
Dict: hitchcock - wit


kjv@STRING:Adaiah @ the witness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Addi @ my witness; adorned; prey - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adiel @ the witness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Adlai @ my witness; my ornament - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahihud @ brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or of praise; @ witty brother - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ahijah @ same with Ahiah - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Amad @ people of witness; a prey - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Ammishaddai @ the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me - HITCHCOCK-A kjv@STRING:Baladan @ one without judgment - HITCHCOCK-B kjv@STRING:Caiphas @ he that seeks with diligence; one that vomiteth - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Charchemish @ a lamb; as taken away; withdrawn - HITCHCOCK-C kjv@STRING:Dabbasheth @ flowing with honey - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Doeg @ careful, who acts with uneasiness - HITCHCOCK-D kjv@STRING:Ed @ witness - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Elead @ witness of God - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Epaphras @ covered with foam - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Ethbaal @ toward the idol, or with Baal - HITCHCOCK-E kjv@STRING:Galeed @ the heap of witness - HITCHCOCK-G kjv@STRING:Ibri @ passing over; being angry; being with young - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Idbash @ flowing with honey; the land of destruction - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Israel @ who prevails with God - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Italy @ abounding with calves or heifers - HITCHCOCK-I kjv@STRING:Jegar-sahadutha @ heap of witness - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Joed @ witnessing; robbing; passing over - HITCHCOCK-J kjv@STRING:Leummim @ countries; without water - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Levi @ associated with him - HITCHCOCK-L kjv@STRING:Mamre @ rebellious; bitter; set with trees - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mehida @ a riddle; sharpness of wit - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Merodach-baladan @ bitter contrition, without judgment - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Meshach @ that draws with force - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Mushi @ he that touches, that withdraws or takes away - HITCHCOCK-M kjv@STRING:Noadiah @ witness, or ornament, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-N kjv@STRING:Pilate @ armed with a dart - HITCHCOCK-P kjv@STRING:Rechab @ square; chariot with team of four horses - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Rohgah @ filled or drunk with talk - HITCHCOCK-R kjv@STRING:Sherebiah @ singing with the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Sur @ that withdraws or departs; rebellion - HITCHCOCK-S kjv@STRING:Theudas @ flowing with water - HITCHCOCK-T kjv@STRING:Tophel @ ruin; folly; without understanding - HITCHCOCK-T