodus:29 (b) Their special qualifications and restrictions. kjv@Leviticus:21:1; kjv@Leviticus:22:1-9) (c) Their rights, (18:1-6; kjv@Numbers:18:1) ... and authority. (17:8-13) b. HOLINESS OF PLACES AND THINGS. (a) The tabernacle with the ark, the vail, the altars, the laver, the priestly robes, etc. kjv@Exodus:25-28-30. (b) The holy place chosen for the permanent erection of the tabernacle, (12:1; 14:22-29) where only all sacrifices were to be offered and all tithes, firstfruits, vows, etc., to be given or eaten. c. HOLINESS OF TIMES. (a) The Sabbath. kjv@Exodus:20:9-11 kjv@Exodus:23:12) etc. (b) The sabbatical year. kjv@Exodus:23:10-11; kjv@Leviticus:25:1-7) etc. (c) The year of jubilee. kjv@Leviticus:25:8-16) etc. (d) The passover. kjv@Exodus:12:3-27; kjv@Leviticus:23:4-5) (e) The feast of weeks (pentecost). kjv@Leviticus:23:15) etc. (f) The feast of tabernacles . kjv@Leviticus:23:33-43) (g) The feast of trumpets. kjv@Leviticus:23:23-25) (h) The day of atonement . kjv@Leviticus:23:26-32) etc. Such is the substance of the Mosaic law. The leading principle of the whole is its THEOCRATIC CHARACTER, its reference, that is, of all action and thoughts of men directly and immediately to the will of God. It follows from this that it is to be regarded not merely as a law, that is, a rule of conduct based on known truth and acknowledged authority, but also as a revelation of God’s nature and his dispensations. But this theocratic character of the law depends necessarily on the belief in God , as not only the creator and sustainer of the world, but as, by special covenant, the head of the Jewish nation. This immediate reference to God as their king is clearly seen as the groundwork of their whole polity. From this theocratic nature of the law follow important deductions with regard to (a) the view which it takes of political society; (b) the extent of the scope of the law; (c) the penalties by which it is enforced; and (d) the character which it seeks to impress on the people. (a) The Mosaic law seeks the basis of its polity, first, in the absolute sovereignty of God; next, in the relationship of each individual to God, and through God to his countrymen. It is clear that such a doctrine, while it contradicts none of the common theories, yet lies beneath them all. (b) The law, as proceeding directly from God and referring directly to him, is necessarily absolute in its supremacy and unlimited in its scope. It is supreme over the governors, as being only the delegates of the Lord, and therefore it is incompatible with any despotic authority in them. On the other hand, it is supreme over the governed, recognizing no inherent rights in the individual as prevailing against or limiting the law. It regulated the whole life of an Israelite. His actions were rewarded and punished with great minuteness and strictness
and that according to the standard, not of their consequences but of their intrinsic morality. (c) The penalties and rewards by which the law is enforced are such as depend on the direct theocracy. With regard to individual actions, it may be noticed that, as generally some penalties are inflicted by the subordinate and some only the supreme authority, so among the Israelites some penalties came from the hand of man, some directly from the providence of God. (d) But perhaps the most important consequence of the theocratic nature of the law was the peculiar character of goodness which it sought to impress on the people. The Mosaic law, beginning with piety as its first object, enforces most emphatically the purity essential to those who, by their union with God, have recovered the hope of intrinsic goodness, while it views righteousness and love rather as deductions from these than as independent objects. The appeal is not to any dignity of human nature, but to the obligations of communion with a holy God. The subordination, therefore, of this idea also to the religious idea is enforced; and so long as the due supremacy of the latter was preserved, all other duties would find their places in proper harmony.

LAWYER - L>@ - The title "lawyer" is generally supposed to be equivalent to the title "scribe." The scribe expounded the law in the synagogues and schools.


Law @ a rule of action.

(1.) The Law of Nature is the will of God as to human conduct, founded on the moral difference of things, and discoverable by natural light kjv@Romans:1:20 kjv@Romans:2:14-15). This law binds all men at all times. It is generally designated by the term conscience, or the capacity of being influenced by the moral relations of things.

(2.) The Ceremonial Law prescribes under the Old Testament the rites and ceremonies of worship. This law was obligatory only till Christ, of whom these rites were typical, had finished his work kjv@Hebrews:7:9-11 kjv@Hebrews:10:1; kjv@Ephesians:2:16). It was fulfilled rather than abrogated by the gospel.

(3.) The Judicial Law, the law which directed the civil policy of the Hebrew nation.

(4.) The Moral Law is the revealed will of God as to human conduct, binding on all men to the end of time. It was promulgated at Sinai. It is perfect kjv@Psalms:19:7), perpetual kjv@Matthew:5:17-18), holy kjv@Romans:7:12), good, spiritual

(14), and exceeding broad kjv@Psalms:119:96). Although binding on all, we are not under it as a covenant of works kjv@Galatians:3:17). (

(5.) Positive Laws are precepts founded only on the will of God. They are right because God commands them.

(6.) Moral positive laws are commanded by God because they are right.

Law of Moses @ is the whole body of the Mosaic legislation (kjvKings:2:3; kjv@2Kings:23:25; kjv@Ezra:3:2). It is called by way of eminence simply "the Law" (Heb. Torah, kjv@Deuteronomy:1:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:4:8 kjv@Deuteronomy:4:44 kjv@Deuteronomy:17:18 -19; 27:3,8). As a written code it is called the "book of the law of Moses" ( kjv@2Kings:14:6; kjv@Isaiah:8:20), the "book of the law of God" kjv@Joshua:24:26). The great leading principle of the Mosaic law is that it is essentially theocratic; i.e., it refers at once to the commandment of God as the foundation of all human duty.

Lawyer @ among the Jews, was one versed in the laws of Moses, which he expounded in the schools and synagogues kjv@Matthew:22:35; kjv@Luke:10:25). The functions of the "lawyer" and "scribe" were identical. (



Law of God, the @ Is absolute and perpetual kjv@Matthew:5:18
To Adam kjv@Genesis:2:16 kjv@Genesis:2:17 kjv@Romans:5:12-14
To Noah kjv@Genesis:9:6
To the Israelites kjv@Exodus:20:2-17 kjv@Psalms:78:5
Through Moses kjv@Exodus:31:18 kjv@John:7:19
Through the ministration of angels kjv@Acts:7:53 kjv@Galatians:3:19 kjv@Hebrews:2:2
Described as
Pure kjv@Psalms:19:8
Spiritual kjv@Romans:7:14
Holy, just, and good kjv@Romans:7:12
Exceeding broad kjv@Psalms:119:96
Perfect kjv@Psalms:19:7 kjv@Romans:12:2
Truth kjv@Psalms:119:142
Not grievous kjv@1John:5:3
Requires obedience of the heart kjv@Psalms:51:6 kjv@Matthew:5:28 kjv@Matthew:22:37
Requires perfect obedience kjv@Deuteronomy:27:26 kjv@Galatians:3:10 kjv@James:2:10
Love is the fulfilling of kjv@Romans:13:8 kjv@Romans:13:10 kjv@Galatians:3:10 kjv@James:2:10
It is man's duty to keep kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:13
Man, by nature, not in subjection to kjv@Romans:7:5 kjv@Romans:8:7
Man cannot render perfect obedience to kjv@1Kings:8:46 kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:20 kjv@Romans:3:10
Sin is a transgression of kjv@1John:3:4
All men have transgressed kjv@Romans:3:9 kjv@Romans:3:19
Man cannot be justified by kjv@Acts:13:39 kjv@Romans:3:20 kjv@Romans:3:28 kjv@Galatians:2:16 kjv@Galatians:3:11
Gives the knowledge of sin kjv@Romans:3:20 kjv@Romans:7:7
Works wrath kjv@Romans:4:15
Conscience testifies to kjv@Romans:2:15
Designed to lead to Christ kjv@Galatians:3:24
Obedience to
A characteristic of saints kjv@Revelation:12:17
A test of love kjv@1John:5:3
Of prime importance kjv@1Corinthians:7:19
Blessedness of keeping kjv@Psalms:119:1 kjv@Matthew:5:19 kjv@1John:3:22 kjv@1John:3:24 kjv@Revelation:22:14
Came to fulfil kjv@Matthew:5:17
Magnified kjv@Isaiah:42:21
Explained kjv@Matthew:7:12 kjv@Matthew:22:37-40
The love of, produces peace kjv@Psalms:119:165
Freed from the bondage of kjv@Romans:6:14 kjv@Romans:7:4 kjv@Romans:7:6 kjv@Galatians:3:13
Freed from the curse of kjv@Galatians:3:13
Have, written on their hearts kjv@Jeremiah:31:33 kjv@Hebrews:8:10
Love kjv@Psalms:119:97 kjv@Psalms:119:113
Delight in kjv@Psalms:119:77 kjv@Romans:7:22
Prepare their hearts to seek kjv@Ezra:7:10
Pledge themselves to walk in kjv@Nehemiah:10:29
Keep kjv@Psalms:119:55
Pray to understand kjv@Psalms:119:18
Pray for power to keep kjv@Psalms:119:34
Should remember kjv@Malachi:4:4
Should make the subject of their conversation kjv@Exodus:13:9
Lament over the violation of, by others kjv@Psalms:119:136
The wicked
Despise kjv@Amos:2:4
Forget kjv@Hosea:4:6
Forsake kjv@2Chronicles:12:1 kjv@Jeremiah:9:13
Refuse to hear kjv@Isaiah:30:9 kjv@Jeremiah:6:19
Refuse to walk in kjv@Psalms:78:10
Cast away kjv@Isaiah:5:24
Is the rule of life to saints kjv@1Corinthians:9:21 kjv@Galatians:5:13 kjv@Galatians:5:14
Is the rule of the judgment kjv@Romans:2:12
To be used lawfully kjv@1Timothy:1:8
Established by faith kjv@Romans:3:31
Punishment for disobeying kjv@Nehemiah:9:26 kjv@Nehemiah:9:27 kjv@Isaiah:65:11-13 kjv@Jeremiah:9:13-16

