
Dict: all - persecution




Persecution @ The first great persecution for religious opinion of which we have any record was that which broke out against the worshippers of God among the Jews in the days of Ahab, when that king, at the instigation of his wife Jezebel, "a woman in whom, with the reckless and licentious habits of an Oriental queen, were united the fiercest and sternest qualities inherent in the old Semitic race", sought in the most relentless manner to extirpate the worship of Jehovah and substitute in its place the worship of Ashtoreth and Baal. Ahab's example in this respect was followed by Manasseh, who "shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another" ( kjv@2Kings:21:16; comp. 24:4). In all ages, in one form or another, the people of God have had to suffer persecution. In its earliest history the Christian church passed through many bloody persecutions. Of subsequent centuries in our own and in other lands the same sad record may be made. Christians are forbidden to seek the propagation of the gospel by force kjv@Matthew:7:1; kjv@Luke:9:54-56; kjv@Romans:14:4; kjv@James:4:11-12). The words of kjv@Psalms:7:13, "He ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors," ought rather to be, as in the Revised Version, "He maketh his arrows fiery shafts."



Persecution @ Christ suffered kjv@Psalms:69:26 kjv@John:5:16
Christ voluntarily submitted to kjv@Isaiah:50:6
Christ was patient under kjv@Isaiah:53:7
Saints may expect kjv@Mark:10:30 kjv@Luke:21:12 kjv@John:15:20
Saints suffer, for the sake of God kjv@Jeremiah:15:15
Of saints, is a persecution of Christ kjv@Zechariah:2:8 kjv@Acts:9:4 kjv@Acts:9:5
All that live godly in Christ, shall suffer kjv@2Timothy:3:12
Ignorance of God and Christ kjv@John:16:3
Hated to God and Christ kjv@John:15:20 kjv@John:15:24
Hatred to the gospel kjv@Matthew:13:21
Pride kjv@Psalms:10:2
Mistaken zeal kjv@Acts:13:50 kjv@Acts:26:9-11
Is inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel kjv@Matthew:26:52
Men by nature addicted to kjv@Galatians:4:29
Preacher of the gospel subject to kjv@Galatians:5:11
Is sometimes to death kjv@Acts:22:4
God forsakes not his saints under kjv@2Corinthians:4:9
God delivers out of kjv@Daniel:3:25 kjv@Daniel:3:28 kjv@2Corinthians:1:10 kjv@2Timothy:3:11
Cannot separated from Christ kjv@Romans:8:35
Lawful means may be used to escape kjv@Matthew:2:13 kjv@Matthew:10:23 kjv@Matthew:12:14 kjv@Matthew:12:15
Saints suffering, should
Commit themselves to God kjv@1Peter:4:19
Exhibit patience kjv@1Corinthians:4:12
Rejoice kjv@Matthew:5:12 kjv@1Peter:4:13
Glorify God kjv@1Peter:4:16
Pray for deliverance kjv@Psalms:7:1 kjv@Psalms:119:86
Pray for those who inflict kjv@Matthew:5:44
Return blessing for kjv@Romans:12:14
The hope of future blessedness supports under kjv@1Corinthians:15:19 kjv@1Corinthians:15:32 kjv@Hebrews:10:34 kjv@Hebrews:10:35
Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake kjv@Matthew:5:10 kjv@Luke:6:22
Pray for those suffering kjv@2Thessalonians:3:2
Hypocrites cannot endure kjv@Matthew:4:17
False teachers shrink from kjv@Galatians:6:12
The wicked
Addicted to kjv@Psalms:10:2 kjv@Psalms:69:26
Active in kjv@Psalms:143:3 kjv@Lamentations:4:19
Encourage each other in kjv@Psalms:71:11
Rejoice in its success kjv@Psalms:13:4 kjv@Revelation:11:10
Punishment for kjv@Psalms:7:13 kjv@2Thessalonians:1:6
Illustrated kjv@Matthew:21:33-39
Spirit of
- Exemplified
Pharaoh &:c kjv@Exodus:1:8-14
Saul kjv@1Samuel:26:18
Jezebel kjv@1Kings:19:2
Zedekiah &:c kjv@Jeremiah:38:4-6
Chaldeans kjv@Daniel:3:8-30
Pharisees kjv@Matthew:12:14
Jews kjv@John:5:16 kjv@1Thessalonians:2:15
Herod kjv@Acts:12:1
Gentiles kjv@Acts:14:5
Paul kjv@Philippians:3:6 kjv@1Timothy:1:13
Suffering of
- Exemplified
Micaiah kjv@1Kings:22:27
David kjv@Psalms:119:161
Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:32:2
Daniel kjv@Daniel:6:5-17
Peter &:c kjv@Acts:4:3
Apostles kjv@Acts:5:18
The Prophets kjv@Acts:7:52
The Church kjv@Acts:8:1
Paul and Barnabas kjv@Acts:13:50
Paul and Silas kjv@Acts:16:23
Hebrews kjv@Hebrews:10:33
Saints of old kjv@Hebrews:11:36