Law of Moses, the @ Is the law of God kjv@Leviticus:26:46
In the desert kjv@Ezekiel:20:10 kjv@Ezekiel:20:11
At Horeb kjv@Deuteronomy:4:10 kjv@Deuteronomy:4:15 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:2
From the Mount Sinai kjv@Exodus:19:11 kjv@Exodus:19:20
By disposition of angels kjv@Acts:7:53
Through Moses as mediator kjv@Deuteronomy:5:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:27 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:28 kjv@John:1:17 kjv@Galatians:3:19
To the Jews kjv@Leviticus:26:46 kjv@Psalms:78:5
After the exodus kjv@Deuteronomy:4:45 kjv@Psalms:81:4 kjv@Psalms:81:5
To no other nation kjv@Deuteronomy:4:8 kjv@Psalms:147:20
None to approach the Mount while God gave kjv@Exodus:19:13 kjv@Exodus:19:21-24 kjv@Hebrews:12:20
Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of kjv@Exodus:19:16-19
Terror of Israel at receiving kjv@Exodus:19:16 kjv@Exodus:20:18-20 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:23-25
Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan kjv@Numbers:36:13
A fiery law kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2
Word spoken by angels kjv@Hebrews:2:2
Ministration of death kjv@2Corinthians:3:7
Ministration of condemnation kjv@2Corinthians:3:9
Lively oracles kjv@Acts:7:38
Royal law kjv@James:2:8
Book of the law kjv@Deuteronomy:30:10 kjv@Joshua:1:8
Book of Moses kjv@2Chronicles:25:4 kjv@2Chronicles:35:12
Rehearsed by Moses kjv@Deuteronomy:1:1-3
Entire of, written in a book kjv@Deuteronomy:31:9
Book of, laid up in the sanctuary kjv@Deuteronomy:31:26
Tables of, laid up in the ark kjv@Deuteronomy:10:5
Divided into
Moral, embodied in the ten commandments kjv@Deuteronomy:5:22 kjv@Deuteronomy:10:4
Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God kjv@Leviticus:7:37 kjv@Leviticus:7:38 kjv@Hebrews:9:1-7
Civil, relating to administration of justice kjv@Deuteronomy:17:9-11 kjv@Acts:23:3 kjv@Acts:24:6
A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation kjv@Deuteronomy:28:1 kjv@Deuteronomy:28:15 kjv@Jeremiah:31:32
Taught the Jews
To love and fear God kjv@Deuteronomy:6:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:10:12 kjv@Deuteronomy:10:13 kjv@Matthew:22:36 kjv@Matthew:22:38
To love their neighbour kjv@Leviticus:19:18 kjv@Matthew:22:39
Strict justice and impartiality kjv@Leviticus:19:35 kjv@Leviticus:19:36
All punishments awarded according to kjv@John:8:5 kjv@John:19:7 kjv@Hebrews:10:28
All Israelites required
To know kjv@Exodus:18:16
To observe kjv@Deuteronomy:4:6 kjv@Deuteronomy:6:2
To lay up, in their hearts kjv@Deuteronomy:6:6 kjv@Deuteronomy:11:18
To remember kjv@Malachi:4:4
To teach their children kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7 kjv@Deuteronomy:11:19
Kings to write and study kjv@Deuteronomy:17:18 kjv@Deuteronomy:17:19
Good kings enforced kjv@2Kings:23:24 kjv@2Kings:23:25 kjv@2Chronicles:31:21
Priests and Levites to teach kjv@Deuteronomy:33:8-10 kjv@Nehemiah:8:7 kjv@Malachi:2:7
The scribes were learned in, and expounded kjv@Ezra:7:6 kjv@Matthew:23:2
Public instruction given to youth in kjv@Luke:2:46 kjv@Acts:22:3
Publicly read
At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbatical year kjv@Deuteronomy:31:10-13
By Joshua kjv@Joshua:8:34 kjv@Joshua:8:35
By Ezra kjv@Nehemiah:8:2 kjv@Nehemiah:8:3
In the synagogues every Sabbath day kjv@Acts:13:15 kjv@Acts:15:21
A means of national reformation kjv@2Chronicles:34:19-21 kjv@Nehemiah:8:13-18
A shadow of good things to come kjv@Hebrews:10:1
Could not give righteous and life kjv@Galatians:3:21 kjv@Romans:8:3 kjv@Romans:8:4 kjv@Hebrews:10:1
A schoolmaster to lead to Christ kjv@Galatians:3:24
Made under kjv@Galatians:4:4
Circumcised according to kjv@Luke:2:21 kjv@Romans:15:8
Came not to destroy but to fulfil kjv@Matthew:5:17 kjv@Matthew:5:18
Attended all feasts of kjv@John:2:23 kjv@John:7:2 kjv@John:7:10 kjv@John:7:37
Fulfilled all precepts of kjv@Psalms:40:7 kjv@Psalms:40:8
Fulfilled all types and shadows of kjv@Hebrews:9:8 kjv@Hebrews:9:11-14 kjv@Hebrews:10:1 kjv@Hebrews:10:11-14
Magnified and made honourable kjv@Isaiah:42:21
Bore the curse of kjv@Deuteronomy:21:23 kjv@Galatians:3:13
Abrogated, as a covenant of works kjv@Romans:7:4
Was not the manifestation of the grace of God kjv@John:1:17 kjv@Romans:8:3 kjv@Romans:8:4
Could not disannul the covenant of grace made in Christ kjv@Galatians:3:17
Jewish converts would have all Christians observe kjv@Acts:15:1
The Jews
Jealous for kjv@John:9:28 kjv@John:9:29 kjv@Acts:21:20
Held those ignorant of, accursed kjv@John:7:49
From regard to, rejected Christ kjv@Romans:9:31-33
Accused Christ of breaking kjv@John:19:7
Accused Christians of speaking kjv@Acts:6:11-14 kjv@Acts:21:28
Broke it themselves kjv@John:7:19
Dishonoured God by breaking kjv@Romans:2:23
Shall be judged by kjv@John:5:45 kjv@Romans:2:12
Was a burdensome yoke kjv@Acts:15:10
Darkness, &:c at giving of, illustrative of obscurity of Mosaic age kjv@Hebrews:12:18-24



- General scriptures concerning kjv@Psalms:19:7-9; kjv@Psalms:119:1-8; kjv@Proverbs:28:4-5; kjv@Matthew:22:21; kjv@Luke:16:17; kjv@Luke:20:22-25; kjv@Luke:7:7 kjv@Luke:7:Romans:2:14-15; 12, 14; kjv@Romans:13:10; kjv@1Timothy:1:5 kjv@1Timothy:1:8-10 kjv@James:1:25; kjv@1John:3:4; kjv@1John:5:3

- OF MOSES -(Contained in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) .Given at Sinai kjv@Exodus:19; Deuteronomy:1:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:10-13; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2; kjv@Habbakkuk:3:3 .Received by the disposition of angels kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2; kjv@Psalms:68:17; kjv@Acts:7:53; kjv@Galatians:3:19; kjv@Hebrews:2:2 .Was given because of transgressions until the Messiah arrived kjv@Galatians:3:19 .Engraved on stone kjv@Exodus:20:3-17 with kjv@Exodus:24:12; kjv@Exodus:31:18; kjv@Exodus:32:16; kjv@Exodus:34:29; kjv@Exodus:40:20; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:13; kjv@Deuteronomy:5:4-22; kjv@Deuteronomy:9:10 .
See COMMANDMENTS .Preserved in the ark of the covenant kjv@Exodus:25:16; kjv@Deuteronomy:31:9 kjv@Deuteronomy:31:26 .Found by Hilkiah in the house of the Lord kjv@2Kings:22:8 .Engraved upon monuments kjv@Deuteronomy:27:2-8; kjv@Joshua:8:30-35 .To be written .On door posts kjv@Deuteronomy:6:9; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:20 .On frontlets for the forehead, and parchment for the hand kjv@Exodus:13:9 kjv@Exodus:13:16 kjv@Deuteronomy:6:4-9; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:18-21 .Children instructed in .
See INSTRUCTION .Expounded by .The priests and Levites kjv@Leviticus:10:11; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:10; kjv@2Chronicles:35:3 .Princes, priests, and Levites publicly taught kjv@Ezra:7:10; kjv@Nehemiah:8:1-18 .From city to city kjv@2Chronicles:17:7-10 .In synagogues kjv@Luke:4:16 kjv@Luke:4:32 kjv@Acts:13:14-52; kjv@Acts:15:21 with kjv@Acts:9:20; kjv@Acts:14:1; kjv@Acts:17:1-3; kjv@Acts:18:4 kjv@Acts:18:26 .Expounded to the assembled nation at the Feast of Tabernacles in the sabbatic year kjv@Deuteronomy:31:10-13 .Renewed by Moses kjv@Deuteronomy:4:44-46 .Curses of, responsively read by Levites and people at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim kjv@Deuteronomy:27:12-26; kjv@Joshua:8:33-35 .Formed a constitution on which the civil government of the Israelites was founded, and according to which rulers were required to rule kjv@Deuteronomy:17:18-20; kjv@2Kings:11:12; kjv@2Chronicles:23:11 .
See GOVERNMENT,_CONSTITUTIONAL .Divine authority for kjv@Exodus:19:16-24; kjv@Exodus:20:1-17; kjv@Exodus:24:12-18; kjv@Exodus:31:18; kjv@Exodus:32:15-16; kjv@Exodus:34:1-4 kjv@Exodus:34:27, 28; kjv@Leviticus:26:46; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:10-13 kjv@Deuteronomy:4:36 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:1-22; kjv@Deuteronomy:9:10; kjv@Deuteronomy:10:1-5; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2-4; kjv@1Kings:8:9; kjv@Ezra:7:6; kjv@Nehemiah:1:7; kjv@Nehemiah:8:1; kjv@Nehemiah:9:14; kjv@Psalms:78:5; kjv@Psalms:103:7; kjv@Isaiah:33:22; kjv@Malachi:4:4; kjv@Acts:7:38 kjv@Acts:7:53 kjv@Galatians:3:19; kjv@Hebrews:9:18-21 .Prophecies in, of the Messiah kjv@Luke:24:44; kjv@John:1:45; kjv@John:5:46; kjv@John:12:34; kjv@Acts:26:22-23; kjv@Acts:28:23; kjv@Romans:3:21-22 .
See JESUS,_PROPHECIES_CONCERNING .Epitomized by Jesus kjv@Matthew:22:40; kjv@Mark:12:29-33; kjv@Luke:10:27 .Book of, found by Hilkiah in the temple kjv@2Kings:22:8; kjv@2Chronicles:34:14

- TEMPORARY kjv@Jeremiah:3:16; kjv@Daniel:9:27; kjv@Matthew:5:17-45; kjv@Luke:16:16-17; kjv@John:1:17; kjv@John:4:20-24; kjv@John:8:35; kjv@Acts:6:14; kjv@Acts:10:28; kjv@Acts:13:39; kjv@Acts:15:1-29; kjv@Acts:21:20-25; kjv@Romans:3:1-2; kjv@Romans:7:1-6; kjv@Romans:8:3; kjv@Romans:10:4; kjv@2Corinthians:3:7-14; kjv@Galatians:2:3-9; kjv@Galatians:4:30-31; kjv@Ephesians:2:15; kjv@Colossians:2:14-23; kjv@Hebrews:8:4-13; kjv@Hebrews:9:8-24; kjv@Hebrews:10:1-18; kjv@Hebrews:11:40; kjv@Hebrews:12:18-19 kjv@Hebrews:12:27

- To be avoided kjv@Proverbs:25:8-10; kjv@Matthew:5:25-26; kjv@1Corinthians:6:1-8

LAWYER @ -(One versed in the Mosaic law)
- Test Jesus with questions kjv@Matthew:22:35; kjv@Luke:10:25-37
- Jesus' remarks against kjv@Luke:11:45-52
- Zenas kjv@Titus:3:13



kjv@STRING:Dathan <HITCHCOCK>@ laws or rites - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Deuteronomy <HITCHCOCK>@ repetition of the law - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dothan <HITCHCOCK>@ the law; custom - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Hammedatha <HITCHCOCK>@ he that troubles the law - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hukkok <HITCHCOCK>@ engraver; scribe; lawyer - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:India <HITCHCOCK>@ praise; law - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Jeduthun <HITCHCOCK>@ his law; giving praise - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Mithredath <HITCHCOCK>@ breaking the law - HITCHCOCK-M



(1) God as- kjv@Isaiah:33:22; kjv@Isaiah:51:4; kjv@James:4:12 Decalogue, DECALOGUE, THE

(2) Moses as- kjv@Exodus:34:32; kjv@Deuteronomy:4:44; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:4; kjv@John:1:17; kjv@John:7:19; kjv@Acts:7:38

LAW INSUFFICIENT @ kjv@Romans:3:19; kjv@Romans:8:3; kjv@Galatians:2:19; kjv@Ephesians:2:15; kjv@Hebrews:7:19

LAW, PURPOSE OF @ kjv@Romans:3:20; kjv@Romans:5:20; kjv@Romans:7:7; kjv@Galatians:3:19,24; kjv@1Timothy:1:9

LAWYERS @ kjv@Luke:10:25; kjv@Luke:11:46; kjv@Luke:14:3; kjv@Titus:3:13


H65 <STRHEB>@ אבל מחולה 'âbêl mechôlâh aw-bale' mekh-o-law' From H58 and H4246; meadow of dancing; {Abel-Mecholah} a place in Palestine: - Abel-meholah.

H1015 <STRHEB>@ בּית דּבלתים bêyth diblâthayim bayth dib-law-thah'-yim From H1004 and the dual of H1690; house of (the) two fig cakes; {Beth-Diblathajim} a place East of the Jordan: - Beth-diblathaim.

H1031 <STRHEB>@ בּית חגלה bêyth choglâh bayth chog-law' From H1004 and the same as H2295; house of a partridge; {Beth-Choglah} a place in Palestine: - Beth-hoglah.

H1086 <STRHEB>@ בּלה bâlâh baw-law' A primitive root; to fail; by implication to wear {out} decay (causatively {consume} spend): - {consume} enjoy {long} become ({make} wax) {old} {spend} waste.

H1088 <STRHEB>@ בּלה bâlâh baw-law' Feminine of H1087; failure; {Balah} a place in Palestine: - Balah.

H1091 <STRHEB>@ בּלּהה ballâhâh bal-law-haw' From H1089; alarm; hence destruction: - {terror} trouble.

H1111 <STRHEB>@ בּלק bâlâq baw-lawk' From H1110; waster; {Balak} a Moabitish king: - Balak.

H1312 <STRHEB>@ בּשׁלם bishlâm bish-lawm' Of foreign derivation; {Bishlam} a Persian: - Bishlam.

H1330 <STRHEB>@ בּתוּלה bethûlâh beth-oo-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to separate; a virgin (from her privacy); sometimes (by continuation) a bride; also (figuratively) a city or state: - {maid} virgin.

H1350 <STRHEB>@ גּאל gâ'al gaw-al' A primitive {root} to redeem (according to the Oriental law of {kinship}) that {is} to be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative´ s {property} marry his {widow} etc.): - X in any {wise} X at {all} {avenger} {deliver} ({do} perform the part of {near} next) kinsfolk ({-man}) {purchase} {ransom} redeem ({-er}) revenger.

H1353 <STRHEB>@ גּאלּה gellâh gheh-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H1350; redemption (including the right and the object); by implication relationship: - {kindred} {redeem} {redemption} right.

H1367 <STRHEB>@ גּבלה גּבוּלה gebûlâh gebûlâh {gheb-oo-law'} gheb-oo-law' Feminine of H1366; a {boundary} region: - {border} {bound} {coast} {landmark} place.

H1420 <STRHEB>@ גּדוּלּה גּדלּה גּדוּלה gedûlâh gedûllâh gedûllâh ghed-oo-law' (all three forms) Feminine of H1419; greatness; (concretely) mighty acts: - {dignity} great things ({-ness}) majesty.

H1473 <STRHEB>@ גּלה גּולה gôlâh gôlâh {go-law'} go-law' Active participle feminine of H1540; exile; concretely and {collectively} exiles: - (carried {away}) captive ({-ity}) removing.

H1474 <STRHEB>@ גּולן gôlân go-lawn' From H1473; captive; {Golan} a place East of the Jordan: - Golan.

H1500 <STRHEB>@ גּזלה gezêlâh ghez-ay-law' Feminine of H1498 and meaning the same: - that (he had robbed) [which he took violently {away]} {spoil} violence.

H1525 <STRHEB>@ גּילת גּילה gîylâh gîylath {ghee-law'} ghee-lath' Feminine of H1524; joy: - {joy} rejoicing.

H1532 <STRHEB>@ גּלּב gallâb gal-lawb' From an unused root meaning to shave; a barber: - barber.

H1540 <STRHEB>@ גּלה gâlâh gaw-law' A primitive root; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense); by implication to exile (captives being usually stripped); figuratively to reveal: - + {advertise} {appear} {bewray} {bring} ({carry} {lead} go) captive (into {captivity}) {depart} {disclose} {discover} {exile} be {gone} {open} X {plainly} {publish} {remove} {reveal} X {shamelessly} {shew} X {surely} {tell} uncover.

H1543 <STRHEB>@ גּלּה gûllâh gool-law' Feminine from H1556; a {fountain} bowl or globe (all as round): - {bowl} {pommel} spring.

H1549 <STRHEB>@ גּליון גּלּיון gillâyôn gilyôn {ghil-law-yone'} ghil-yone' From H1540; a tablet for writing (as bare); by analogy a mirror (as a plate): - {glass} roll.

H1551 <STRHEB>@ גּלילה גּליל gâlîyl gâlîylâh {gaw-leel'} gaw-lee-law' The same as H1550; a circle (with the article); Galil (as a special circuit) in the North of Palestine: - Galilee.

H1552 <STRHEB>@ גּלילה gelîylâh ghel-ee-law' Feminine of H1550; a circuit or region: - {border} {coast} country.

H1557 <STRHEB>@ גּלל gâlâl gaw-lawl' From H1556; dung (as in balls): - dung.

H1558 <STRHEB>@ גּלל gâlâl gaw-lawl' From H1556; a circumstance (as rolled around); only used {adverbially} on account of: - because {of} for (sake).

H1559 <STRHEB>@ גּלל gâlâl gaw-lawl' From {H1556} in the sense of H1560; great; {Galal} the name of two Israelites: - Galal.

H1578 <STRHEB>@ גּמוּלה gemûlâh ghem-oo-law' Feminine of H1576; meaning the same: - {deed} {recompence} such a reward.

H1689 <STRHEB>@ דּבלה diblâh dib-law' Probably an orthographical error for H7247; {Diblah} a place in Syria: - Diblath.

H1690 <STRHEB>@ דּבלה debêlâh deb-ay-law' From an unused root (akin to H2082) probably meaning to press together; a cake of pressed figs: - cake (lump) of figs.

H1777 <STRHEB>@ דּוּן דּין dîyn dûn {deen} doon A primitive root (compare H113); to rule; by implication to judge (as umpire); also to strive (as at law): - {contend} execute ({judgment}) {judge} minister {judgment} plead (the {cause}) at {strife} strive.

H1802 <STRHEB>@ דּלה dâlâh daw-law' A primitive root (compare H1809); properly to {dangle} that {is} to let down a bucket (for drawing out water); figuratively to deliver: - draw ({out}) X {enough} lift up.

H1803 <STRHEB>@ דּלּה dallâh dal-law' From H1802; properly something {dangling} that {is} a loose thread or hair; figuratively indigent: - {hair} pining {sickness} poor (-est sort).

H1807 <STRHEB>@ דּלילה delîylâh del-ee-law' From H1809; languishing: - {Delilah} a Philistine woman: - Delilah.

H1853 <STRHEB>@ דּקלה diqlâh dik-law' Of foreign origin; {Diklah} a region of Arabia: - Diklah.

H1881 <STRHEB>@ דּת dâth dawth Of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation; a royal edict or statute: - {commandment} {commission} {decree} {law} manner.

H1882 <STRHEB>@ דּת dâth dawth (Chaldee); corresponding to H1881; {decree} law.

H1884 <STRHEB>@ דּתבר dethâbâr deth-aw-bawr' (Chaldee); of Persian origin6; meaning one skilled in law; a judge: - counsellor.

H1947 <STRHEB>@ הוללה hôlêlâh ho-lay-law' Feminine active participle of H1984; folly: - madness.

H1972 <STRHEB>@ הלא hâlâ' haw-law' Probably denominative from H1973; to remove or be remote: - cast far off.

H1975 <STRHEB>@ הלּז hallâz hal-lawz' From H1976; this or that: - {side} {that} this.

H1976 <STRHEB>@ הלּזה hallâzeh hal-law-zeh' From the article (see H1973) and H2088; this very: - this.

H1999 <STRHEB>@ המוּלּה המלּה hămûlâh hămûllâh {ham-ool-law'} ham-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to rush (as rain with a windy roar); a sound: - {speech} tumult.

H197 <STRHEB>@ אלם אוּלם 'ûlâmlâm {oo-lawm'} oo-lawm' From H481 (in the sense of tying); a vestibule (as bound to the building): - porch.

H198 <STRHEB>@ אוּלם 'ûlâm oo-lawm' Apparently from H481 (in the sense of dumbness); solitary; {Ulam} the name of two Israelites: - Ulam.

H199 <STRHEB>@ אוּלם 'ûlâm oo-lawm' Apparently a variation of H194; however or on the contrary: - as {for} {but} {howbeit} in very {deed} {surely} {truly} wherefore.

H2056 <STRHEB>@ ולד vâlâd vaw-lawd' For H3206; a boy: - child.

H2108 <STRHEB>@ זוּלה zûlâh zoo-law' From H2107; properly {scattering} that {is} removal; used adverbially except: - {beside} {but} {only} save.

H2246 <STRHEB>@ חבב chôbâb kho-bawb' From H2245; cherished; {Chobab} father in law of Moses: - Hobab.

H2248 <STRHEB>@ חבוּלה chăbûlâh khab-oo-law' (Chaldee); from H2255; properly {overthrown} that {is} (morally) crime: - hurt.

H2258 <STRHEB>@ חבלה חבל chăbôl chăbôlâh {khab-ole'} khab-o-law' From H2254; a pawn (as security for debt): - pledge.

H2295 <STRHEB>@ חגלה choglâh khog-law' Of uncertain derivation; probably a partridge; {Choglah} an Israelitess: - Hoglah. See also H1031.

H2341 <STRHEB>@ חוילה chăvîylâh khav-ee-law' Probably from H2342; circular; {Chavilah} the name of two or three eastern regions; also perhaps of two men: - Havilah.

H2427 <STRHEB>@ חילה חיל chîyl chîylâh {kheel} khee-law' From H2342; a throe (especially of childbirth): - {pain} {pang} sorrow.

H2430 <STRHEB>@ חילה chêylâh khay-law' Feminine of H2428; an intrenchment: - bulwark.

H2431 <STRHEB>@ חלאם חילם chêylâm chêlm {khay-lawm'} khay-lawm' From H2428; fortress; {Chelam} a place East of Palestine: - Helam.

H2444 <STRHEB>@ חכילה chăkîylâh khak-ee-law' From the same as H2447; dark; {Chakilah} a hill in Palestine: - Hachilah.

H2456 <STRHEB>@ חלא châlâ' khaw-law' A primitive root (compare H2470); to be sick: - be diseased.

H2461 <STRHEB>@ חלב châlâb khaw-lawb' From the same as H2459; milk (as the richness of kine): - + {cheese} {milk} {sucking}

H2470 <STRHEB>@ חלה châlâh khaw-law' A primitive root (compare {H2342} H2490); properly to be rubbed or worn; hence (figuratively) to be {weak} sick6 afflicted; or (causatively) to {grieve} make sick; also to stroke (in {flattering}) entreat: - {beseech} (be) {diseased} (put to) {grief} be {grieved} (be) {grievous} {infirmity} {intreat} lay {to} put to {pain} X {pray} make {prayer} be ({fall} make) {sick} {sore} be {sorry} make suit (X {supplication}) woman in {travail} be (become) {weak} be wounded.