- OF JESUS kjv@Genesis:3:15; kjv@Genesis:22:1-2 kjv@Genesis:22:Psalms:2:1-5; 6-8, 11-21; kjv@Psalms:69:1-21; kjv@Psalms:109:25; kjv@Isaiah:49:7; kjv@Isaiah:50:6; kjv@Isaiah:52:14; kjv@Isaiah:53:2-5-7-10; kjv@Micah:5:1; kjv@Matthew:2:13; kjv@Matthew:11:19; kjv@Matthew:12:14 kjv@Matthew:12:24 kjv@Matthew:16:1; kjv@Matthew:20:22; kjv@Matthew:26:3-4 kjv@Matthew:26:14-16, kjv@Matthew:22:15; 59, 67; kjv@Mark:3:6 kjv@Mark:3:Mark:27:25-30 kjv@Mark:27:39-44 21, 22; kjv@Mark:11:18; kjv@Mark:14:1 kjv@Mark:14:Mark:12:13; 48, 65; kjv@Mark:15:14 kjv@Mark:15:34 kjv@Mark:16:17; kjv@Luke:4:28-29; kjv@Luke:6:11; kjv@Luke:11:15 kjv@Luke:11:Luke:7:34; 53, 54; kjv@Luke:12:50; kjv@Luke:13:31; kjv@Luke:19:14 kjv@Luke:19:47 kjv@Luke:22:2-5 kjv@Luke:22:52, kjv@Luke:20:20; 53, 63-65; kjv@Luke:23:11-23; kjv@Luke:7:1 kjv@Luke:7:7, 19, 20, kjv@John:5:16; kjv@John:8:37 kjv@John:8:40, 48, 30, 32; kjv@John:10:20 kjv@John:10:52, 59; 31, 39; kjv@John:11:57; kjv@John:15:18-20 kjv@John:15:21 kjv@John:15:John:14:30; kjv@John:18:22-23 kjv@John:18:24 kjv@John:18:25; 29, 30; kjv@John:19:6 kjv@John:19:15 kjv@Acts:2:23; kjv@Acts:3:13-15; kjv@Acts:4:27; kjv@Acts:7:52; kjv@Acts:13:27-29; kjv@Hebrews:12:2-3; kjv@1Peter:4:1

- OF THE RIGHTEOUS kjv@Genesis:49:23; kjv@Job:1:9; kjv@Job:2:4-5; kjv@Job:12:4-5; kjv@Psalms:11:2; kjv@Psalms:37:32; kjv@Psalms:38:20; kjv@Psalms:42:3 kjv@Psalms:42:10 kjv@Psalms:44:15-18 kjv@Psalms:44:22 kjv@Psalms:56:5; kjv@Psalms:69:10-12; kjv@Psalms:74:7-8; kjv@Psalms:94:5; kjv@Psalms:119:51 kjv@Psalms:119:61, 69, 78, 85-87, 95, 110, 157, 161; kjv@Proverbs:29:10 kjv@Proverbs:29:27 kjv@Isaiah:26:20; kjv@Isaiah:29:20-21; kjv@Isaiah:51:12-13; kjv@Isaiah:59:15; kjv@Jeremiah:2:30; kjv@Jeremiah:11:19; kjv@Jeremiah:15:10; kjv@Jeremiah:18:18; kjv@Jeremiah:20:7-8; kjv@Jeremiah:26:11-14; kjv@Jeremiah:50:7; kjv@Amos:5:10; kjv@Habbakkuk:1:13; kjv@Habbakkuk:10:16-18 kjv@Habbakkuk:10:Matthew:5:10-12-44; 21-23, 28; kjv@Matthew:20:22-23; kjv@Matthew:23:34-35; kjv@Matthew:24:8-10; kjv@Mark:9:42; kjv@Luke:6:22 kjv@Luke:6:Luke:13:9-11-13; 23, 26; kjv@Luke:17:33; kjv@Luke:21:12-19; kjv@John:12:42; kjv@John:15:18-19; kjv@John:16:1-2; kjv@John:17:14; kjv@Acts:4:16-20; kjv@Acts:5:29 kjv@Acts:5:40-42 kjv@Acts:7:52; kjv@Acts:8:4; kjv@Acts:28:22; kjv@Romans:8:17 kjv@Romans:8:35-37 kjv@1Corinthians:4:9-13; kjv@1Corinthians:13:3; kjv@1Corinthians:6:4 kjv@1Corinthians:6:2Corinthians:4:8-12; 5, 8-10; kjv@2Corinthians:11:23-27; kjv@2Corinthians:12:10; kjv@Galatians:4:29; kjv@Galatians:6:12 kjv@Galatians:6:17 kjv@Philippians:1:12-14 kjv@Philippians:1:28, 29; kjv@Colossians:1:24; kjv@Colossians:2:2 kjv@Colossians:2:1Thessalonians:1:6; 14, 15; kjv@2Thessalonians:1:4; kjv@2Timothy:1:8 kjv@2Timothy:1:12 kjv@2Timothy:3:2 kjv@2Timothy:3:2Timothy:2:9-12; 3, 12; kjv@2Timothy:4:16-17; kjv@Hebrews:10:32-34; kjv@Hebrews:11:25-27 kjv@Hebrews:11:33-38 kjv@Hebrews:12:3-4; kjv@Hebrews:13:13; kjv@James:2:6; kjv@James:5:6 kjv@James:5:10 kjv@1Peter:3:14 kjv@1Peter:3:1Peter:4:3-4 kjv@Peter:4:12-14 kjv@Peter:4:16 kjv@Peter:4:17; 16, 19; kjv@Revelation:2:3 kjv@Revelation:2:1John:3:1 kjv@John:3:13 10, 13; kjv@1John:6:9-11; kjv@1John:7:13-17; kjv@1John:12:11; kjv@1John:17:6; kjv@1John:20:4 .
See PAUL .A mode of divine chastisement kjv@Lamentations:1:3 .Diffuses the gospel kjv@Acts:8:1 kjv@Acts:8:4 kjv@Acts:11:19-21; kjv@Philippians:1:12-14 .Deliverance from kjv@Psalms:124; Philippians:129:1-2