H2471 <STRHEB>@ חלּה challâh khal-law' From H2490; a cake (as usually punctured): - cake.

H2479 <STRHEB>@ חלחלה chalchâlâh khal-khaw-law' Feminine from the same as H2478; writhing (in childbirth); by implication terror: - ({great} much) pain.

H2486 <STRHEB>@ חללה חלילה châlîylâh châlilâh {khaw-lee'-law} khaw-lee'-law A directive from H2490; literally for a profaned thing; used (interjectionally) far be it!: - be {far} (X God) forbid.

H2491 <STRHEB>@ חלל châlâl khaw-lawl' From H2490; pierced (especially to death); figuratively polluted: - {kill} {profane} slain ({man}) X {slew} (deadly) wounded.

H2495 <STRHEB>@ חלּמוּת challâmûth khal-law-mooth' From H2492 (in the sense of insipidity); probably purslain: - egg.

H2496 <STRHEB>@ חלּמישׁ challâmîysh khal-law-meesh' Probably from H2492 (in the sense of hardness); flint: - flint ({-y}) rock.

H2504 <STRHEB>@ חלץ châlâts khaw-lawts' From H2502 (in the sense of strength); only in the dual; the loins (as the seat of vigor): - {loins} reins.

H2509 <STRHEB>@ חלק châlâq khaw-lawk' From H2505; smooth (especially of tongue): - {flattering} smooth.

H2510 <STRHEB>@ חלק châlâq khaw-lawk' The same as H2500; bare; {Chalak} a mountain of Idumaea: - Halak.

H2511 <STRHEB>@ חלּק challâq khal-lawk' From H2505; smooth: - smooth.

H2523 <STRHEB>@ חלּשׁ challâsh khal-lawsh' From H2322; frail: - weak.

H2524 <STRHEB>@ חם châm khawm From the same as H2346; a father in law (as in affinity): - father in law.

H2537 <STRHEB>@ חמיטל חמוּטל chămûţal chămîyţal {kham-oo-tal'} kham-ee-tal' From H2524 and H2919; father in law of dew; Chamutal or {Chamital} an Israelitess: - Hamutal.

H2545 <STRHEB>@ חמת חמות chămôth chămôth {kham-oth'} kham-oth' Feminine of H2524; a mother in law: - mother in law.

H2551 <STRHEB>@ חמלה chemlâh khem-law' From H2550; commiseration: - {merciful} pity.

H2706 <STRHEB>@ חק chôq khoke From H2710; an enactment; hence an appointment (of {time} {space} {quantity} labor or usage): - {appointed} {bound} {commandment} {convenient} {custom} decree ({-d}) {due} {law} {measure} X {necessary} ordinance ({-nary}) {portion} set {time} {statute} task.

H2710 <STRHEB>@ חקק châqaq khaw-kak' A primitive root; properly to {hack} that {is} engrave ( to be a scribe simply); by implication to enact (laws being cut in stone or metal tablets in primitive times) or (generally) prescribe: - {appoint} {decree} {governor} {grave} {lawgiver} {note} {pourtray} {print} set.

H2854 <STRHEB>@ חתלּה chăthûllâh khath-ool-law' From H2853; a swathing cloth (figuratively): - swaddling band.

H2859 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthan khaw-than' A primitive root; to give (a daughter) away in marriage; hence (generally) to contract affinity by marriage: - join in {affinity} father in {law} make {marriages} mother in {law} son in law.

H2860 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthân khaw-thawn' From H2859; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride); figuratively a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal): - {bridegroom} {husband} son in law.

H2921 <STRHEB>@ טלא ţâlâ' taw-law' A primitive root; properly to cover with pieces; that {is} (by implication) to spot or variegate (as tapestry): - {clouted} with divers {colours} spotted.

H2925 <STRHEB>@ טלטלה ţalţêlâh tal-tay-law' From H2904; overthrow or rejection: - captivity.

H2953 <STRHEB>@ טפר ţephar tef-ar' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to {H6852} and meaning the same as H6856; a finger nail; also a hoof or claw: - nail.

H2993 <STRHEB>@ יבם yâbâm yaw-bawm' From (the original of) H2992; a brother-in-law: - husband´ sbrother.

H2994 <STRHEB>@ יבמת yebêmeth yeb-ay'-meth Feminine participle of H2992; a sister-in-law: - brother´ s {wife} sister in law.

H3044 <STRHEB>@ ידלף yidlâph yid-lawf' From H1811; tearful; {Jidlaph} a Mesopotamian: - Jidlaph.

H3132 <STRHEB>@ יועאלה yô‛ê'lâh yo-ay-law' Perhaps feminine active participle of H3276; furthermore; {Joelah} an Israelite: - Joelah.

H3215 <STRHEB>@ יללה yelâlâh yel-aw-law' Feminine of H3214; a howling: - howling.

H3229 <STRHEB>@ ימלה ימלא yimlâ' yimlâh {yeem-law'} yim-law' From H4390; full; Jimla or {Jimlah} an Israelite: - {Imla} Imlah.

H3281 <STRHEB>@ יעלם yalâm yah-lawm' From H5956; occult; {Jalam} an Edomite: - Jalam.

H3494 <STRHEB>@ יתלה yithlâh yith-law' Probably from H8518; it will {hang} that {is} high; {Jithlah} a place in Palestine: - Jethlah.

H3503 <STRHEB>@ יתרו yithrô yith-ro' From H3499 with pronominal suffix; his excellence; {Jethro} Moses´ father in law: - Jethro. Compare H3500.

H3540 <STRHEB>@ כּדרלעמר kedorlâ‛ômer ked-or-law-o'-mer Of foreign origin; {Kedorlaomer} an early Persian king: - Chedorlaomer.

H3607 <STRHEB>@ כּלא kâlâ' kaw-law' A primitive root; to {restrict} by act (hold back or in) or word (prohibit): - {finish} {forbid} keep ({back}) {refrain} {restrain} {retain} shut {up} be {stayed} withhold.

H3615 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' A primitive root; to {end} whether intransitively (to {cease} be {finished} perish) or transitively (to {complete} {prepare} consume): - {accomplish} {cease} consume ({away}) {determine} destroy ({utterly}) be (when . . . were) {done} (be an) end ({of}) {expire} (cause to) {fail} {faint} {finish} {fulfil} X {fully} X {have} leave ({off}) {long} bring to {pass} wholly {reap} make clean {riddance} {spend} quite take {away} waste.

H3617 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' From H3615; a completion; adverbially completely; also destruction: - {altogether} ({be} utterly) consume ({-d}) consummation ({-ption}) was {determined} ({full} utter) {end} riddance.

H3618 <STRHEB>@ כּלּה kallâh kal-law' From H3634; a bride (as if perfect); hence a son's wife: - {bride} {daughter-in-law} spouse.

H3623 <STRHEB>@ כּלוּלה kelûlâh kel-oo-law' Denominative passive participle from H3618; bridehood (only in the plural): - espousal.

H3631 <STRHEB>@ כּלּיון killâyôn kil-law-yone' From H3615; {pining} destruction: - {consumption} failing.

H3637 <STRHEB>@ כּלם kâlam kaw-lawm' A primitive root; properly to wound; but only {figuratively} to taunt or insult: - be (make) {ashamed} {blush} be {confounded} be put to {confusion} {hurt} {reproach} ({do} put to) shame.

H3690 <STRHEB>@ כּסלה kislâh kis-law' Feminine of H3689; in a good {sense} trust; in a bad {one} silliness: - {confidence} folly.

H3809 <STRHEB>@ לה לא lâ' lâh {law} law (Chaldee); corresponding to H3808: - or {even} {neither} no ({-ne} {-r}) ([can-]) {not} as {nothing} without.

H3811 <STRHEB>@ לאה lâ'âh law-aw' A primitive root; to tire; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted: - {faint} {grieve} {lothe} ({be} make) weary (selves).

H3813 <STRHEB>@ לאט lâ'aţ law-at' A primitive root; to muffle: - cover.

H3814 <STRHEB>@ לאט lâ'ţ lawt From H3813 (or perhaps for active participle of H3874); properly {muffled} that {is} silently: - softly.

H3815 <STRHEB>@ לאל lâ'êl law-ale' From the prepositional prefix and H410; (belonging) to God; Lael an Israelite: - Lael.

H3823 <STRHEB>@ לבב lâbab law-bab' A primitive root; properly to be enclosed (as if with fat); by implication (as denominative from H3824) to {unheart} that {is} (in a good sense) transport (with {love}) or (in a bad sense) stultify; also (as denominative from H3834) to make cakes: - make {cakes} {ravish} be wise.

H3832 <STRHEB>@ לבט lâbaţ law-bat' A primitive root; to overthrow; intransitively to fall: - fall.

H3833 <STRHEB>@ לבאות לבאים לביּא לביא lâbîy' lebîyâ' lebâ'îym lebâ'ôth law-bee' leb-ee-yaw' leb-aw-eem' (-oth') From an unused root meaning to roar; a lion (properly a lioness as the fiercer (although not a roarer; compare H738)): - ({great} {old} stout) {lion} {lioness} young [lion].

H3834 <STRHEB>@ לבבה לביבה lâbîybâh lebibâh {law-bee-baw'} leb-ee-baw' From H3823 in its original sense of fatness (or perhaps of folding); a cake (either as fried or turned): - cake.

H3835 <STRHEB>@ לבן lâban law-ban' A primitive root; to be (or become) white; also (as denominative from H3843) to make bricks: - make {brick} be ({made} make) white (-r).

H3836 <STRHEB>@ לבן לבן lâbân lâbên {law-bawn'} law-bane' From H3835; white: - white.

H3837 <STRHEB>@ לבן lâbân law-bawn' The same as H3836; {Laban} a Mesopotamian; also a place in the Desert: - Laban.

H3847 <STRHEB>@ לבשׁ לבשׁ lâbash lâbêsh {law-bash'} law-bashe' A primitive root; properly wrap {around} that {is} (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe ({oneself} or {another}) literally or figuratively: - (in) {apparel} {arm} array ({self}) clothe ({self}) come {upon} put ({on} {upon}) wear.

H3856 <STRHEB>@ לההּ lâhahh law-hah' A primitive root meaning properly to {burn} that {is} (by implication) to be rabid (figuratively insane); also (from the exhaustion of frenzy) to languish: - {faint} mad.

H3857 <STRHEB>@ להט lâhaţ law-hat' A primitive root; properly to {lick} that {is} (by implication) to blaze: - burn ({up}) set on {fire} {flaming} kindle.

H3859 <STRHEB>@ להם lâham law-ham' A primitive root; properly to burn {in} that {is} (figuratively) to rankle: - wound.

H3860 <STRHEB>@ להן lâhên law-hane' From the prefixed preposition meaning to or for and H2005; for if; hence therefore. for them by mistake for prepositional suffix: - for them [by mistake for prepositionsuffix].

H3861 <STRHEB>@ להן lâhên law-hane' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3860; therefore; also except: - {but} {except} {save} {therefore} wherefore.

H3867 <STRHEB>@ לוה lâvâh law-vaw' A primitive root; properly to {twine} that {is} (by implication) to {unite} to remain; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (causatively) to lend: - abide {with} borrow ({-er}) {cleave} join ({self}) lend (-er).

H3894 <STRHEB>@ לחם לחוּם lâchûm lâchûm {law-khoom'} law-khoom' Passive participle of H3898; properly {eaten} that {is} food; also {flesh} that {is} body: - while . . . is {eating} flesh.

H3897 <STRHEB>@ לחך lâchak law-khak' A primitive root; to lick: - lick (up).

H3898 <STRHEB>@ לחם lâcham law-kham' A primitive root; to feed on; figuratively to consume; by implication to battle (as destruction): - {devour} {eat} X {ever} fight ({-ing}) {overcome} {prevail} (make) war (-ring).

H3901 <STRHEB>@ לחם lâchem law-khem' From {H3898} battle: - war.

H3905 <STRHEB>@ לחץ lâchats law-khats' A primitive root; properly to {press} that {is} (figuratively) to distress: - {afflict} {crush} {force} hold {fast} oppress ({-or}) thrust self.

H3907 <STRHEB>@ לחשׁ lâchash law-khash' A primitive root; to whisper; by implication to mumble a spell (as a magician): - {charmer} whisper (together).

H3909 <STRHEB>@ לט lâţ lawt A form of H3814 or else partly from H3874; properly {covered} that {is} secret; by implication incantation; also secrecy or (adverbially) covertly: - {enchantment} {privily} {secretly} softly.

H3913 <STRHEB>@ לטשׁ lâţash law-tash' A primitive root; properly to hammer out (an {edge}) that {is} to sharpen: - {instructer} sharp ({-en}) whet.

H3920 <STRHEB>@ לכד lâkad law-kad' A primitive root; to catch (in a {net} trap or pit); generally to capture or occupy; also to choose (by lot); figuratively to cohere: - X at {all} catch ({self}) be {frozen} be {holden} stick {together} take.

H3923 <STRHEB>@ לכישׁ lâkîysh law-keesh' From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Lakish} a place in Palestine: - Lachish.

H3924 <STRHEB>@ ללאה lûlâ'âh loo-law-aw' From the same as H3883; a loop: - loop.

H3925 <STRHEB>@ למד lâmad law-mad' A primitive root; properly to {goad} that {is} (by implication) to teach (the rod being an Oriental incentive): - [un-] {accustomed} X {diligently} {expert} {instruct} {learn} {skilful} teach ({-er} -ing).

H3931 <STRHEB>@ לעב lâ‛ab law-ab' A primitive root; to deride: - mock.

H3932 <STRHEB>@ לעג lâ‛ag law-ag' A primitive root; to deride; by implication (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly: - have in {derision} laugh (to {scorn}) mock ({on}) stammering.

H3934 <STRHEB>@ לעג lâ‛êg law-ayg' From H3932; a buffoon; also a foreigner: - {mocker} stammering.

H3937 <STRHEB>@ לעז lâ‛az law-az' A primitive root; to speak in a foreign tongue: - strange language.

H3938 <STRHEB>@ לעט lâ‛aţ law-at' A primitive root; to swallow greedily; causatively to feed: - feed.

H3943 <STRHEB>@ לפת lâphath law-fath' A primitive root; properly to {bend} that {is} (by implication) to clasp; also (reflexively) to turn around or aside: - take {hold} turn aside (self).

H3944 <STRHEB>@ לצון lâtsôn law-tsone' From H3887; derision: - scornful (-ning).

H3945 <STRHEB>@ לצץ lâtsats law-tsats' A primitive root; to deride: - scorn.

H3947 <STRHEB>@ לקח lâqach law-kakh' A primitive root; to take (in the widest variety of applications): - {accept} {bring} {buy} carry {away} {drawn} {fetch} {get} {infold} X {many} {mingle} {place} receive ({-ing}) {reserve} {seize} send {for} take ({away} {-ing} {up}) {use} win.

H3950 <STRHEB>@ לקט lâqaţ law-kat' A primitive root; properly to pick {up} that {is} (generally) to gather; specifically to glean: - gather ({up}) glean.

H3952 <STRHEB>@ לקק lâqaq law-kak' A primitive root; to lick or lap: - {lap} lick.

H3953 <STRHEB>@ לקשׁ lâqash law-kash' A primitive root; to gather the after crop: - gather.

H3956 <STRHEB>@ לשׁנה לשׁן לשׁון lâshôn lâshôn leshônâh {law-shone'} {law-shone'} lesh-o-naw' From H3960; the tongue (of man or {animals}) used literally (as the instrument of {licking} {eating} or {speech}) and figuratively ({speech} an {ingot} a fork of {flame} a cove of water): - + {babbler} {bay} + evil {speaker} {language} {talker} {tongue} wedge.

H3960 <STRHEB>@ לשׁן lâshan law-shan' A primitive root; properly to lick; but used only as a denominative from H3956; to wag the {tongue} that {is} to calumniate: - {accuse} slander.

H3995 <STRHEB>@ מבדּלה mibdâlâh mib-daw-law' From H914; a {separation} that {is} (concretely) a separate place: - separate.

H303 <STRHEB>@ אחלב 'achlâb akh-lawb' From the same root as H2459; fatness (that {is} fertile); {Achlab} a place in Palestine: - Ahlab.

H306 <STRHEB>@ אחלמה 'achlâmâh akh-law'-maw Perhaps from H2492 (and thus dream stone); a {gem} probably the amethyst: - amethyst.

H355 <STRHEB>@ איּלה 'ayâlâh ah-yaw-law' Feminine of H354; a doe or female deer: - hind.

H361 <STRHEB>@ אלמּה אלם אילם 'êylâmlâmlammâh {ay-lawm'} {ay-lawm'} ay-lam-maw' Probably from H352; a pillar space (or {colonnade}) that {is} a pale (or portico): - arch.

H363 <STRHEB>@ אילן 'îylân ee-lawn' (Chaldee); corresponding to H356; a tree: - tree.

H396 <STRHEB>@ אכילה 'ăkîylâh ak-ee-law' Feminine from H398; something {eatable} that {is} food: - meat.

H4020 <STRHEB>@ מגבּלה migbâlâh mig-baw-law' From H1379; a border: - end.

H4026 <STRHEB>@ מגדּלה מגדּל migdâl migdâlâh {mig-dawl'} mig-daw-law' From H1431; a tower (from its size or height); by analogy a rostrum; figuratively a (pyramidal) bed of flowers: - {castle} {flower} {pulpit} tower. Compare the names following.

H4039 <STRHEB>@ מגלּה megillâh meg-il-law' From H1556; a roll: - {roll} volume.

H4040 <STRHEB>@ מגלּה megillâh meg-il-law' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4039: - roll.

H4122 <STRHEB>@ מהר שׁלל חשׁ בּז mahêr shâlâl châsh baz mah-hare' shaw-lawl' khawsh baz From H4118 and H7998 and H2363 and H957; hasting (as he (the enemy) to the) {booty} swift (to the) prey; Maher-Shalal Chash-Baz; the symbolical name of the son of Isaiah: - Maher-shalal-hash-baz.

H4123 <STRHEB>@ מהתלּה mahăthallâh mah-hath-al-law' From H2048; a delusion: - deceit.

H4137 <STRHEB>@ מולדה môlâdâh mo-law-daw' From H3205; birth; {Moladah} a place in Palestine: - Moladah.

H4139 <STRHEB>@ מוּלה mûlâh moo-law' From H4135; circumcision: - circumcision.

H4207 <STRHEB>@ מזלגה מזלג mazlêg mizlâgâh {maz-layg'} miz-law-gaw' From an unused root meaning to draw up; a fork: - fleshhook.

H4208 <STRHEB>@ מזּלה mazzâlâh maz-zaw-law' Apparently from H5140 in the sense of raining; a {constellation} that {is} Zodiacal sign (perhaps as affecting the weather): - planet. Compare H4216.

H4244 <STRHEB>@ מחלה machlâh makh-law' From H2470; sickness; {Machlah} the name apparently of two Israelitesses: - Mahlah.

H4246 <STRHEB>@ מחלה mechôlâh mekh-o-law' Feminine of H4234; a dance: - {company} dances (-cing).

H4247 <STRHEB>@ מחלּה mechillâh mekh-il-law' From H2490; a cavern (as if excavated): - cave.

H4253 <STRHEB>@ מחלפה machlâphâh makh-law-faw' From H2498; a ringlet of hair (as gliding over each other): - lock.

H4259 <STRHEB>@ מחלתי mechôlâthîy mekh-o-law-thee' Patrial from H65; a Mecholathite or inhabitant of Abel Mecholah: - Mecholathite.

H4356 <STRHEB>@ מכלה מכלאה miklâ'âh miklâh {mik-law-aw'} mik-law' From H3607; a pen (for flocks): - ([sheep-]) fold. Compare H4357.

H4357 <STRHEB>@ מכלה miklâh mik-law' From H3615; completion (in plural concretely and adverbially wholly): - perfect. Compare H4356.

H4359 <STRHEB>@ מכלל miklâl mik-lawl' From H3634; perfection (of beauty): - perfection.

H4375 <STRHEB>@ מכפּלה makpêlâh mak-pay-law' From H3717; a fold; {Makpelah} a place in Palestine: - Machpelah.

H4384 <STRHEB>@ מכשׁלה makshêlâh mak-shay-law' Feminine from H3782; a {stumblingblock} but only figuratively ({fall} enticement (idol)): - {ruin} stumbling-block.

H4390 <STRHEB>@ מלא מלא mâlê' mâlâ' {maw-lay'} maw-law' A primitive {root} to fill or (intransitively) be full {of} in a wide application (literally and figuratively): - {accomplish} {confirm} + {consecrate} be at an {end} be {expired} be {fenced} {fill} {fulfil} ({be} {become} X {draw} give {in} go) fully ({-ly} -ly {set} {tale}) [over-] {flow} {fulness} {furnish} gather ({selves} {together}) {presume} {replenish} {satisfy} {set} {space} take a [hand-] {full} + have wholly.

H4405 <STRHEB>@ מלּה מלּה millâh milleh {mil-law'} mil-leh' From H4448 (plural masculine as if from the second form); a word; collectively a discourse; figuratively a topic: - + {answer} {by-word} {matter} any thing (what) to {say} to speak ({-ing}) {speak} {talking} word.

H4406 <STRHEB>@ מלּה millâh mil-law' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4405; a {word} command6 {discourse} or subject: - {commandment} {matter} {thing} word.

H4418 <STRHEB>@ מלח mâlâch maw-lawkh' From H4414 in its original sense; a rag or old garment: - rotten rag.

H4419 <STRHEB>@ מלּח mallâch mal-lawkh' From H4414 in its secondary sense; a sailor (as followingthe salt´ ): - mariner.

H4425 <STRHEB>@ מלילה melîylâh mel-ee-law' From H4449 (in the sense of cropping (compare H4135)); a head of grain (as cut off): - ear.

H4467 <STRHEB>@ ממלכה mamlâkâh mam-law-kaw' From H4427; {dominion} that {is} (abstractly) the estate (rule) or (concretely) the country (realm): - {kingdom} king´ {s} {reign} royal.

H4468 <STRHEB>@ ממלכוּת mamlâkûth mam-law-kooth' A form of H4467 and equivalent to it: - {kingdom} reign.

H4475 <STRHEB>@ ממשׁלה memshâlâh mem-shaw-law' Feminine of H4474; rule; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler: - {dominion} {government} {power} to rule.

H4521 <STRHEB>@ מנת menâth men-awth' From H4487; an allotment (by {courtesy} law or providence): - portion.

H4546 <STRHEB>@ מסלּה mesillâh mes-il-law' From H5549; a thoroughfare (as {turnpiked}) literally or figuratively; specifically a {viaduct} a staircase: - {causeway} {course} {highway} {path} terrace.