- INSTANCES OF .Of Abel kjv@Genesis:4:8; kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@1John:3:12 .Of Lot kjv@Genesis:19:9 .Of Moses kjv@Exodus:2:15; kjv@Exodus:17:4 .Of David kjv@Psalms:31:13; kjv@Psalms:59:1-2 .Of prophets martyred by Jezebel kjv@1Kings:18:4 .Of Gideon kjv@Judges:6:28-32 .Of Elijah kjv@1Kings:18:10; 19; kjv@2Kings:1:9; kjv@2Kings:2:23 .Of Micaiah kjv@1Kings:22:26; kjv@2Chronicles:18:26 .Of Elisha kjv@2Kings:6:31 .Of Hanani kjv@2Chronicles:16:10 .Of Zachariah kjv@2Chronicles:24:21; kjv@Matthew:23:35 .Of Job kjv@Job:13:4-13; kjv@Job:16:1-4; kjv@Job:17:2; kjv@Job:19:1-5; kjv@Job:30:1-10 .Of Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:15:10 kjv@Jeremiah:15:15 kjv@Jeremiah:17:15-18; kjv@Jeremiah:18:18-23; 26; kjv@Jeremiah:32:2; kjv@Jeremiah:33:1; kjv@Jeremiah:36:26; 37; kjv@Jeremiah:38:1-6 .Of Urijah kjv@Jeremiah:26:23 .Of prophets kjv@Matthew:21:35-36 .Of the three Hebrew young men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego) of the captivity kjv@Daniel:3:8-23 .Of Daniel Daniel:6 .Of the Jews kjv@Ezra:4; Nehemiah:4 .Of John the Baptist kjv@Matthew:14:3-12 .Of James kjv@Acts:12:2 .Of Simon kjv@Mark:15:21 .Of the disciples kjv@John:9:22-34; kjv@John:20:19 .Of Lazarus kjv@John:12:10 .Of the apostles kjv@Acts:4:3-18; kjv@Acts:5:18-42; kjv@Acts:12:1-19; kjv@Revelation:1:9 .Of Stephen kjv@Acts:6:9-15; 7 .Of the ekklesia (body of Christ) kjv@Acts:8:1; kjv@Acts:9:1-14; kjv@Galatians:1:13 .Of Timothy kjv@Hebrews:13:23 .Of John kjv@Revelation:1:9 .Of Antipas kjv@Revelation:2:13 .Of the congregation at Smyrna kjv@Revelation:2:8-10





G1375 <STRGRK>@ διωγμός diōgmos dee-ogue-mos' From G1377; persecution: - persecution.

G2347 <STRGRK>@ θλίψις thlipsis thlip'-sis From G2346; pressure (literally or figuratively): - afflicted (-tion) anguish burdened persecution tribulation trouble.

G4778 <STRGRK>@ συγκακουχέω sugkakoucheō soong-kak-oo-kheh'-o From G4862 and G2558; to maltreat in company with that is (passively) endure persecution together: - suffer affliction with.

G4841 <STRGRK>@ συμπάσχω sumpaschō soom-pas'-kho From G4862 and G3958 (including its alternate); to experience pain jointly or of the same kind (specifically persecution; to sympathize): - suffer with.