H4570 <STRHEB>@ מעגּלה מעגּל magâl magâlâh {mah-gawl'} mah-gaw-law' From the same as H5696; a track (literally or figuratively); also a rampart (as circular): - {going} {path} {trench} way([-side]).

H4652 <STRHEB>@ מפלאה miphlâ'âh mif-law-aw' From H6381; a miracle: - wondrous work.

H4654 <STRHEB>@ מפּלה מפּלה mappâlâh mappêlâh {map-paw-law'} map-pay-law' From H5307; something {fallen} that {is} a ruin: - ruin (-ous).

H4655 <STRHEB>@ מפלט miphlâţ mif-lawt' From H6403; an escape: - escape.

H4657 <STRHEB>@ מפלשׂ miphlâώ mif-lawce' From an unused root meaning to balance; a poising: - balancing.

H4659 <STRHEB>@ מפעלה מפעל miph‛âl miph‛âlâh {mif-awl'} mif-aw-law' From H6466; a performance: - work.

H4684 <STRHEB>@ מצהלה matshâlâh mats-haw-law' From H6670; a whinnying (through impatience for battle or lust): - neighing.

H4687 <STRHEB>@ מצוה mitsvâh mits-vaw' From H6680; a {command} whether human or divine (collectively the Law): - (which was) commanded ({-ment}) {law} {ordinance} precept.

H4688 <STRHEB>@ מצלה מצוּלה מצלה מצולה metsôlâh metsôlâh metsûlâh metsûlâh (1,2) {mets-o-law'} (3,4) mets-oo-law' From the same as H6683; a deep place (of water or mud): - {bottom} {deep} depth.

H4698 <STRHEB>@ מצלּה metsillâh mets-il-law' From H6750; a {tinkler} that {is} a bell: - bell.

H4699 <STRHEB>@ מצלּה metsûllâh mets-ool-law' From H6751; shade: - bottom.

H4721 <STRHEB>@ מקהלה מקהל maqhêl maqhêlâh {mak-hale'} mak-hay-law' From H6950; an assembly: - congregation.

H4733 <STRHEB>@ מקלט miqlâţ mik-lawt' From H7038 in the sense of taking in; an asylum (as a receptacle): - refuge.

H4862 <STRHEB>@ משׁאלה mishlâh mish-aw-law' From H7592; a request: - {desire} petition.

H4872 <STRHEB>@ משׁה môsheh mo-sheh' From H4871; drawing out (of the {water}) that {is} rescued; {Mosheh} the Israelitish lawgiver: - Moses.

H4916 <STRHEB>@ משׁלח משׁלח משׁלוח mishlôach mishlôach mishlâch (1,2) {mish-lo'-akh} mish-lawkh' From H7971; a sending {out} that {is} (abstractly) presentation ({favorable}) or seizure (unfavorable); also (concretely) a place of {dismissal} or a business to be discharged: - to {lay} to {put} sending ({forth}) to set.

H4918 <STRHEB>@ משׁלּם meshûllâm mesh-ool-lawm' From H7999; allied; {Meshullam} the name of seventeen Israelites: - Meshullam.

H4941 <STRHEB>@ משׁפּט mishpâţ mish-pawt' From H8199; properly a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced {judicially} especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (particularly) divine {law} individual or {collectively}) including the {act} the {place} the {suit} the {crime} and the penalty; abstractly {justice} including a particular {right} or privilege (statutory or {customary}) or even a style: - + {adversary} {ceremony} {charge} X {crime} {custom} {desert} {determination} {discretion} {disposing} {due} {fashion} {form} to be {judged} {judgment} just ({-ice} {-ly}) (manner of) law ({-ful}) {manner} {measure} (due) {order} {ordinance} {right} {sentence} {usest} X {worthy} + wrong.

H402 <STRHEB>@ אכלה 'ôklâh ok-law' Feminine of H401; food: - {consume} {devour} {eat} {food} meat.

H414 <STRHEB>@ אלא 'êlâ' ay-law' A variation of H424; oak; {Ela} an Israelite: - Elah.

H421 <STRHEB>@ אלה 'âlâh aw-law' A primitive root (rather identical with H422 through the idea of invocation); to bewail: - lament.

H422 <STRHEB>@ אלה 'âlâh aw-law' A primitive root; properly to {adjure} that {is} (usually in a bad sense) imprecate: - {adjure} {curse} swear.

H423 <STRHEB>@ אלה 'âlâh aw-law' From H422; an imprecation: - {curse} {cursing} {execration} {oath} swearing.

H424 <STRHEB>@ אלה 'êlâh ay-law' Feminine of H352; an oak or other strong tree: - {elm} {oak} teil tree

H425 <STRHEB>@ אלה 'êlâh ay-law' The same as H424; {Elah} the name of an {Edomite} or four {Israelites} and also of a place in Palestine: - Elah.

H427 <STRHEB>@ אלּה 'allâh al-law' A variation of H424: - oak.

H495 <STRHEB>@ אלּסר 'ellâsâr el-law-sawr' Probably of foreign derivation; {Ellasar} an early country of Asia: - Ellasar.

H5038 <STRHEB>@ נבלה nebêlâh neb-ay-law' From H5034; a flabby {thing} that {is} a carcase or carrion (human or {bestial} often collective); figuratively an idol: - (dead) {body} (dead) {carcase} dead of {itself} which {died} (beast) that (which) dieth of itself.

H5039 <STRHEB>@ נבלה nebâlâh neb-aw-law' Feminine of H5036; {foolishness} that {is} (morally) wickedness; concretely a crime; by extension punishment: - {folly} {vile} villany.

H5041 <STRHEB>@ נבלּט neballâţ neb-al-lawt' Apparently from H5036 and H3909; foolish secrecy; {Neballat} a place in Palestine: - Neballat.

H5155 <STRHEB>@ נחילה nechîylâh nekh-ee-law' Probably denominative from H2485; a flute: - [plural] Nehiloth.

H5158 <STRHEB>@ נחלה נחלה נחל nachal nachlâh nachălâh {nakh'-al} {nakh'-law} nakh-al-aw' From H5157 in its original sense; a {stream} especially a winter torrent; (by implication) a (narrow) valley (in which a brook runs); also a shaft (of a mine): - {brook} {flood} {river} {stream} valley.

H5239 <STRHEB>@ נלה nâlâh naw-law' Apparently a primitive root; to complete: - make an end.

H5244 <STRHEB>@ נמלה nemâlâh nem-aw-law' Feminine from H5243; an ant (probably from its almost bisected form): - ant.

H5450 <STRHEB>@ סבלה sebâlâh seb-aw-law' From H5447; porterage: - burden.

H5459 <STRHEB>@ סגלּה segûllâh seg-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to shut up; wealth (as closely shut up): - {jewel} peculiar ({treasure}) proper {good} special.

H5537 <STRHEB>@ סלא sâlâ' saw-law' A primitive root; to suspend in a {balance} that {is} weigh: - compare.

H5538 <STRHEB>@ סלּא sillâ' sil-law' From H5549; an embankment; {Silla} a place in Jerusalem: - Silla.

H5541 <STRHEB>@ סלה sâlâh saw-law' A primitive root; to hang {up} that {is} {weigh} or (figuratively) contemn: - tread down (under {foot}) value.

H5542 <STRHEB>@ סלה selâh seh'-law From H5541; suspension (of {music}) that {is} pause: - Selah.

H5546 <STRHEB>@ סלּח sallâch sal-lawkh' From H5545; placable: - ready to forgive.

H5551 <STRHEB>@ סלּם sûllâm sool-lawm' From H5549; a stair case: - ladder.

H5552 <STRHEB>@ סלסלּה salsillâh sal-sil-law' From H5541; a twig (as pendulous): - basket.

H5697 <STRHEB>@ עגלה ‛eglâh eg-law' Feminine of H5695; a (female) {calf} especially one nearly grown (that {is} a heifer): - {calf} {cow} heifer.

H5698 <STRHEB>@ עגלה ‛eglâh eg-law' The same as H5697; {Eglah} a wife of David: - Eglah.

H5699 <STRHEB>@ עגלה ‛ăgâlâh ag-aw-law' From the same as H5696; something {revolving} that {is} a wheeled vehicle: - {cart} {chariot} wagon.

H5700 <STRHEB>@ עגלון ‛eglôn eg-lawn' From H5695; vituline; {Eglon} the name of a place in Palestine and of a Moabitish king: - Eglon.

H5725 <STRHEB>@ עדלּם ‛ădûllâm ad-ool-lawm' Probably from the passive participle of the same as H5724; {Adullam} a place in Palestine: - Adullam.

H5726 <STRHEB>@ עדלּמי ‛ădûllâmîy ad-ool-law-mee' Patrial from H5725; an Adullamite or native of Adullam: - Adullamite.

H5766 <STRHEB>@ עלה עולה עולה עול עול ‛evel ‛âvelavlâh ‛ôlâh ‛ôlâh {eh'-vel} {aw'-vel} {av-law'} {o-law'} o-law' From H5765; (moral) evil: - {iniquity} {perverseness} unjust ({-ly}) unrighteousness ({-ly}) wicked (-ness).

H5768 <STRHEB>@ עלל עולל ‛ôlêl ‛ôlâl {o-lale'} o-lawl' From H5763; a suckling: - {babe} (young) {child} {infant} little one.

H5769 <STRHEB>@ עלם עולם ‛ôlâm ‛ôlâm {o-lawm'} o-lawm' From H5956; properly {concealed} that {is} the vanishing point; generally time out of mind (past or {future}) that {is} (practically) eternity; frequentative adverbially (especially with prepositional prefix) always: - always ({-s}) ancient ({time}) any {more} {continuance} {eternal} ({for} [n-]) ever ({-lasting} {-more} of {old}) {lasting} long ({time}) (of) old ({time}) {perpetual} at any {time} (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare {H5331} H5703.

H5867 <STRHEB>@ עולם עילםo ‛êylâm ‛ôlâm {ay-lawm'} o-lawm' Probably from H5956; {hidden} that {is} distant; {Elam} a son of {Shem} and his {descendants} with their country; also of six Israelites: - Elam.

H5924 <STRHEB>@ עלּא ‛êllâ' ale-law' (Chaldee); from H5922; above: - over.

H5925 <STRHEB>@ עלּא ‛ûllâ' ool-law' Feminine of H5923; burden; {Ulla} an Israelite: - Ulla.

H5927 <STRHEB>@ עלה ‛âlâh aw-law' A primitive root; to {ascend} intransitively (be high) or active (mount); used in a great variety of {senses} primary and {secondary} literally and figuratively: - arise (up). (cause to) ascend {up} at {once} break [the day] ({up}) bring ({up}) (cause to) {burn} carry {up} cast {up} + {shew} climb ({up}) (cause {to} make to) come ({up}) cut {off} {dawn} {depart} {exalt} {excel} {fall} fetch {up} get {up} (make to) go ({away} {up}) grow ({over}) {increase} {lay} {leap} {levy} lift (self) {up} {light} [make] {up} X {mention} mount {up} {offer} make to {pay} + {perfect} {prefer} put ({on}) {raise} {recover} {restore} (make to) rise ({up}) {scale} set ({up}) shoot forth ({up}) (begin to) spring ({up}) stir {up} take away ({up}) work.

H5930 <STRHEB>@ עולה עלה ‛ôlâh ‛ôlâh {o-law'} o-law' Feminine active participle of H5927; a step or (collectively {stairs} as ascending); usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke): - {ascent} burnt offering ({sacrifice}) go up to. See also H5766.

H5931 <STRHEB>@ עלּה ‛illâh il-law' (Chaldee); feminine from a root corresponding to H5927; a pretext (as arising artificially): - occasion.

H5949 <STRHEB>@ עללה עלילה ‛ălîylâh ‛ălilâh {al-ee-law'} al-ee-law' From H5953 in the sense of effecting; an exploit (of {God}) or a performance (of {man} often in a bad sense); by implication an opportunity: - act ({-ion}) {deed} {doing} {invention} {occasion} work.

H5955 <STRHEB>@ עללה ‛ôlêlâh o-lay-law' Feminine active participle of H5953; only in plural gleanings; by extension gleaning time: - (gleaning) (of the) grapes6grapegleanings.

H5963 <STRHEB>@ עלמן דּבלתימה ‛almôn diblâthâymâh al-mone' dib-law-thaw'-yem-aw From the same as H5960 and the dual of H1690 (compare H1015) with enclitic of direction; Almon towards Diblathajim; Almon {Diblathajemah} a place in Moab: - Almon-diblathaim.

H537 <STRHEB>@ אמלל 'ămêlâl am-ay-lawl' From H535; languid: - feeble.

H6103 <STRHEB>@ עצלה ‛atslâh ats-law' Feminine of H6102; (as abstraction) indolence: - slothfulness.

H6129 <STRHEB>@ עקלּתון ‛ăqallâthôn ak-al-law-thone' From H6127; tortuous: - crooked.

H6190 <STRHEB>@ ערלה ‛orlâh or-law' Feminine of H6189; the prepuce: - {foreskin} + uncircumcised.

H6381 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pâlâ' paw-law' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {separate} that {is} distinguish (literally or figuratively); by implication to be (causatively make) {great} {difficult} wonderful: - {accomplish} (arise . . . {too} be too) {hard} {hidden} things too {high} ({be} {do} do {a} shew) marvelous ({-ly} {-els} {things} {work}) {miracles} {perform} {separate} make {singular} ({be} {great} make) wonderful ({-ers} {-ly} {things} {works}) wondrous ({things} {works} -ly).

H6395 <STRHEB>@ פּלה pâlâh paw-law' A primitive root; to distinguish (literally or figuratively): - put a {difference} show {marvellous} {separate} set {apart} {sever} make wonderfully.

H6415 <STRHEB>@ פּלילה pelîylâh pel-ee-law' Feminine of H6414; justice: - judgment.

H6420 <STRHEB>@ פּלל pâlâl paw-lawl' From H6419; judge; {Palal} an Israelite: - Palal.

H6427 <STRHEB>@ פּלּצוּת pallâtsûth pal-law-tsooth' From H6426; affright: - {fearfulness} {horror} trembling.

H6468 <STRHEB>@ פּעלּה pe‛ûllâh peh-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H6466; (abstractly) work: - {labour} {reward} {wages} work.

H6479 <STRHEB>@ פּצלה petsâlâh pets-aw-law' From H6478; a peeling: - strake.

H6490 <STRHEB>@ פּקּד פּקּוּד piqqûd piqqûd {pik-kood'} pik-kood' From H6485; properly {appointed} that {is} a mandate (of God; plural {only} collectively for the Law): - {commandment} {precept} statute.

H6538 <STRHEB>@ פּרס peres peh'-res From H6536; a claw; also a kind of eagle: - {claw} ossifrage.

H6541 <STRHEB>@ פּרסה parsâh par-saw' Feminine of H6538; a claw or split hoof: - {claw} [cloven-] {footed} hoof.

H6662 <STRHEB>@ צדּיק tsaddîyq tsad-deek' From H6663; just: - {just} {lawful} righteous (man).

H6683 <STRHEB>@ צוּלה tsûlâh tsoo-law' From an unused root meaning to sink; an abyss (of the sea): - deep.

H6740 <STRHEB>@ צלה tsâlâh tsaw-law' A primitive root; to roast: - roast.

H6741 <STRHEB>@ צלּה tsillâh tsil-law' Feminine of H6738; {Tsillah} an antediluvian woman: - Zillah.

H6745 <STRHEB>@ צלחה tsêlâchâh tsay-law-khaw' From H6743; something protracted or flattened {out} that {is} a platter: - pan.

H6763 <STRHEB>@ צלעה צלע tsêlâ‛ tsal‛âh {tsay-law'} tsal-aw' From H6760; a rib (as {curved}) literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a {door} that {is} leaf); hence a {side} literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the {sky} that {is} quarter); arcitecturally a timber (especially floor or ceiling) or plank (single or {collectively} that {is} a flooring): - {beem} {board} {chamber} {corner} {leaf} {plank} {rib} side (chamber).

H6764 <STRHEB>@ צלף tsâlâph tsaw-lawf' From an unused root of unknown meaning; {Tsalaph} an Israelite: - Zalaph.

H6856 <STRHEB>@ צפּרן tsippôren tsip-po'-ren From H6852 (in the denominative sense (from H6833) of scratching); properly a {claw} that {is} (human) nail; also the point of a style (or {pen} tipped with adamant): - {nail} point.

H6952 <STRHEB>@ קהלּה qehillâh keh-hil-law' From H6950; an assemblage: - {assembly} congregation.

H6954 <STRHEB>@ קהלתה qehêlâthâh keh-hay-law'-thaw From H6950; convocation; {Kehelathah} a place in the Desert: - Kehelathah.

H6964 <STRHEB>@ קוליה qôlâyâh ko-law-yaw' From H6963 and H3050; voice of Jah; {Kolajah} the name of two Israelites: - Kolaiah.

H653 <STRHEB>@ אפלה 'ăphêlâh af-ay-law' Feminine of H651; {duskiness} figuratively misfortune; concretely concealment: - {dark} {darkness} {gloominess} X thick.

H654 <STRHEB>@ אפלל 'ephlâl ef-lawl' From H6419; judge; {Ephlal} an Israelite: - Ephlal.

H7010 <STRHEB>@ קים qeyâm keh-yawm' (Chaldee); from H6966; an edict (as arising in law): - {decree} statute.

H7033 <STRHEB>@ קלה qâlâh kaw-law' A primitive root (rather identical with H7034 through the idea of shrinkage by heat); to {toast} that {is} scorch partially or slowly: - {dried} {loathsome} {parch} roast.

H7034 <STRHEB>@ קלה qâlâh kaw-law' A primitive root; to be light (as implied in rapid {motion}) but figuratively only (be (causatively hold) in contempt): - {base} {contemn} {despise} lightly {esteem} set {light} seem vile.

H7041 <STRHEB>@ קליה qêlâyâh kay-law-yaw' From H7034; insignificance; {Kelajah} an Israelite: - Kelaiah.

H7044 <STRHEB>@ קלל qâlâl kaw-lawl' From H7043; brightened (as if sharpened): - {burnished} pol-ished.

H7045 <STRHEB>@ קללה qelâlâh kel-aw-law' From H7043; vilification: - (ac-) curse ({-d} -ing).

H7048 <STRHEB>@ קלּסה qallâsâh kal-law-saw' Intensive from H7046; ridicule: - mocking.

H7051 <STRHEB>@ קלּע qallâ‛ kal-law' Intensive from H7049; a slinger: - slinger.

H7084 <STRHEB>@ קעילה qe‛îylâh keh-ee-law' Perhaps from H7049 in the sense of inclosing; citadel; {Keilah} a place in Palestine: - Keilah.

H7195 <STRHEB>@ קשׁר qesher keh'-sher From H7194; an (unlawful) alliance: - {confederacy} {conspiracy} treason.

H7247 <STRHEB>@ רבלה riblâh rib-law' From an unused root meaning to be fruitful; fertile; {Riblah} a place in Syria: - Riblah.

H7404 <STRHEB>@ רכלּה rekûllâh rek-ool-law' Feminine passive participle of H7402; trade (as peddled): - {merchandise} traffic.

H7467 <STRHEB>@ רעוּאל re‛û'êl reh-oo-ale' From the same as H7466 and H410; friend of God; {Reuel} the name of Moses´ father in {law} also of an Edomite and an Israelite: - {Raguel} Reuel.

H7480 <STRHEB>@ רעליה re‛êlâyâh reh-ay-law-yaw' From H7477 and H3050; made to tremble (that {is} fearful) of Jah; {Reelajah} an Israelite: - Reeliah.

H7595 <STRHEB>@ שׁאלא shelâ' sheh-ay-law' (Chaldee); from H7593; properly a question (at {law}) that {is} judicial decision or mandate: - demand.

H7596 <STRHEB>@ שׁלה שׁאלה shelâh shêlâh {sheh-ay-law'} shay-law' From H7592; a petition; by implication a loan: - {loan} {petition} request.

H7758 <STRHEB>@ שׁילל שׁוללo shôlâl shêylâl {sho-lawl'} shay-lawl' The second form being used in ; from H7997; nude (especially bare foot); by implication captive: - {spoiled} stripped.

H7948 <STRHEB>@ שׁלב shâlâb shaw-lawb' From H7947; a spacer or raised {interval} that {is} the stile in a frame or panel: - ledge.

H7951 <STRHEB>@ שׁלו שׁלה shâlâh shâlav {shaw-law'} shaw-lav' The second form being used in ; a primitive root; to be {tranquil} that {is} secure or successful: - be {happy} {prosper} be in safety.

H7952 <STRHEB>@ שׁלה shâlâh shaw-law' A primitive root (probably rather identical with H7953 through the idea of educing); to mislead: - {deceive} be negligent.

H7953 <STRHEB>@ שׁלה shâlâh shaw-law' A primitive root (rather cognate (by contraction) to the base of {H5394} H7997 and their congeners through the idea of extracting); to draw out or {off} that {is} remove (the soul by death): - take away.

H7955 <STRHEB>@ שׁלהo shâlâh shaw-law' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H7952; a wrong: - thing amiss.

H7956 <STRHEB>@ שׁלה shêlâh shay-law' The same as H7596 (shortened); request; {Shelah} the name of a postdiluvian patriarch and of an Israelite: - Shelah.

H7990 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּיט shallîyţ shal-leet' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7989; mighty; abstractly permission; concretely a premier: - {captain} be {lawful} rule (-r).

H7994 <STRHEB>@ שׁלך shâlâk shaw-lawk' From H7993; bird of {prey} usually thought to be the pelican (from casting itself into the sea): - cormorant.

H7998 <STRHEB>@ שׁלל shâlâl shaw-lawl' From H7997; booty: - {prey} spoil.

H799 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּת 'eshdâth esh-dawth' From H784 and H1881; a fire law: - fiery law.

H8024 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני shêlânîy shay-law-nee' From H7956; a Shelanite ({collectively}) or descendant of Shelah: - Shelanites.

H8071 <STRHEB>@ שׂמלה ώimlâh sim-law' Perhaps by permutation for the feminine of H5566 (through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath); a {dress} especially a mantle: - {apparel} cloth ({-es} {-ing}) {garment} raiment. Compare H8008.

H8072 <STRHEB>@ שׂמלה ώamlâh sam-law' Probably for the same se H8071; {Samlah} an Edomite: - Samlah.

H8218 <STRHEB>@ שׁפלה shiphlâh shif-law' Feminine of H8216; depression: - low place.

H8219 <STRHEB>@ שׁפלה shephêlâh shef-ay-law' From H8213; {Lowland} that {is} (with the article) the maritime slope of Palestine: - low {country} (low) {plain} vale (-ley).

H8416 <STRHEB>@ תּהלּה tehillâh teh-hil-law' From H1984; laudation; specifically (concretely) a hymn: - praise.

H8434 <STRHEB>@ תּולד tôlâd to-lawd' From H3205; posterity; {Tolad} a place in Palestine: - Tolad. Compare H513.

H8437 <STRHEB>@ תּולל tôlâl to-lawl' From H3213; causing to {howl} that {is} an oppressor: - that wasted.

H8438 <STRHEB>@ תּלעת תּולעת תּולעה תּולע tôlâ‛ tôlê‛âh tôlaath tôlaath {to-law'} {to-lay-aw'} (3,4) to-lah'-ath From H3216; a maggot (as voracious); specifically (often with ellipsis of H8144) the crimson {grub} but used only (in this connection) of the color from {it} and cloths dyed therewith: - {crimson} {scarlet} worm.

H8439 <STRHEB>@ תּולע tôlâ‛ to-law' The same as H8438; worm; {Tola} the name of two Israelites: - Tola.

H8440 <STRHEB>@ תּולעי tôlâ‛îy to-law-ee' Patronymic from H8439; a Tolaite (collectively) or descendant of Tola: - Tolaites.

H8451 <STRHEB>@ תּרה תּורה tôrâh tôrâh {to-raw'} to-raw' From H3384; a precept or {statute} especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch: - law.

H8458 <STRHEB>@ תּחבּוּלה תּחבּלה tachbûlâh tachbûlâh {takh-boo-law'} takh-boo-law' From H2254 as denominative from H2256; (only in plural) properly steerage (as a management of {ropes}) that {is} (figuratively) guidance or (by implication) a plan: - good {advice} (wise) counsels.

H8462 <STRHEB>@ תּחלּה techillâh tekh-il-law' From H2490 in the sense of opening; a commencement; relatively original (adverbially originally): - begin ({-ning}) first (time).

H8502 <STRHEB>@ תּכלה tiklâh tik-law' From H3615; completeness: - perfection.

H8511 <STRHEB>@ תּלא tâlâ' taw-law' A primitive root; to suspend; figuratively (through hesitation) to be uncertain; by implication (of mental dependence) to habituate: - be {bent} hang (in doubt).

H8518 <STRHEB>@ תּלה tâlâh taw-law' A primitive root; to suspend (especially to gibbet): - hang (up).

H8529 <STRHEB>@ תּלע tâlataw-law' A denominative from H8438; to {crimson} that {is} dye that color: - X scarlet.

H8585 <STRHEB>@ תּעלה te‛âlâh teh-aw-law' From H5927; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation); also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound): - {conduit} {cured} {healing} little {river} {trench} watercourse.

H8604 <STRHEB>@ תּפלה tiphlâh tif-law' From the same as H8602; frivolity: - {folly} foolishly.

H8605 <STRHEB>@ תּפלּה tephillâh tef-il-law' From H6419; {intercession} supplication; by implication a hymn: - prayer.

H8614 <STRHEB>@ תּפתּי tiphtay tif-tah'ee {(Chaldee}) perhaps from H8199; {judicial} that {is} a lawyer: - sheriff.

H8653 <STRHEB>@ תּרעלה tar‛êlâh tar-ay-law' From H7477; reeling: - {astonishment} trembling.

H928 <STRHEB>@ בּהלה behâlâh beh-haw-law' From H926; {panic} destruction: - {terror} trouble.

G1033 <STRGRK>@ βρῶμα brōma bro'-mah From the base of G977; food (literally or figuratively) especially (ceremonial) articles allowed or forbiden by the Jewish law: - meat victuals.

G1378 <STRGRK>@ δόγμα dogma dog'-mah From the base of G1380; a law (civil ceremonial or ecclesiastical): - decree ordinance.

G1485 <STRGRK>@ ἔθος ethos eth'-os From G1486; a usage (prescribed by habit or law): - custom manner be wont.

G1772 <STRGRK>@ ἔννομος ennomos en'-nom-os From G1722 and G3551; (subjectively) legal or (objectively) subject to: - lawful under law.

G1832 <STRGRK>@ ἔξεστι exesti ex'-es-tee Third person singular present indicative of a compound of G1537 and G1510; so also ἐξόν exon; neuter present participle of the same (with or without some form of G1510 expressed); impersonally it is right (through the figurative idea of being out in public): - be lawful let X may (-est).

G1971 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιποθέω epipotheō ep-ee-poth-eh'-o From G1909 and ποθέω potheō (to yearn); to dote upon that is intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully): - (earnestly) desire (greatly) (greatly) long (after) lust.

G111 <STRGRK>@ ἀθέμιτος athemitos ath-em'-ee-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of θέμις themis (statute; from the base of G5087); illegal; by implication flagitious: - abominable unlawful thing.

G113 <STRGRK>@ ἄθεσμος athesmos ath'-es-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G5087 (in the sense of enacting); lawless that is (by implication) criminal: - wicked.

G2192 <STRGRK>@ ἔχω echō ekh'-o A primary verb (including an alternate form σχέω scheō skheh'-o used in certain tenses only); to hold (used in very various applications literally or figuratively direct or remote; such as possession ability6 contiguity relation or condition): - be (able X hold possessed with) accompany + begin to amend can (+ -not) X conceive count diseased do + eat + enjoy + fear following have hold keep + lack + go to law lie + must needs + of necessity + need next + recover + reign + rest return X sick take for + tremble + uncircumcised use.

G2218 <STRGRK>@ ζυγός zugos dzoo-gos' From the root of ζεύγνυμι zeugnumi (to join especially by a yoke); a coupling that is (figuratively) servitude (a law or obligation); also (literally) the beam of the balance (as connecting the scales): - pair of balances yoke.

G2725 <STRGRK>@ κατήγορος katēgoros kat-ay'-gor-os From G2596 and G58; against one in the assembly that is a complainant at law; specifically Satan: - accuser.

G2917 <STRGRK>@ κρίμα krima kree'-mah From G2919; a decision (the function or the effect for or against [crime]): - avenge condemned condemnation damnation + go to law judgment.

G2919 <STRGRK>@ κρίνω krinō kree'-no Properly to distinguish that is decide (mentally or judicially); by implication to try condemn punish: - avenge conclude condemn damn decree determine esteem judge go to (sue at the) law ordain call in question sentence to think.

G2920 <STRGRK>@ κρίσις krisis kree'-sis (Subjectively or objectively for or against); by extension a tribunal; by implication justice (specifically divine law): - accusation condemnation damnation judgment.

G3331 <STRGRK>@ μετάθεσις metathesis met-ath'-es-is From G3346; transposition that is transferral (to heaven) disestablishment (of a law): - change removing translation.

G3470 <STRGRK>@ μῶμος mōmos mo'-mos Perhaps from G3201; a flaw or blot that is (figuratively) disgraceful person: - blemish.

G3475 <STRGRK>@ Μωσεύς Μωσῆς Μωΰσῆς Mōseus Mōsēs Mōusēs moce-yoos' mo-sace' Of Hebrew origin [H4872]; Moseus Moses or Mouses (that is Mosheh) the Hebrew lawgiver: - Moses.

G3543 <STRGRK>@ νομίζω nomizō nom-id'-zo From G3551; properly to do by law (usage) that is to accustom (passively be usual); by extension to deem or regard: - suppose think be wont.

G3544 <STRGRK>@ νομικός nomikos nom-ik-os' From G3551; according (or pertaining) to law that is legal (ceremonially); as noun an expert in the (Mosaic) law: - about the law lawyer.

G3545 <STRGRK>@ νομίμως nomimōs nom-im'-oce Adverb from a derivative of G3551; legitimately (specifically agreeably to the rules of the lists): - lawfully.

G3547 <STRGRK>@ νομοδιδάσκαλος nomodidaskalos nom-od-id-as'-kal-os From G3551 and G1320; an expounder of the (Jewish) law that is a Rabbi: - doctor (teacher) of the law.

G3548 <STRGRK>@ νομοθεσία nomothesia nom-oth-es-ee'-ah From G3550; legislation (specifically the institution of the Mosaic code): - giving of the law.

G3549 <STRGRK>@ νομοθετέω nomotheteō nom-oth-et-eh'-o From G3550; to legislate that is (passively) to have (the Mosaic) enactments injoined be sanctioned (by them): - establish receive the law.

G3550 <STRGRK>@ νομοθέτης nomothetēs nom-oth-et'-ace From G3551 and a derivative of G5087; a legislator: - lawgiver.

G3551 <STRGRK>@ νόμος nomos nom'-os From a primary word νέμω nemō (to parcel out especially food or grazing to animals); law (through the idea of prescriptive usage) generally (regulation) specifically (of Moses [including the volume]; also of the Gospel) or figuratively (a principle): - law.

G3565 <STRGRK>@ νύμφη numphē noom-fay' From a primary but obsolete verb νύπτω nuptō (to veil as a bride; compare the Latin nupto to marry); a young married woman (as veiled) including a betrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: - bride daughter in law.

G3862 <STRGRK>@ παράδοσις paradosis par-ad'-os-is From G3860; transmission that is (concretely) a precept; specifically the Jewish traditionary law: - ordinance tradition.

G3891 <STRGRK>@ παρανομέω paranomeō par-an-om-eh'-o From a compound of G3844 and G3551; to be opposed to law that is to transgress: - contrary to law.

G3994 <STRGRK>@ πενθερά penthera pen-ther-ah' Feminine of G3995; a wife's mother: - mother in law wife´ s mother.

G3995 <STRGRK>@ πενθερός pentheros pen-ther-os' Of uncertain affinity; a wife's father: - father in law.

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4162 <STRGRK>@ ποίησις poiēsis poy'-ay-sis From G4160; action that is performance (of the law): - deed.

G4203 <STRGRK>@ πορνεύω porneuō porn-yoo'-o From G4204; to act the harlot that is (literally) indulge unlawful lust (of either sex) or (figuratively) practise idolatry: - commit (fornication).

G4607 <STRGRK>@ σικάριος sikarios sik-ar'-ee-os Of Latin origin; a dagger man or assassin; a freebooter (Jewish fanatic outlawed by the Romans): - murderer. Compare G5406.

G4811 <STRGRK>@ συκοφαντέω sukophanteō soo-kof-an-teh'-o From a compound of G4810 and a derivative of G5316; to be a fig informer (reporter of the law forbidding the exportation of figs from Greece) sycopant that is (generally and by extension) to defraud (exact unlawfully extort): - accuse falsely take by false accusation.

G458 <STRGRK>@ ἀνομία anomia an-om-ee'-ah From G459; illegality that is violation of law or (generally) wickedness: - iniquity X transgress (-ion of) the law unrighteousness.

G459 <STRGRK>@ ἄνομος anomos an'-om-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3551; lawless that is (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication a Gentile) or (positively) wicked: - without law lawless transgressor unlawful wicked.

G460 <STRGRK>@ ἀνόμως anomōs an-om'-oce Adverb from G459; lawlessly that is (specifically) not amenable to (the Jewish) law: - without law.

G476 <STRGRK>@ ἀντίδικος antidikos an-tid'-ee-kos From G473 and G1349; an opponent (in a lawsuit); specifically Satan (as the arch enemy): - adversary.

G5337 <STRGRK>@ φαῦλος phaulos fow'-los Apparently a primary word; foul or flawy that is (figuratively) wicked: - evil.